pafp TEN FEET TALL AND BULLETPROOF [ ✦ ] border squabble

Halfpaw is just happy to be out. Thats what she tells herself as she trudges through half-melted snow and mud, at least. Sharpshadow had been refusing to take her out of the camp for so long and now finally he had decided that now was the time. Now, when leaf-bare was starting to get warmer and the slush on the ground was nice and disgusting so she would have to spend hours grooming herself later before bed just to have to do it all again tomorrow. How wonderful! Today though, she was determined because today, she absolutely would catch something to bring home to her clan and she would give it straight to Smogmaw and he would tell her how awesome and then he would go to Chilledstar and Chilledstar would make her a warrior right then and there (okay that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but a girl can dream)

Sharpshadow is within eyesight, because she's not stupid. Comfreypaw had died, Starlingheart had been mauled, and Halfpaw was not about to join them in the stars or the med den respectively. Though she does have to wonder, if anything were to actually happen would her mentor actually do anything or would he stand there with a mouth more suited to catching flies than anything else? It was most likely that she would be on her own.

Suddenly, there's a rustling in the bushes that pulls her mind away from her racing thoughts and, almost completely on instinct, she drops into a crouch just as a marsh rabbit appears from the undergrowth. The thing is all skin and bones, barely has any meat on it, but prey is prey and Halfpaw knows that her clan needs any it can get. The marsh was an unforgiving place. Her own ribs were pressing against her skin, but fur covered the gaunt shape her body had taken for leaf-bare better than most of her clanmates. Thank the stars for that. At least she didn't look like a complete mess, just felt like one.

Her socked paws gently fall one in front of the other until she is in the perfect position to pounce. Or she would have been if not for the stick she snapped. In an instant, the ears head shoots up and its eyes meet with hers. There is one second of terror flashing in the eyes of her prey and, before Halfpaw can even think of pouncing, it turns and it runs. Straight for the thunderpath. She lets out a curse and chases but before her paws can meet the black path she skids to a halt and watches with horror as a cat on the other side catches what should have been hers.

"Hey!" she calls out across the verge, a snarl on her features "That rabbits mine! Give it back!" And then she squints so she can see the cat who had stolen from her better and a laugh escapes her lips when recognition finally gives way. "Hah no way! I didn't know ThunderClan was so desperate for apprentices that they would actually allow you to stay" she says, her words dripping with venom with every syllable that falls from her mouth. "You don't belong here and you sure as hell have no right to that rabbit you just killed rogue"

// please wait until myself or saturn gives the okay to start posting!

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
  • Wow

ˏˋ*⁀➷ It's not long before Fallowpaw's back to her normal training, but there's a new fire lit within her. She has reason, now, to try. She wants, more than anything, to secure her place her. Her family's place here (not with their rogue mother, never again).

She hunts in the way of a cat who knows hunger, not so different from the cats across the border. She hunts with fresh memories of gnawing pain in her belly, with memoroes of red feathers and redder blood spread messily across snow. She hunts with the thought of her sister in the medicine den, of the pitiful freshkill pile back in camp.

She's on the rabbit before she can think. That marsh-stinking flesh-and-bones thing is tackled to the ground as if it's not nearly as big as she is. She wrestles, tears into it's neck; it's not a clean kill, but it's stopped moving before long.

When Fallowpaw looks up, it's to pools of mismatched blue, a tauntingly familiar face staring indignantly from across the barrier of black.

Her lip curls.

Blood drips sluggishly from Fallowpaw's chin as it stares Halfpaw down, paws planted firmly upon the flank of its kill. "'S mine," it growls lowly. Then, after a moment: "ThunderClan's." Her sickening laugh prickles like burrs at the apprentice's pelt, tails lashing dangerously behind it. Those same needle-sharp words as when the two of them were kits come lancing through. Rogue. They both know the word for what she is very well now.

"Guess this rogue's a better hunter'n you are," it snaps back. Go away, pleads Fallowpaw silently. It doesn't dare say something so cowardly out loud. "What, you gonna come 'n take it then? Huh? Or are you too scared?" Her voice sounds more confident than she feels, taunting and needle-sharp bitter.

  • mentor tag for @STORMYWING o7
  • 75847553_J54l2Gh8YgBMzwX.png

  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, six moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw, & elkpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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  • Nervous

"I'll show you scared!" she yells, and then with a vicious snarl she launches herself across that black path that spans between them and it's a good thing that no monsters are coming because she is so blinded by her anger that she doesn't even bother to check. One could have flattened her and easily ended this fight before it began, could have easily sent her to StarClan to be with Nettlepaw. But she doesn't care. She wants to sink her claws, her teeth, into the cat across the border who had dared to steal from her, from her clan. The gauntness in her ribs tells her ShadowClan needs it more. Mine the rogue had said first. Not her clans. They only came as an afterthought for her. Selfish, Halfpaw thinks. A selfish cat was a danger to their clan. Why ThunderClan permitted this thing to continue living in their borders she is uncertain.

When she reaches the other side she leaps, aiming to knock directly into her target and bowl her over. If successful, she would attempt to use her size to her advantage, to keep the other apprentice pinned beneath her while she delivered blows to her head. By no means was she skilled in battle, but she also wasn't totally unfamiliar with it either, thanks to Fallowpaw. If Fallowpaw managed to somehow avoid the attack then Halfpaw would roll on the ground, only to immediately get back up and start to circle, her blue eyes narrowed into slits as she eyes her opponent up before quickly ducking forward to aim a blow to the head with her paw.

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw's taunting works, much to her dismay. Halfpaw bounds across the border and there's a curdling sense of satisfaction in the apprentice's gut. It's caught her in the wrong, this perfect little clanborn kitten who thinks she's so much better than it. Trespasser, trespasser trespasser. Breaking the rules just like Fallowpaw. It opens its jaw to gloat, to reveal its victory, but before it can act the other is upon it.

"AH!" squeaks Fallowpaw as she's knocked to the ground. Panic spikes through her; she hates hates hates being pinned. It's happening all too often lately. A wild snarl bursts from its throat, cursing its small size. "Get off, get off!" She wails as blows come for her head, taking the first opportunity she can to wiggle away and scramble to her feet. Her thoughts swim. Fighting back can come later, first priority is getting away.

The circling begins and Fallowpaw's breaths are heavy, pupils wide and fearful. When Halfpaw comes for her again, she's ready. Fallowpaw stumbles away from the blow and shoots out snaggletoothed fangs towards the other apprentice's paw, aiming to catch it between her teeth. If she can, she'll jerk and shake like a dog with a chew toy. If she were a better fighter, maybe it'd be an attempt to sabotage Halfpaw's balance; as it is she moves largely on instinct, with little planning behind her actions and little concern for her own safety. She'll only let go for a chance to snap her teeth at Halfpaw's face, more intimidation than anything She fights just as she hunts: wild as a hungry predator.

  • 75847553_J54l2Gh8YgBMzwX.png

  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, six moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw, & elkpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It is not fear, or even hunger, that drives Halfpaw to do what she does. It is not even the instinct that some say comes over them, the one where they must protect their clans at all costs. Rather it is anger. Anger for every injustice comitted against her in her life coming to light in this fight. It's cathartic, she realizes, to loose yourself in a brawl like this one. She could let it all go because right now it was just her against this cat who wishes to do her harm, to take something that belongs to her "I will if you say that the rabbit is mine!" she quips from her position atop the other apprentice, her features pull back into a snarl and there is nothing playful about the way she raises a paw, claws unsheathed. Had Fallowpaw not managed to get out from underneath her, she would have delivered a less than kind blow to it's head.

Fallowpaw manages to get away though, and when she does, she grabs onto Halfpaw's foot and shakes which causes the apprentice to shriek in equal parts pain and rage. "You're nothing more than crow-food on the side of the thunderpath! I'll kill you!" she screams with all the fierceness and energy of a rabid animal. Luckily though, Fallowpaw seems to have just as much, if not less, training than her and lets go for an attempt to snap jaws at her face. An intimidation tactic that would work if Halfpaw was any other cat but as it stands..

She uses her moment of freedom to send herself forward with as much force in her body as she can muster, bowling into the other apprentice and knocking her over. The two roll around in the dirt, but eventually, she comes out on top, pinning the other beneath her once again. This time she wastes no time in raising a paw and batting the other apprentice on the head as hard as she can. Though her claws remain unsheathed. She just wants to disorient, not maim "GIVE! ME! THE! RABBIT!" she yells between blows

// other cats are free to intervene now if they wish!
permission was given to powerplay a little at the end there and permission is given to anyone wanting to pull Halfpaw off Fallowpaw!

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
Palepaw wouldn't pretend that she liked having rogues living in the same camp as her. Fallowpaw and her siblings were unwelcomed guests in her eyes, bred from the same stock as the feral beasts that killed her father. She was uncomfortable having them around; pained by it, really. It wasn't a trait that she particularly liked about herself, but there was no helping it. And she was smart enough to recognize that the new apprentices, which were barely more than kittens, had done nothing wrong. They themselves were not guilty of the crimes of those who came before them. But her fear and hatred were illogical; she was not allowed to see past the childhood she'd spent wondering why everyone had a loving family but herself. They were a representation of those who had taken everything from her.

But, at the end of the day, they were still her clanmates.

And she would rather fight for a rogue-born apprentice that lived for Thunderclan than allow a Shadowclan rat to harm what was hers.

Palepaw had not been far off from Fallowpaw when she'd dashed away to catch the malnourished rabbit. Their patrol had not had much luck so far today, and apart from a twitch of her ears at the sound of the kill, she didn't let it distract her from her search of the undergrowth. Her warrior ceremony was drawing near, and she needed to prove to Nightbird that she was ready to receive her full name. But her concentration was quickly dashed when the unmistakable sounds of a fight suddenly broke out near the Thunderpath; the lilac-furred molly lifted her head in alarm to see a bi-colored blurr sprinting across the black pavement. She watched as Halfpaw threw herself into Fallowpaw, wrestling the younger apprentice to the ground and batting at her with vicious paws.

Instinct took over and there was no room for thought as Palepaw's feet dug into the cold earth, launching herself across the short distance it took to reach the squabbling pair. Her lips pulled back in a furious snarl and her icy gaze flashed with promised violence. "GET OFF HER YOU FOXHEART!" Her own claws were unsheathed as she aimed to throw her full weight against Halfpaw, attempting to wrap herself around the smaller she-cat and pull her to the ground away from Fallowpaw. If successful, Palepaw would try roll them so she ended up on top of Halfpaw, using her paws to pin the Shadowclanner's body to the ground as she glared down at her, teeth bared angrily.

[ mentor tag @nightbird ]
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ tensions with shadowclan had fizzled since the leafbare prior, but by no means did nightbird like their marshland neighbors. she didn't have to in order to keep hackles down, apparently not everyone felt the same way.

the sounds of battle pulled her ears, palepaw darting off before her. she trailed her apprentice to the scene. a rabbit, fallowpaw underneath some shadowclan apprentice who had strayed across the border. her ears twitched, palepaw already flying over to the young calico. "what is this?" she could guess from the haphazardly placed prey, but still the question was demanding of a swift answer.

"fallowpaw, take the rabbit back to camp and see gentlestorm." perhaps it was greedy to send the disputed prey back home without clarity on the situation, but they were all hungry, and shadowclan had trespassed. they had broken the warrior code, the very rule their leader had proposed at that. she could really care less about an explanation. "what is it that chilledstar said? do not hunt or trespass on another's territory?" it was a rhetorical question, one she let hang for a few moments before motioning palepaw to stand down with a sharp flick of her tail.

"i suggest you go quietly, we will not let you off so easily again."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Honeydapple, much like her fellow clanmates, had been busy snuffling away for whatever remaining grub was about. Except the piercing shrieks of cats several rabbit hops away made her drop all notion of hunting. What in the stars? Quickly, she pushed through the decayed undergrowth and onto the side where the inky monster path split the territories. Just there, tussling beside it, is a two-toned feline reeking of ShadowClan and their own Fallowpaw. "Hey! What is the meaning of thi-!" Just as she began to shout, Nightbird and Palepaw took swifter action. The youth bowls over the intruding apprentice, and the lead instructs them in an eerily cool tone. Honeydapple's fur slowly flattens as the nerves in her throat settle. Tiffs between apprentices weren't uncommon, but trespassing over a rabbit was a new one for her.

Stepping past Nightbird, she casts Fallowpaw a concerned glance, mewing a simple question. "Are you alright?" She wasn't sure if any painful blows were shared, but from what she could tell, all seemed rather superficial. Shaking her head, the pointed moggie looked over to Palepaw and the unknown paw'. Soft features expressing worry and confusion. "There was no need for any of this. Nightbird is right - it's best you go home now." Sniffing softly, she expectantly waited for Palepaw to release the Shadowclanner. Even Honeydapple wasn't so sure what exactly transpired, but the clans had finally settled into a new era. There was no reason to stir up a mess from a prey scuffle.
The race to your first catch of an apprentice was one that Sharpshadow didn't recall fondly. She remembers scratching and scraping at stones that her prey had just disappeared past. She remembers being in the apprentices den, turning her back to the other apprentices who had brought home marshland prey while she wallowed, steeped in the misery that was her recently - broken tail. She lagged and lagged, well into warriorhood, and it's here she realizes that she's nearly inflicted that same fate upon her own apprentice. Was it unfair to her? Or unfair to him? Could it be both? Sharpshadow thinks so.

So she understands, When Halfpaw is quick to drop into a crouch. Sharpshadow hears it too — but she'd let her have it. A sudden onset of guilt leaves her soft, and though bristling, Sharpshadow keeps still for her. A marsh hare; Sharpshadow's enemy since... too long she realizes. She realizes as she stands now, a warrior, a lead warrior. The cat she was so jealous of is now her... peer. Councilmate.

Is so jealous of. It was still true. Sharpshadow's breaths sound far too heavy in her own ears. She hopes that Halfpaw doesn't hear. She hopes that the rabbit doesn't hear.

Bad luck. ( Or maybe lack of skill. Mosspool would smile at that. She would laugh her dainty laugh and tell her that she was not training her apprentice well. ) A stick snaps and the rabbit goes bolting. Naturally, Halfpaw gives chase. Naturally, Sharpshadow wants to chase too. She follows, not after the rabbit, but after her apprentice. Her teeth clench in a grimace as it's ran across the border... Directly into the paws of a ThunderClan cat, because running across the border wasn't enough.

Halfpaw fights. She fights, and Sharpshadow is a silent figure behind her, bristling pelt sharing Halfpaw's very frustration. That rabbit is mine, says snarling jaws. And though Sharpshadow would not call it Halfpaw's she would call it ShadowClan's. ThunderClan was fat enough without this hare.

But the tune shifts, and, uh, Sharpshadow is realizing that there was history between these two. History that comes out in strangely - specific insults. This was ThunderClan's border, wasn't it? Her maw opens to say something. Something about ShadowClan deserved the hare and Halfpaw should've had her first catch then and there. But then she's only shrieking, voice raising into a terrified, disbelieving scream " HALFPAW! "

Quills line her spine at once. Abject horror lines her face as Halfpaw actually gives in to the taunts of this ratty looking ThunderClanner. She thought she was a talker! Nothing more. All bark, all bark, all bark — " WHAT ARE YOU DOING? " she screams above the hissing and spitting. Her paws stay planted on her side of the border. Because she's not an idiot. Because she's not an apprentice anymore. Because her apprentice would have them both scolded. Because if Halfpaw hadn't done that much, she would've been dead instead. The rumbling of the Thunderpath makes her nauseas. The kink of her tells her to remember. To worry.

Halfpaw is torn off the other apprentice. Sharpshadow sees his lookalike in more responsible skin — Nightbird. The rabbit is theirs, and it isn't fair. After all of that, after all of it — but it had been Chilledstar who'd made the damn rule. And he was Chilledstar's lackey now. That was him.

He can't cross the border to get her, and if he could, he wouldn't let himself. Fear turns his mouth dry and his limbs shaky. " Halfpaw, " he calls, voice crackling. " Come here — be careful, please. Come here. " his eyes flicker frantically down the blackened road. The rumble of thunder makes his stomach churn.

  • lCF0Qq1.png

  • 77138241_LGsAhejnM5wt5R0.png
    SHARPSHADOW: he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms ; 20 moons old as of 2.13.24 ; ages every 8th
    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.
    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3
The overgrowth trembles, and a broad dark tabby face emerges, a scrawny squirrel drooping from tired, tensed jaws. He’d been hunting nearby, and, like the others, had been alerted to the shrieks and hisses erupting from the ShadowClan border. He surveys the scene with a wry expression—the rogue who’d left and returned, prodigal kit, had gotten into a scuffle with a dapple-pelted apprentice who stank of marshland mud. Raccoonstripe’s tufted ears twitch forward; he drops his own meager bit of prey between his paws. Charred-wood eyes skip from Honeydapple and Nightbird to where Palepaw now joins the fray—and beyond that, beyond the dark stretch of asphalt, is a bristling ShadowClan warrior whose mouth pulls downward in a screech. A reprimand.

Is this what ShadowClan trains their apprentices to do? Disobey the warrior code?” His plush tail flicks behind him. “Run along back to your marsh. We’ll take good care of this rabbit.

Truly, there’s anger sparking in his eyes—anger more directed at Fallowpaw than at the cat who’d assaulted her and tripped the scented border marker. He wonders just what sort of trouble she’d be in if Nightbird and Palepaw hadn’t been nearby hunting or patrolling. He gives his mate a troubled look before he bends to lift the squirrel into his jaws once more.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

  • Angry

Suddenly, a weight barrels into Halfpaw's side, knocking the absolute wind out of her with an audible "OOF!" she comes tumbling off her opponent and all she can see is a flash of pearl hued fur as she is pinned under another much larger than herself. "Stars they must be feeding you" she spits angrily, her face twisted into the ground but still she manages to quip an insult to her now attacker. More cats come along, adults to tell her that she was in the wrong, that the rabbit was ThunderClans and that she should go home. She doesn't bother to suppress the growl that erupts in her throat. "That rabbit is MINE! ShadowClan's! ThunderClan has no right to it" If only she was bigger, stronger, if only her words held more weight she would tell them and they would listen. But grown ups never listened to apprentices, even if they knew better than them. She shoves upwards suddenly, throwing all her weight and momentum into the movement to get the other apprentice off of her.

When finally she scrabbles to her feet she does not bother to shake the debris from her fur. Her tail lashes angrily and her fur stands on end to make herself appear twice her actual size. Bigger than most her age but it's still not enough. They don't take her seriously and she can see it in all of their eyes. "Fine whatever! Keep the stupid rabbit, I hope you all choke on it" She spits on the ground in front of them before finally stalking away, heeding her mentors call and warning as she crosses the Thunderpath, though she refuses to look him in the eyes. Frostbite was fainting from hunger, she could see the ribs standing out on Starlinghearts pelt in sharper contrast than usual. ShadowClan needed that rabbit, ThunderClan did not. "It's not fair" she grumbles quietly, under her breath, her claws digging into the soft earth on their side of the border.

// IC opinions!

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
  • Nervous
Stormywing had been locked in on a hunt, golden eyes following the movements of a squirrel up high in a tree. It doesn't take much more than a few practiced steps, a powerful leap, a vicious bite - it's dead, pinned to the trunk of the tree where the warrior clings. Pride flickers briefly in damp eyes - she's been crying a lot lately when she's alone.

There is screeching from somewhere down below, closer to the thunderpath. Where Fallowpaw had been hunting. With a gasp, she quickly climbs down and drops the squirrel. Slush is kicked up behind her as she takes off towards the ShadowClan border, the shouts growing louder. She rounds a few trees and sees a ShadowClan apprentice being pulled off of her own, both of them spitting and hissing. "Hey! Hey!" She yowls, putting on a new burst of speed. She comes up by her apprentice, eyeing the rabbit for a moment before her eyes dart over Fallowpaw. "Are ya hurt? Did you get in a good hit?" She adds the last part quieter, heart racing. It reminds her of all the squabbles she'd gotten into as an apprentice...she can't help but be a little proud. After all, Fallowpaw won the rabbit!