TEN FEET TALL BEHIND YOUR WALL — thunder clan patrol

The sun was quickly disappearing behind the horizon, slipping away and in its trace it leaves vibrant colors of pink orange purple. They spread across the sky like fingers, blanketing the forest in a warm, soft, glow. It is always this time of day that Little Wolf finds most peaceful, when the birds and the squirrels and every other creature begins to settle in for the night. There is a peaceful calm to the cool air and the dim light, and Little Wolf drinks it in, taking a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

She won’t say that she is not disappointed they had not run into Blazestar at the border to Sky Clan, her mate, her best friend. They had not run into anyone at all, for that matter. Rather uneventful their visit to that side of the forest had been.

The patrol makes their way to River Clans borders now, her brothers and her apprentice in tow. Howlpaw has been here before, a couple of times now, she reflected. The mottled brown tabby should know exactly what to look for.

Little Wolf parts the reeds, stopping just short of the border between them and River Clan. Sunning rocks. She dare not step past the line that marks out what separates theirs from River Clans, but to say she hasn’t been tempted by their smooth warm surfaces before… it would be a lie. She looks to her daughter and smiles. "Do you remember what those rocks over there on River Clans side are called?" she asks, gesturing with her head. It was important for her to learn landmarks, in case she were ever lost.

// @COBWEBTAIL @Raccoontail @Howlpaw

In leaf-bare, Sunningrocks do not live up to their name. They're freezing cold to the touch, soaking up the air's briskness and stinging anyone who steps upon them. So today, they're not being used to bask upon. The RiverClanners are hunting here, on the prey-rich border of ThunderClan. With his apprentice nearby, Lightningstone crouches besides one of the stones, peering into a dark crack. His tail-tip flicks back and forth with focus. The scent of mouse is strong and he's sure there's one just out of reach in the darkness of the stones.

Voices catch his attention, breaking his concentration. Jaw clenching, the silvery blue warrior stands to his full height and watches as a ThunderClan patrol draws closer. He believes he recognizes each of them. The black she-cat in front is Little Wolf, mother of the SkyClan leader's kits. And the child toddling behind her is one of them. The other two toms are Cobwebtail and Raccoontail - he recognizes them from past Gatherings. Immediately, Lightningstone seeks out Koipaw to ensure she's safe, instinctively placing himself closer to the border as he mews gruffly, "Evening."

// @koipaw
beesong is doing a different kind of hunting at sunningrocks, nosing around the riverbank for any sign of herbs. he hasn't had any luck yet, unsurprisingly. but until the entire shoreline has been scoured, beesong wouldn't give in, holding out for the hope that he'd find something.

a hunting patrol rustles around in search of prey nearby, in a similar fashion to beesong. the medicine cat makes sure to give them enough space to do so.

the reeds rustle near the border riverclan shares with thunderclan, and beesong's gaze diverts from the riverbank in time to see a black she-cat from the neighbor clan emerge with a patrol in tow. lightningstone places himself closer to the border, and on instinct, the cinnamon tabby shifts closer to the warrior. thunderclan is not a clan that beesong thinks poorly of; emberstar is a good cat, and one of the pine colony's original members. but they do not know this patrol well, aside from being able to assign a couple of names to faces. the unpredictability of the unfamiliar is enough to unnerve them.

beesong regards the patrol with a neutral expression, nodding a silent greeting to them. he really isn't interested in small talk, so he does not bother with the typical, 'how is thunderclan faring?'

INFORMATION : ✧ ೃ ༄ he’s wary around his sisters children. howlpaw is an apprentice now, and from his position taking up the near back end of their patrol, the platinum warrior feels the upward curl of a lip watching her toddle along after her mentor. little wolf has adjusted to life outside the nursery well, though cobwebtail is loathe to think of how it must feel to be saddled with babysitting duty even beyond the milk - thistle walls. electric blue eyes watch her move, watches his sister, flicks an ear at the way their strides seem to sync. a little mini her. cute. ivory paws crunch through frosted shortgrass, thin, drooping blades just barely sprouting from the scorched earth. kits. children. he could never. with their mewling, pitiful cries and too - pink maws. needy, clinging little paws and grimy, matted —

they’re slowing down. they’re slowing down and as he comes up alongside his niece, he is all smiles — rapturous, encompassing. his eyes crinkle at the edges as he leans down to stage whisper, “ man, i never get used to that smell. “ of the river cats, of fish. playfully, he attempts to make eye contact with little wolf over her daughters head, wrinkling the fine fur of his nose as if he’d come across rotting crowfood amongst the scattered pebbles. it’s only then he turns his attention towards the stretch of land leading towards the slushing, icy river. dusk has layered their lands, turning the skies above to a gradient of purple - blue and bleeding pinks and beneath it, riverclanners dot the shore. quietly. a brooding tom he’d once seen trailing miserably after a brown molly, and . . a half - faced horror. they do not speak to him, and he’s grateful. the man resists quite literally raising his nose, managing to lift a single eyebrow instead.

evening, you! “ jovial. the ashen tabby never once falters, features dancing alight in his greeting despite the way he moves to find a fading spot along the border, “ how’re the waters today? “ freezing, surely.

  • COBWEBTAIL ; he/him. twenty nine months old. howling wind x gray wolf.
    − large, athletic pale blue tabby bicolor with striking sapphire eyes
    − bisexual, biromantic ; open for brief romances and flings, penned by antlers
  • unknown.png

"Really cold! I wouldn't recommend falling in." Apricotflower pipes up from her place near Beesong, offering Cobwebtail a friendly twitch of her ears that's entirely unaware of his inner monologue. She had originally been part of the hunting patrol, but abandoned that venture briefly to chat to her old friend who's snuffling around for herbs between the cracks in the rocks (Beesong has yet to tell her to shoo, go back to hunting, which she takes as a good sign). She sneezes, and shakes out her long pelt to clear her head.

"How's the prey running?"

// ignore me posting on the wrong account oopsie​

Howlpaw is getting quite used to these RiverClan patrols now. This patrol seems to be a bit of a family affair what with her mother, uncles, and their apprentices all in attendance. Her mother asks if she recalls the name of the rocks on RiverClan's side of the border though it takes a moment for her to recall the name, and even then it isn't quite right. "The sun rocks!" She answers a little too confidently.

It doesn't take long for RiverClan cats to make their appearance and a few pleasantries are shared. At least RiverClan cats are quite cordial, some of the patrols she has been on to other borders the other cats have been downright miserable. At Apricotflower's question, Howlpaw, bold as ever, takes it upon herself to answer. "We're managing thank you!" She responds. "Though I think the prey is running away from us more often as of late because of the weather. Not that I can blame them, I think I would much rather stay in my nest too!"