TEN THOUSAND FISTS — camp clearing iv


XXXXX By now, the battle parties are worn, paw-sore and bedraggled, and the moon is wilting into the treeline. A smear of rose blooms against the horizon. The early dawn is cold, and the shapes that move against the pine trees are grayed like pale shadows. Eyes burn with determined fire, following the lumbering Ragdoll who leads the procession of Clan cats.

XXXXXSkyClan, use the trees,” Blazestar murmurs. His tail, bristling upright behind him, flicks forward to give the signal to attack. “The rest of you, fight on ground—but draw them out here so we can drop onto them from the trees.

XXXXX With a growl, the golden-masked warrior scrambles up the nearest pine, disappearing into the lowest splayed branches. Around him, Clan cats storm the hollow in the earth that makes up SkyClan’s camp.


This thread takes place directly after the ThunderClan battle thread! A reminder to keep killing to a minimum; your OC is limited to killing ONE rogue throughout all battles, so if they've already killed one they cannot kill another. Apprentices cannot kill a rogue alone. NOW LET’S FINISH THIS!


Worn out and bloody, Harrierstripe is delusional as he bolts through the trees behind Blazestar. SkyClan cats ascend to heights unknown to him while the other clan cats are left to the ground. His body burns with all the wounds he’s collected, with all the miles he’s ran, but ambition and andrenaline will keep him going for one more fight.

”Never thought I’d be here and not fighting a SkyClanner!” He retorts, almost in a light-hearted joking manner to whoever found themselves beside him.

As much as he detests taking orders from the ‘King of Kittypets’, a cat now officially on his hitlist with Addervenom, he knew now was not the time. They would have their time one day, but not here and now. ”It’s time to end this!” He yowls, racing forward to draw the rogues out from where they hid in the shadows of the forest. Rogues begin to swarm out like wasps, and once more Harrierstripe sinks his claws into their pelts as he awaits for SkyClan to show him their moves.
  • » Harrierkit . Harrierpaw . Harrierstripe
    » WindClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

”There is no shame in staying out of this." Words a clanmate had told the Lead Warrior in passing and words that Silversmoke had spat and sneered at. If he could not defend SkyClan, then he didn’t deserve SkyClan. Yet, when friends and enemies alike stared at Silversmoke, they saw a shoulder wound messily covered in cobwebs, eyes that looked like they had stared into the depths of darkness and something had stared back. They saw weakness, as temporary as it was, it was his duty to let them know that they had been deceived by their own notions. Weight never put on his left paw, Silversmoke charged into battle behind his clanmates, his anger as cold as the leafbare storms. Twolegs, WindClan, Yellowcough, now Rogues, so many wished to see SkyClan destroyed, today, only one was a tangible target and they made his blood boil. When he saw a familiar shape in the distance, dirty golden fur that matted at its tips, a permanent snarl, face smushed in like they had run into a boulder; the rogue whose life had been spared.

Silversmoke would not make that mistake again. A glance was cast to the trees where he saw his clanmates darting through them like squirrels, the shimmers of the moon that pierced through highlighting his face like a monster from another realm. Every emotion bottlenecked, he should've been up there too, had SkyClan blood run through his veins, he may have been, injury be damned. A call to battle was made by another and his attention shot back toward the earth, where heterochromatic met malice. The rogue’s eyes glinted in recognition and a viper’s smile crept upon its flat muzzle. It was taunting him for his mercy, promising Silversmoke that he would not be spared because he had done the honourable thing - the foolish thing. A lifetime ago, Slate would've been in the rogue's place, if he squinted hard enough, he could still imagine charcoal fur and an impudence that went unpunished by those who'd grown to trust the tom. This was not the Lead Warrior, this was some bully's lapdog and not even his home could deny his vengeance; in fact, they wanted it.

The large tom moved, but his prey moved faster, crashing into Silversmoke with the force of a monsoon. He landed on his back, tears stinging the corners of his irises as pain wracked his clavicle. Silver could taste the copper on the air, a re-opened wound, cuts that refused to heal because he had willed them not to, because this was more important than comfort. A right forepaw swung at the beast's shoulders before it pinned the appendage to the earth, the rogue eyeing his throat like a vampire bat hungering for its next meal. The rogue was no winged monster, monsters acted on instinct, their body counts were not as voluntary as the elder's stories led kittens to believe. No, this rogue wanted to see him suffer by choice, the only reason the tabby could think of for why he had not been reunited with his fallen friends. Silversmoke breathed through his teeth, daring the other to try; he would not beg, if he couldn't defend his own life, then he didn't deserve to have it. The Lead Warrior snarled, twisting in the rogue’s grip as it acted on his demands, hind claws meeting hind claws as the pair danced to claw at the other one’s belly. A stalemate, but one that favoured the uninjured party.

[ to be rescued by @tiffany and @ANAKIN !! ]
Rogues were always something Brightpaw had been worried about, they were a force that didn't follow or believe in StarClan and could work in small or large numbers, making them hard to figure out what they would do next. At least with enemies like WindClan they were predictable - or so she'd heard - attacking from one direction due to it being the quickest route from their territory. But the rogues could come from anywhere, and when they had come from seemingly everywhere admittedly the older apprentice had frozen. When Blazestar's words had reached her ears that day to run she had done so, quickly getting out of her stupor and making her way to the ShadowClan border, following the scent of her own clan that had then mingled with fish and water only to soon join the scents of moor brush and trees.

She had thought that they would be in ShadowClan longer than they had been, licking their wounds and making sure to heal those they could. Maybe they would have waited until the cats came back from their journey, tired and potentially starving carrying lungwort to their own homes only to be ran out from the rogues and sent to ShadowClan themselves. But instead Blazestar had called everyone to come up with a plan, and it was in that moment she realized why the leaders were given nine lives, why they lived to be so old and when they died they could come back - it was to share their experiences and become wise beyond their years. How else was one supposed to lead a clan of so many and determine when to help others and when not to, help make the laws that the cats of the clans were meant to follow, and to speak with StarClan and share what they needed to be shared if not for the curse of death? So when the plan had been formed and began to be acted out dutifully she followed.

Brightpaw had never been a strong fighter and that would be well known to those that had been there two long moons ago when she'd come home broken and bleeding, tired and upset and embarrassed. But today she would fight until she could no longer do so, until SkyClan had their home back and they were able to sleep peacefully once more in the dry nests of their home instead of the wet swamp they had been the last week. Climbing the trees and waiting in the slowly changing orange and brown leaves the speckled apprentice looked down upon the territory she so dearly loved and waited in silence as the cats from the other clans moved forward, heading towards the rogues to try and chase them out and back into the territory towards where the SkyClanners were waiting to ambush them from above.

She could hear the beating of her heart ringing through her ears as they wait, claws digging into the branch of the tree below her as she strained to listen to the forest in front of her. It felt like forever, the anxiousness of waiting to see if the plan would work causing the seconds to tick by slowly, but when she heard the yowls of surprised and angry cats coming their way she readied herself, ears pricked and eyes narrowing slightly as she waited for the perfect time before she quickly descend onto the ground, jumping on a distracted rogue and digging her claws into his side as she tried her best to stay on, biting and kicking the best she could as the rogue beneath her twisted and swiped.

Twisting in a mess of fur the scent of blood reached Brightpaw's nose as she felt claws along her side and quickly she found herself on the ground, pinned with the reek of hot breath in her face. More pain as the rogue began to attack once more, claws raking across whatever they could reach. Instinct fueled the apprentice as unsheathed back claws reared up and she kicked, digging into whatever she could to try to get the other off of her. It took a few tries but soon the rogue jumped off and stumbled to the side before collapsing, blood pooling from the wounds he'd received as he lay there dying. Brightpaw shakily got to her own feet to move forward, eyes wide as she realized what she had done before stumbling forward as well. Blood poured from wounds as Brightpaw soon found herself on the ground, staring at the rogue in front of her unable to look away.

She had done it, she had helped protect her home from the invaders.

  • tldr;; after fighting with a rogue, brightpaw killed them and is bleeding out by them, she's alive atm but isn't going to make it
  • 43149711_LAdN8Y5i17B7CJB.gif
    brightkit - brightpaw - bright???
    ⋆ she/her - 13 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of skyclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Sweetybee was battered and bloody from the previous battles, but she had emerged from each of her scuffles victorious. The usually soft and sweet looking calico now looked like she wasn't a kittypet at all, there was a hard look in her eyes as she moved past members of other clans as they made their way to the pine forest. These rogues took her home from her and she wanted them to pay. They had beaten her during their invasion, and she held a bitter grudge the entire time she was made to flee to Thunderclan and Shadowclan. Sweetybee was glad to finally have the chance to vent her frustrations.

Prowling through the pine forest like a homing missile, she did not stop moving, paid nobody any mind, not even the Windclanners. They weren't the enemy for once. For the moment. Who knows, they may still try something. She doesn't care right now, she'll shred them too. She rushes into camp and guns for the first rogue she sees, just as her siblings do.

Badgerstike and Rabbitnose were with her, and it brings her much comfort to see her sister doing what she does best. While Badgerstrike ruthlessly beats down her chosen enemy and even uses him to smack another rogue because of how small he was, Rabbitnose and Sweetybee are a little more normal and choose a single opponent.

Sweetybee's chosen adversary is bigger than her, but this does not frighten her. He is not looking at her, and she takes this chance to attempt to end her fight quickly. She leaps onto his back and bites into the back of his neck. Startled from his sudden attacker digging her claws and teeth into him, he tries to shake Sweetybee off. He thrashes and tosses himself on the ground to squish her. She is knocked breathless, made to let go of her target.

The rogue gets back upright and moves to attack her immediately, but Sweetybee expected as such and forces herself out of the way despite her daze. He rushes for her, and she bolts for the nearest tree. Scampering up it as the rogue halts and spits insults at her, she stares at him and gives him a venomously sweet smile before kicking off to launch herself at him.

He rises to meet her, and the force of her impact sends him falling back. He tries to kick her off, but that was his mistake. Sweetybee had latched onto his throat, and dislodging her so harshly caused her to tear the flesh. Landing on her back and scrambling to her feet, she spits the blood and bits of fur and flesh from her mouth as she looks at the dying rogue.

"That was entirely your fault." She says with an unimpressed look. She planned to kill him anyway, but... This works too.

Another rogue rushes to meet her as if to avenge the one who has bled out, but to this rogue's surprise, he is intercepted by the barreling form of Badgerstrike. She hits him hard and they tumble on the ground. Teeth bared in a furious snarl, she snaps at his neck as they fight to pin the other. Badgerstrike is victorious, and she looms over him.

"NOBODY TOUCHES MY SISTER." She growls viciously, claws raised and ready to slash his throat. The rogue is quick though, and manages to harshly rake his hind claws down Badgerstrike's belly as he claws come down to strike him. The pain makes her growl and wince, and the rogue manages to deter her paw from his throat. He wiggles free, taking his chance to flee.

Sweetybee rushes over to her sister. "Badger, are you okay?" She asks worriedly, looking at all the wounds she has sustained.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Badgerstrike says as though she isn't bleeding from several wounds. "Good job on that one!" She says, looking to the rogue Sweetybee had killed.

"He made me angry." Sweetybee says with a smile.​

XXXXXBlazestar sees the lithe form of Sootstar’s son, a WindClan warrior, and the stocky black-streaked figure of Sweetybee’s ThunderClan littermate. Silversmoke, mismatched eyes haunted and hunted, slips into the fray with unsheathed claws. Fur flies, flesh rends—but it’s Brightpaw’s dusk-colored body slumping to the ground that catches the Ragdoll’s attention. He himself bleeds from a wound slashed against his chest, and one of his ears streams crimson onto one golden profile, but he’s in mint condition compared to the collapsing SkyClan apprentice. The rogue she’d battled stumbles, scarlet bubbling from their wounds, before he, too, falls to his demise.

XXXXXBrightpaw!” He gallops into the thick of battle, his dark blue eyes cold with grief. Her ribs rise and fall, but the gesture is faint and growing weaker by the moment. He stares at her battle injuries with an incredulous expression before he bows his head over her body. “Punishment or not, you—you deserve to be a warrior,” he murmurs, his tail lowering into the pine needles and debris.

XXXXXI ask my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice.” His voice wavers. He has said these words only once before—for Snowpath—and to say them again so soon twists his heart into a string of muscle. “She has learned the warrior code and given up her life in the service of her Clan.” He brushes his muzzle against her deflated cheek. “Let StarClan receive her as a warrior. She will be known as Brightflame… please, let StarClan receive her by the name of Brightflame.

XXXXXBrightflame had broken the warrior code once, but she had given her life up in defense of it, and Blazestar looks at her with his chest aching. The loss to his Clan is devastating—she will be a fierce StarClan warrior, but it took the end of her life to make SkyClan proud. “I’m so sorry. Rest easy. May you find the hunting easy, Brightflame.

Panting audibly and his fur drenched with blood and sweat came the marred body of Dogbite. Moons of being sickly, starved and restless left its damages. Bones protruding uncomfortably and wounds a field of messes and haphazard repairs. Despite the injuries they persevered through the throws of battle. Having managed to maneuver and avoid conflict in the first two and getting pummeled in the third round.

Now it was go time and they refused to be useless. Refused to stay sick and lay down. Dogbite had lost far too much time and no amount of excuses could give them time back or feed the many mouths he left starving. He had a chance to make things right for a change. Trudging through familiar territory felt like a kiss from the stars above. Easing his heart into a steady rhythm and deepening the furrow in his brow. No amount of pain or conflict could cease the warpath ahead. Dogbite was determined to defend Skyclan even if it meant breaking his promise.

As Blazestar gave the tired orders the warrior knew they would have to stay on the ground. Without a word he dashed forward and cried out to lure the rogue's. Tree climbing had never been their forte. Siding with other clans without his own was no longer unfamiliar. Having been kicking down strangers three camps ago easily rid him of that worry.

Once the chaos ensued they were immediately slammed into by a younger rogue. One that hardly seemed old enough to be a paw' glared back with orange daggers. He stood stunned as they looked down and for just a brief moment his tired mind conjured up the imagery of Littlepaw. Causing him to gasp and tense outwardly.

Hardening his gaze Dogbite slammed his left paw into the smaller tom's side. Causing the youth to tumble, spit, and fall over twice. Quickly, the orange and white feline stood over the invader. Snaggled teeth bared and one eye a blue miasma of anger. With gritted teeth he snarled into the kits face. "Leave now or meet your end." Terror as vivid as daylight smacked itself upon the rogue's maw. Seemingly, without a second thought, the smaller cat wrestled away and dashed past Dogbite.

Slowly, he sat up and the anxiety of it melted from the ex-loner's back. They never intended to hurt the child but he hoped fear would be enough to keep them away. His momentary relief is crushed as his gaze locks onto the dying apprentice. Their heart freezes in place and his jaw sags with disbelief. It was eerie how well the collapsing form of Brightpaw fell before them in an almost slowed motion.

Lunging forward without a second thought Dogbite rushed to the she-cats side. Ignoring the gored rogue in front of Brightpaw as he sat. Pelt bristling and voice shaky he urged aloud. "Hey! Hey keep it together, c'mon!" Gently he aimed to press his paw to the youths cheek. Hoping to feel for life and they were soon pleased to find she was breathing. "Can you hear me?" Just then his mind conjured up the frame of his own apprentice once more. Causing him to shake with emotion at the flash of Littlepaw's face. Dogbite whipped his head around hoping to find help.

The approaching form of Blazestar eased his worries but the incoming words did not. Dogbite's head bowed with defeat as reality of death set in. Gently, he whispered to the new warrior. "Goodbye, Brightflame." Tears sting the corners of his eyes as they uttered her name. They were all so close to reclaiming their home and another life had been taken before they got to experience the riches of victory.

Breathing deeply they steeled their emotions and took a second longer to mourn. The only thing he could think to do was lay beside her and offer protection in those last moments. Throat closing with pain as he felt her ragged breaths ebb away. Still he kept a watchful eye for any cat that dared to come closer and interrupt her moment.

  • ooc ; got behind and made some quick fixes! protecting Brightpaw's body as Blazestar performs the ceremony!
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Reactions: BLAZESTAR
He has not applied himself since the battle for WindClan. Their promise would be kept, and there is reason to it– they took the camp first as reassurance. It did not reassure. The longer they fought, the more their presence begins to grate upon Thornrunner. He does not wish to spend longer here than he has to. That is why the warrior finally comes in without hesitation. WindClan's speed is little use in such a crowded environment, yet he uses his agility to weave throughout those that come closest. A swipe and a dash away makes a fitting end for most of the battles he partakes in. He aims for tendons, ears, vulnerable skin. If ever they were to fear WindClan, it should be now.

"Isn't it strange?" he laughs, pushing a rogue back towards a tree so a SkyClanner could leap upon them. "I'd almost prefer–" Thornrunner is cut off with another rogue, and it is a good thing. That sort of wish should not be expressed in current company, but who could blame him for the hope of better combatants than this? Pathetic.

  • OOC. interacting with @HARRIERSTRIPE! does not see what's going on with brightflame but know that i did and i am crying
    ——  a densely-furred yet sleek chocolate tabby with high white and several scars hidden within his fur. he carries himself with cocky confidence and a sharp cunning in icy blue eyes.
  • "speech"

For every other Clan, in every other battle, Twitchbolt had fought- it was time for him to defend his home, too. As much as a want to protect all that he held dear writhed within him, though... that was not the only thing that was fuelling him. The knitting-together of a deal reassured him, but even without the other Clans, Twitchbolt would have fought just as fiercely.

When he had told Quillstrike that he loved him, expecting no reciprocation- it had been because the closing-in rogues had clamped claws around his mind, forcing in permanence the worry that he was going to die soon. That admission had come from a desire to leave nothing unsaid- it had not stemmed from any expectation to be loved back. But he was- he loved, and was loved, and it was all thanks to SkyClan. To what this forest had given him.

And he did not want to fight just to keep what was already there. No- no, he wanted his future. He would seize it with scrambling claws out of the blood-soaked, undeserving paws of the rogues- so with the rest of SkyClan, with the other four Clans, he barrelled now into battle. On the frontlines now, he fought like an enraged canine. Fury burned in wide green eyes; the amber spot in his left seemed to ignite with the fires of his passion. For SkyClan, for Quillstrike, he met his opponent.

Brutal tactics, not strong but dirty, had been instilled within him from his teacher. A cat who had grown up on the streets and knew how to defend herself- her fury was in his veins now. Twitchbolt was quick, despite his shivering- ferocious, despite his tremor. Blistering rage prickled at his claw tips as he struck a rogue across the eyes, a swift and strong strike that sent the rogue reeling backward, a yowl splitting from their maw.

Violently, Twitchbolt shook with anger- and he grew even more horrified and frenzied at the sight of Brightpaw's form crumpling to the ground. Blazestar spoke familiar words to- hopefully- onlooking spirits, and the blur of hot, angry tears smudged the brown-and-white tom's vision. Dogbite stood, protecting her- and Twitchbolt bristled, attention half-on any possible ambushers, half on the ceremony occurring at the heart of their rank.

Before flinging himself into the fray again, he let free a cry. "Brightflame! Brightflame!"

His claws were bloodied, and his heart sank to the earth for another lost apprentice. Another, another- when would it end? Blood streamed from gashes across his opponents eyes- go for the eyes, always go for the eyes- and Twitchbolt knew, knew the spot he could strike to kill them. But bones cracking in his memory under Thistleback's weight, and some stupid, stupid sense of what might be lingering horror if he did it... killed this cat who'd wronged him, who'd wronged them all- in one way or another- stopped him.

They were blinded. Gashed across both eyes, not trying to fight anymore. He was no hero for telling this rogue, through iron-gritted teeth in a voice that seeped with hatred and anger, "Get away from here and never- never come back." Stern and shaky all at once, his tone bore no argument. Between their wails, he was not sure the rogue could- and they heeded his advice, beginning to drag themselves away. A power, a will to live, surged within Twitchbolt- hot behind the eyes, his boiling gaze searched for someone else to help, trying not to think for too long about what had already been lost, and might be lost within this stolen forest.
penned by pin ✧
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⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Despite the way her muscles ached with an exhaustion befitting one who'd fought more than one battle that day, Lichentail's stubborn insistence to help all the clans brought her here too. SkyClan, who deserved her aid more than any of those other useless clans... who had offered them refuge, shelter, safety... Blazestar who had sought the survival of both clans above personal satisfaction or pride. It was beyond cruel then that their kindness should be punished with such a quick and brutal loss. An apprentice whose paws were bloodied with her successful defense of her clan would not live to see the end of the battle she helped to win. Her jaw locks as her leader cries out to StarClan to recognize her sacrifice, to honor her and know her as a warrior in turn, how Twitchbolt howls her name so they might hear it clearly from the stars above.

How cruel those stars were... To watch them now and stay silent.

Furrowing her brow, the blue point wastes no further time and lunges into the fray, slinking around backsides to find a perfect opportunity to strike. A single, over confident fool looms over someone younger she does not recognize, playing the part of the bully against those who had come to reclaim their home. The death count was already too high, she would not suffer to see another added to it.

Leaping at the rogue's back, teeth find the scruff of his neck and sink in, claws wrapped around his flanks and burrowing themselves in with no intention of letting go. The flailing that urges her to jump off does little to convince her, the warm taste of blood washing over her mouth almost enough to satisfy the empty feeling in her belly. They shouldn't have taken and taken and taken and kept taking- she rips her teeth away, tearing fur with it as red stains her maw- if they couldn't defend it against the full might of the clans.

The two roll with Lichentail's claws stuck in his sides, crushing her into the dirt underneath his weight before she's finally willing to let go. He doesn't hesitate to get up and snap at her throat with his own teeth, paused narrowly from success by a sharp kick to his underbelly. Rearing her head like a snake, the RiverClanner snaps like the adders that live in Sunningrocks and with a viciousness uncharacteristic of the avoidant lead warrior, he doesn't get the chance to escape her grip this time. [20] Biting down harder as her opponent squirms, it doesn't take long before the bucking attempts for freedom stop all together and she is free to heave herself to her paws once again.

"May you spend eternity in endless darkness...." Brightflame would not be the only one to find rest tonight... but only hers would face the warm embrace of the stars.

-- lichen's kill for the event o7 let's go hungry girlboss​

The lanky apprentice tears through the forest as the sound of war and scent of blood became more apparent. His flanks heaved and his lungs burned from the journey but he dared not stop, not now, not when he was so close. Once the rogues finally came into view a phantom tightening of the throat catches him off guard and his breath hitches. There was no attacker descending upon him just yet, only the haunting memory of being held against his will as claws carved his flesh. A shuddering breath escapes him whilst churning legs begin to feel like lead, threatening to slow his gait. Fear was crawling its way through his system, it's dark inky tendrils latching on to ruin his determination. He sucked in another breath, wrestling with the tempest brewing within. If he failed to take part in this battle skyclan might be lost forever. In a fight like this every able body mattered.

A glimmer of hope began to pour into his being, chasing away the fear congealing around him as Plaguepaw noticed not one, but several other clans assisting against the rogues. They could win this, the intruders would have no choice but to flee. Twisting his head to look over a sharp shoulder blade, he allowed the whipping wind to carry his voice to the duo following swiftly behind. "Gracias amigos! Your help couldn't have come at a better time." There was a brief moment of concern over their wellbeing, but the large blue tom boasted of chasing away danger all the time. Surely, they would be alright. He hoped.

Screeching to a halt, Plaguepaw called out to the large golden tom hovering over Brightflame's body. "Blazestar, I brought help!" His split tail flicks to highlight the siblings before noticing the newly made warrior's ceremony and vigil. There she lay upon the ground, crimson stained within the throes of battle.How much more would the rogue dare to take from them? "B-brightpaw?" He croaked voice hardly audible over the fray clamoring behind them before correcting himself and uttering the molly's new name. "For Brightflame, for skyclan!" He tells himself, accent heavy and clashing.

Breaking off from the group he darts for a rogue about his own age and size. Though his opponent is heftier Plaguepaw dances around the other, his light footedness keeping him out of reach just long enough to get a hit across their cheek with curved claws. (leading @tiffany and @ANAKIN into battle, briefly telling @BLAZESTAR about them)
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈

His first real battle is long and extensive - a war for not only SkyClan, but every other clan too. Exhaustion twists at Snappaw like rogue claws have aimed to, small wounds littering his form as he marches into this, the most important of their battles.

The pine forest, the place he’d been bound to call home since its residents had freed him from the shelter’s confines, is still left ridden with rogues.

And he’s trained for this moment. All this time, Snappaw has trained, has aimed to perfect battle tactics he’d once feared the thought of, but found ease in under Flowercloud’s mentorship. It’s all been for this: to protect SkyClan, to defend it from dangers like the invaders they now seek out.

They take to the trees at Blazestar’s call, scaling branches to find the perfect one to launch themself from. It is here he waits for the perfect moment, when the rogues are far enough out for him to drop down and strike. But the perfect moment is shaken, aquamarine eyes catching sight of a crumpled form below: one he’d been so used to seeing around camp, one that he’ll never see again after today.

The force of his heart dropping pushes exhaustion out of his form, leaves anger to replace it as copper-scent takes over the air. How many more did they need to lose?

Claws unsheathed, they twist to strike at the nearest rogue. “Get out of here!” Snappaw hisses at his opponent as talons slash into skin, as he tries to make room for Blazestar to assess Brightpaw’s fallen form. He speaks a ceremony he’d only heard once from the leader, one that will guide Brightpaw to the stars with a new name: Brightflame. One of a warrior, one deserved for the noble death the older cat had been dealt with.

Snappaw only gives himself a moment to pause, to process the news as he catches his breath.

For Brightflame!” he cries out, launching back into the battle. They will not lose, will not let Brightflame’s death be for nothing.
Finally he was home, well... Not quite. He had to fight for it, but he was prepared. Blazestar had told them to use the trees and so he shall. Even if he was an apprentice and had many moons to go before he was dubbed a warrior, he was not going to back away from this. How could he? His mentor was fighting and as his apprentice he wouldn't bring shame to Silversmoke. Speaking of his mentor, he doesn't know where Silversmoke is in the heat of battle. No matter, he will figure this out and prove himself to not only his clan but to himself. He is sick and tired of being the baby out of his siblings, a weakling in other words. Once he spies an unaware rogue, he comes crashing down upon the rogues back, claws unsheathed. Unlike those bellowing out a battle cry he opts to remain silent. Silence is key, a strategy that Silversmoke had taught him.

The rogue is indeed caught unaware and as his claws sink into the back of the rogue, a piercing yowl is let out of the rogue's maw. It's oddly amusing to him for the rogue to try and buck him off, but hazel eyes drift to Blazestar and what seems to be Brightpaw, no the newly dubbed Brightflame. A spike of anger fills his veins. Brightpaw was not his friend that was for sure, but she was training with him and the others. It wasn't fair for her to die like this! They were all supposed to become warriors together for crying out loud! In his distracted state his grip loosens and he finds himself thrown to the ground harshly. Get up! He quickly rolls so that he can get to his paws quickly and darts for a nearby tree. The rogue manages to swipe at his tail, a hiss escaping his maw at the sensation of flesh being cut.

Up and away he goes, using his strength to propel him up to a sturdy branch. He can hear yowls as he scans from above. The ink colored tom notices Snappaw launching himself into battle, so he decides to follow the apprentice from above as best as he can. No other apprentice is gonna be taken away. Crowpaw spots a rogue darting towards Snappaw's path, and quickly attempts to jump on this rogue, but he misjudged the timing. He ends up jumping too early, and leaves himself open for an attack. The rogue, clearly having more battle experience was not only shocked by his sudden appearance was quick to react. Crowpaw can't quite get completely out of the way. His head jerks up, yet claws scrape against his lips down to his chin. All he can let out is a grunt before he is knocked down easily due to being off balance.

He's grown. And he's not talking about from this experience. He used to be such a tiny and puffy thing, yet he's had a bit of growth spurt and looks as if he's older than he actually is. Don't get him wrong he's still puffy, but in terms of battle with a rogue snapping at him. He can use his new size to work in his favor, even if he's not entirely used to his growing limbs, he will not die here. Snarling and yowling he is while wrestling with the fawn colored rogue. His frame burns from the scratches, but his rage is stronger. Even if he lacks experience. Even if he's just an apprentice. That doesn't mean he should give up. He's given a nasty swat, forcing his head to move to the side and his nose, oh his nose is on fire. It's wet. Fangs are bared when he turns and with all the hatred within his body he hisses "I'll kill you!"

In truth, he can't kill the fawn colored rogue by himself. It's the thought that counts anyways. Stubborn he is for kicking, wiggling, doing anything really to make it all the more difficult for the rogue to end his life.

// Crowpaw is currently struggling with a rogue. if anyone would like to help him feel free to!​
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
To fight was one thing, something that Lux was capable of, but to kill? Now that was something Lux didn’t know if he could do. The thought alone left him shivering, not out of nerves or the fear of death, but taking someone’s life. He’d avoided it for this long, but since they had given him a second chance, Lux wasn’t all that confident that he could avoid it forever.

The lanky tom shifted uncomfortably, glancing at the others willing to fight—to kill for their clan and Lux couldn’t help but feel a sense of cowardice flood through his veins. He had his reasons. He did. He had more than enough reason, but did it matter? It didn’t. It wouldn’t matter. He knew that. He’d slaughtered so many. He’d seen enough. He’d done enough. He was tired of it. He was tired of the innocent blood on his paws to even feel worthy enough to mourn.

With a shuttering sigh, he stepped a paw across the familiar pines he’d grown to call his temporary home. It had been nice, helping when the rogues became overwhelming. He had fought then but received flesh wounds that didn’t warrant a trip to the medicine cat den. It made him feel hopeless, seeing cats come out even worse than him, but he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

He would fight and do his uttermost best to avoid giving the death blow for his palpitating heart wouldn’t be able to take the grief that came along with it. He may never understand why these rogues came, but they were unforgiving, ripping prey straight from his maw, taunting and tearing into it with little grace, leaving scraps behind.

With a shaky of his helm, Lux stayed on the ground, far more confident in his ground abilities than climbing. He caught sight of a cinnamon-furred rogue plowing straight towards him, giving him a second to react when he was sent them rolling across the ground in a spew of hisses and yowls.

“Oh, shit.” He narrowly missed a bite to his throat, teeth finding purchase in his shoulder drawing a pained yelp from him. His hind legs kicked uselessly against the rogue’s underbelly causing the rogue to jerk away, giving him ample time to pull out of her grasp, using his lankier form to his advantage.

He winced, teeth digging into the inside of his cheek at the blistering pain, blood welling up from fresh wounds when the light-colored feline lunged forward, claws hooking into his flesh when Lux lashed out, teeth sinking into supple flesh drawing a cry from the cinnamon-furred rogue.

Using what little strength he had left, Lux shifted his grip, tasting the coppery tinge of ichor coating his tastebuds like tar, muzzle wrinkling with a muffled hiss. His hindlegs grappled with the ground, digging into the dirt to fling themselves sideways, knocking the breath out of him with a pained wheeze as dirt and pine needles dug into bloodied wounds. Shoot. That hurt. He groaned.

The lanky tom rolled onto his side, away from the rogue as phantom pains reverberated up his missing limb, drawing a loud cry, which only sharpened when the rogue slammed into him, pressing his frame into the disarrayed ground, cutting off his airways.

/ skyclan word prompt " cinnamon " and feel free to help him out !
thought speech
Finally, all the clans gather around the pines that Drizzlepelt is familiar with to take back his home. His bones ache with all the fighting done for the other clans, and he yet marches on. He gave his word that he would fight for all the clans, and he has kept it up, even if his body screams. Now that the fight has been brought to his doorstep, the last goal to the finish line, he knows he must give it his all.

He leaps up onto the branches as instructed, hiding in the shadows of the leaves as he awaits his chance to strike. It’s easy for his nerves to kick in as his eyes stalk the camp, but he steels himself as he normally does. He couldn’t afford to mess up here. He has been able to put his feelings down so far, for much harder battles. Even if he’s made it out alive so far, one slip up and he’s as good as dead.

Sometimes it’s easy to think it would be better if he did die, but truthfully, he wants to live. He has so much left to do before he breathes his last. So, he’s willing to do what he must. If that includes killing another cat…so be it.

When the rogues scramble to the hiding spot, Drizzlepelt puts all his strength in paws, aiming to tackle one with enough force that dealing with them after impact will be easier. It’s effective, and he digs his claws deeper into the other cat’s side to keep them pinned down. He feels a sense of pride, but it’s immediately crushed.

One of their own is dead, and an apprentice no less. No…of all the lives to be taken, another one is before they get granted the honor of the the title of warrior. Drizzlepelt’s mind flashes back to Snowpath’s death, and his stomach churns. Just like him, Blazestar grants her the name of Brightflame before she passes on to StarClan, and just like him, his voice is shaky as he calls the name out. “Brightflame…!”

After that, his vision turns red. He might have to still fight to live, but he would fight with all his might. He sneers at the cat he had pinned, though by now they made their way back on their feet. But he would see to it that it would not be for long. “You’ll all pay for that.” He then dashes at full speed, claws fully out raking the rogue’s entire side as he passes by.

He turns his head to see a river of blood seep onto the ground, and it does not make him feel any better. When they drop dead, it does not bring him any satisfaction. No, all he can feel is sorrow for everything and everyone that has been lost.​

Before the rogues had invaded, Fantastream had never been in an actual fight before. Sure, she had sparred with the rest of the cats of SkyClan, had learned how to fight. But practice and the actual thing are two totally different worlds. All around her cats are dying or crying out in pain and she feels almost as if she cannot take it. Granted, most of the cats who perish are rogues, infiltrators but still. She feels as if she might be sick. And then she sees Brightpaw's body, broken and bloody and so so still. Blazestar says something over her and the rest of the clan erupts into cheers. A warrior name for her to go up to the stars with. Her vision swims with tears but she calls out with the rest of them "Brightflame!" it was a good name, one she was worthy of holding.

The apprentices death is sad, but it fills her with a renewed energy, an urge to dig teeth and claws into flesh and she bares her teeth at the next rogue she comes face to face with "For SkyClan!" she cries out as she launches herself at the other cat, claws outstretched and desperate to meet their mark.


A calm took over the lynx point, as if a spirit of StarClan puppeteered his limbs and guided him effortlessly through the tangle of branches above SkyClan's territory. Below him for most of the journey had been Plaguepaw and the two siblings, association with them severed until they could confidently say that SkyClan was alive. Sounds of combat in the distance had promised as such, and no sooner did that hope blossom did he see friends and clanmates alike, tumbling with rogues. Their eyes scanned the territory quickly, taking note of the bodies with a twinge of guilt pinching his belly. Some rogue, one SkyClan (Stars she looked young as well), all lives lost in a squabble that could've been solved with words had the former just taken their business to beyond the Highstones. He had no time to mourn. Stopping near the clearing, Momo wrapped his whiplike tail around the branch, peering down in preparation for an ambush. From his lookout, he could see three SkyClanners pinned down by their opponents.

Silversmoke, Lux, Crowpaw. Long ears touched his neck as he realised the impossible odds; if no one else saw their struggles, there was a chance their deaths would be on his paws - and he was only going to be able to help one. Silversmoke was the obvious choice, a Lead Warrior who could do with being humbled by the kittypets he so despised. But then there was Lux, a newcomer, a kindred spirit. Then, there was Crowpaw, barely into their sixth moon. A kitten's death was not worth the chance to humble a foxheart or protect a warrior. The Daylight Warrior slithered down the side of the tree like a snake, white claws sinking in deep to the old bark. He took a deep breath. 'Trunk spring onto the rogue's back. No overshooting'. SkyClan's techniques were not easy to learn, his reluctance to use them had not helped the stigma of his choice of allegiances. Today, with nothing but an objective to worry about, it felt natural. Hind legs coiled tightly and, when he sheathed his claws, he kicked like a horse. The ground was fast approaching from his cogent leap but so was the rogue, fawn fur his landing pad, soft neck his bullseye. The latter was out of his grasp, but on the former he landed squared, pushing his claws deep into the enemy's flank.

Long teeth sunk into the rogue's ear and pulled upwards, threatening to tear it off entirely unless the beast pulled its head back with him. He hoped they would and expose his throat to the apprentice to tear into, the fur across their spine flaring at the thought. "Let. Him. Go!" The Daylight Warrior snarled between the ear's hot flesh.

/ attempting to help @CROWPAW!

"Keep your thanks to the end, kid," Tiffany huffs as she races after the odd looking apprentice, tilting her gaze towards her brother. Do all Clan-cats talk too much? She figures yes, given this one and the long faced one from before - not to mention the endless terminology that she has little clue of what any of it can mean. All she knows is that Plaguepaw's home was stolen and that she and her brother were bored.

The bulky feline breaks from her sprint just as she meets the thrall of cats. The stench of dozens, if not hundreds, impact her nose and she cannot tell who is an ally and who would be better off dirt beneath her paws. Plaguepaw calls out to a fluffy cream tom, offering herself and Anakin as help. She offers the tom no more than a swift nod of her head, eyebrows furrowed once she realizes the mousey colored body at his paws. Dead. Slumped like prey.

Okay, so the intruders were a little scarier than the predators they've met before. She makes a mental note that if someone goes for her throat, then she's out, and she's taking her brother with her.

Speaking of - her tail twitches as she sidesteps away from a fleeing rogue, spotting a silverish pelt not too far away from her. She would be a fool to claim that any old striped and spotted pelt were a long lost sibling of hers, but a pull from her chest guides her closer. Not usually so curious, she masks her acts as those of grace and not greed. Tiffany scruffs the rogue attacking Silversmoke, yanking backwards and whacking them with a paw to keep them distanced for a second.

Her gaze tilts back to find Silversmoke again, and though its been several, several moons since she's seen the tom, she can recognize that gnarly grimace anywhere. She laughs, "Ain't no way. Anakin!" she looks over her shoulder, "Look who's stowed away with some forest rats," she continues, her own grin nothing more than mocking.

[ saving @SILVERSMOKE and talking with @ANAKIN ]​
( tags ) Anakin bounded in alongside his sister and their young new acquaintance, excitement bubbling in his veins. He had to chuckle at Tiff's curtness, and offered an acknowledgement himself at their odd little friend, "Not a problem, lil' dude! Keep your claws sharp out there, yeah?"

The clearing opened to reveal a mosh pit of cats, more than he'd ever seen in one place before in his life, all duking it out like there was no tomorrow. Well, there might have really been no tomorrow for some of them... His eyes skirted over a small fallen form surrounded by distraught onlookers shouting her name in honor. Damn... what a shame.

He, however, had no plans on dying today, whether he mowed down all the rogues himself or turned tail back to the Twolegplace. Tiff, too, he'd make sure to drag her out by her scruff if he had to if things got too dicey. Deciphering who was the good guys versus who was the bad guys posed a challenge he didn't expect, everyone generally smelled like forest and dirt, so he ran close to Tiffany's heels as they jumped into the fray. If they pounced on the wrong cat, he could just blame her stupidity, not his.

"WOOO, GET EM!!" he howled as Tiffany found their first opponent. She tossed a cat off some sorry sucker that was pinned to the floor and he leaped over to get a bite in on the assailant himself but turned when she yelled his name again all excited-like.

"Well, skin my tail and call me a possum! Is that who I think it is?!" Orange eyes lit up at the sight of an all-too-familiar silver tabby coat and he grinned, sharp and bright, down at the tom who they'd just saved, "You remember us right, bro? It's been so long! Hold up-" he pivoted again to meet an incoming rogue with a heavy blow to the face to fend him off for another second to continue their conversation, "So, how've ya been?!"

// interacting with @Plaguepaw and @SILVERSMOKE

If Sky Clan was a tree, Circe was a leaf, shaking in the wind.
She'd never seen a fight. never really been in one. She'd joined before the clan left these woods. She was desperate to prove her place now. These cats had helped her and fed her. Showed her their ways. She owed them. She thought of her brothers. If they were in the sky, just as Blazestar said.
I want them to look down and be proud.
The partially fur-less molly gritted her teeth, sinking her claws into the tree branches. This was the only thing she'd learned. Learned was kind, even. She'd seen a few cats climb up a tree and assumed she could too. Thank goodness she was right. She prayed - maybe for the first time - to Star Clan, to her brothers, that she could make her plan work. She had thought for a long time if she would fight. The answer was yes, but her claws had never been sharpened for this purpose. A few were missing. Another thing Twolegs stole from her. But she was determined. She'd had the idea a while ago. She'd watch from the treetops and save the smaller cats - apprentices they were called, and sometimes daylight warriors. If they looked injured she'd run in, scare off the attacker, and bring the immobilized cat to safety. Somewhere where the medicine cat could see them.
The ground beneath her pulsed with warmth. Bodies. Blood. Spilt and yet-to-be-spilt. Up ahead, someone called out a name she was not familiar with. Brightflame. A face flashed by, but she couldn't tell who.
Scents wafted in the air. Moor. Mud. Earth. Blood. Blood. More Blood. Is this what sorrow smells like? They would've taken you in, had you asked. None of this would be needed.
Someone was climbing up the tree.
Circe whirled around, paw outstretched, claws ready. Purchase. Warmth. Wet. She hissed, tail lashing. She didn't know this face those eyes or those teeth. Rogue? She couldn't tell.
"Who are you?"
Her question was only met with a wet snarl and a flash of pain. Rogue.
Her attacker launched forward and time slowed. Coward or hero? It was a game Circe and her siblings used to play. One cat would attempt to bite the other and the other would either attack or run away. Circe always lost. She was a coward and a coward never won. She knew that, but her body did not. Time resumed.
Her attacker snarled claws outstretched. Circe yelped, muscles bunching and yanking downward into the tree branch. The rogue twisted mid-air, but it was too late. Gravity flung the cat's body away and down, slamming it into the ground. Circe stared below her. Eyes wide.
'I don't mean to' she whispered. 'I'm sorry'.
War raged on around her.

// ooc:​