the world is white. snow - laden hills of meadowland, the lightning jagged limbs of barren willows snaking black crevices against a haze grey sky. it is silent save for the lulling hush of water against a brittle shore, toes an anemic pale beneath a fine layer of granule sand. her namesake peek like shallow buried remains around alabaster paws, dotting the colorless bay in hues of aged bone, rubbed darker with soil in their cracking faces. they watch her like hollow eyes, she can feel it burning into the lilac ribboning of her pelt, scorching pallid insides around fishbone sharp structure. water trembles along the stretch of river separating her and something she can’t quite see. a shimmering in the distance, tremulous like a star grown unstable she draws to like a moth to blistering death.

she steps closer, feels the uncomfortable lap of water over her paws, fur sleeking to the sharp of her knuckles. it was cold here β€” colder than normal, too cold for the river water to still be thawed enough for this. it rolls, whispers her name in the brush of sand and ever rippling waves, the outer dark trembling as it had beneath splintering ice. the figure ahead stands in it up to their belly, the halo of blinding light around their form dimming as she grows nearer. she takes another step, another, can’t seem to stop ; water coils around her legs, tendons and sinew bursting translucent pink where the light hits them, no longer protected by the lap of dovey alabaster curls that cradle her ever withered form.

the water whispers to her, or perhaps the figure ahead. the water is lulling at her neck when she finally draws close enough to see ; not their face, but the blue - white of their fur. the whisper of lapping water eases, syllables finding their place above the tangle of letters that urged her into the river. youre gong to freeze out here, come with me.it makes her belly hurt, but the water is heavy. it weighs on her shoulders, pulls her by the coat and the child eases against the beacon, the only semblance of warmth in the darkening water. she touches her nose gently to her shoulder. quickly, she becomes aware that she cannot let go.

she jerks her head back, attempting a stumbling run away but she cant. she’s stuck β€” stuck to her mother, who’s blue fur shades an algae green, eyes watering a shade of rheumy olive and yellow. there is no time to ruminate once the first plunge of icewater bursts into her nostrils. an instinctive sneeze breeches her sinuses β€” the water reaches around her, loops in tendrils around her to beckon her further forward. she tries to yell but it is nothing more than a billow at her throat, a sudden tightening that she cannot release. her maw opens and water floods the rough surface of her tongue, rivulets down her throat and shes still stuck. pulled deeper, deeper, deeper until the sickly blue lights overhead fade into a murky blackness.

shellkit wakes up choking, a cough that tears at the tender inner throat. a familiarity in her early age β€” a distant memory of waking alone, pawing at the belly of her momma because the sound couldn’t leave her. she tries to inhale with a near soundless wheeze, a pinhole of breath wisping to her lungs on the end of a failed wail. muted by the pain in her chest, a ball of coiling smoke that has her head tipping back in near reverent desperation. nightmares were hard, and common ; if she calmed down, it would go away, just like it always had.. but once her ribs begin to burn, fear begins to filter through her veins. her head feels funny. bad, stuffy, like she’d fallen down and hit it. her nose runs, drips and she cannot sniff, cannot catch her breath enough to keep it from dampening her chin in strings of sheening filth. a still - healing paw lifts, suddenly too aware of the dull ache in her limbs and.. why was this happening? a whine leaves her nose, breathless, ” moh β€” β€œ she tries, and fails, rolling over with a mighty heave if only to wake up one of her slumbering siblings, ” moh - ma. momma. β€œ because hazecloud said she can do that now, and she was.. afraid. why did it hurt so bad?

  • i. woke up from a nightmare feeling very bad. trying to wake up @hazecloud or her siblings but if anyone could grab moonpaw…. :evil: only the last paragraph is necessary to read

    currently very mucusy and choking on her cough, can’t catch her breath / wheezing. woozy bc of it. but she’s always a little wheezy, so.. hm..

  • 78128943_yaDvHMkfWJwxrdy.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes..
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic pale pink at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, obvious by the feathering weakness and crackling in whispery tones ---------- Β° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


Having so many of his kin within the nursery had Ferngill wandering over, especially to check on Iciclefang and Lilybloom's kits. The loss of his oldest sister still stung deeply, and he felt it whenever he pushed through the entrance- and he was sure his constant fretfulness, this checking, was annoying Iciclefang. But after losing Lilybloom he couldn't bear to rip his eyes away from them for too long. Even if it was just to ask how she was... to check if she needed anything... he couldn't in good conscience ignore the urge.

Though he'd come to the nursery for one thing, it was something else that caught his attention. Little Shellkit, still smaller than the rest of her brood (a familiar thing to Ferngill, who still stood slight in stature even as an adult), was... was she choking? Gasping, wheezing sounds flooded from her, and Ferngill immediately felt a small strike of panic the moment he stuck his head into the nursery. In a split of a moment, if he were to make eye contact with any of the queens, he would give a silent, wavering look- one that said, I'm getting Moonpaw.

And he was off, worried wind in his sails. "Moonpaw," he said, feeling for a moment a twist of worry for Ravensong too, his lost friend. But there were more pressing matters. "Shellkit, she's- something's not right." It wasn't very specific, but- the concern that pulsed from him should show the medicine cat apprentice that this was serious.

\ fetching @Moonpaw ! <3
✦ penned by pin ✦
Last edited:

Since the day she and her siblings had been brought to the camp Shellkit had been one that Moonpaw had worried about. The sickly cough and tiny frame of the kit was something she had noticed quickly, the way snot had seemed to permanently stick to her nose often causing questions from the young RiverClanner to end with sniffles and coughs. Since her time here however there had been much more happening, and since Ravensong hadn't seemed too concerned with Shellkit to keep her in the medicine den Moonpaw had figured it was nothing. Some kittens simply grew slower than others, some more snotty with nothing wrong, and it had seemed as though the sniffling and the coughs had died down a little bit, enough for the white moggie's concern to dwindle until it was almost nothing.

Head swiveled as Ferngill rushed towards her, the second her name said she was already on her feet and moving towards her clanmate, concern rushing through her before he continued on and then her feet moved quickly towards the nursery. She didn't get all the way there before the soft sounds of coughing, the struggle to breathe and the gasping for air causing the apprentice to quickly turn on her heels and run as fast as she could back to the medicine den before rushing out once more, honeycomb gripped between jaws before she finally rushed within the nursery. She knew that other symptoms would be important later, important to figure out what exactly was wrong and how she could help but for now Moonpaw wanted to ease the coughing, make it so Shellkit could breathe again.

So small honeycomb quickly was dropped in front of the kitten as Moonpaw lie down next to her, ears pinned as maw opened. "Shellkit, can you lick some of this for me? It'll help you breathe better, get the stuff out of your throat okay?" Hopefully after the kitten tasted it and realized it wasn't that most horrible thing in the world she'd eat a little more, but for now she needed the small wins, needed the girl to at least try it so that things could go better, so that she didn't hurt and so she could move and speak once more.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ FLESH WOUNDS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ INFECTIONS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ ACHES & PAINS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ ILLNESS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ BREATHING ISSUES
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ TRAVELING HERBS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ BROKEN BONES
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ KITTING
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    κ•₯ SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    κ•₯ speaks softly & often found humming
    κ•₯ 11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    κ•₯ homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    κ•₯ currently being mentored by ravensong
    κ•₯ easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    κ•₯ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    κ•₯ easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    κ•₯ peaceful powerplay allowed

-ˋˏ ΰΌ» ❆༺ ˎˊ- Pinekit couldn’t even begin to try and wrap her head around the fact that not everyone lived a life like she did, did not carry her same perspective.
Shellkit and her littermates origin isn’t something Pinekit was aware of, or really ever thought twice about. All she knew was that they were apart of Hazeclouds brood, and that Smokestar shared a bloodline with them… somehow…
That isn’t what is on her mind when she is awoken by a strange noise nearby. Patchwork ears flick as the kitten stirs, brows already drawing together in a scowl when the kitten groggily raises her head, bright optics squinted as they struggled to adjust.
”Huh? Wha-?” The child grumbles when Shellkit begins to speak.
Pinekit peers over the sleeping bodies of her cousins and brothers to peer at her, a confused whine escaping her parted jaw when she sees what a mess her denmate was.
Moonpaw’s sudden arrival was jarring, a frown nagging at Pinekit’s expression before she wiggles out from the safety of her own nest, stumbling from the edge of the nest with a staggering gate.
It was so cold out here.
Moonpaw carries something sweet, and Pinekit comes up from behind the healer in training, optics rounded with curiosity and worry.
”What’s… wrong with Shellkit?..”

  • PINEKIT ✩ she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    β­ƒ plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    β­ƒ daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    β­ƒ penned by Noor ↛ @toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The sound of desperate wheezing and painful choking are all but background noise within Eveningkit's dream. At first, it doesn't interrupt the easy-going fantasy - glimmering scales, strong yet peaceful currents, all pushed to the side in a whirl of color as a much older version of herself passes through -, but the oddness of it increases. It doesn't belong. In the waking world, it makes her eyebrow twitch, and then her paw- and before she knows it, she rolls from her back onto her side, consciousness sticking to her closed eyelids.

There's no bright light that shines through the nursery entrance. No yowling akin to dangerous rogues, and not even the eerie call of an owl.

It's something much, much worse, once the cloud-like softness of sleep leaves her.

"Wha..." A low rumble comes from within the back of her throat, climbing out from its depths easily- unlike poor little Shellkit, whose noises now push Eveningkit into action. She's fully awake now, eyes blinking fast in order to focus. "Shellkit!"

There had never been a reason to worry. Shellkit was always with them, going about her day like the rest of them... if not a bit slower, and with a stuffed nose. Eveningkit had assumed it was leaf-bare's doing. That Shellkit would get out of its cruel grip once the snow started to thaw and the weather became lighter, warmer.

Right now, Eveningkit very much worries. She's standing now, mouth agape as her mind processes the fact that her sister is suffering. It's a startling realization, one that she cannot pair with the fact that Eveningkit had been peacefully sleeping. Since when was Shellkit coughing this hard?

Ferngill is already bringing Moonpaw in, and relief hits her so hard she almost stumbles right over. Now everything will be okay. Moonpaw will know what to do, and- and Shellkit will be just fine. She hears Pinekit talk, and now Eveningkit doesn't feel so alone. This is way too scary to endure all alone. She can't even begin to imagine how Shellkit feels.

"Momma!" Eveningkit's wail is pitiful, as always, but it has a purpose this time. Tiny paws massage Hazecloud's side, desperate to wake her- but then, she quickly switches to putting her paws on Shellkit's back instead, useless but present. She just wants to comfort her, but all she can do is watch and wait. That feeling has never been this agonizing before.


in the brief moments in which a flash of ginger pops quickly in and out of the nursery curtain, the lilac ribboned child thinks again of the ice. the bodies that slammed gape - jawed against creaking frost, the way splinters of shattering ice gave way to a wisp of freezing water. she thinks this is what it must be like to breathe through it ; a pinhole wheeze, fighting to gasp her way past the sudden thickness in her throat that has her tipping her head wildly back in alarm. rheumy eyes are uncharacteristically open, wide and rot amber where they bulge fearfully from her little skull. was she going to die? like lightningstone, and mudpelt and lilybloom and snowflakekit? it kicks another bout of panic into her, sending her sliding from hazecloud's flank to the moss below, wading like a fish against the greenery as eveningkit wakes and lets out a startled shriek. in a wild moment, she feels a pang of guilt for scaring her -- but the she-kit is nudging their mother awake with frantic paws before toddling back over to her and shellkit lets out a whimper of appreciation at the feel of tiny paws pressing into sunbleached curls.

there is a whorl of color overhead and shellkit tosses her short muzzle to blindly follow it, half illness half terror keeping her writhing and flailing uselessly against the ground in an ugly fit. making it worse, surely, but in her childish anxiety she cannot keep still, blood rushing a vicious roar in her ears. for a moment, she merely gapes her pink - purpling maw blindly at moonpaw ; a poor sign, a signal of dizziness that keeps pulling her velveteen skull towards the ground whenever she makes to lift it up. a sudden viscous sweetness floods her nostrils as she gasps, floods her maw and throat enough for her belly to betray her with an idle rumble. tear - streaked eyes of brackish rose flit downward, wide enough for the alabaster of her sclera to rear wraithlike from the corner of her farmiliarly heavy lidded gaze. honeycomb. she remembers its odd shape from the time tidesong had brought one for them to see, remembers it's strangely - boxed divots where the golden - brown shell cracks from the leafbare frost. this one is not so dry ; its flanks oozing with a thick, syrupy ichor that slowly drips down the angled outside. it would be a wonder in any other circumstance.

can you lick some of this? she hears through the haze in her ears and for a beat longer, she merely lets her maw droop open, a hack of drool and sick puddling at the arc of her pearly teeth. could she? it was a true question. her breath pants heavily against the floor the moment her cough settles enough to suck in another desperate breath and in that moment, she pushes forward enough to curl her tongue to it experimentally. its different ; startlingly different, enough for her head to shake in vicious alarm from the small bit that snakes it way down her throat before she aborts completely, eyebrows pulled taut in dismay. it was tastety but thick, the little dollop pasting to her throat in a fine film and popping her maw with a bubble with the opens it again, ” i can't i'm scare - d - d ! β€œ she wails, a decision that spurs her into another set of vicious, gag - punctuated coughing, though less high and painful sounding than before ; and a sentence, though short. her chest burns and her nose runs pitifully free with each inward breath, the world beginning to tilt with such short bursts of air. would she have to sleep in moonpaw's den for the rest of the night? it all seemed too scary, too final. but at least she could get a breath at all.

  • i.

  • 75178334_B2nz6qRU6QTC3MQ.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush in a way seemingly similar to hazecloud's. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    currently HIGHLY INFECTIOUS WITH WHITECOUGH. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


A quiet twilight has laid rest over the sky. The snow has thawed the return of cricketsong in the reeds and without much of a fuss a slumber has
lulled the nursery into sleep. While her kittens are kept close to her belly, mist-woven tail curled around them all like a shield bared, Hazecloud silently dreamt. No howls and braying has haunted the echoes. No snickering devils loom in the shadows as she fights an unseen invader. In fact, the queen may have fallen into a restful sleep.

Squirming and rolling kittens are no bother to her now in her rest. They couldn't be, lest she go countless nights without even a wink. She does not feel any urgency or even stir much as paws feel around her belly but one saving grace to Shellkit's suffering- a sputtered call.

Before she's gained much of any awareness around her, Hazecloud has lifted her head sharply. Her heart battered against her chest at her abrupt awakening, interrupting a slow steady beat. Her sharp snap has made her dizzy, vision still bleary but through some instinctual guidance has moved to support Shellkit to a stand, paws shaky as she moved.

Ferngill has made himself a savior, retrieving Moonpaw quickly and in no time the alabaster molly stood before them. The sudden panic held back the words stirring in Hazecloud's mind. The questions that pinched her thoughts; if she would be okay, if she could breathe, what happened?

A few more blinks and her visions clear. The disruptions awoke some of the other kits and she tried to soothe Eveningkit.

"I'm awake, I'm here." Her voice is strained, breathless herself. Shellkit's taken the honey Moonpaw offered and though she wailed she spoke, something she struggled with just moments before. "I'll be right here, Shellkit. Moonpaw's going to make it better." Her jaw felt tight with anxiety. Shellkit has always been a bit rattle-breathed, but she hadn't expected it to progress so harshly.