camp TENDER OF ORCHARDS [✦] Kitting

Oct 24, 2023

Calico paws knead the ground anxiously as a bolt of pain shoots through her abdomen. She’s kitted before, but never here, never in such an foreign enviorment. Never surrounded by so many strangers. Back in the comfort of ThunderClan camp she had her kitting all planned out, a nice nest with the softest of moss waited in the corners of the nursery. She had weaved an ample amount of feathers to further increase comfort and the warmth of the nest, it had all been planned perfectly.

Here her nest was damp and uncomfortable, she swears she’s changed it so many times… StarClan knows if she asked for another set of bedding she might just get her ears clawed off. The dampness must come with the enviorment, the chocolate calico doesn’t understand how any cats could live like this! No wonder ShadowClanner’s always had their tail in a twist, she’d be cranky too if she had to live here!

Another surge of pain rushes through her stomach, this time her claws dig into the nest beneath her. Despite the agony she remains calm, deep breath in, deep breath out, she was an expirenced queen and this was far from her first rodeo and it would not be her last. She prides herself on providing kits for ThunderClan and watching them grow into warriors.

She looks to the other queens of the den, ”I- I’m kitting.” she meows, her voice shaky. ”Berryheart- someone get him.” It was wise for even the most expirenced queens to have a medicine cat around, Maplepatch knows all too well how quickly a kitting could turn south. She was not looking to die, not here, not with kits who needed nursing.
  • » Maplepatch
    » ThunderClan Queen
    » She/her ․ Mate to Seedspring
    » Long-haried chocolate tortie with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack

Starlingheart had been entrusted the care of all the clans most vulnerable and she had sworn she would not let anything happen to them. The queens, the kits, the elders, the sick, she would look after each and every one of them to the best of her abilities. She makes it a point to check on everyone multiple times a day. Sure, her paws were weary and she ached for her nest, but she could handle it. It is not the first time she has worked herself ragged in the name of what's best for others. It was little consequence to her that they were not her clanmates.

She is headed to the nursery now on one of her routine visits when she hears a queen cry out. Immediately, she turns and runs to her den, quickly scooping the necessary supplies up before headed back to the nursery. "Y-you'll have to make do with me" she says softly as she places her bundle down nearby, offering a stick for the queen to bite down on while she speaks. "I've delivered many litters though, my own included." Experience wouldn't save her if something went horribly wrong but she did not need to know that. "He-here, bite down on this if you need it" she says in regards to the stick "I'll be right here with you the-the whole time. Remember. Inhale..... exhale...." the motions were so familiar to her now.


Maplepatch looks at Starlingheart with wide-eyed distrust. The ShadowClan medicine cat was unfamiliar to her and awfully young. She finds it difficult to trust her expertiese but a pair of ShadowClan queens give her looks of assurance and support. Swallowing, she nods, ”…Okay.”

A stick is placed at her paws, before Starlingheart can fully instruct her she’s already biting down on it. Her bite lacks intensity in strength but Maplepatch knows in the next several minutes she’ll need it. The medicine cat reminds her to breathe, inhale, exhale, and she does.

The torbie labor lasts on the shorter side. She had began shortly past dawn and at sun-high a single kit arrived on her nest. Maplepatch gasps in relief and tries to rear her head to look at the kit, ”It’s here- it’s here isn’t it?! Oh Starlingheart, please tell me it’s healthy.” Amber eyes look eagerly at the medicine cat, dread tangling up in her stomach until the black cat declared the kitten healthy.
  • >> the kit is a girl and is healthy :)
  • » Maplepatch
    » ThunderClan Queen
    » She/her ․ Mate to Seedspring
    » Long-haried chocolate tortie with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack

Sun-high turns into sundown. Mapepatch has spent the day sleeping after her tiring labors with her kit suckling and cuddled up next to her. When she wakes she gives the kit several loving licks and admires her vibrant fur. It was orange, as bright as a flame, Maplepatch can only imagine what it will look like with the sunlight casting down upon it. Her paws are a dark chocolate and the tip of her tail white, it’s hard to ignore the interesting yet uncanny resembelance to a fox.

”Foxkit.” She plays with the name on her tongue, ”Do you like that name? Little Foxkit?” Foxkit would knead at her mother’s belly, Maplepatch takes this as a sign of agreement and giggles softly to herself. ”A cunning name for an smart young she-kit… What a fine warrior you will grow up to be.” For the rest of the night, Maplepatch sings praise to her newly named kitten, Foxkit of ThunderClan.
  • >>ABSOLUTELY no rush on replying I just wanted to move the thread along :3 im content with ending it here!
  • » Maplepatch
    » ThunderClan Queen
    » She/her ․ Mate to Seedspring
    » Long-haried chocolate tortie with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack