Once again he's in the medicine cat den. However, this time it's not because of illness. Perhaps he should be grateful that he's alive and well, yet there are more pressing things to sort through. Fireflypaw had done all that he can and asked the black smoke to rest, though the tom in question couldn't help but smiled in amusement when his partners barged into the medicine cat den while Fireflypaw was in the middle of treating him. Naturally, the pair was asked to leave and come back later. A brief moment of happiness is smothered when Skyclaw's words pierce his mind once more.

"Just feel lucky. I'm letting you off better than I did him..."

What did you mean? Of course, the him in question was their deceased leader. However, he can't grasp what was worse. The Blazestar he knew before death didn't have any wounds to the eye. Other than dying their golden leader of the past was relatively fine. As fine as you could be coming back to life numerous times. It could've been a bluff too, but Skyclaw could've said something else instead. Was it emotional? Blazestar was a rather an emotional leader and from what he's learned from Fireflypaw and the final conversation he had with the leader, it was undeniable that the golden tom loved his family. He could imagine the leader would be completely broken hearing his own son reject him. Want to erase every aspect of him.

A lone hazel eye gazes at towards the entrance of the medicine cat den, Fireflypaw would know better than I, right? Skyclaw is less of a stranger to him... Deep in his thoughts he fails to see a red pelt followed by a calico enter the den. Should I ask Howlfire about Skyclaw? We're not close, but we're family now. Sort of. I don't know if she sees me like her younger brother, but at the very least I think she would hear me out... Maybe sort some things out.
  • @Owlheart @ODDGLEAM
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 13 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddgleam and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Owlheart's orange and white fluffy tail flicks around wildly like it was attacking an unseen force while she paces outside the medicine cat den. She was pretty sure that Oddgleam was going to watch her dig herself into a deep pit by the time she was done. It was routine to wait by the den until permitted entry by Fireflypaw, she would never hate the medicine cat apprentice. He was just doing his job to make sure Crowsight was safe, she was certain that it was just as hard for them to see him like that. Yet she couldn't help but seethe over the fact that they couldn't visit him.

“Do you think he's okay? Surely he's fine” she paused her pacing to look back at Oddgleam. Worry in her eyes as she padded towards the calico to rub her cheek against his own. Pressing her paw against theirs, she sighed faintly. Owlheart was thankful that Oddgleam wasn't there when the confrontation occurred; she wasn't sure what she'd do if they were both injured during it. Wide eyes searched her partners expression, trying to figure out how the calico was feeling right now, she didn't want to neglect how he was feeling over her own worries "are you ok?" she whispered.

When finally permitted entry to see the smoke again the tabby she found herself pressing against Oddgleam, gently licking behind his ear in an attempt to reassure them but it was mostly for her. Trembling paws entered the medicine cat den, fearing the worst. Though she had to reassure herself that if something was deeply wrong that Fireflypaw would tell them. “Crowsight?” a shakey voice calls out that she doesn't recognise as her own at first. Wanting to ensure that he was lucid before saying or doing anything further, hesitating before ultimately deciding against asking if he's alright, the answer seemed pretty obvious. The tabby sits down next to the nest that the warrior was going to be subjected to for stars knows how long.

“I'm glad you're safe now” she whispers deciding that was better to say right now. Eyes glistening with held back tears as she brushes her tail against his side, she didn't want to cry, he was fine after all- he was alive and that's what was important. The extent of his injuries was lost on her, so she decided it would be best for Crowsight to lead how he would want to be touched right now. “Can we… Can we do anything for you? Do you need anything?” While she was sure that his step brother had everything covered she wanted to make sure.
Watching his partner pace around outside the entrance of the medicine den, glancing at her tail flicking about. The pale patched feline lets copper eyes stare at the den, with a twitch of his mismatched tail. He felt so many emotions worried, and scared but also enraged at the fact that his partner was hurt. And he wasn't there to finish the endeavor and get his paws filthy with blood at least.

All that matters is that Crowsight is home. He gets taken from his thoughts, attention drawn to Owlheart’s question and her coming forth to rub her cheek against his. "I’m sure, he’s fine. Fireflypaw is doing the best he can on patching him up." He lets a sigh escape his maw, as he leans into the affection his doe is giving him. Deep down, he is shaken. The tom didn’t know what he’d do if he was on that patrol. Probably do something he’d not regret doing, that’s for sure. He turns his head towards Owlheart with a small smile. "Don’t worry my doe, I’m okay." He whispers, then touches his nose to her cheek in a comforting gesture. After a few moments, he sighed and shifted his gaze to the den's entrance.

When permitted to enter to see the black smoke, the pastel-splashed calico rises to his paws with grace. Sauntering into the den, brushing his coat against Owlheart's to calm her and with a lick behind her ear as he did with him earlier. He felt his tail twitch behind him, as he focused his copper gaze onto his dark knight with a blank stare settled on his face. He's gonna kill him. He lets his lips turn down into a slight frown. "Crowsight, darling." He took in the other warrior's disheveled appearance, with a flick of his mismatched tail. He's into it, though this isn't the right time to gush over the other's messy appearance as much as he'd like.

He lets his ears rise up straight, as he moves forward towards Crowsight's nest with a blank stare placed on his patched face. He looks down at the other warrior for a moment, then at his patched-up eye. He breathes in and out, rolling his shoulders before he speaks. "My pretty, handsome, gorgeous darling. I'm glad you're safe and all, but... If you do happen to come back with even more scars on that lovely body of yours. I might just up and kill you myself. Though, I don't want it to come to that, my dark knight." Oddgleam coos out silken words, then lets a curve of a sharp smile take over his maw. He settles down onto his haunches, sweeping his tail to curl it over his dainty paws with a hum. Of course, he isn't going to kill his and Owlheart's darling knight. That's not gentleman-like nor elegant such as himself,.

The newly-crowned warrior is just worried for his beloved as is Owlheart. He hoped that whoever scarred his partner, was going to get a glaring wake-up call full of teeth digging deep into disgusting flesh. He is never letting it slide.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ( beware of the silliness!! ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 12 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Instinctively he turns to face his beloved, though it takes him a few seconds after her soothing voice calling his name for him to truly register her. "Yes?" She says nothing else, but her silence speaks volumes. Before he can assuage her worries, another voice calls his name. It is none other than Oddgleam. Oh how he missed him. The absolute agony that he had endured without the calico in his arms was soothed when that honeyed voice calls him darling. To think, he would look like a lovesick puppy just from his sun calling him darling. Had he not been injured he would've loved to tackle and pin the calico to the ground and sing songs of adoration.

Owlheart's touch stops him from actually giving into his desires. As a matter of fact, it startles him when he turns and sees her next to his nest. I'll have to get used to this... But you look like you're about to cry my star. All he can do is nod and curl a black tail around red. She asks him what they can do for him. You can't help me like Fireflypaw, but that's okay. "I want to share this nest with both of you for a bit. That'll make me feel better and I haven't eaten anything so maybe we could all eat and rest together?" As much as he would love for them to sleep in the same nest with him in the medicine den for the duration of his stay, he knew Fireflypaw wouldn't be thrilled about it. Well, the black and gold medicine cat wouldn't say anything, but he refused to be inconsiderate.

Ears tilt at the sound of rustling and when he whips his head in the direction of movement, he's face to face with Oddgleam. Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in danger? Stunned is understatement to describe the promise his partner spoke of. "I love you." Any spectator would be aghast with his response to being told they would be killed by their own lover's claws. However, they didn't know that he was into it. That his heart thumped rapidly against his chest with the promise of death from his sun. "I won't let it come to that. What kind of partner would I be, if you had to kill me?" An eye narrows with frustration, "But I'm considering killing you right now and flaying your corpse if you don't come closer." It's been too long without you both, I can't wait anymore!

Crowsight decided to take matters into his own paws. Love was a strange thing. He should be exhausted and trying to sleep, but here he was dragging Oddgleam by his scruff to his nest. If the calico screeched or tried wiggling out of his grasp, he would tighten his grip on the calico and shoot them a glare. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to roughly throw his partner into his nest, but he would make up for it. Owlheart is not exempt from this treatment. Unlike Oddgleam she is bigger (difficult) that dragging her by her scruff would be more painful, thus he resorts to pushing towards Oddgleam. A pleased purr rumbles from his throat when he's met with the sight of his partners in one nest. "Beautiful. You're both so beautiful. I could stare at you both like this for the rest of my life. No one else can have this." A wicked grin, one of possessiveness curls from his lips before he decides to take his rightful place.

Moons of longing are satiated once he wraps his arms around both of them. "I'm sorry for making you both worry. I'll be more careful next time."
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 13 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddgleam and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

It was always a welcomed sight to see Oddgleam and Crowsight together, while she had missed this while they were seperated she didn’t realise how deep the yearning went for moments like these until she was reunited with it. Even if it was during times of duress like this, it was still serene to see them together. Though, this wasn’t really how she had pictured the three of them reuniting again after spending a month apart. Adoration still pooled within her, even if right her her main emotions were concern and a touch of fear.

It felt like they were too close to losing Crowsight, she didn't want something like that to happen again. She was powerless to the whims and desires of nature and StarClan but it was a nice thought to think she could do something about it. Their partner's request is simple, to share a meal and a nest for a moment of reprieve, she may not be able to do anything about the future but she could at least indulge in comforting the smoke in the present.

It may be strange to hear such exchanges be made between the two to an outside party but it was clear to her anyways that that’s just how the two of them liked to speak. Some may call it a little dramatic, she may be inclined to agree, but listening to them always brought a small smile to her maw. “Crowsight- I don't know if you should be doing that, my heart” her protests for the tom dragging their partner to the nest by their scruff was half hearted. She was worried about him exhausting himself or straining any injuries but she hoped he would only do that if he felt strong enough in the moment.

Besides, it was a little funny, she could admit to that. As Crowsight moves to push her towards the nest with Oddgleam she stands. Licking the top of his head affectionately before allowing herself to be pushed. “You could ask, we probably would have said yes, probably” she was sure that Oddgleam may have declined just to tease.

Owlheart was thankful to be sharing a nest again, even for a brief moment such as this. She nudges the calico's shoulder with her muzzle before curling up beside him, wrapping herself around him like they used to do a month ago on the nights when Crowsight, Crowpaw at the time, had been dragged out for training. Her tail flicks at her other partners compliments about the pair of them but she makes no remarks back. Instead a quiet purr fills the room, as she tries to let herself enjoy this moment the three of them share.

The warrior's words brought her pause, quietly considering what he was saying. The apology for making them worry and the promise to be careful going forward.“ThunderClan shouldn't have been here to begin with.” There's a bitterness to her words that aren't usually there, stilling bubbling in vitriol over what happened. It would be hypocritical for her to be upset with him for speaking out of line, for being too passionate, she did that herself after all and she didn’t think that should be apologised for. “Thank you for the apology but it's okay. Just be more careful, that's all I ask.” Is what she decides to finish on. I don’t want you to die she debates vocalising her fear, deciding that right now he didn’t need to hear it, she didn’t want to cause a deeper guilt than he may currently carry. Her tail brushes against his black one to reassure him that she wasn't upset with him. "How's your eye? Are you feeling okay? Not too sore?” She prattled off concerns, letting herself be worried just for a moment.
How he missed his dark-pelted knight's voice. A whole month apart from his dearly beloveds, without touching them and focusing on his own apprenticeship. It was pure agony for him.

Oddgleam's stomach had twisted with worry when he had heard that Crowsight was injured. He felt powerless against nature's own whims. He then snapped out of his own thoughts on his dark partner's simple request to share a meal and a nest for a few moments. Very simple, but I'll indulge.

Before he could, however, ears swivel to Crowsights's words of "I love you." towards him. That was surprising, but very charming or should he say irresistible? Maybe so. It was quite an amusing reaction to his violent threat. Any spectator, would freaked out by his honeyed words promising death or in this case claws digging into his Dark Knight's flesh. But no... the response he received made him feel even more infatuated with his partner than ever. He might be sick.

"I won't let it come to that. What kind of partner would I be, if you had to kill me? But I'm considering killing you right now and flaying your corpse if you don't come closer."

Oddgleam may be falling in love again as sickly as it is. He should start gagging at this. But, oh dear... Is he swooning? He probably is. His tail twitches from its place curled around his hind paws. He lifted a paw to cover his mouth as he let out a dramatic gasp at his partner's words. "Those charming words won't get you anywhere. L'amour de ma vie." The pale splashed feline cooed, from behind his paw. He glances over at Owlheart, he leans close to rub his cheek against her's all while letting out purrs from his throat.

However, it isn't long before he feels teeth dig into his scruff and him being dragged away from His Doe. "Owlheart. My doe..." With dainty paws reaching out for Owlheart, he lets out a whine. His eyes flit towards the one dragging him away from his pretty partner. Crowsight. He gets sent a glare his way, he pouts up at his dark-pelted knight. Darling why? The calico gets roughly thrown into Crowsight's nest, with another soft whine. He lies on his back, with a pout as his mismatched tail twitches behind him. Thankfully he gets to touch his doe again, as he gazes at Owlheart being pushed towards the nest. He lets gentle purrs escape him, he quickly curls up against his red-pelted partner. "Pretty, warm." He is so glad they're sharing a nest again, he missed this so much. Isn't he touch-starved?

The calico wiggles a little to lay on his side and preens at Crowsight's compliments about him and Owlheart, as he turns his head up to purr. "Oh my, Aren't you a charmer." Oddgleam lets his head fall on his red partner's shoulder, a bit tired from his movements. He pauses his own purrs, to listen to Crowsight's apology on making the both of them worried and a promise to be careful. He lets Owlheart speak first, and he opens his maw to speak after her. "Thunderclan shouldn't have stepped a paw into Skyclan territory." He spits out the word Thunderclan, like the name was a disgusting piece of rotten meat he'd eaten. Bitterness ran through his being, at the mention of those vile mongrals who attacked the Skyclan patrol. And his partners. How dare they call themselves warriors. It's their fault. "Thank you for the apology, please be more careful for now on." He lifts his head to lightly nuzzle against Crowsight's neck, before drifting away with a small smile. I do not want you to die. He lets a paw rest on top of Crowsight's own, as he lets his gentle purrs begin again.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ( beware of the silliness!! ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 12 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone