private THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC \ butterflytuft

He'd not wanted to irritate that Twoleg, so his visit had been brief and covert... the flower he'd plucked had been one hidden in a tangle of bush-boughs, buried and unseen to the sky-scraping eyes of those bare-skin beasts. Though this one had never done anything but look at Butterflytuft and himself, you could truly never be too careful ... it was a mantra he told himself every day, every day. And he'd protected SkyClan well with it, so far...

It wasn't protection he was thinking of today, though. Yeah, that was evidenced by the flower clasped in a softly smiling maw- he entered the cool air of the nursery with a clear gaze, found her with some softness glimmering there. The loss of Violetnose still rumbled deep, making everything seem precarious- so soon after Dandelionwish, too. He'd always found himself cast into the care of Daisyflight's family, in kithood- with no one else to give him the time of day, they'd all been there for comfort during many shadow-soaked times. When the stars-forbidden time came to repay it all, Twitchbolt never let himself forget to do so.

He placed the rose at her paws. It was pale pink, almost white; he wondered if it had been sun-bleader for a moment, before remembering it had been hidden from the sun's watchful eye quite masterfully. "It's from our spot," he told her, voice hoarse but sincere nonetheless. "I thought... the petals would look nice, in yours and Budkit's fur."

\ @butterflytuft !
penned by pin ✧
The days following her sister's death have seemed dark, desparing. She is once again reminded at just how many cats she has lost. How many will she keep losing? It's not something she can bear to think about for long.

Butterflytuft's eyes light up as she notices her friend enter the nursery, a flower clasped in his jaws. Instantly, she forgets about anything negative as she stares at the stem. Oh, and it's a lovely one, too. A pale pink rose! One of her favorites! She feels a rush of warmth at the sight of the delicacy, its colors contrasting beautifully with the dull greens of the holly bush the nursery is built within. The tortoiseshell gives Twitchbolt a soft, grateful smile. "Oh, Twitchbolt," She trills quietly with appreciation, tenderly pawing the flower closer to her. "It's beautiful! Thank you so much. Budkit will love it, too." She glances down at her sleeping daughter, her heart swelling.

Looking back to her friend, she cocks her head slightly and murmurs, "Our spot...I'd like to go back sometime soon. I miss it. But this-" She gently touches her toes to the petals of the rose, "is a good enough reminder for now." Purring, she she moves to lean down and sniff at the flower, the sweet scent filling her nose. "Thank you again...and, for being here...." He's always been there, for as long as she can remember.

Butterflytuft had always had a lovely smile, and ever since she'd taken shelter in the nursery he'd gotten to see it a whole lot more. It was clear to anyone with a brain that she had found her true place in the Clan, never having been happy patrolling. Maybe it was that purpose that made it so she could carry on. The world seemed to hurl all sorts of misfortunes at her head after all. Tumultuous whims whirling right at her- and she took a punch every now and then, and came out of it with the same golden heart as before.

"It's no problem," he murmured, voice frayed and soft, an affection within he would tirelessly offer her. Sunken eyes tipped to cast a look down at little Budkit, snoozing the day away. He hoped she was dreaming of pleasant things, and not a cold sight too agonising for young eyes.

I'd like to go back sometime soon. Twitchbolt nodded his head, concurring silently. "Yeah ... we will. And with no interruptions, this time," he stated definitively. No dogs, no... whaever else. He'd be on the highest alert possible- they wouldn't even tiptoe into an unfamiliar scent on his watch. Twolegplace was mostly harmless, but ... that expectation was what lead to crouching dangers bruising your side.

A crooked tail brushed softly against her side. "It's... it's really the least I can do." He'd be insistent of that for his whole life, probably. That there might be something worth thanking about him had been an unfathomable concept for so long. Butterflytuft had been an important cat in teaching him that there was worth beneath his bones. "It's the least you deserve." After all you've lost.

Losing parents who'd never given two rats' tails about him had been hard enough. Losing family that loved you... what was that like?
penned by pin ✧

Butterflytuft blinks, warmth flooding her gaze as Twitchbolt's tail brushes against her flank. Her ears flick at his words and she feels a pang of deep gratitude for the tom, steadfast in his own way. He carries his own burdens, his own losses, but he never lets them weigh him down when it comes to caring for his friends. She leans closer to him, their fur brushing. "You've always done more than enough," She mews with a tender smile, her voice full of sincerity. "I don't know what I'd do without you." She lifts her gaze, eyes shimmering with emotion, and then she looks back at her daughter who still peacefully sleeps nearby. "And Budkit…she's so lucky to have someone like you looking out for her. She has so many cats looking out for her…I’m just grateful."

Her thoughts wandered briefly to the memories of their secret garden. The idea of returning there brings a sense of peace, a way to look forward to something good amidst the darkness. She nuzzles the rose, letting its soft petals brush against her nose. And then the tortoiseshell looks back at him, eyes softening, "Tell me what’s been going on with you lately. How is Quillstrike? How’s the council?”