private That’s a kindness, you can’t afford ❧ Chrysaliswing

Feb 20, 2024

Seeing Chrysaliswing had become sparse since she tried to confront him in the camp clearing, Florabreeze didn’t feel particularly bothered by this fact. She was more than happy to not have to talk with him for as long as he wanted to act like this, she didn’t get it and she was starting to accept that maybe she never will. The moons had stretched onwards and she hadn’t said so much as a hello to him in that time, it seemed that it wasn’t going to last forever though. The two of them were assigned the same task, to fetch extra moss for the elders' den and nursery. The task itself seemed pretty standard and yet she had to fight with herself to keep up a chipper morale about it. The daylight warrior hated being so negative about this kind of thing but truly this was the last kind of thing she wanted to do. It was a pretty day for it at least, the forest was beaming with life and the sun was blocked by white fluffy clouds. She thought that it may rain later in the day but it hopefully shouldn’t affect their task.

The silence eats at her though, the need to socialise combats against any tension she may carry towards the tom. “What do you think we did to annoy everyone to get assigned this?” Her tone is light and she laughs, attempting to make it clear that this wasn’t a matter of actual frustration for her. There was a desire to make some kind of connection here, even if it only skimmed the surface. It was hard to really talk about anything though, a lot of her life revolved around Honeysplash and her kits- his kits as well by birthright.

“We should at least make a game out of it, who said we can’t have fun while working?” With a happy hum she marched forward, if Chrysaliswing objected at all she made a point to ignore it. “Whoever collects the most moss within an hour wins, the loser has to do one task at their winner's request! Don’t be lame with it though, get creative” this felt like fair rules, hopefully that would make something as boring as this a little bit more fun to her anyways. Flicking her tail towards him she ducks around a cluster of trees, looking for some loose moss.

  • @CHRYSALISWING !! Ignore how late this is,,, I thought since we talked abt Chrys sabotaging her you could roll two separate things, one for how he goes collecting moss and one for sabotaging :3 we set a threshold for the sabotage roll and if you roll that then i roll with disadvantage for Floras collecting??
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
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