Smogmaw loves his family.

That's what he would say if he loved his family—which he does, obviously, there's no denying it.

They're just about the only thread in his existence left unplucked by hidden motives or agendas. Their entire relation to him is bound by the simplest, clearest terms possible: he makes sure they're looked after, and in return, they look up to him. No games or dances or lies, no manipulations or sacrifices, no strings attached. Family — as plain and straightforward as a definition should be.

Having said that, much like all else, Smogmaw feels predisposed to view them through a cold and clinical lens, sometimes. It isn't always a conscious effort, mind, just a byproduct of an analytical brain. The tom is a deputy, first and foremost. A good leader wouldn't leave his Clan in a mess because he's so fond over his kits. All the same, he's naturally motivated to safeguard them, their interests, and their ambitions wherever they lie. He may not have their mother's grace and compassion (though perhaps few do), but the minimal he can provide is securing they're upheld and supported.

Herein lies Laurelpaw and his predicament. The young tabby bears an uncomfortably strong resemblance to his old tom in almost every imaginably aspect. They look one in the same, sporting ash-grey pelts and dark intricate patterns that might as well have been plucked from one and onto the other. Both carry an aloofness and restraint to them, yet beneath smoulders a volatility which tends to erupt when others behave so inexplicably irrational toward them. This mirror-image quandary goes well beyond the superficial; when Laurelpaw had exploded upon Bonepaw and roused the entire camp, the close likeness became disorientingly obvious.

The heart of the matter is this: Smogmaw harboured very little affection for his parents and littermates in the long run. Their usefulness had petered out by the time he reached the early adulthood, and when they left his life, he hardly noted their absences as gaps at all. Avoiding this outcome with Laurelpaw was an obvious step, yet this only leads to another hindrance: given the disparity between their ranks, the two of them rarely intersect these days, not to mention ShadowClan can be harsh on apprentices.

Establishing a durable bond is will be like sifting for a treasure in pebbles — opportunity is scarce what with deputorial obligations, so he'll take them as they come.

Luckily for him, an opportunity arises this afternoon. There's a lull in camp between arrivals and departures of patrols, and the deputy sights his son in the clearing amidst it all. "You're just where I wanted to be," he would huff as his eagre strides carry him near. A smile coaxed upon his maw, the tom gestures for his son to follow him with a gesture led by his noggin. "I want to show you something, Laurelpaw, out in the marsh. Don't dawdle, c'mon."

Stage exit: Smogmaw.

His pawsteps exude a vibrant sense of purpose, beckoning the apprentice onward. It's just a short walk. They won't be missing too much of the day-to-day.

// @Laurelpaw.
// do not worry about matching length aaaaa, i got excited


His eyes are trained on the shadows that cast over camp with the mid-day sun, with the slight breeze it's like they dance along the packed earth. They take up so much of the sun it seems almost unfair. Maybe that's why SkyClan climbed the trees around them? To try and break through the darkness that shrouded the base of trees? His mind wandered. Could he climb? His eyes gazed up to the branches that lay far into the sky as his eyebrows furrowed at the thought. Maybe in a dire situation he might be able to scramble up some low to the ground branches. He started to look around camp, did he know about any cats who were good at climbing? His judgement came back to a no... he couldn't say he knew any climbing cats.

His brilliant thoughts are interrupted by a familiar hoarse voice. For a moment his father's distinct voice left an impression; it's like gravel, rough and gritty. But, most importantly it is distinct from his own. His words leave his throat smoothly, with no friction. In the back of his mind this clues as a victory, something that sets the two toms apart. Although then something else gnaws at him, surely a Smogkit wouldn't have sounded like that... maybe it was just a matter of time. A final metamorphosis would take place and he would be nothing more than an echoing shadow.

Right, his dad had said something.

An excited smile played his father's face and Laurelpaw did his best to match it. He was always trying to strike a specific cord with the cat, he craved his praise and couldn't stand a cold glare from the fiery eyes. Yet, he couldn't help but feel like there was a block between them, one that he himself had put up, but one that was there nonetheless. The battle between approval and independence, plus the constant strive for individuality.

All the same he followed at the side of his father. He was just about the same height now, although he lacked any weight that a full-grown warrior held. He hadn't noticed it himself, but he was growing, at least physically. Maybe that's why Smogmaw had to take him into the marsh, he was getting old and missed lessons were starting to become more urgent to address. Although it wasn't like the deputy was his mentor, he was his father though. A paws-on one at that.

//sorry this is so late!

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