THAT DISTANT SHORE [ ✦ ] kit intro

Dec 12, 2022

It is two moons after Fantastream's kits are born that she finally feels safe taking them into the forest and only at the insistence that Figfeather comes with them. Their other mother had met them prior, of course. It was lucky that her twolegs left the cat door at the back of the house open during the day while they were gone. Luckier still that she didn't need to worry about them spotting her. They knew her mate as Fizzy, the stray who occasionally hung around and who they used to feed. Her own kits bore names now. Coffeekit and Sangriakit. It had taken some time for Fantastream to figure them out, the words had been foreign at first, strange. She understands what coffee was. It was the same strange dark liquid that Hun drank every morning but the origins of the name Sangria remain a mystery to her, as does what Coffee is past muddy looking water.

She had instructed her kits on how to behave before they had left. "Its very important that you two stay close to me" she had told them, leveling them with a serious look "If you stray, you could get hurt and if you got hurt that would make me and Figfeather very sad" for the past two moons, she had been telling them all about their SkyClan heritage, letting her mate fill the gaps where she could not. They must be excited for this day to have finally come, and she hopes her warnings of caution do not go unheard.

They must not have, because blessedly soon, they are arriving at SkyClans camp. Fantastream makes the kits pause at the entrance so that she may run her tongue over their coats a couple of times, wanting them to look their best for their first introductions to the clan.

"These are our kits, Coffeekit and Sangriakit" she would say to the first cat who approached them once they were finally safely inside the confines of the camp, a warm smile on her face as she introduced the kittens she had brought into this world two moons ago to the rest of the clan she now considered family. "Say hi you two" she urges gently.


*✧・゚ It must surely be the work of a miracle that the kit manages to make it to SkyClan’s camp. The walk through the trees—the forest?—had been long and her parents wouldn’t let her explore every single upturned leaf and lone snowflake that drifted to the ground. Not that the girl isn’t excited, though! She’s spent so long being told about SkyClan but never getting to see them, and now she does get to meet the clan that her parents have told her so much about!

Sangriakit’s attention strays many times through the journey to SkyClan, but each time her paws nearly carry her off in the direction of something interesting, she recalls her mother’s words. She doesn’t want to make either of her parents sad—she doesn’t want anybody to be sad, not when they get to meet SkyClan today. Still, she picks up her pace at Fantastream’s side as they cross the last few tail-lengths of distance, and her steps turn into bounding, stumbling strides. She almost lands on her face, but she’s able to catch herself with her paws before crashing to the ground. Her pelt, gently spiked all over with kit-fuzz, is groomed back into place by her mother, and the kit purrs as she thinks of how nice her fur must look now.

When they enter the camp at last, Sangriakit’s pawsteps have turned into an overexcited half-run, and she looks over the cats who her mother encourages her to greet. Her stubby sun-splashed tail lifts straight into the air, and Sangriakit bares tiny kit-teeth at the not-strangers. "Hi!" She squints, tiny head tipping to one side as she approaches the very first cat that she sees. "I know you! you’re, uh…" the kit’s voice lapses into silent contemplation, trying to recall whether she actually has been told about this cat. Finally, she straightens and stands as tall as she can. "You’re a SkyClanner," she says, matter-of-factly.

Today marked the long-awaited adventure as Coffeekit finally got to explore what Skyclan was all about. Stories of his grandmother and cousins had filled his ears, and now it was time to meet some of them. The anticipation bubbled within as he envisioned having more playmates to practice his climbing skills with, a prospect that overjoyed him to no end. Chubby legs raced ahead, but Fantastream's voice pulled him back, a reminder that made him sheepishly bound over to her side, looking up with brilliant emerald eyes. "I will, mama! Promise!" He affirmed proudly, fawn-colored chin dipping in an eager nod.

With that, their journey began on what felt like a promising note. Bumbling beside his sibling, the tiny tabby bounced with endless energy, asking nonsensical questions to no one in particular and whining when redirected from one interesting tree or bush. The two-leg yard might have had some greenery, but none quite like these with all the intriguing scents. He complained aloud about his chilly pads, attempting to pass the time with a small 'Z' shaped formation of running between his mom and Sangriakit's sides. Eventually, they approached a wall of tangled stems. Then his fur was once again groomed over. Protesting the sudden bath he wiggled about. "I'm clean, c'mon!" He giggled loudly, pushing away but daring not to stray too far.

As the crew of four ended the long trek, they pushed through rows of bushes with pointy bits, revealing something Coffeekit had never laid eyes on before. Tons of cats strode about, engaged in various activities. Makeshift dens and happy conversations buzzed around, filling the space warmly. Instinctively, Coffeekit pulled in closer to Fantastream's side, nerves not dampening his spirit. "Whoa..." His excitement manifested in a near-vibrating stance, tail puffed up twice its usual size, and his head turning every which way to take in the Skyclan camp. He was certainly not back in his two-leg nest anymore. Coffeekit yearned to explore all the nooks and crannies of Skyclan camp, but his mental mission was momentarily derailed by a cat coming to greet them.

Casting a glance at his sister, a tinge of mischief sparked as she went ahead, prompting him to gracelessly flounder behind her. Aiming to place a paw on her back as leverage. Craning his neck high, he stood even taller, a toothy grin shining as the chocolate coated feline meowed loudly to the stranger. "Hi! Yeah! We've heard lots about you!" His ears twitched from intrigue, and his pupils dilated with joy.
[penned by tasmagoric]

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Time flies with quick wingbeats, soaring faster than she could run.

Fantastream, the spotted torbie no longer bore a belly plump with kits. She had watched them lay at her belly, wiggling and squirming against each other, sounding delicate mews. She watched as their eyes fluttered open, as their ears unfolded, as they began to eat kibble- though Figfeather always had thought their first bite should’ve been prey.

Their names are foreign to her, to this day difficult on the tongue. Coffeekit and Sangriakit, all her life she had imagined Pinkkit and Squirrelkit, maybe Branchkit and Sparkkit. She had never expected the smell of twoleg to cling to their fur, for them not to be born into the nursery. They walked at two moons old only knowing of SkyClan from word, not experience or being born into it.

Shame, a feeling she is embarrassed to feel, ashamed of even- as ironic as the claim may be. A feeling of great love burns brightly in her heart, for Coffeekit, for Sangriakit, for Fantastream, but this life- the role of a mother, it felt unnatural. A role Figfeather did not feel she belonged in, nor deserved to have. Perhaps it is way she’s always insisted the two call her ‘Figfeather’, they would never rush to her calling ‘mother!’, the marmalade tabby felt content with that.

The kittens squeak introductions, Figfeather looks at Fantastream to share a smile, then to the SkyClanner’s who’ve gathered. ”I’ve told them about each and everyone of you. They’re excited to meet you all.” She purrs, eyes scanning around for a few cats in particular, kin.

Her head throbs from a recent battle as she turns her head, poultices delicately applied. Bleeding has long stopped and now the medicine cats touched on it to prevent infection and see that it heals appropriately. Each day she took easily, and though permitted to carry her kits to camp she has not yet been granted to return to her full duties. She winces a tad squints as if carrying an annoying headache.

”Are you two going to uphold your promise to me and try your first piece of fresh-kill today?” She looks down at the kits expectantly, an excited glint behind pained eyes.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Butterflytuft had been waiting anxiously for this day, eager to finally get the chance to meet her niece and nephew. She had known today would be the day, and had groomed @weedkit @FLUFFYKIT and @Daisykit more thoroughly than she usually does to make sure they were presentable when they met their cousins. The chatter near the entrance of camp has her attention, and she pokes her head out into the cold world to see the two kits toddling around their parents' paws. "Oh!" She purrs, lighting up with excitement as she turns back to her brood. "Your kin is here, sweethearts. Let's go meet them!" Softly, she nudges them to their paws and out of the nursery, and approaches behind them on bouncy paws.

"Figfeather, they're beautiful," The queen purrs to her sister, immediately moving to brush against her with a gentle smile. Her attention is on Coffeekit and Sangriakit now, their names odd, but as a former kittypet herself she doesn't think anything of it. Once upon a time, her name had been foreign, too, back when she'd been known as Gaia. "Hello, little ones! My name's Butterflytuft, we're family," She trills happily, crouching to be eye-level with them. Her gaze shifts up to Fantastream - she'd never been very close with her sister's mate, but she beams at her all the same. "I never got to tell you congratulations. We've missed you around here."

You're a Skyclanner, he heard a youthful voice squeak- it snagged his attention, and the pelts of Figfeather and Fantasplash kept him there. Immediately he was up, trotting toward his friends- and their new brood. It was... so, utterly, completely weird. He remembered feeling like an odd outcast as Daisyflight spoke to her gathered kittens- remembered watching on as they flocked at her feet like feeding pigeons, and feeling white-hot envy, wanting to whirl over and demand why they weren't making their mother a nest to repay her for her love.

In time, he'd come to see Figfeather as a good friend. As someone he had an unspoken connection to- and Butterflytuft, being one of his closest friends, was easy to jon in greeting the new kittens. Of course, he gave kin space first, wide eyes flicking between them. There was happiness glinting in wide green eyes, though- undeniable. And he was struck once agan with an odd sort of stage-fright, a desperate want to make a good impression, to not be... to not be a scary, baffling adult who made no sense.

"We've all, we've- we've all been so excited to meet you both," Twitchbolt added, a shaky but genuine smile aquiver upon his lips. He looked toward Fantastream, eyes cescenting in a quick grin of greeting. Strange, always strange, to be surrounded by cats he could comfortably call his friends. And then ever more peculiar, for them to have kittens... and the world moved around him for a few moments.
penned by pin ✧
*✧・゚ Sangriakit is about to step forward, to bounce even closer to the SkyClan cats she’s finally getting to meet, when she feels a paw pressing down onto her back. The girl twists in place, trying to paw at her back to knock her brother away. It’s useless, and the kit only manages to knock herself over onto her side. Her brother may be able to catch himself, but Sangriakit goes crashing onto the dirt and quickly rolls onto her back to stare up at the surrounding faces. "Coffee-!" she whines, annoyance lacing her words. Now she’s gonna have to get cleaned up again! She picks herself up from the ground swiftly, rolling over and righting herself to look back at Figfeather adnd Fantastream.

When the marmalade tabby speaks up to ask whether the two of them will keep their promise and try SkyClan’s fresh-kill for the first time, the girl’s pink nose wrinkles the tiniest bit. She looks to Fantastream, and then back to Figfeather. "I guess," she concedes at last, because now that she thinks about it, the fresh-kill that their m—that Figfeather has told them about doesn’t sound so good anymore. She and Coffeekit have plenty of kibble to eat at home, why do they need to eat this fresh-kill stuff?

But just as quickly as she responds, the tiny tortoiseshell perks up once again, tail flickering excitedly. Butterflytuft, the pretty she-cat that she’s heard is Figfeather’s sister, greets her and Coffeekit with a friendly smile. The kit beams back at her, and the great big smile on her face makes her eyes squeeze shut. "Hi, Butterflytuft! I’m Sangriakit!" Never mind that her mother has already told everyone her name—how else are they supposed to remember it, if she doesn’t tell them?

The next cat to approach them looks funny, with scruffy brown and white fur and big eyes, round like the bowl she eats out of. He says that they’ve all been excited to meet her and Coffeekit—and is he the leader of SkyClan, since he said all of them? He doesn’t say his name, but she knows what the leader’s name is. This guy doesn’t really look like what her parents described Blazestar—but what if they just forgot what the leader looked like? "Hi, I’m Sangriakit!" Her small voice chirps out a greeting, though her ears each flicker toward the larger tom. "Are you Blazestar?" He probably isn’t, but she has to know!

When Fantastream and Figfeather had announced they were to be having kits, it had admittedly come as a bit of a surprise. Regardless, Howlfire was delighted for the two of them.

Howlfire was not entirely dismissive of the kits not being raised in SkyClan's nursery but rather with Fantastream and her twolegs. She was certainly not one to judge given her own unconventional kithood, flitting between ThunderClan and SkyClan when visits were arranged. Figfeather had already announced they would be coming today, so the SkyClan cats are ready when two new little bundles of fur are led into camp proudly introduced by their parents. Howlfire is quick to join those present in moving over to greet them. Butterflytuft has herded her brood out of the nursery to greet their kin, so when Howlfire comes upon the scene its a regular little kit gathering. The chocolate torbie can't help but share a good-natured chuckle when Sangriakit peered at Twitchbolt and asked if he was Blazestar.

"Hello, little ones!" Howlfire cooed, stopping to look at the two of them. "My name is Howlfire. Are you excited to be here?"
Though she had enjoyed the thorough grooming Butterflytuft had given her in preparation for this meeting, Fluffykit finds herself nervously shifting her paws when Figfeather’s new family appears. She knows about kin—her parents are kin, and her littermates, and Greeneyes and Figfeather and Violetnose, and now she has to learn about new kin, kits who are small and strong and curious who share her blood. The first thing she notices is that they’re noisy. They’re stumbling along just like her, but they are not scared. One of her cousins—a ginger-splashed she-kit with vibrant eyes—turns toward Twitchbolt and bravely asks him if he’s Blazestar. She gasps in dismay. “T’s… Twitchbolt,” she mumbles. Her ginger-tipped ears flick in disapproval. It seems mean to her to guess other cats’ names. She looks at Howlfire, who asks if they’re excited to be here, and it seems the answer is yes.

Fluffykit shies away, against her mother’s leg, and whispers, “Are they stayin’ here now?” She’s not sure she wants that. The nursery is a quiet place since Howlfire and her kits had left—she rather likes it that way.

, ”

Though his excitement had been mismatched upon Fantastream’s announcement, Greeneyes has been waiting eagerly for this day. He enjoys being an uncle to Weedkit, Fluffykit, and Daisykit already — there’s no doubt in his mind he’ll enjoy being an uncle to Figfeather and Fantastream’s kits too.

He’s about to depart for a training session with @falconpaw! when the marmalade twists of his sister’s fur comes into view, the patchwork of her mate just behind. “ Oh, hang on — “ he tells his apprentice, eyes brightening as he cranes his neck, searching for any extra tufts of fur that weave between their paws. “ Is that them? “ he asks, before bounding forward at the sight of brown, of flaming splotches.

He falls in line with Butterflytuft and her kits to meet the newest pieces of their ever-growing family, a smile bright on his face. “ Welcome, cariños! “ he chirps to the duo, extending his nickname for Butterflytuft's kits to Figfeather's.

Coffeekit and Sangriakit are names he doesn’t quite understand with meanings he’ll never quite know, save for the ones he creates in the new faces in front of him. Until the end of time, Coffee will mean the brown tabby before him, and Sangria, the flame-splotched kit beside her brother, snow-freckled, just as Greeneyes is. It made sense, for neither name to mean anything else but.

I’m Greeneyes — I'm your family, too! “ the lead warrior introduces himself, before looking up at Fantastream and Figfeather with a congratulatory smile. He nudges his sister's side before sharing a small nod to her mate. " Congratulations again, you two! I assume they'll be coming around more often, then, yeah? "

He'll have his work cut out for him now, being an uncle to so many. He'll have to keep an eye out for five, rather than three when they're all in camp — but he doesn't mind one bit, he thinks. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Butterflytuft and her trio of kits are quick to gravitate towards them. Figfeather thanks the stars that at last her kits would be introduced to their kin and have others their age to play with.

Figfeather, they’re beautiful. Her sister purrs, Figfeather grows hot under her fur and forces out a chuckle. They were cute… but a pawful and stressor. Love for her two kitten thumps in her chest, but even after two moons the reality of them being here and her own had not yet sunk in. Confusion on top of failure to connect has been difficult, but she does her best even if it means forcing her way through thick waters. She doesn’t think there’s ever been a time she has valued the maternal instincts that came so naturally to Butterflytuft more. She gives an acknowledging nod to Fluffykit who stays glued to her mother’s legs.

Of course there is Twitchbolt, she gives him a grateful nod for coming to introduce himself. Sangriakit confuses him for Blazestar and she gives the kitten an odd look, had she ever described Blazestar as anything but golden-furred? ”…No, Sangriakit. That’s Twitchbolt, a good friend of mine and lead warrior to the clan. You both make sure you listen to him.” She corrects as gently as she could, reminding herself that kits would be kits. ”You’ll meet Blazestar later, he’s a busy cat.”

Howlfire and Greeneyes are next, Figfeather feels joy to have her closest friends and kin at last meet her and Fantastream’s offspring. I assume they’ll be coming around more often, Greeneyes asks. She glances at Fantastream before answering, ”I hope so…” The answer is delivered almost cooly as if it might’ve been a brief argument between the two mates. Delivering them this young all the way through the forest was difficult work, and with the new code even cats who would’ve once been considered apprentices couldn’t leave camp anymore. Despite all the dangers and risks, Figfeather really hoped Fantastream would agree to bring the kits more often.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Sangriakit introduces herself and the queen giggles softly - she’s so cute! Twitchbolt, Howlfire, and Greeneyes approach to meet the little ones, and while they chatter and coo, Butterflytuft feels a pressure against her leg.

She peers back to find Fluffykit pressed stubbornly against her, a pout present on her lips. She whispers to her mother, asking if Sangriakit and Coffeekit will be staying here, and the queen’s expression softens. She cranes her neck so she can curl around and be closer to her daughter’s face as she gently mews, “No, darling - they are daylight kits, and that’s why they have unfamiliar names. They’ll stay in their twoleg nest, like Fantastream does. They’ll come and visit in the daytime, though. They might need you to help teach them about camp.” Her whiskers twitch with her smile as she studies Fluffykit’s expression. She’s always been Butterflytuft’s most withdrawn kit - perhaps new residents in the nursery would make her more upset than anything.
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Training was a constant that Falconpaw enjoyed. He liked having the time to work on his skills- work the body he had grown into, becoming proud that he was... Was he proud he was a part of Skyclan? Hesitation gripped him as he ducked his head to follow Greeneyes, when his mentor called a halt. Curiously, his head picked up, following his mentor towards the gathering crowd. He wasn't related, beyond being Greeneyes's apprentice, but...

A soft breath left him as the former sewer cat settled into a sitting position. These kits were not too totally unlike him. They were born elsewhere, only showing up in Skyclan when they were old enough to travel. His throat burned suddenly, reminded at the though of being forced to leave his life in the sewers behind, so that he could live to his fullest. Live in the pine-soaked forest, keep an eye out for his sisters... no, Falconpaw was not similar to the kits, that were being welcomed into the clan. Cherrypaw's scathing kit-insults still rested in the back of his mind.

He kept his mouth shut and forced a welcoming, but dull smiles on his face, the words that left his mouth feeling tight and faked. Hopefully, the kits couldn't hear it. "Welcome to Skyclan."

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS
*✧・゚ Twitchbolt, not Blazestar, is just as quickly forgotten as more cats gather around her and Coffeekit. The crowd is a bit intimidating now, but the she-kit doesn’t shrink back—her bright eyes go round with wonder, tiny tail flicking as her gaze shifts from face to face. She’s been told the names of some cats, and what they look like, but all of that information goes flying out her ears as she tries to take in all the cats around her. She takes another brave step forward when Howlfire and Greeneyes introduce themselves. "Hi, I’m Sangriakit! I’m real excited!" She mews to the she-cat who introduces herself as Howlfire—then she turns to grin at the next cat who approaches, the one with bright green eyes. His name is Greeneyes, and that’s really funny, but he’s her family, too, so she doesn’t laugh. "Hi, I’m Sangriakit! Your name matches you, did you know?" Then she looks over to Butterflytuft again, then the kits who stick close to the tortoiseshell’s side, then to Greeneyes again. She likes SkyClan and her family already.

Figfeather tells her that she’s wrong, just like the other kit had, and Sangriakit frowns. She thinks she can listen to Twitchbolt just fine, but what does she mean that Blazestar is busy? She’s heard so much about him—she wants to meet him, too! The kit doesn’t quite stamp her little paw, but it’s a close thing as she directs her attention away from Figfeather once again. Someone else is here to say welcome to SkyClan, and Sangriakit thinks this cat must be super excited that they’re here, too. "Hi, I’m Sangriakit! Who are you?" She doesn’t remember her parents talking about anyone who looked like him, but maybe she just forgot.