Jun 20, 2024


  • Name: Shoalpaw
    > Previous Names: Shoalkit​
    Shoal-: an area of shallow water, especially as a navigational hazard. / Named after her pelt reminding her parents of where the water meets the shore. | -paw: Standard suffix for an apprentice
    Age: 9 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st.​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
    Rank: Apprentice of RiverClan
  • Short Description: Long haired blue tortoiseshell with high white, and gold and blue heterochromia. (Carrying chocolate)
    > Long Description: With a feathery, blue-tipped tail followed by cream, Shoalpaw's pelt is white with patches of blue and cream decorating it. Her ears are cream, and her multicolored gold and yellow eyes are adorned by slight blue stripes. Her muzzle has a few blue freckles on it as well. Her left front paw is blue with a little bit of cream, and her right front paw is mostly cream at the same height, with a little bit of blue at the base. Her hind legs, however, are identical, mostly blue with a little cream around the joints.​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (Base by supurrnovae on deviantArt)
  • Reserved | Compassionate | Sensitive | Sarcastic | Insecure
    Personality: On the surface level, Shoalpaw has a bitter, sarcastic shell that was formed as a defense mechanism. For everything rude she says, she apologizes in her head - it's because she isn't good enough to be associated with others, doens't want them to see all her insecurities. Even if she wants to pull someone close, to hold and be held in the arms of friendship, she needs to prove her worth so that she can break free of her shell like a butterfly emerging from it's cocoon, instead of it shattering and leaving the mess of her emotions in it's wake.

    ...Unfortunately that shell is can be fragile. There are times she breaks down when she thinks she's alone, and if one were to compliment or flirt with her, she would simply deny it softly with things like that's not true,', 'you shouldn't lie like that', 'this isn't funny', and 'go say it to someone who deserves that', among other things.

    On the inside, she's shy and anxious, easily startled and self-conscious. She has little to no confidence in herself, believing herself to be unworthy of friendship and love, despite desperately wanting those things. She can also be innocent, especially when it comes to human relations. But there's one thing for certain: she wishes she was able to smile more.

    When she does let herself open up, Shoalpaw has a warm heart and cares deeply for others, and will do her best to make sure those she keeps close are happy as she tries to navigate learning how to truly interact with and bond with others.
    Mental Ailments: Anxiety
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Vision: Cryo
    Path: The Preservation
    Pokemon Type: Water/Ice
  • Parents: NPC x NPC, Gen 1
    Siblings: NPCs
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Not Looking​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Turquoise #30D5C8, gradient also uses Astronaut #283A77
    > Her human AU name would be Shannon [Last Name]
    > Her partner pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be Shellder or Cloyster
    > Potential warrior names: Shoalfrost, Shoalthistle, Shoalwhisper, Shoalstream, Shoalstone, Shoalsplash, Shoalsnow, Shoalshade, Shoalshine, Shoalpuddle, Shoalsong, Shoalpool, Shoalmist, Shoalcreek, Shoalbrook, Shoalbreeze, Shoalmoon, Shoalgleam, Shoalglimmer, Shoalstep, Shoalstorm, Shoaltuft, Shoalwish, Shoalwing, Shoalrain, Shoalnight, Shoalripple, Shoaldusk