that i must bow so low | thunderclan hunting patrol

It was a pleasant day as Flycatcher lead a ThunderClan patrol to Sunningrocks. A light breeze swept through the forest, which, if not for the sunlight would have been more on the chilly side. Since the successful victory of Sunningrocks, ThunderClan had been enjoying the spoils of their victory. Finally, after moons of struggle, their clan could eat and not worry about whether they would have to go around.

Padding out of the treeline, his green eyes fell upon the familiar shape of the Sunningrocks. "Hopefully, we will have good hunting here today," Flycatched said, glancing back to see if his patrol was close behind him. He had brought some good hunters and warriors with him today, and there were plenty of apprentices here with them all to join in and learn, including Burnpaw whose familiar black form he spotted nearby. With a gesture of his head, encouraged his warriors to begin hunting, casting a watchful eye over Sunnyday knowing that the tom wasn't exactly keen on being here. As the ThunderClan cats began to hunt and Flycatcher himself got involved, he kept casting wary glances over the river, both nervous and curious about whether a RiverClan patrol would happen to come by.

// thunderclan is hunting on the sunningrocks. they're not here to outright antagonise but feel free to send it that way if you so desire!
Although the right to Sunningrocks had been won through bloodshed, Crowflower has never felt uncomfortable hunting there. The stones are warm to rest upon and each crack and crevice is teeming with wonderful, sometimes delicious, life. The stepping stones allowed for comfortable places to stand while peering in the water to admire fish and frogs and other tiny creatures. Delightful babbling of water over rocks created a peaceful, almost musical atmosphere. She loves it here, and can almost feel the weight of disappointment that Riverclan must feel at its loss. If only there was a way the two clans could share this place as a neutral zone similar to Four Trees. The idea is outlandish enough to cause a wry smile to twist upon her lips. It's a nice thought. It will only ever be a nice thought, nothing more.

Crowflower nods to Flycatcher in wordless acknowledgement, tail flicking briefly in goodbye as she splits from the main party with her apprentices. "There's many of us here today," she says as she leads Cherrypaw and Duckpaw several fox-lengths down the shoreline. "We have been working on your swimming and fishing skills. This is a good opportunity to practice." She doubts they would successfully catch more than some frogs and watersnakes, but she is interested to see how well they do. Thunderclan cats were not very skilled at fishing, but it would be a foolish waste of resources to not try, at the very least. "I will only be here to help. We should be careful not to overhunt."

@Cherrypaw @D U C K
જ➶ Silent as the dark marshes she herald from the woman slips along the reeds of the riverside. Her molten hues are predominantly focused on hunting and yet she licks up the sounds of Thunderclan upon Sunningrocks. Ill gotten gains that will surely not be there's for long. Especially since Cicadastar promised that much too them. Knowing this the shadow finally emerges from the reeds and she settles herself near the shoreline of the river. Her bright orange eyes stare at them, watching their every move for anything she can report back to her leader. Truthfully she did not think that Thunderclan would be so underhanded as to steal territory the way that they had. And knowing that Riverclan was already suffering from an unjust attack from Windclan. She supposes with different leaders come different tactics. And after what Riverclan did to help them during the fire. Slowly her muzzle curled before she lifted a paw to lock against her claws. Flashing them for a moment before she finally fixed her gaze back on the hunting patrol.
Her tone is casual and light. "Good hunting, Thunderclan." Is all she says to them.

For her she will let her claws speak of her irritation and aggression but only when the time comes. For now, pewce will be kept. She does not need to spit and throw taunts.

Sunnyday found himself needing to work hard in order to supress the urge to scowl. No, he still didn't like being anywhere near Sunningrocks, but when he had been requested to join the hunting patrol he knew that he couldn't refuse, not without it adding to the black mark against his name. The long-legged tom glanced around himself with a sense of wariness as they arrived at the hunting grounds, a part of him paranoid that they were being watched from across the river. After letting his gaze sit on the shore for a few long moments he finally turned to look back at Sandpaw and Lichenpaw. "Remember to be careful hunting on the rocks, it's easy to slip and twist a paw, and we don't want to knock loose any rocks either. Happy hunting." He tried to sound upbeat, but he doubted it would do much to ease the tension between them.

Fidgeting slightly he then spoke again. "If you want to have a break from hunting at any point I could... I could teach you both how to swim." It was a good skill to possess, and he supposed that it was something that he could actually pass along unlike some other mentors. "Plus if they ever want to stand a chance against RiverClan they'll benefit from knowing how to stay afloat."

Before he could begin hunting a figure made themselves known and it drew his attention. It was someone he recognised, though granted from that of a different border once upon a time. He remembered Boneripple from when she had been the medicine cat of ShadowClan, though that seemed so long ago now. A slither of his mind pondered over what it was like to join a different clan, the challenges and the potential positives. The tom blinked slow as he drifted over to address her more fully. "Here's hoping. Have the waters begun to calm in RiverClan after the thaw?" It was a genuine query and it held no hidden sense of maliciousness to it.

// @LICHENPAW @sandpaw
"And you'll lose your life by my claws faster than that of the river if you step one measly paw within it's depths." A threatening voice speaks from beyond the water as a warning growl rumbles in her throat. Along the reeds and cattails as the shaded lead warrior steps into view beside Boneripple, a equal mass of shadow but lined with glossy rosetted patterns. She steps confidently along the pebble-laiden shore line, slipping fully from the foliage and into the shallow depths of the banks and stares blatantly towards Crowflower and Sunnyday. First Sunningrocks, and now they will try to take the river from them too? Did ThunderClan's greed not stop? Did they eagerly creep forward, pushing boundary upon boundary in order to see what they could sneak away with? Cindershade was not present for the Sunningrocks battle, and she held a deep regret of it after being wounded. But no more. She'd not let ThunderClan do such a thing if she had anything to do with it. They'd bleed for their treachery and greed, and they will know that they will not step foot in this river or else death will await at their paws. "This river is not yours and you will not reap from it's sources. It belongs to RiverClan." Her lashing tail now grew eerily still, poised and dangerous as if ready to strike.
Ivory claws slip from their sheaths, tapping along the pebbles under her paws as she watched them. Her eyes train upon Flycatcher, the gray tabby was their deputy was he not? Was he okay with their choices? "I suggest you keep your leeches in line. You may have Sunningrocks now, but it won't be for long. I suggest you keep your clanmates out of the river or else they'll drown in a watery grave and swept to the outer lands." She hissed, a declaration of a vow upon her tongue. She'd be sure of it. Boneripple's own voice was light, scarcely hiding the venom that dripped beneath it and she nods her head to the shadowed molly. If they had to sit out here all day to watch this border, then she was sure Cicadastar would have no issue with it. She'd certainly be reporting this back at camp.

Stormypaw excitedly clambers upon the stones, remaining at her mentor’s side until she reaches the very top. She feels powerful as ivory claws cling to the rock beneath her, fangs bared in a haughty grin. “You can see the tops of Fourtrees from here!” The observation is light and eager - paired with the energetic lashing of her tail, it’s obvious she enjoys being here. Stormypaw fought in the battle for this strip of territory and her pride shows in the high carriage of her head upon narrow shoulders. Her uncle instructs them to hunt, and hunt she shall. Slipping down by the shore, the small she-cat peers into a crack in a boulder, jaws parting to scent for fresh mouse.

It’s when she hears the RiverClan voices that she lifts her face to see two she-cats across the way. One of them at least pretends to be friendly, and Stormypaw is about to shrug her off before the other yowls threats and a very claim to the wide river. Scoffing, the blue and white apprentice whirls around and sneers. “First they wanted a chunk of the oak forest, and now they say the whole river is theirs? Everyone’s right - RiverClan is the greediest clan!” The brash girl speaks up, amused as she grins towards her clanmates. Clearly their expansive wetlands and meadows weren’t enough for them - they had to have more!

Burnpaw follows his mentor through the trees and out into the open, out onto the banks of the river where they had a short time ago fought a vicious battle. Where they had won. His mentor instructs them to hunt and with a nod of his head he pads away to go do so, nose lifting to the air, mouth slightly parted as he drinks in the air in order to try and scent prey. Instead of prey though, his senses are filled by the scent of fish mold. RiverClan.

His yellow eyes fix upon the two ebony mollies that are yelling across the way. "I can’t hear you over the sound of the river, you’ll have to speak up!" he yells back, though he can hear them perfectly. He flicks his tail at Stormypaw’s response, nodding in agreement. "I heard they like the river so much it came to their camp for a visit." he is of course referring to the flood they had experienced recently
  • Haha

He stands nearby, watching as the ThunderClan cats begin to scent and hunt the territory. It takes a moment before he is doing the same, head low as he tries to detect any prey scent. He pads nearby to Sunnyday when he hears the sandy coloured tom offering to teach his apprentices to swim. "No swimming. We are here to hunt today," Flycatcher says as he passes by, giving the tom a small glance to show he was serious. "Do that on your own time, if you must."

Any chance of their patrol going peacefully and unbothered is soon dashed by the arrival of RiverClan cats. He knew tensions were still high over the contested rocks so he had anticipated some backlash from their neighbours. At least Boneripple had the decency to hold her tongue, but there was no excuse for Cindershade's venomous hiss over the river. "Don't fret about your precious river, we have no intention of eating your slimy fish or soaking our pelts," Flycatcher called out to Cindershade. Although he spoke fairly calmly, the slight twitching of his tail indicated he was irritated by the earlier call. "My cats are hunting on our land. We are not the ones who need to exercise control. I can't say the same for you however what with that loose tongue of yours."
Once Clay would have frowned upon it, the idea of picking petty fights with any of the other clans—even WindClan, antagonistic as they are. Clay has never been the type to start shit with others, to seek violence. But when violence has come to his front door, has ripped away the one… the one thing that kept him going… What is he meant to do?

For once in Clayfur’s life, he welcomes the idea of a shouting match across the river. He’s tired—so fucking exhausted—of the other clans taking everything that RiverClan has offered to them (peace, ignorance, aid, all of it) and throwing it back upon them like a cloud of dust. WindClan’s treachery has always been expected, but RiverClan’s kindness in accepting at least a couple of their throwaways is apparently lost on them. ThunderClan’s repayment for saving them from a fire is an attack, a theft of territory that offers them nothing but a sunning spot. And SkyClan… an ally, one that Clay thought was solid. He’d begun his clan life in the pine forest, the colony of cats there. He’d treated SkyClan with the same respect he treats his own clanmates with. He’d watched clanmates run to SkyClan in the middle of a blizzard—feared that his own love would never return—to save the other clan from WindClan’s attack. And it must all mean nothing to them. To any of them.

Smoke told him that he has to find his purpose, now that his mate is gone. Is this his purpose—to be filled with so much fury he can’t think straight? To sink his claws into whichever cat threatens his clan next? To spit venom, to provoke? To maim, to kill?

No, it’s to defend his clan. It’s to stick up for his clanmates, make sure not a single one of the liars and hypocrites RiverClan is surrounded with sets foot in the river territory again. So when he pushes from the reeds to stand beside Boneripple and Cindershade, he cocks his head and glares straight at Flycatcher. "DogClan. How’s your leader’s throat doing? Not still sore, I hope." The laugh that leaves his mouth is brittle, uncharacteristic. Or, like, is it still uncharacteristic if all he feels these days is hollow, angry? "Please, though, step into the water. I’d love to try it again."
  • Wow
Reactions: Flycatcher

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
It would seem Starclan was out to get her, a karmic consequence of something in her past- anything to explain how the tabby had once again found herself staring at the pelts of Thunderclanners from across the river.
The loudest voices are from their youth- one of them being a cousin Lakemoon had yet to formally meet. The blue tabby is content enough to watch them spit childish insults while making a point to stay away from the water that lapped onto the bank.
Yet, something shifts when Cindershade speaks out from beside her, revealing her presence with a threat. She shoots Boneripple a sharp glance at her civil greeting, Cicadastar’s blood-fueled words echoing in the back of her head.
She steps out alongside the lead warrior, her silent support shown in the way that she towers over her superior, tail flicking behind her, almost asking them to flounder over the river.
Clayfurs taunts, however, are an invisible sucker punch to Lakemoon, only reflecting in a ear flicked in his direction.
He speaks again however, and Lakemoon turns to face him now, his cocked head and quirked lip stirring something inside her chest.
Undetectable in her body language, but something unreadable flickers in her blue depths. "Don’t stoop to their level. Just because they allow their warriors to be fools, doesn’t give us a free pass." She scolds lowly to him, her words blades with their sharpness.
She knows the tom is long overdue for an explosion, a meltdown, something… yet, no sympathy spills from her, only disappointment. "We’re better than a gang of vultures, act like it." When she speaks again it is louder, and her gaze turns back to the jeering Thunderclan patrol with a pointed look.

her nod to sunnyday's words was highly lacking in enthusiasm. it stemmed only from curtesy, and it wasn't long before she stalked off to try and find something amongst the rocks.

tufted ears flicked and swiveled, searching for any sounds she could find. however, rather than mice or voles her ears found the shouts of riverclan across the strip of water. they tilted back in annoyance as she released a sharp sigh, sending a pointed glare across the river. while her clanmates engaged with the other patrol, she stalked along the rocks, white paws moving carefully as instructed. her jaw parted as she began to catch a scent, but the distractions were too great to follow it to a kill.

sandpaw listened idly, not feeling a spark to banter back to the other cats. they were here to hunt, if everyone else was too busy yelling how could that get done? all the prey would likely be driven off by the time they decided the fight wasn't worth it anyways. mostly uninterested in the bickering, it wasn't until a muddy riverclanner spoke to flycatcher that her head drew up, sharply too. golden gaze narrowed in on clayfur, his laugh instantly running her blood hot. her jaw was shut tightly as she glanced across the warriors of the group, lingering on raccoonstripe and burnpaw to gauge their reactions. she swallows through a dry throat as a silver molly scolds him for his tongue.

a bristled tongue rakes over her teeth that remain trapped behind a closed muzzle. "someone wanna come with me? i caught a scent," her words finally broke out through a tight throat as she glanced, mostly across the apprentices there. giving anyone who needed it a chance for a break from the berating of the riverclan warriors.
[ 𖤓 ]

Hyacinthbreath follows shortly behind Cindershade, head held high and paws aching for a fight. It seems ThunderClan doesn't have an ounce of shame, hunting here- one warns of slippery rocks, and Hyacinth holds back a snort of amusement. How stupid could one be, to taunt RiverClanners when the wound was still so fresh? Calmly, she parts from the Lead Warrior's side to move towards Lakemoon's.

We’re better than a gang of vultures, act like it. She says, and Hyacinth can't help but to nod her head in agreement- partly. "Understood," She murmurs; eyes sliding over to look at Cindershade inquisitively. If ThunderClan touched the river that belonged so wholly to them, Hyacinthbreath would follow her friend into the depths of aqua to fight them back. She was always ready for a good fight, even if it meant she had to fight dirty in some way.

For now, she would merely watch from the corner of her eyes as she moves to mark the borders once more.
❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞


He nods in his mentor's direction as he speaks, he sees the wisdom in the gray tabbies words, sees the reason why they shouldn't antagonize the River Clanners, shouldn't stoop to their level. But then Clayfur appears. He asks how Howlingstar's throat is doing, and its an obvious taunt but the second the words leave the tom's mouth, Burnpaw sees red. The fur on the back of his neck bristles and he bares his fangs at the patrol on the opposite shore. He takes a step forward, and the river laps hungrily at his paws. "Why don't you come over here and say that to my face, or do you only kill grandmas?" he says, his voice mostly a growl. He digs his claws into the sand and his yellow gaze flicks to Lakemoon as she appears at her clanmates side. He hates her. He hates them.

Then suddenly Sandpaw is speaking, asking if anyone wants to go somewhere else with her and he's able to tear himself away. "Yeah, I'll go" he says, voice slowly loosing its venom, though his fluffy black tail still lashes furiously behind him. He shoots Clayfur and Lakemoon one last look, full of hatred anger and hurt before turning to follow the pale she cat.

// out!
જ➶ The woman dips her head in greeting to the lead warrior with ease before she turns her attention back to the Thunderclanners. And just like that chaos ensues the molly frowns, eyes casted with great annoyance as she listens to the back and forth. The squabbling and yelling across a river. To her the act is quite kittish. But she says nothing as she listens to both groups go back and forth with insults and threads. For her she will do what she needs to when the time comes. Keeping herself an element of surprise on her own feelings and the way that she operates. Instead she focuses on the one that spoke cordial to her and she dips her head to him before her muzzle parts. "Yes the waters have quelled enough for fishing and swimming to continue as normal. So Riverclan is gaining in strength day by day." Plus they will be returning back to their camp as soon as possible and a sense of joy lingers in her chest at that. Alas she is tired of hearing the gnashing of teeth and so the shadowy feline pushes herself to her paws before she whips her thin tail through the air. "Have a good hunt Thunderclanner, may your day be fruitful." With that she turns to begin to make her way from the scene. All they are going to do is hunt and nothing more. So she has seen all she needs to.

-- talking to @Sunnyday and leaving
Raccoonstripe sighs as soon as he sees a group of furious RiverClan cats gathering at the edge of their territory. Any hope he's had of having a productive hunt drains away. RiverClan is, of course, the first to begin to hurl insults. Cindershade -- he recognizes her dark fur -- spits threats, claiming their Clan owns the entire river. He snorts with laughter at Stormypaw and Burnpaw's comments. "Next thing you know, WindClan will own the breeze and ShadowClan the darkness," he says wryly.

He's more than content to leave it at that. RiverClan is full of sore losers; they hiss and spit, but not one of them dares cross their precious river to try and claim Sunningrocks back. He expects they've had enough ass-beatings for a moon. But the brown warrior speaks, clearly still riled, and Raccoonstripe's gaze clouds with rage. He is the one who'd drawn his claws against Howlingstar's throat, and now he brags about the kill with gusto.

The tabby loses sight of his senses for a moment; he stalks forward until he is just on the shore of the river. Water laps at his paws. He's stayed only by an appearance of bluish-silver fur, a pair of sapphire eyes that seem to pinpoint him immediately. Her voice is calm, her expression twisted with conflict. Raccoonstripe is frozen at the sight of her. Oh, if he were a different kind of cat, he could ask about the tortoiseshell's eye in a similar cruel manner ...

But he can't. He spits with fury, backing away and shaking droplets from his feet. When he speaks, he addresses @Moonpaw with a rage-clouded voice. "Let them bark like the dogs they were too cowardly to chase off of their Sunningrocks. They step one paw on ThunderClan territory, they are crowfood, and clearly they know it." He is too angry to hunt here now. "Let's go somewhere where cowards aren't staring us down like we're their next meal."

He flicks his tail against Moonpaw's flank, stalking back into the undergrowth with exaggerated movements. But before he disappears, he makes sure to spray his scent over a cluster of the warm stones, just to make a point.

// out

Her promise doesn't go unheard, and she relishes within their ruffled feathers. They were bothered, and it almost brings a smile to her face. She remains poised, a predator eyeing her prey. Apprentices babble on and she doesn't bother with them, she has no interest in quarreling with mere children—children who could hardly take care if themselves. Velveteen ears flick, her piercing line of sight like a spear upon Flycatcher's helm. The deputy finally speaks, a tone swathed in eerie calmness but she sees the irritation swarming beneath the mask. She's digging metaphorical claws within his pelt, like thorns pricking within a moss lined nest. He comments about her loose tongue and a smirk twitches at the end of her pulled back lips, as if she cared what he had to say. He was nothing to her but a warm body. She doesn't comment about his assurance of the river, as if they could even flourish with the river. They'd be swept away easily, and she would idly sit by and watch it happen without a second thought about them. It'd be one less problem for them to deal with. "My tongue is not loose, for if it was, I'd have sent you off with a worse verbal lashing than that." She simply replies, ivory whiskers twitching as her clanmates soon corral her.
Clayfur, of all her clan mates, retorts back with a sneer that even caught her off guard for a moment. Her head whips towards the earthen tom, eyes blinking at him before nodding his way. He was a grieving man, dealing with the loss of his love and she will not reprimand him. She commended his actions even, was certainly taken aback and proud to hear of his deathly blow to Howlingstar. She deserved it, she thinks as ivory claws click against the pebbles beneath her paws again. ThunderClan may have claimed this land for now, but Clayfur took something with him that they'd never get back, despite her having eight more lives. Lakemoon turns to him now, chastising him for his venomous words. Apart of her wanted to jump in to defend him, but she remained quiet. Lakemoon had her reasons, having family within another clan was certainly a bitch, wasn't it? Just like Blazestar with his brood. That was the whole reason he denied to come to their aid. His spawn and mate resided in ThunderClan, and he'd dare not to raise a claw to them. She simply huffs, raising her tail to end it. Now was not the time to bicker amongst themselves, they had to remain a unit under the reproachful eyes of the forest rats. The quiet words of Hyacinthbreath is suddenly felt behind her, a simple word to acknowledge what was said. Lakemoon was partially right, but she'd not yield to what she had said. She'd drown any enemy that stepped foot within this river.
Clayfur's words seem to stir a deep rage within the ThunderClan patrol before her. An apprentice, one that she remembers in Howlingstar's patrol from before when Cicadastar had visited her. He spits back and nears the water's edge. Cindershade ushers another warning growl, within her mind she begs for paws to lap at the water. A step is taken forth on tensed shoulders, showing that she was not playing around.
Boneripple takes her leave, clearly not wanting to stick around and the lead warrior can't help but to metaphorically roll her eyes. For a traitor, she sure liked to act high and mighty. Cindershade doesn't comment on her leave, her eyes trained upon ThunderClan and nothing more. The obsidian apprentice finally takes his leave, only for another dark figure to move in his place. She recognizes the dark brown warrior and those equally dark eyes. He bursts forward and for a moment, she believes that he's about to take the plunge at Clayfur's boasting and she meets his energy with her own. Powerful legs splash in the river along the banks, stopping halfway where her belly just barely brushed the water's surface with bared teeth his way. But, he stops and unbeknownst to her, his haze locks with Lakemoon that keeps him anchored upon the shore before reeling back. The lead warrior snorts as he turns and ushers his apprentice away, turning her back to him before climbing back onto the shore where her clanmates stayed. "Let's go." She speaks flatly, shaded tail lashing as she slips back through the reeds just as she came.

/ out!


In an instant the tom's ears are lowered to the sides as he's reminded that they are there to hunt only by Flycatcher. A mumbled apology breaks past his lips as he finds himself avoiding making any eye contact with the other tom. Though it also seemed as though his apprentices were blanking his offer anyway, and with the RiverClanners getting riled on the opposing shore it was likely for the best. Slowly he began to back away from the river itself with his jaw clenched in obvious frustration towards the exchange of words happening around him. He made a point of neither antagonising the RiverClanners nor defending ThunderClan's rights to the stretch of territory.

At least he wasn't alone with not wishing to be swept up among the mess as he finds Boneripple's response not carrying the same tune as that of her clanmates. Politely he bows his head in thanks whilst looking on with something akin to sympathy and embarrassment from how his own clanmates were acting. "Glad to hear it, and thank you. Take care." He decides to actually focus on hunting at that point, if anything to give him an excuse to avoid the bickering and dirty looks. Tired, he was growing so tired of it all. On heavy paws with his shoulders hunched high he strayed back towards the rocks in order to chase down a mouse or two for his troubles.
Stormypaw practically inflates with ego as her uncle lets the RiverClanners know their intentions. Yeah, our territory! She puffs out her chest and beams, holding back snickers as Burnpaw pokes fun. It's then that a brown-furred tom on the other side makes a cruel jokes, cruder than any cat here had dared make earlier. She blinks, stunned, and immediately her tail is whipping back and forth. "Swim over here and say that to my face!" She yowls, a snarl edging her tone. With a hmph, she turns with her tail high in the air and rubs her pelt across one of the stones, putting on quite a show of leaving her scent. The RiverClanners can say anything they want, but ThunderClan has Sunningrocks now. She'll hunt it as she pleases, right in front of them. "I'll come too!" She calls after the other apprentices and scampers down the rocks. Immediately, she returns to scenting the air, yet keeps a watchful eye on the opposite shore.