THAT THING'S ORANGE |☀| energetic harassment

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
The sun had yet to rise when Lightstrike roused from his slumber. It was an unusual thing, one that he recognized himself as he blinked sleep away and raised his head. It's probably not far off, he thought to himself, gazing out at a horizon that had a milky tinge. Around him, cats still slept, huddled together for warmth in their chosen sheltered hollow.

Man, I miss my nest, the tom mused idly, jaws parting in a wide yawn. Part of him considered going back to sleep while he could, but he found that he had no lingering grogginess. Actually, he felt... pretty good. A little hungry, but good. Had he slept the whole night unbroken? When was the last time that happened? Not since before the caves, he was sure.

The revelation hit him a second time, now with more clarity. He didn't have a headache. As if to test the theory he tipped his head left, then right, squinting at the starry sky from a sideways view. Righting himself, he felt nothing. Normal, even. Maybe a little off, but something he was certain he could ignore easily.

Elation pricked at his belly, tugging the corners of his mouth into a brief smile. Was that it, then? Whatever the fuck was wrong with him was finally gone? Lightstrike sat up, then gazed at the sleeping bodies around him. Grin returning, this time bigger, he stood up.

Today was going to be a good day. He felt optimistic. They were in the mountains, the place StarClan had told them to go, goal in sight. So close.

Abruptly lifting a paw, his stupid grin widened, and he began to poke and prod at the cats around him as he hopped his way out of the cluster. "Come on, come on! Up! Let's go hunt! Wake up!" He ignored any disgruntled muttering, gaze swiveling back to the horizon that was now tinged with pink. They would be getting up soon anyway.

"I'm calling it, today's the day we find what we came here for! Come on, let's go!" The warrior practically bounced on his paws, head low and eyes playful as they locked onto any cats that reared their heads.

// tags for the specific cats he annoyed @nightbird @FERNPAW @batwing @bobbie @STORMYWING @iciclefang

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

sleep was mostly futile, especially as the air thinned and snow coated the ground. they were closer than ever to returning, getting their lives back. it made it difficult to get any good rest, no matter how much nightbird's head spun and body ached.

through closed eyelids, light began peeking in, her efforts at sleep gone with it. however, nightbird was reluctant to open her eyes. just maybe she'd be able to drift off for a while before the sun was fully risen. that hope was diminished as a paw began prodding her rudely, and although she tried to brush it off hollering was soon to follow. and less easy to ignore.

"the hell's wrong with you!" she groaned, mismatched paws lifting to cover her ears. where was this eagerness when it had come to his training? bouncing around like an energized kit, the fucking sun wasn't even up yet. a stiff roll brought her to aching paws, and slowly nightbird approached a small patch of snow. her groggy mind didn't allow her to think through her decision much before she scooped some of the cold snow up into her paw, flinging it in lightstrike's direction.

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-six moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Stormywing's sleep had been pleasant enough. She is dreaming of greenleaf, of warm breezes that billow her fur and plentiful prey that leaps straight into her paws. When a prod jostles her she groans, lifting a paw to swat away the perpetrator. But the poking continues, followed by excited yowling and she peels open her eyes in irritation to see Lightstrike prancing about like a newborn fawn.

"Do you have bees in your brain? The stars haven't even left the sky!" The tabby complains, bringing her legs up to cover her face. She curls in tighter on herself, trying to block out the hoots and hollers until it becomes impossible. "Agh, that's it!" She growls, clambering to her paws and immediately strutting after Nightbird. Instead of throwing snow, though, she only gains a mischievous gleam in her eye. The tabby leaps, attempting to playfully tackle the tom into the snow with an annoyed roar.

Fernpaw had not been sleeping well since the tunnels. Why, now, was it scaring him? Days and days after they'd escaped, the memory of it all still ate at him like maggots on crowfood. When fleeting slumber did catch him, it was easily interrupted, either by light creeping pink through his eyelids or by the simple prod of a paw.

Wake up, and Fernpaw shot up, thinking for a moment he'd horribly overslept. As soon as he saw the fade of darkness hardly having left the sky, however, his fur lay flat again. A bright eye slipped toward the culprit- Lightstrike, and a much different Lightstrike than the stubborn, sickened one he'd been dealing with the past few days. Nightbird spat angered bafflement, and Stormywing snarled a mildly-annoyed complaint before flinging herself at him- but Fernpaw, for a moment, could only give a slightly dizzied stare.

Bewilderment written across his face, he murmured, "Someone's feeling better." There was a smile on his face and in his voice despite the croaky layer of tiredness that thickened his tone. It was nice to see Lightstrike apparently feeling more like himself... or maybe more like a version of himself that'd had a bit too much honey.
penned by pin
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing could have been construed as a pile of meat and bone, the way he was sleeping. He was far from snoring, as much as some cats back home would like to claim, but he was definitely not a light sleeper when he slept. Bomb-proof, maybe not. And that was exactly what Lightstrike was akin to.

Lightstrike's shoving cause him to crack open and eye, a rumbled noise leaving him. More of a groan, really, trying to flop back over and go to sleep. But the shouting from him- then Nightbird, and Stormywing- caused him to turn his head and peer at them. A snort left him, and he pushed himself up, shaking his head out. The ground was cold, and the snow biting, but he was still so awfully sleepy. Fernpaw's words caused Batwing's ears to twitch.

"It's good to be ah... excited about this. It's too depressing otherwise." Batwing replied to the apprentice, moving to sit next to him. A briefly serious look crossed his face. "But he's far too awake to get the rest of us up, too." Batwing replied softly, his tail tip twitched. Someone wasn't as stoic as he'd like to be.
