border THAT UNWANTED ANIMAL ⋆ˎˊ- loner


-ˋˏknife in my teethˎˊ-
Nov 27, 2023

-ˋˏ ˖*°ˎˊ- ripple had left without them, he had not returned. the sun rose and fell and still her wayward sibling was nowhere to be found. rook had an idea of where they had stumbled off to. jagged had spoken of other kits he had sired, before and after her own birth. she knew their names, couldn't find much room in her heart to care. it wasn't as if these random relatives had come looking for them either, but ripple just couldn't live with not knowing.

they had discussed it, she agreed to look for them to appease her sibling. she did not expect him to wander off alone. for that, she was mad.

by the time a wall of unfamiliar scents hit her, the anger had simmered into a mind numbing worry. say ripple had found chilled and serpent, there was no telling what trouble he would get into after. she sits on the border like a brewing storm, anticipation forcing the soft fur along her spine into thorns. nobody was here, the trail ripple had left was too muddled beyond this point. hooked claws score the saturated earth in a show of frustration before she crosses into the marsh.

rook does not care to keep her pawsteps quiet, to maneuver in a way that would make her scent trail hard to track. did it even matter? there were so many smells drifting about that she couldn't make a distinction. if one or a hundred cats had crossed here, she couldn't tell. her frigid gaze rakes through the trees, across miry roots and growth. "RIPPLE!" there is desperation sheathed in anger as she calls out, silent for a few moments in hope of a response. "damn fool," she muttered under her breath, lifting a paw in disdain to shake mud from it before continuing her search.
  • OOC ; set a few days after this thread.
  • ROOK ⋆ˎˊ- she/her, loner, 25 moons.
    a tall black longhair with ghost striping and white markings along her face, paws, and tail. icy blue eyes stand out against her spiked fur, serrated scars from numerous scraps litter her pelt. her skills are as sharp as her tongue, but there is no line she wouldn't cross for those close to her.
    jagged x npc / / related to ripple, chilledstar, and serpentspine
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted / / underline & tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Onyxpaw had not been present for Ripple's rather unique arrival into Shadowclan territory, all trembling words and claims of heritage that related him to their very own leader. She had certainly heard the gossip about it, apprentices and warriors alike babbling on about how interesting it was that Chilledstar potentially had more family - provided Ripple had been telling the truth, of course. She didn't quite feel the same fascination over it, more concerned with how Chilledstar themself must have been feeling about it all. The apprentice couldn't imagine what she would do if a sibling she had never known about just popped up one day to greet her. Not that such a thing was even possible for her, the sole survivor of her parents' first and only litter.

Though that would certainly add to the mystique if such a thing happened, wouldn't it?

She had been padding alongside Avocetfall when she heard the furious cry from afar, her pelt spiking up in fear as she looked towards her mentor for guidance. The expression on their face was unamused, voice tired as their tail swept her forward towards the border. "I'm right behind you. This is good experience for dealing with potential intruders at the border... go on, now." There was no room for argument in their voice, though Onyxpaw wore an expression of intense anxiety as she emerged from the wet underbrush and shook pine needles from her pelt. "Who are you? What are you doing on Shadowclan's border?" She didn't smell of any of the other clans, which was at least enough to settle some of the apprentice's worries. Thank Starclan for Avocetfall lingering in the background, seeing as Onyxpaw was sure she didn't present much of an intimidating figure. "Shouting... shouting like that will just get someone or something after you, you know." She refrained from mentioning Ripple just yet, figuring they wouldn't want to give away too much before knowing all the facts.

For all she knew, Rook had come to kill Ripple, though the faintest tinge of worry beneath her rage made such a scenario seem unlikely.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

[ ༻ 𖤓 ༺ ] Ripple knew it would not be long until Rook would appear. They had even told Chilled....Well, Chilledstar of her arrival. Yet, he had not expected their sibling to seem mad (but to be fair that had been the tom's own rault). Onyxpaw had been the first to the scene with her mentor and then came Ripple. He had been out of camp with @scorchfrost exploring and getting to better know the territory so it all worked out of course! Yet he hadn't given the other tom any warning about darting off.

Soon Rook's form came into view and Ripple aimed to touch noses with his sister, not taking into account that he had made the other worried. "Rook! I f-found th-them! I...I f-found Chilled... well...Ch-Chilledstar an...and Serpentspine" they exclaimed excitedly. His hazel eyes shimmering slightly before looking over to the shy apprentice and giving an slight awkward yet reassuring smile to the she-cat.

"Th-this Rook! My si-sister, li-littermate" he quickly introduced the loner to the apprentice and anyone else who had been then before looking back at the molly before them. Noting the angry look on his own littermates face while a nervous chuckle slip from his maw. He knew he'll get an earfull any moment now, especially for not waiting for Rook or their other siblings but...Ripple had been so eager, excited even to finally meet their other kin that he decided to get a headstart is all!

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Ripple 𖤓 AMAB, He/They, Loner, 25 moons.
    LH short Black tom with vitiligo and hazel eyes
    Jagged X NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Ripple's sudden appearance, claiming shared blood with Chilledstar and Serpentspine, had made her slightly suspicious. There was very little she knew of the leaders parents, truthfully, but she wondered what could have drawn Ripple (and another littermate he claimed was nearby) to ShadowClan now after so many moons. For her nephews it was understandable- Porcupine had passed and her dying wish was for them to find her brother and serve with him in ShadowClan.

But her neohews also hadn't been greeted at the border with immediate hostility from Skunktail like Ripple had been with Serpentspine. Something was deeply wrong here, something wasn't right.

"Your littermate is trespassing." Lilacfur frowned as she stood in front the Rook and looked down to meet a mirror of Chilledstar's eyes. "Not a step further. And not another word from you, either." She looked to Ripple at her direction before facing Rook again. "State your purpose." She wanted to see if their stories would match.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

Scorchfrost wasn't entirely sure why he was put on kitsitting duty. He wasn't terribly busy in the grand scheme of things, sure, but he was still busy. He had patrols to attend to, apprentices to lecture, elders to help, his schedule wasn't very available. He'd not refused though, not wanting to argue over something as insubstantial as it was. He could spend a few days showing the newcomer around, make sure they didn't mess anything up too badly, and either have them become someone else's problem or see them past the border. It wasn't like tolerance meant they'd be a permanent member of the clan. Starclan, actual Shadowclanners were barely permanent on the best of days.

" Do not- ugh. " Scorchfrost was almost panting as he caught up with his charge, barely keeping himself from wheezing in front of the other cats. He wasn't out of shape but he wasn't young. He couldn't go from nothing to a full sprint. " Do not run off on me! " The senior warrior held no trust in the new tom. There was no way he'd let them stay out of his sight.

Scorchfrost's tail flicked as he watched the interaction between the siblings go down, keeping his silence in as much of an effort to regain his breath as to not say anything rude. Onyxpaw had said the right things, Lilacfur had spoken up after, it was being handled. He would be present if reinforcement was needed.

Smogmaw's understanding on the clan's admission policies remains a hodgepodge of jagged and discordant fragments. Each and every time an outsider emerges on the territorial fringes with grounds for entry (ie. family ties), he must endeavour to reconstruct his understanding in such a way that protects the clan's interests while minimising the ensuing cognitive dissonance. It is not as though ShadowClan is without reason to distrust those who are not their own—their history is dotted with incidents of hostile infiltration, Flickerfire's subterfuge and Granitepelt's treachery being among the most notable—and compounded by how seriously the marsh clan takes its identity, one might reasonable conclude they must screen all other cats extremely carefully lest they welcome malignant influences into their midst.

Yet, that line of logic goes out the allegorical window the very moment someone drops a family member's name. Invariably there will be good and respectable cats among blood relations no less, and there shall be malcontents in equal measure. But there is no official stance to work with; only precedent, and precedent dictates blood relations above all things and to hell with context. Ah, well. It isn't his policy.

Written large into his expressionless face and wired neurons is a burning compulsion to reject Rook entirely. Garner some fickle self-satisfaction through showing Ripple how ShadowClan will not cater to their whims. This impulse can not be satisfied as things stand, and the fact further sours his outlook on the matter. A scowl looms beyond the horizon, threatening the deputy's neutral bearing as he draws up beside the Lead Warrior's flank. Amber eyes narrow beneath a brimming layer of stress.

"Best do as she asks," he insists upon the loner, as a nod in Lilacfur's way tailgates his words. The molly's disinclination to trust the unfamiliar is so finely tuned, it gives her suspicion second nature; something which Smogmaw admires in the abstract. "Call your littermate a fool all you'd like; he at least had the wits about 'em to respect our borders. So you're already off to a poor start." Nostrils flare as he adds, "I'm Smogmaw, deputy of ShadowClan. Make things easy for all of us and present a good case for yourself."