camp that was just hope - found kitten

The trip back to the camp had been a rather long one. She had tried to set a brisk pace, worries of being ambushed by a fox, or a stray owl swooping down sparking deeper inside her with every passing moment. The little kit never seemed to stop talking, but she didn't mind too much. Her ears rotated, doing her best to listen to their surroundings, but still attempting to listen to every question that she was asked. She was sure she had missed a couple questions, but survival was more prioritized on her list than unanswered questions. There would be plenty of time for chatting when they made it to the camp.

"We're almost there little one." soft words would reassure, her eyes glancing down to the small bundle that padded beside her. They were close enough now that she could smell the camp...she wondered if this kit could too. She hoped that Howlingstar wouldn't be too upset...there was no way they could leave her out there by herself. Her heart ached for the child...deep down she knew that Batwing wouldn't find her mother...but she had to put on a shielded face. The young kit would have a place to call home here...she would get a name, and a purpose...she would be loved and cared for, and a clan to call family.

She noticed the kit's pace start to slow, and the lead warrior came to a stop. "Would you like to ride on my back? I'm sure you are exhausted." It had been quite the journey back to the that kittens did not typically make. The fire hued tabby laid down so the kitten could crawl onto her shoulders, and once she had a good grip, Flamewhisker would stand up. Now that she didn't have to worry about 'little one's tiny legs, she was able to travel at a quicker pace.

As the pair made it through the camp's tunnel, she stopped a few pawsteps into the clearing of the camp. She lowered herself down, allowing for the kit to get off of her back. As a fellow clanmate approached, she flicked her tail towards Howlingstar's den. "Fetch Howlingstar. Tell her Batwing and I found a kit."

@tigerkit. @HOWLINGSTAR
Continuation of this thread,
The amount of kits abandoned near their borders has become endemic, Raccoonstripe thinks with a scowl as he watches the ginger lead warrior slip through the gorse tunnel. A bit of fluff rides between her shoulders, unfamiliar and with the stench of outsider, but a child is a child. The tabby sighs and swings his head to look at the leader’s den. “Where’d you find this one? No sign of the mother?” Disappointment colors his voice. Did the boars have something to do with this? Had queens been slaughtered after they’d migrated away from their forest?

After a heartbeat, he examines the kit, wondering how old it is, how viable. Could such a little scrap someday make a useful ThunderClan warrior? He murmurs, “I’ll alert Howlingstar.” He turns to find their leader, heading for the coolness of her den.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
The walk started with newfound energy. Skips and leaps, and at one point jumping atop a fallen log and singing a song she said helped her bad dreams go away, or helped with the thunder.

She would seem to run circles around her new friend. She had never made another friend besides her mother, and she had a lot to tell and ask Flamewhisker. She definitely talked more then her mother, and it made it a bit easier for the child to converse.

But Flamewhisker wasn't wrong. She was growing tired. She would start to insist that she could make it, and she probably could, but the idea of a piggy back ride excited her and she would quickly climb up.

She felt they were going so much faster! And the reddened molly was able to carry her easily. Her momma couldn't, but she understood well why her mom couldn't. That was totally fine, she just wanted her mom to be okay.

The scent did indeed reach the young girls nose, and she grinned, her head peering over the warriors. "Is that the camp? It's so big!" she exclaimed, and would quickly get down upon offer, pushing her way easily through the bracken and into a large clearing.

There were so many cats! She had never ever seen so many, and they were all sorts of colours. "Whoah! I bet they all have cool names! Like HowlingStar? How cool is that name?" She enthusiastically said, spinning in circles. It was only two spins before she would fall over dizzy, and the world would spin.

A chocolate and white thundercat- no, thunderclanner, would approach. "Momma is playing hide and seek! I'm sure Batwing will find her! She's a pretty brown like you! Hey look! My pelt is like the both of yours!" She exclaimed, noticing the difference just now.

A mix of both red oranges chocolate and beige, with white on her feet. She was a bundle of colours and she loved it. Her green eyes were on swivel, before charging back to Flamewhisker and under her, poking her head through the red warriors front paws.

A yawn escaped her jaws, but she was persistent on not being tired with all the new possibilities. "It's kinda scary," she said to the older molly.
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette

"Another lost kit?" Flycatcher mews as he approaches the group, eyes softening when he sees the tiny little form playing around Flamewhisker's feet. It was not so long ago that they had found Coalkit, small and alone in the woods, with no trace of family nearby. Flycatcher had urged him to brought back to camp and he had eventually been given to the queens and still resided in the nursery. The kit herself exclaims that her mother is just hiding and that Batwing would find her. Flycatcher doesn't doubt the other tom's abilities, but he knows in his heart that she won't be found.

He nods when Raccoonstripe announces he will go fetch Howlingstar, before his gaze turns on the kit. "And what might your name be?"
Theres commotion in camp, Tansy realizes with a slight startle in her half-asleep state. Tansy is quick to stumble upwards in her nest and on to her paws, maw splitting in a yawn. She shakes the sleep from her head with a physical shake, making her way out of the nursery and to the gathered group. A small kitten stands comfortably under Flamewhisker, slotted neatly between her front legs. The sight alone is quick to sober her up, eyes slightly softening as she looks between everyone present. The little kitten is a mix of orange and brown, Flycatcher asks what the little ones name is.

Tansy squints, her tail flicking before she lets out a small sigh. Momma is playing hide and seek, as a mother herself Tansy has a feeling that isn't what truly happened. To leave your kitten near such obvious scent markers, reckless, and to play near them felt even worse. She couldn't imagine putting little Coalkit or Crystalkit through such things, but she slightly crouches to peer at the child. "Hi there, little one," her voice is a quiet purr. "You must have come a long way!" she does not make an empty promise about her mother, or even speaks of the possibility of a return. Batwing is off to find her, theres a brief selfish, stinging sensation that even surprises her. No, she would not keep a kitten from its mother. "You can call me Tansyshine." she lets her lips turn upwards to a smile. She shuffles off awkwardly to the side, awaiting Howlingstar. She supposes they all are waiting for something to be done, after all.
"I don't know if I have a name, but i hope it's as cool as all of your guys!" she said excitedly, as cats gathered around to greet her. They were friendly it seemed, not a mean cat present! And she was super excited to meet everyone!

"Tansy like the flower? Oooo! That's so pretty! The yellow ones are my favorite! Do you ever wish on dandelions?" She asked. The urge to speak more was settling though, unsure who to direct her talking at now. And there was so many, it was a bit overwhelming. She wanted to greet them, but she only ever had her mother. "Ive been walking with momma for a long time, we always move around! It's gonna be strange staying in one spot, now."

Her stomach rumbled, and she looked up to FlameWhisker. "Can you come with me to get something to eat?" she asked softly.
( ) Next to appear was Hailstorm and the stark warrior would stretch himself out while claws dug into the ground lightly before noticing his clanmates grouped around... A kitten? Strange. His jaws would part to let out a quick yawn before making his way over to the rest of the Thunderclanners, large ears perking up at the sight of the kitten listening to everyone introduce themselves or ask questions though the little one had questions of her own. He heard that Batwing was looking for the kits mother but just like everyone else, he felt that the dark pelted warrior wouldn't be able to find her. Hailstorm did his best in keeping a good appearance and only offering good aura since he didn't want to potentially make the lost kitten sad.

"Well, hello there!" The snowy feline chirped out a greeting and offered a warm grin despite his name, his long ear would twitch lightly before introducing himself to the little one "My names Hailstorm," Hearing the rumble come from the kittens belly made his whiskers twitch in amusement and he figured that he should make sure that the little one feels welcomed, he turns away already making a beeline for the freshkill pile before carefully picking out a mouse and returning to the kitten. Setting it down close to the young feline and nudged it forward with his nose "Here's a mouse," Hailstorm would stand upright once more, worry in his eyes as he turned to the rest of his clanmates.

Conversing with kittens- especially those this young- had never been a strong suit of Berryheart's. He could deliver them fine, could meet their gazes and answer questions; but he was not a queen, was not a father and would never be. It was perhaps best, then, that cats such as Sunset had found this one, who already- thankfully- seemed rather relaxed, questions chittering from her maw. Observant, he blinked from where he lay before rising to a seat, watching from afar.

There was no blood-scent in the air- one he had learned to identify quickly. Nor was there a twinge of sickness- he could surmise, then, that nothing was wrong with this kitten- that it was safe to pass her on to a queen to be cared for, a task Sunset seemed already set upon, calling for his mother's attention. Should anyone cast a glance to Berryheart, they would be met with little more than a silent nod of approval.
Batwing followed shortly after. The air around him seemed to be depressed, and his eyes were squinted against the sunlight. Batwing had definitely found the kit's mother, but it wasn't okay. He pushed through the tunnel into camp, coming short as he viewed the kit surrounded by his clanmates- friends, close to him. He inhaled deeply, ears flattening, and his head turned away for a moment. He choked on his breath. How do I tell the kit? How do I do that? I can't do that to her.

Bat's head sagged, hidden from the kit and the other warriors in camp, and he squeezed his eyes shut. Not unlike the kit, Batwing's mother had been lost to him. She died, at the claws of another, in the Great Battle. She just didn't have a chance, older as she was, against some of the younger cats of the other group. His shoulders shook and his ears were flattened, tail on the ground. Batwing inhaled deeply, realizing he hadn't been breathing for a moment. A wretched noise (those nearby could identify it as a sob) left him, and he picked his head back up.

Eyes lofted to the sky, clear as it was, as if asking Starclan for strength. He finally coughed, cleared his throat, and turned, wearing a pathetic look- one that he was twisting a smile onto, trying to be strong for the kit. He approached, choosing to stand near Hailstorm. "Hey, kiddo, um.." He slowly lowered himself down so he was on the kit's height, his eyes drifting to her little paws. "Your momma let me know that.. she was going to leave you here for a little bit. She wants to get healthier, but she needs you to be cared for while she does that, okay?" He stated softly.

He didn't mention anything about how the loner spat up blood, or how she knew she was dying. Batwing couldn't tell anyone that. Not yet. "You.. you do have a name, a nickname someone used to call you. How.. how does Tiger sound?" His voice was wobbly, and it was clear Batwing was jam packed with emotions that he couldn't control at the moment. Doing this, letting the kit choose her name, was the only thing he could let her control. "She told me that too." He whispered out, his ears lowering again.​
  • Crying
Reactions: tigerwing
The child protected from the heat of the sun stretched a little under Flamewhisker, her bright eyes perking to meet Hailstorms as he introduced himself, offering a quick grin. Before she could properly ask her questions he beelined off and brought her a mouse. "Oh!! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! Mmmm," she started, her tongue licking her lips as the smell seemed to progress her hunger.

"What is Hail? I don't think I've heard of that one! Does it actually have to do with storms?" she asked, pawing the mouse closer under the comfort of the warrior above her, before taking a tiny bite of its furry flesh. Mmmmm. So much better than berries and leaves! She always shared one with momma, so she would look to him with a grin. "Are you gonna eat some too?"

She was unaware of Batwing coming into the camp behind them. The presence of the grief was something she was accustomed to, but there were also other cats distracting the air around her.

As he did approach however a grin reached her lips. He seemed nervous, but she wasn't sure why. "Oh! You found her, and won hide and seek! I get that, maybe she doesn't wanna get you guys sick! My momma's so super strong, I bet you guys will meet her soon!" She said, her naivety keeping the young child happy.

She doesn't ever remember being called tiger, but momma was smart and there was a ring to it that she felt was supposed to be dear to her. That it was meant for her. "Tiger.." She looked inquisitive, her head tilting to the side as she noticed his voice and ears lowering. "I love it."

She would pull herself forward, and touch her ruddy pink nose to his own nose if allowed. "You don't have to be sad! She's gonna be okay, Batwing. Like I said she's strong! Thank you for finding her!"
A kitten found in the territory was not a common sight, so it came as no surprise to Leopardtongue when she finally understood what was going on that there were so many gathering around. A small voice saying she was hungry, Flamewhisker asking for Howlingstar and stating that she and Batwing had found the young one, and Leopardtongue's yellow eyes watching as Raccoonstripe goes off to get the leader, flickering back over Batwing as he came back into camp, her ears pinning to her head as she noticed the gray warrior.

Maybe she doesn't wanna get you guys sick! It twisted the warrior's heart, hearing those words come from such a small creature, happily unknowing of what could have happened or currently be happening. It was possible that the child's mother was still alive, just scared to come into ThunderClan's camp, but the fact she hadn't come with her own child to try to get better left worried thoughts swirling in the warrior's head. She came forward then, attempting to brush her side against Batwing's own, a simple sign that she was there for him if he needed to get away, or even just needed someone to lean on. Eyes lingered on the other for just a moment before attention turned towards the kitten before her, the newly named Tiger. A fitting name for one so spunky and full of life, even in the current moments knowing that for whatever reason she wouldn't be seeing her mother for a little bit.

"Hello Tiger," The brown rosette warrior would softly speak, gentle smile on her maw as she did so, "My name is Leopardtongue, it's nice to meet you. When you're done eating and after you meet Howlingstar, one of us can show you the nursery if you'd like where you can meet queens and other kittens." She'd have playmates then, and could get used to clan life easier. She looked towards the others around her as if in slight approval before looking back towards Tiger.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

By the time Raccoonstripe had retrieved her and explained the situation, quite the crowd had gathered around the kitten. She strides forward in a hurry, a worry in her eyes as she parts the group to stand in front of the child. How many kits had now been found abandoned here within the last season? Four? Five? She's losing track, and like her son she can't help but wonder why. She stifles a frown, instead letting her instinctive maternal purr take over. "Hello, little one." She crouches down to examine her, a smile on her face. Her gaze is soft and warm - nothing brings out this gentleness quite like a kit for the mother. When Hailstorm brings her a mouse, she nods to the warrior in approval, although something tells her this kit will be wanting milk soon enough. "Tansyshine here will take you to the nursery soon to get you settled." She lifts her gaze slightly to the queen, as if seeking her approval. She knows the she-cat won't turn her down; few are as maternal as she is.

When Batwing does return, she immediately knows what his words mean. The leader frowns solemnly - she doesn't agree with such a blatant lie, but she can understand why he would say it. Raising three litters of her own, she knows how much kits can pick up on, even if you don't realize it. Lying to this kit that her mother will return...she doesn't like it, but she can tell the kit the truth later, away from so many eyes, after she gets some rest, perhaps. Even more-so, the warrior is bold enough to name the kitten, a privilege often reserved for queens or leaders. She stares at him for a moment but says nothing, examining him before her attention returns to the kit. "Tigerkit," She offers with a small smile. "Go on, now. Go rest and eat. Tansyshine will show you the way."
Like usual, it wasn't long before the news of a new kitten in the camp spread throughout. She watched the little one run around in circles, then grow dizzy and stop. Raccoonstripe approached first, before leaving to go and alert their leader. Next, Flycatcher and Tansyshine padded over. She felt the kitten hide underneath her, and she felt a loud purr instinctively start in her throat. Can you come with me to get something to eat? the soft voice came from the base of her paws. Flamewhisker looked down with a warm smile, and nodded. "Of course I will." she responded, and began to lift a paw to leave, but before she could, Hailstorm seemed to have heard the question too. He came back with a mouse dangling from his jaws, and sets it down in front of the kit. "Thank you Hailstorm, I know she is hungry." she said to the warrior, recalling how she had been told that her and her mother had primarily been living off of berries as of lately. It was a miracle that they hadn't ate a poisonous one. She knew that there were poisonous berries, her mother had told her that when she was young and tried to eat a berry...but she wasn't sure which ones were or weren't.

The next cat to join them was Howlingstar. She looks to Howlingstar, her eyes clearly rounded with sympathy. There was no way she could have sent the kitten away, and she knew her leader felt the same way she did right now. The tabby leader tells the kit that Tansyshine would take her to the nursery, and she feels a small tug at her heart. It wasn't a secret to her that the kit would be taken care of the queens in the nursery, but her own maternal instincts were screaming at her, wanting to care for the abandoned little one.

Batwing quietly appeared next, looking as if he was barely holding himself together. She tried to meet Batwing's gaze, but he was more focused on the little one. He seemed more emotional than she had ever seen him...had he found the mother's body? Her stomach twisted and she felt sick...but she would remain strong for their newest member. If her mother truly was would be better to tell her when she was more settled in. He claims that he met her mother, and that she used to be called Tiger as a nickname. Her fur prickled in alarm, but she quickly forced it down. Had he really met the mother, or had he just named the kitten himself? Tiger was a good, strong name. She would be named after the stories that Little Wolf had told in the nursery.

"Tigerkit...It fits you well." she said softly, leaning down to attempt to lick Tigerkit on top of her forehead like she had with her own two kits.

A large brown tabby, with green eyes, and followed by raccoonstripe, she could only assume this was the HowlingStar they spoke of. There was a certain air coming off of her, and a look of respect from other cats as she approached. "Hi! Are you HowlingStar? You must me, something tells me that! And momma said that something is my gut and to trust my gut, I think. Or was it my heart? I don't remember," she rambled, her mouth stretching out into a larger yawn she couldn't fight.

"Hi leoo-" She paused, having to try to sound it out, and her mouth trying to make the sounds right. "Leopardtongue!" And it didn't help there was a lot going on, but she got there and she was happy with herself for that one.

Tiger had many many questions, but she was growing tired, and this nursery seemed to be where they wanted her to go. Plus, there were other kittens there? If that wasn't screaming fun she didn't know what else would.

Tigerkit was seeming one everyone agreed with, and she didn't know what it meant, but she quite liked it. Maybe she could ask later.

Her gaze turned back to Flamewhisker, who licked the top of her head with the new name, and she would pull her face across Flamewhiskers with a rumbling purr loud in her chest. "I'll see you later Flamewhisker! Thank you sooo super much!" she said, giggling, before grabbing her mouse and nodding at TansyShine to show she was ready to go.
Leopardtongue appeared as well. His ears twitched, head turning to tilt towards her. A soft smile was given to her- perhaps the first she's received in moons from him. He turned his head back towards Tigerkit, brushing her nose with the other. He sniffled quietly, trying to relieve himself of the stress he felt building in the nap of his neck. "You're welcome, kiddo." He replied softly.

Howlingstar's eyes bore into him as he spoke to the kit. He knew. Of course he knew how it looked. Tansyshine didn't get the honor, and Howlingstar didn't either. He picked himself up, watching the kit and queen pair head back to the nursery. Another shuddering inhale, his tail still low and ears still pressed to his head. When Tigerkit was out of earshot, he turned to face Howlingstar, swallowing back nervous bile. His vision shifted towards Flamewhisker, for but a moment.

He looked back towards Howlingstar, beginning to speak. "Can we talk? In private." He stated, meeting her gaze. There was no aggression, but rather fear and trepidation for the future. As if his body could communicate this, he was gently pressed to Leopardtongue. ​
Tansy's gaze is soft, a chuckle escaping her lips. "I have not wished on dandelions in a while, but perhaps you and I can go find some later?" her tail flicks, a softness in her tone. Other cats approach, Hailstorm offers the little one a mouse when she says shes hungry.

And then Batwing is quick to return. Theres an air of uncertainty, sadness that hovers around him like a cloud. He speaks of the kittens mother, Tansy feels like this is a lie. There... Would not be a return, she feels- perhaps shes judging too harshly, but Tansy would never leave her kittens to strangers unless its the absolute last resort. At least the little one would be safe here... He names her too, causing her ears to shoot up. She only sends him a quick glance, hiding her surprise quite well. Howlingstar looks up at him, too, and Tansy cannot help but wonder what is going on in her head. Tansy says nothing, clamping her mouth shut, but her tail flicks back and forth behind her. She's not quite sure she agrees with keeping the secret from the child, as Crystalkit grasped from a young age that Littlekit and Rainkit were both gone. It's not fair for me to compare, Tansy tilts her head with a small exhale.

Howlingstar speaks of her showing Tigerkit around, which more than likely means she'll be taking the little one under her wing. She doesn't mind, she never would. And just like that, Howlingstar seeks her gaze for approval and the edges of her eyes crinkle with her smile when ice blue meets green. Tansy would never turn away a kitten, it was her pride and joy to take care of the little ones within the clan. "Alright, little Tiger, lets make this an adventure! We'll get you all set up and cozy before you even know it." lets leave before something happens, she takes note of the slight tension in the air.

Tansy flicks her tail for Tiger to follow, leaning down to rasp at her head as they swiftly move through camp, disappearing to the nursery.

// out, showing tiger the nursery <3