THAT'S HILARIOUS ★ chrystaliswing


To say she was still a touch bitter from recent events was an understatement. Her usually chatty demeanor had calmed into a quiet and contemplative mood for the time being; there was a lot on her mind and worst of all she didn't have the time to dwell on it. Not showing up to the clan was not even a question, she refused to be kept away - she had as much a right here as any other cat and so did Edenpaw. So she arrived in time for patrols and listened idly as they were assigned. Only one cat on it caught her attention in any meaningful way - not that it was a GOOD way, but it sure was meaningful.

She wasn't following Chrystaliswing, quite the opposite. She didn't want to be anywhere near the guy so when they were put on the same hunting patrol she made a point to veer off to the side and head in a different direction than what she assumed he was heading in; unfortunately with how the territory wrapped around here it was only a matter of time before they bumped into eachother. She spotted his patchwork pelt moving through the treeline swiftly, pursing something scuttling about on the ground with a twist and a turn and she stepped around the great oak she had paused next to and settled onto the ground to wait for his approach. The moment the first blur of motion rushed by her line of sight she was up.
Hazelbeam lunged forward from her crouch, snapping the squirrel around the midsection and clamping down her teeth until its shrieked and it went limp in her jaws. As she stood to full height she turned and flung it down at his paws, "Too slow, forestborn. Maybe you need to chase a little red dot around some to build up your speed?" The black and blue molly smiled cheerfully, though the gesture was flat and didn't meet her cold gaze.
One day. One day she would find out where that dot was coming from and then kill it and its entire family.


  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

  • Haha
Reactions: tempest

Chrysaliswing would have remarked about how it was strange coincidence that he was paired with someone he absolutely abhorred in each hunting patrol, but he despised almost everyone.

The Skyclan warrior had wandered through the meandering pines for as long as he had been alive. Twine-thin whiskers twitched at the whirling scents around him, dancing through young vernal's meager winds, like they were strings of violins as light as air itself. Each trail surely led to something new, especially as they all emerged from the melting snowdrift at once, as if summoned by spring's saccharine song. Surely but slowly did the ground's green return to it, as the earth awaited its hue and the verdant awaited its roost. Though, even he of forest-born knew how serpentine the forest could be, how tricky the paths and how twisted the way. He had certainly gotten lost quite a few times in his adolescence, and even now did the tall evergreens provide little way. It was only inevitable that he would bump into Hazelbeam, the one cat from this damned hunting patrol that he wanted to talk to the least.

"Watch it, kittypet." He practically spittled out the ending word, as though he harbored fire instead of saliva in his maw, and burning coals clawed desperate and seared quick through his tongue. Although it was accurate in describing Hazelbeam, the word kittypet proved the ultimate insult to Chrysalis. To him, the kittypet was an avaricious, gluttonous, and slothful representation of the antithesis of the warrior's way. Hypocritically, the soot-spotted tom was never the paragon of greatness or righteousness, but he sure liked to think he was up there. Heterochromatic gaze met the molly's equally-ignited blues, and his own irises were mere snakelike slits. "Maybe you need to chase a little red dot back to your stupid little Twoleg nest. I'm sure your Twolegs miss you sooooo much." The chimaeric tom hissed next, tail lashing like a frenetic sort of whip.