camp that's kit's stuff | playing in camp



Amélie was finally beginning to venture outside of her den, and while she rarely wandered far and almost always retreated back to the safety of her nest if any other cat were to approach her, she was getting used to the sounds of activity from outside. While her ear no longer stung, the stub where her tail had once been still itched, and was covered in cobwebs and poultices that needed to be replaced on a daily basis; she was healing, but not nearly as quickly as she would like to.

On that particular day, she felt confident enough to brave the business of SkyClan's camp at the peak of sunhigh. The grass here was well-trodden, the air crisp and chilly with the turn of the season, and of the few deciduous trees among valleys of pine, golden and orange leaves hung in bushels among their still-green companions. Amélie had been surveying the scene when a flash of fluttering whiteness danced across her vision. Her kit-brain took over immediately, and her brown eyes focused on the butterfly in delight. It flew at about the height of a fully-grown cat, and then descended to land on a blade of grass, where the beating of its wings slowed to a gentle, breathing motion. Amélie's whiskers twitched as she lowered to the ground, hoping that she could sneak closer for a better look at the dainty black dots at the edges of its wings.

Instead, it noticed her movement instantly, and again took off into the sky.

With a new smile, the kitten leapt closer to it and raised up on her hind legs, reaching a paw up towards the dancing insect. Without realizing it, a single butterfly had brought her further than she had ever traveled into the foreign and scary place that was the clan's camp. Her bell jingled and glittered in the sunlight with every pounce and leap towards the fleeing butterfly.

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It garners the attention of Violetpaw, dark ears swiveling towards the harsh noise with a grimace. She recognizes it well enough; the bell of a kittypet's collar. Paws thud across the ground in sync with the horrible jingle-jangle, and Violetpaw finds that her moment of peace has been effectively ruined.

She couldn't understand how kittypets could live with such a terrible noise ringing in their ears all the time.

Shifting into a crouch, Violetpaw swings her head in the direction of the cacophony. The foreign scent hints at this being one of the new arrivals in the camp... They'd found an injured kitten just a few sunrises ago, Violetpaw recalls. This must be her. "...What are you doing?" Violetpaw inquires slowly. She couldn't see the butterfly that the kit was chasing after, but she can gather that the other molly is most likely playing. The thud of paws reminds her of her own littermates scuffling outside the nursery.

Violetpaw has always preferred sunbathing over roughhousing, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion among her peers.
All at once, whatever bravery she had begun to muster for herself dashed away like a mouse into hiding. Amélie turned to face Violetpaw, fur already beginning to puff up in preparation of an attack or a scolding, when she noticed the icy cloudiness of the other cat's eyes. Not having left the nursery very often, Amélie was still quite unfamiliar with the other cats she had found herself living with, and could only place this molly as one of the SkyClan cats by her scent. Pine and clear weather and dewdrops; it mixed well with this cat's unique scent that reminded Amélie of how the world smelled after a thunderstorm.

While the direction of Violetpaw's eyes was difficult to tell on the basis of her cataracts alone, Amélie couldn't quite feel the smoky molly's gaze rest on her like she could with other cats. It had the kitten glancing behind her to see if Violetpaw was talking to someone else, but she wasn't. Her eyes were just strange, and admittedly, very pretty. At least, Amélie certainly thought so.

She parted her jaws with a slight intake of breath, but something stopped the words from coming out. I'm sorry... I saw a butterfly. She could feel herself lowering to the ground again, ears flattening to her head. I'm sorry.

What she did manage, in a mouse-like whisper, was a tiny "...Um," before silence sank its icy claws into her throat once again. It felt as if she were choking on the very air that she breathed.

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I won't apologize for being who I am
Coyotekit rasped his salmon pink tongue over a cream colored lip as he finished up the last few bites of his bird. Quietly he watches the "new girl" as she pranced after the butterfly that continuously remained just out of reach. While she kept to herself, not once did he see her flinch away from him because of the windclan stigma he carried. That was a good sign. Perhaps she wouldn't mind if he spoke to her. The spiky furred tom kit rose from his crouched position to lope over to where the two females stood. Honeyed ears pulled forward to catch the inquiry falling from Violetpaw's lips before glancing in Amélie's direction. Why wasn't she answering her? Coyote paused a moment longer before taking the initiative to speak for the newcomer. After all he knew exactly what it was like to be new. "She was playing with a butterfly." The spotted tabby chimed in to give Violetpaw some context before mint colored eyes focused on Amélie again. "I um...I like your uh-" What was that thing? It looked similar to what Thistleback wore but without the little piece that created the jingling sound. "That thing around your neck." Compliments, everyone liked compliments. A charming grin dances across his features as he introduces himself. "My name is Coyotekit by the way, what's yours?" He asks whilst tipping his chin in a questioning manner.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
Amélie was thankful that Coyotekit had explained things, but was still ignorant to the concept that the molly in front of her couldn't see anything at all—to Amélie, if a cat's eyes were open, they must be seeing something. Then again, many other cats assumed that just because a cat had a mouth, they must be able to speak, and such was unfortunately the case when she had been prompted to introduce herself so suddenly.

It was rude to ignore someone, she knew that much, and she had been rude enough to Violetpaw to have needed someone to speak for her, and somehow... That fact alone had her throat tighten with an innate repulsion towards even whispering a response.

She had no idea what was wrong with her. She hadn't been this way before, had she? It didn't take long for the kit to figure out that speaking was an extremely normal thing among other cats, and so it left her as severely unusual by default.

Hoping to somehow express her affliction to Coyotekit, she looked at him, but lowered her gaze immediately afterwards. A hard swallow did nothing to down the stone lodged in her throat, and she couldn't help but be almost overly aware of the fact that he was waiting for her to say her name. Every passing moment felt agonizing.

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𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

Deersong had also heard the light jingling of a bell as she entered camp with a sparrow hanging from her jaw. She would look over to see Violetpaw and Coyotekit talking to the clan's newest arrival and the warrior would smile wistfully to herself. It was nice to see the young cats of the clan make an effort to make Amelie feel welcomed.

Dropping off her prey in the fresh-kill pile, Deersong would make her way over to the trio. "Nice to see you out and about, star child." Her familiar coo would speak her nickname for the clan's youth and its purr would wash over the others like a warm breeze as she took a seat beside Violetpaw. "Are you three hungry? I could snag something for you to eat if you'd like."

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Star child. She liked that—very much, in fact. It had the kitten feeling slightly warm and fuzzy, underneath all of the doubt and rising anxiety. The distraction was well-appreciated, too; enough about names, she could just let other cats speak for her! Amélie shoved any lingering sense of self-deprecation aside and gave an eager nod at the prospect of food, which was something that she would never turn down.

Amélie liked her new clanmates. Coyotekit who seemed the closest to her age, Deersong who Amélie recognized by the sweet-like-honey sound of her voice alone, and that smoke-colored molly with the very pretty eyes, who Amélie was acutely interested in. Then, there was Basilpaw, and Jackal, and Blazestar... She even liked Dawnglare, although she couldn't tell whether or not he liked her.

She was still young and green though, ignorant to the true nature of clan life. For now, she could focus on the good things, and the happy things, and try her best to ignore the shadows that loomed in the form of snarling dogs and snapping jaws.

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