no angst that's my boy, walking on water ;; open, starclan.


Sep 7, 2022

As she watches the surface, she can see her son as he's delivered the news. Lips move, and she reads them curiously.

Coyotecrest was going to be a father.

"Oh, oh!" Leopardcloud sobs softly, tears welling up in starry eyes as she dances in place. There is no sign of illness in her gait, no skinniness in her frame; she is healthy in this lifetime, free of the disease that once ate at her living body. Her spotted form spins in place, the gossiping cats around her echoing her excitement. Another litter would be born soon, and from Howlfire nonetheless! Blazestar's brood, a strong molly who was faithful to SkyClan just like her son was. Oh, how she wished she could visit her precious boy.. Tell him how proud of him she was, nudge him so gently..

A sense of peace overcomes Leopardcloud, and she seats herself down to continue watching as the rest of SkyClan is told of the news.

"My baby boy.. My Coyote, you've grown so much.. I'm so proud of you."

@Snowpath , but feel free to reply with your character first!
Howlfire,” Morningpaw says softly, tasting her sister’s warrior name like a piece of fresh-kill. It’s like sweetness, like warmth. She quietly joins Leopardcloud’s side, gazing into the silver-pale water alongside her. She watches her son, a cat Morningpaw remembers to be troubled and divided, touch noses with a hazelnut-colored she-cat with a plump middle. Her littermate, her dearest sister. “Their kits will be well-loved.

She thinks about Howlfire’s kits growing up, never knowing her—certainly knowing her name, but she’s only some fading memory of their mother’s, now, of their grandfather’s. Her sister is a warrior grown, with kits of her own coming soon, and Morningpaw is suspended in time, strung up and pinned like spider’s prey.

No—she mustn’t think that way. The small StarClan warrior bows her head, her eyes heavy with sadness. “I may not get to meet them, but I’ll help watch over them, just like I watch over you,” she whispers to her sister through the water.