that's my lullaby ☾ kit lessons

Motherhood isn't really her thing, she's decided now this will be her only litter regardless of what sort of case Lightstrike might plead later down the line. If there was a way to make him carry the kits then she'd be all for it, but when she's stuck in the camp mulling around with only overly chipper in her efforts to be pleasant Roeflame and Flamewhisker still grieving and uninterested in things, she wants nothing more than to leave. Leopardtongue would have been good company, a shame how things happen. The point molly grooms her paws with care as she lounges outside the nursery and watches her kits roam about and play. Her kits were fine, really, they should be. She was raising them after all and she intended to ensure they knew where their loyalties should lie and what life should be rejected.
"Scarletkit, Mottledkit, Meadowkit, come here." Her daughters, patchwork pelted with the exception of Meadowkit who looked the most like Lightstrike, her tail curled to gesture them closer as she gave a muted smile, ice eyes narrowed, "Have any of you learned anything fun today?"
Bonding and to check no fool had filled her kits minds with anything unsavory - they liked to talk, chatterboxes like Lightstrike apparently but maybe that was just the norm and it was Moonwhisper who wasn't the talkative sort so any degree of prattling was too much. Meadowkit especially had been rather forward in pestering others, even cats she'd rather she not go near like that wretch of a medicine cat.

  • Ooc- Not a PAFP but talking to @Scarletkit & @Meadowkit & @mottledkit

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    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes


Meadowkit is engaged in a thrilling round of combat with the nearest ball of moss, batting at it with hind paws while she grips it with her front, her face pulled into an expression of sheer joy as she shreds it and then races around it with her tail puffed to twice it's size. But when her mother calls her and her littermates over, she immediately heeds the beckon, stops what she is doing and faces the tortoiseshell queen with a wide grin on her face. She LOVED her mama, Moonwhisper was the best cat in the world as far as she was concerned, and one day she would be just like her. A fierce warrior, a stone cold betty with the power to make all the bad things go away!

Meadowkit's paws carry her swiftly over to the pale queen's side and immediately, she plops herself down and turns to groom her ruffled shoulder fur, conscious that she looked like a mess after rolling around and chasing that moss ball about camp. Moonwhisper asks a question though, and Meadowkit sits up a little straighter, green eyes bright when she realizes YES she had learned something that she could tell her mother about today. "OH! OH! ME ME ME ME ME!! I DID!" She announces loudly, rising to stand on all four paws in her excitement, white tail waving proudly in the air behind her. "Uncle Raccoonstripe told me all about SkyClan today! I learned SOOOO much!" Her mother had told her about SkyClan too, once, but mostly just about how weak they were. Her uncle had provided MUCH more information. "He told me that you chased off a kittypet from our borders! That's soooo cool! Do you think one day I'll be able to chase mean cats away? I hope so! I'm very good at chasing the other kits yknow!"

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    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training