that's the way that it goes | thunder patrol

this is set pre-rebels splitting off

Flycatcher felt a little uneasier than normal patrolling the border with WindClan. His feelings on the moor clan had been fairly neutral until recent events, when the brazen actions of its leader and a number of warriors. The deputy still could not wrap his head around what they were doing. They had claimed it was to keep their clan fed in leafbare, but Flycatcher had his doubts about that, a feeling he was sure he was not alone in.

He was rubbing his cheek against a bush, when the smell of WindClan gets stronger and he tenses. A flick of his tail is aimed at his clanmates, alerting to them to the looming arrivals. "Let's try to be civil for now," Flycatcher advised in a hushed tone, ensuring his words would not be heard by the WindClan cats. "Should they try arything I want you to try and keep your heads and not rise to their challenges. But also if they get too heated do not be afraid to put them in their place."

@Flamewhisker @MOUSENOSE @Shinebug
As they neared the Windclan border, Flamewhisker couldn't help but wonder if she would see some of her journey-mates while they were here. While she would never admit it, part of wanted to see them again. She had wished to catch up with Scorchstreak or Periwinklebreeze at the gathering, but neither had shown. Sunstride had brought a small, and rather unfriendly group last moon, and preached nonsense about how they needed the high stones for hunting grounds. Sootstar had never been her favorite cat, and often had bees in her brain, but the moorland leader seemed to be out of control now. No clan was entitled to hold the high stones hostage. Surely Starclan disagreed with the leader's decision.

Flamewhisker stayed close to Flycatcher as they traveled to the border, enjoying the rare opportunity to patrol with her mate. She wished Stormfeather and Falconheart could be with them, but her mate seemed to be putting her on separated patrols from their son. Once they arrived, she simply nodded at his words, and split off to brush her cheek against a nearby tree.
  • apprentice tag, @Acornpaw.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

The border is quiet. Scorchstreak isn’t certain whether she likes it this way or not. These days, it seems that the quieter it is, the more palpable the tension that hangs in the air around WindClan. The calico can only hope that the tension with ThunderClan will not spill over any time soon, because the clan cannot handle any fights with other clans at this time. They are spread thin as it is.

When she spots a group of cats across the border, her muzzle sets itself into the grimace that seems permanently etched onto her face. But then a familiar orange-striped pelt comes into view, and her expression fades into something softer. She steps toward the border, dark paws sweeping gracefully across the ground as she gestures for her apprentice to join her. "Flamewhisker," she greets the other with a dip of her head. "Hello. How is ThunderClan faring, these days? Is Stormpaw recovering well?" She thinks back fondly on the time she’d spent in the mountains with the others, she remembers the realization that the other clans are not as bad as they seemed before the journey. And she knows of Stormpaw’s injuries—she needs to know whether the apprentice survived the trek back to ThunderClan, whether she has begun to heal. A glance is cast toward Flycatcher and the rest of the forest clan’s patrol, but she does not care much about them. They are secondary until they bring themselves into the discussion.

// apprentice tag @PINKPAW
Apparently, tunnelers do do other things beside rooting around in dirt all day... She's lucky enough to get to do surface things, today. And maybe if she's good and sweet and listens to Scorchstreak and stuff, she'll let her chase the weird flying bugs they passed on the way back! So Pinkpaw is the nicest and the sweetest as she trails behind her mentor, a smile on her face. Though, it's so cold, she kinda almost wants to be in the tunnels. Ack, that's a tunneler thought! That thing that she was NOT.

Shaking out her pelt, Pinkpaw bounds closer when Scorchstreak tells her to. Pinkpaw thinks she recognizes some of these mystery cats... were they ThunderClanners? Maybe she'd like ThunderClanners a whole lot more when she wasn't forced to spend time in their icky gross camp! Apparently, this cat is named Flamewhisker... did Scorchstreak meet her when they were all in ThunderClan camp, too? " Hi! I'm Pinkpaw! " she introduces before they even asked, cause of course they were gonna ask the name of someone as nice and polite as her. " Who's— ugh it's so cold!— who's um, Stormpaw? "

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

It doesn't take long for WindClan cats to appear. He recognises the first cat who speaks as Scorchstreak, one of WindClan's lead warriors and another cat who travelled to the mountains alongside many others. Whilst Scorchstreak speaks primarily with Flamewhisker, he is cordial enough to dip his head in greeting at least. He continues on with his scent marking until he hears young Pinkpaw speak up, who promptly introduces herself and asks who Stormpaw was. Well, she was certainly a bold young thing. Flycatcher smiled warmly at her. "Stormpaw is our daughter," He explained, gesturing to himself and Flamewhisker. "She has her warrior name now - Stormfeather."
As she was marking a tree, an ebony figure with splashes of flames like her own arrived on the border. One of the faces she had wished to see. She finished her scent marking before padding over to greet her. "Scorchstreak." she returns with her own head dip. "Acornpaw, this is one of the cats I traveled with." A snow dipped paw beckons for her apprentice to join her. It seemed the Windclan Lead Warrior had her own apprentice as well, Pinkpaw. She started to respond to Scorchstreak's question, but Pinkpaw asks who Stormpaw is. As Flycatcher answers the young apprentice's question, she couldn't help but feel amused at how bold she was.

Flamewhisker then turned her attention back to Scorchstreak, her gaze dimming noticeably. "Stormfeather's wounds have healed...but her ability to walk as not." The bite wounds were long gone, replaced by scarred skin. Our Medicine Cats tried to go speak with Starclan about it, but were attacked on their way there. she holds in the comment, but it almost slips out.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

Flycatcher advises the border patrol not to rise to any challenges a WindClanner might spit their direction. Mousenose acknowledges his directive with the flick of her ear, and then she leans down to @sunshinepaw and says, “You heard ‘im. No smart-mouth remarks today!” She’s mostly teasing—she hasn’t ever heard her sleepy younger sibling say more than a few words at a time, and certainly never anything challenging or biting. Mousenose beckons her apprentice to stay close with the tip of her gray-and-cream-flecked tail and then bounds closer to the bulk of the patrol.

A small but lithe tortoiseshell warrior with a scarred pelt approaches the border, a tinier and more boisterous calico at her side. Mousenose recognizes Scorchstreak from Gatherings, and knows she’d gone on the journey with Flamewhisker. She’s surprised to hear a friendly note in the WindClanners’ voice as she inquires after Stormfeather. The young warrior looks morosely from Flycatcher to Flamewhisker, seeing the pain in their green eyes as they tell the WindClan lead warrior that Stormfeather has still not regained the use of her hindlegs.

She turns instead to Pinkpaw, so as not to interrupt, then gestures for Sunshinepaw to come closer. “Hi, Pinkpaw. Nice to meet you. I’m Mousenose, and this is Sunshinepaw. Say hi,” she instructs her younger sibling.

, ”
As expected, Pinkpaw does not remain silent in the face of the ThunderClan patrol. She speaks up with enthusiasm, introducing herself and asking after Stormpaw’s identity. "This is my apprentice, Pinkpaw," she says, inclining her head in the younger tunneler’s direction. Perhaps her outgoing nature could prove beneficial in situations such as this one; Pinkpaw, despite being a tad annoying, is as inoffensive a speaker as WindClan could have. She finds herself appreciative that her apprentice seems to have no issue conversing with the cats of other clans.

Flycatcher answers the younger calico’s question easily, and informs them that his daughter has gotten a new name: Stormfeather. Still, Flamewhisker speaks up next—Stormfeather has recovered from her wounds but still does not walk. That’s troubling, Scorchstreak thinks to herself. Sootstar would never have kept a warrior around who couldn’t hunt for themself; it is a surprise that she keeps the elders around as it is. "I’m sorry to hear that," she says, direct and truthful as ever. "It’s good to hear that she’s received her warrior name, at least. Stormfeather suits her. I hope that her recovery continues without issue." The young warrior has earned Scorchstreak’s respect, at the very least.

She leaves the ThunderClanners with those words, punctuated by a flick of her striped tail. "Pinkpaw, you can talk if you’d like. I still need to mark this area." With that, she steps away from her apprentice—she does not turn her back on her, a wary eye kept on the patrol across the border. Pinkpaw does not share the same track record that Cottonpaw had, and she worries less about a potential snatching from ThunderClan across the border. She neither knows nor trusts Mousenose, but Flamewhisker and Flycatcher seem to be reasonable cats.