pafp That's what brothers do ☠ PAFP


Quieter than the dead
Dec 18, 2023
*+:。.。 A laugh pulls from his usually quiet lips, filling the morning spring air with its soft song. Today, Nightwhisper had allowed him a break, and in it he could think of nothing better to do than to spend it with his siblings. Branchkit looked just like his father, all gold in a family of cinnamon and monochrome, making him one of the more uniquely bright children among the litter. Her personality was suitably similar, his antics and energy always something to admire. Bonepaw raised a paw to bat at his sibling, the goal of the day to get out some of his younger brother's energy before sending him off to Needledrift for grooming. Wrestling seemed like a good idea at the time, especially since Bone had no plans to be too harsh. He rolled at every punch his brother threw at him and slowed down each strike he threw in kind. It was quite fun. He hoped Branchkit was having just as much of a delightful time.

Bonepaw didn't often question if he was a good brother or not. He thought he was, since he loved his siblings so unconditionally he couldn't imagine anything being wrong with that. But after Bloodpaw was hurt, he felt...shaken, by the idea of failure. By the constant question of what he could've done to prevent it. By what tools he have to make sure it never happens again - let alone worse. But what if he didn't have the tools? What if, the only way he could've stopped it, was for Bloodpaw to tell him then...why hadn't she? What had he done wrong for her to hide this dangerous plan of hers from him?
He shivers at the thought, making his paw a little softer on the blow as he brushes his brother's little ear. Branchkit was so small...if that tiny ear received as big of a slice as Bloodpaw's had, he'd probably lose it. Fear gripped his chest at the thought - at what an injury like that would do to Branchkit's perfect smile.
Bonepaw would do anything to keep his brother safe.
He needed to keep his brother safe.

The peaceful moment was over in an instant a small snap broke through the air.

  • please wait for @BRANCHKIT

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
𖠰𖠰 His older siblings are all great, and Branchkit loves all of them. He especially likes Bonepaw, who seems to be super quiet and thoughtful… But even if he seems a bit faraway at times, the apprentice still plays with him, and a bright smile breaks out across Branchkit’s muzzle. Bonepaw dodges his strike, but that’s okay, because the little lilac tabby is having fun! The older tom’s paw swipes over a pale ear, and Branchkit falls to the side dramatically, as though he’s been struck much harder than it was. But he’s got an idea for a counterattack, one that his brother won’t even be able to guess! He slams his paws down, preparing to leap at his older brother, and-


Branchkit freezes in place, one white paw still slammed tightly against the ground. His murky blue eyes go wide as full moons, momentary panic searing through him. He must have stepped on something and broken it… but what? He glances down, and… oh no. Trapped beneath his paw and snapped in half is a feather, one that he recognizes immediately.

"I…" he begins, gulping—oh no. Bonepaw’s gonna be so mad at him! But… if he tries to hide it, then Bonepaw will be even more mad. And he thinks his older brother has already noticed, so it wouldn’t even help him. Blue eyes shift to meet green, apologetic tears already beginning to well up. "I’m sorry…" He doesn’t know what else to say. His white paws shuffle back and forth uncomfortably, fighting the urge to run away and hide. "I’m really sorry! I’ll get you a different one, I promise… please don’t get mad…!" Sorry doesn’t seem enough to apologize for what he’s done—maybe he can find an even better feather for Bonepaw, if he looks hard enough?
  • Crying
Reactions: Bonepaw.