THE ADULTS ARE TALKING — skyclan hunting patrol

He had been tasked with hunting today, specifically near the borderlands as the area immediately surrounding camp seemed to be growing slimmer with prey by the day. With many creatures burrowing for the season, food would naturally grow more scarce. For a giant cat like Slate, that wasn't good news. A pang lingered in his stomach at the very thought of having to ration food.

Slate and his patrol had finally made it to the edge of SkyClan's territory. The scent marker was the only distinction between their land and land that belonged to no one, though if the lead warrior was being honest, he had thought many times about crossing over. His paws itch with an urge to do so as his amber gaze scans the horizon blanketed with snow. "I don't see what's stoppin' us from huntin' out there. We'd be able to find more prey." Plus, there were no clans who laid claim to the lands ahead. Cats roamed around, loners and rogues, but would they really have the guts to try and intervene with an entire hunting patrol?

  • this patrol's prompt will come up in my next post :3 if your character is assigned to the loner lands border patrol, pls do not reply here as they will be tagged!
    apprentice tag @Cherrypaw
  • 65130298_NehVJpKdIdopdn5.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
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❀‿ Lupinepaw found herself missing the sunny days of her kittenhood more often than not, but especially in moments such as these, when the sun glared harshly off of the snow's reflection and she could feel the bite of ice between her toes. Hunting was becoming more difficult as the moon spun them deeper into Leafbare, but Lupinepaw padded carefully upon the driest bits of ground with a successfully caught blackbird in tow, and it lifted her spirits considerably to know that at least one cat would be avoiding an empty stomach.

Slate halted when they reached the far border, and Lupinepaw frowned as he expressed wanting to march right over them to expand their hunting grounds."Well, our territory stops here so..." Lupinepaw said quietly as she set down the bird and sniffed for the tell-tale markers to confirm that they were indeed, at the edge of Skyclan territory. "I believe that is what's stopping us, technically."

"There could still be groups of rogues out there..." the apprentice reminded him with a nervous twitch of her ears, recalling the sheer terror of waking up to dozens of cats flooding into Skyclan camp with teeth bared, ready to kill everyone in their way. Lupinepaw glanced around to meet the gaze of Cherrypaw or any of the others, Did he seriously want to lead everyone straight out of Skyclan's territory?

  • OOC:
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 7mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
Unlike her black-furred friend, who stood out against the snow so much more than Cherrypaw, the apprentice so far has nothing but hot air between her jaws. The fluff between her toes, once a nuisance to clean, prove their worth with each step into the snowbanks that still clung to the poor earth. At the very least, she wouldn't return to camp both empty-pawed and wet from the snow-melt.

The calico hovers at Lupinepaw's left flank when they halt, sandwiched between two thick, coal-dusted pelts. Preferring one to the other, she inches closer to Lupinepaw. "That never stopped WindClan," she sniffs. The smoke of WindClan's presence at the last Gathering still wafts from singed nerves. Not only did she not see Scorchpaw, Sootstar hadn't even showed her face, instead having Badgermoon's replacement face the lashes of three clans' tongues. She supposes it's not her problem, in the end.

Lupinepaw, in the gentle tones she's grown so accustomed to, cautiously reminds her she's lived through an attack that Cherrypaw had not. There were things one had experienced and not the other; somehow, that makes her feel guilty. Cherrypaw meets her jade greens with cooled citrine, narrowing at the flicker of apprehension exchanged for her own naked disdain. "Literally no one wants to fight a bunch of flea-bitten rogues for a kit-sized squirrel right now," she decides to say, glancing back towards her mentor. Hardly anyone talked to their mentor like she did, save for Doompaw, but their relationship had always walked a warpath.​