private the air is filled with mercury [ hunting patrol ]

Nov 6, 2023
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

Valesight is not a bad hunter.... It's one of the few things he bothered to truly pay attention to when he was training. He has no love for violence, no interest in harm (even if he has talent, Redpath has insisted, that could be leveraged to protect others) but it seems today that's the only way he'll be able to be useful. Because every time he draws in a breath to check for prey-scent, nothing comes up. It's like his senses have been dulled with the dimming of the sun... like his nose had forgotten how to work over night.

He turns to his patrol, incredulous and frustrated, certain they must feel the same way too. "Nothing," he reports, hoping that perhaps he's wrong and they've got something he just didn't notice riding on the breeze. It's odd. Though the season has gotten colder, it is by no means time for the prey to retreat for their long rest. His brows furrow, glancing around for any sign of bad news... maybe there is an enemy in the area that has scared them all off...

Some unseen threat. Even dogs were capable of being sneaky when they were fueled by hunger. His shoulder aches where scar tissue finds memory. "Try a little bit longer," he suggests, pacing a few strides forward to push past some brush in hopes that it will have some sort of smell clinging to it.

  • [prey is not so favorable in this weather, acting jumpier than late. with a patrol made up of mostly land-hunters, they have come to accept their efforts are fruitless]
  • @BUGBITE @tanglepaw @BRONZESHINE @Warblerkit.
  • ⋆ a long-haired, chocolate tabby and fawn tabby chimera with green-yellow eyes
    ⋆ thirteen months old
    ⋆ drypaw riverclan warrior
warblerpaw & 06 moons & demi-boy & he/they & riverclan apprentice

Warblerpaw follows after the patrol with hesitant pawsteps - relieved at least, that he will not be forced to venture near the rushing water. And yet, he feels rather useless - nowhere near skilled enough to be of any use, even if they did find any prey. His on jaws par, mirroring his older friends - but there is nothing but the same earthy scents that always linger. Lips curve into a frown, and the fluffy furred apprentice scuffs their tail against the ground - frustrated.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

G O D I W I SH I ' D N E V E R S P O K E