private the apple falls far | figfeather


it might sting a bit
Jun 27, 2024
જ➶ Despite knowing the dangers surrounding the home in which they have moved into they have found themselves venturing out once again. An excitement has settled into his heart, his dreamy eyes shifting over the expanse of the twolegplace that he calls home. His paws shift across the less heated asphalt as he cross the road, easily slipping underneath a fence that has long since been ravaged by a dog. Though the scent is stale which gladdens them. Quietly in the evening air he steps, wavy mane shifting against the warm air that blows across the land. Their hope for coming so far is to meet him again, to ask more questions and to learn these greater truths that go beyond their own mundane life. A sense of energy springs in their paws, a strange yearning to be more than what he has always known. But they also have a small fear of the unknown. They want to make sure that they are sure about this, sure their paws can walk a path that is cruel and uncaring of their comfort. A soft breath leaves their throat then as muscles bunch and he jumps, tittering on a chain link fence and he can see the forest in all its brilliance. Trees alive with the whispers of the breeze. A figure they notice and their eyes widen, brighten as he slips down to be upon grassy ground.

With soft steps he approaches, careful but optimistic till he realizes that the figure is different. The pelt sleek and the colors bright. For a momwnt they seem confused before they can tell they have been noticed. "Oh...I'm sorry. I thought– I didn't mean to intrude. I was ..I'm sorry." His gentle voice bursts forth from his muzzle quickly, apologetically. This is not Tommie. But a different cat and perhaps they should have expected as such given that there are more cats than just him living in this firm. Tucking his chin down against his rhinestone collar he curls his tail against his paws unsure of what to say. He could always introduce himself. "Um....I'm Denali..."