The Art Of It All || Climbing


Here To Fuck Shit Up
Dec 27, 2022
A weak veil of sunlight cloaked effortlessly around a balled up figure upon his perch by the window, it's light shining through closed lids in efforts to wake the snoozing tom. He stirred a bit, not wanting to leave the grasp of slumber just yet inside his Two-Leg den where the wind and rain could not penetrate it's walls. He grumbled sheepishly, curling a tendril-like tail over a elongated snout while tucking his shaded paws into the warmth of his abdomen. This ethereal feeling was nice—peaceful. The den lay quiet besides the background noise of the giant window his Two-Leg always watched out of. He never understood why. There was nothing interesting to look at—well, besides the one time he saw a bird through it. Ferretwhisker wanted to chase it and get a better look, but his owner would yell gibberish at him, swatting him away from the window-like thing.
The sound of heavy foot steps reach his ears along with the sing song voice of her, chatting about to him as if he could understand her. She ran her hand along thr nape of his neck and down his back, sleep ripping away from his own clutches finally. He stifled an annoyed hiss, but her massages felt too good not to give in to a satisfied purr. It's then that she leaves him, walking to his dish and filling it up with food for the day. She kisses him, leaves the window cracked for him and turns to walk out the door, blabbing about like normal. Ferretwhisker sighs, eyeing at his dish that laid upon he floor filled up with dry food. It looked like slop compared to the succulent taste of prey. Every day he was growing more fond of that and continued to snub his other food.
His stomach twisted and howled with hunger, but he couldn't bring his own appetite to succeed in order to eat. With a huff, the tom graciously leaped upon his perch and shimmied his way out into the garden. The plush grass softened his landing, the blades tickling under his soft pads as he sauntered up and over the fence line, dropping down into the forest and into SkyClan territory. Ferretwhisker sighed, wandering through the skeletal foliage to no where in particular, his steps light and airy to not disturb his surroundings. It was nice, he had to admit, to be out here in the open under the shelter of tall pine trees.

Moments passed before the pungent scent of a plump bird came into view. Ferretwhisker halted mid-step, eyeing the splotched avian with a devouring hunger. Predatory drift kicks in and his crouched down, keeping an eye on the prize. He cruises ever so quietly to the tree which harbored his target, launching himself into the air as his hind legs kicked from under him. Curved claws would latch into the soft bark, his muscles pulling himself forwards swiftly and cautiously to avoid alarming the bird that was now perched at the edge of the branch with it's back to him. He slinks onto the branch, delicate paws placed lightly in front of one another. Predator and prey, the daily life cycle of giving and taking away. He edges closer, cerulean eyes pinpointed onto the birds back. He's about to lunge forward, to grasp at the magpie in a steel cage trap until a rustle below in the ferns. What the—? Ferretwhisker faltered for a brief second, his eyes leaving his prey for a moment to peer at whatever was making that damned noise until he heard the familiar warbling cry of the bird—an alert. "Dammit!" A snarl would rip from his throat as the magpie began to fly off to safety. His cover was now blown, his prey was about to get away and that rustling didn't cease at all. Ferretwhisker growled, making a split decision right then. He would not fail in this hunt. His pride and ego wouldn't allow it. He launches himself from powerful limbs, his lean figure soaring through the air and clasping the bird within his claws. "Hah! Got ya!" The tom exclaims, a gleeful grin upon his maw. He moves to retract himself back onto the branch, but there's no branch there. Suddenly, he's falling. Limbs flailed aimlessly in attempt to catch his plummeting body, fear striking in his chest like ice. He has no time to scream or shout curses to the wind, his breath is ripped from his lungs as he falls from the branch and onto the unforgiving earth below.
The ground hits him hard. The tom lands with a sickening thud, his body splayed out amongst the ferns. Blackness rims his vision, threatening to over take him. He can't breath. Can't speak. He just lays there motionless with his catch laying beneath his feet. Was this it? Was he going to die in a feeble attempt to catch food to satisfy his hunger? Blackness starts to take over his line of vision, beckoning him with the sweet song of slumber once again. He's a bit delirious at this point, not sure where he was or if anyone would even find him laying there.

TLDR; Ferretwhisker leaves his home for the day to go out hunting. He climbs a tree and catches a magpie but loses his footing and falls. The breath is knockedout of him and he probably has a mild concussion with modersre bruising and bruised ribs. Lol oops.

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  • Wow
Reactions: ThistleBack
Thistleback shoulders through young sprouts of youpon shrub, the thick sticks for stems driving bruises into his flaying paws as they reach for a retreating vole. Claws dance close, he can see beady little eyes blink in flinch with each swipe. His bladed tongue drags over his teeth, the thrill of the hunt and torment is delicious to him until he hears a curse.

He hadn’t realized how close to the wall between Sky and his former stomping grounds he had traced the rodent. The canopy rustles, nettles and pinecone rattling with the weight of a feline. Flutter of wings, and he spots the black-faced daylight warrior soaring, clasping his prey but purely executing the most foolish mistake- look where you land. thud, Thistleback abandons the sheltering prey immediately.

His toes hammer the ground as he makes his way to the sprawl of long legs and black and white feathers. The first thought is that the warrior just broke his neck, Thistleback quickly shoves his foot to the man’s neck for a pulse. " ferretwhisker " his accented tone is spoken near the fallen one’s ear as he feels the arterial pulse. " I’m gonna check if your back is broken, this may hurt. Hopefully " he knew if he had to put a clanmate out of their misery, he was probably the best option.

He aims to pinch the skin of Ferretwhisker’s leg with his fangs, Silver stare watching the man for reaction.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

  • Haha

He had a habit of gawking at those he didn't like. Silversmoke himself wasn't sure if it was a subconscious desire to start a fight or if it was distrust that made him watch, all the same, his bicoloured eyes were on Ferretwhisker like a hawk. Curiosity left his own hunting abandoned, it was a time of the day for the tabby where that didn't matter though. A fat, juicy dove had already been caught and buried for later by the tom, and he didn't have much stamina left to go chasing another good kill like that. His piercing glare tried to find the Daylight Warrior through the evergreens, first finding a monochrome bird that began to flee the loud hunter. Then, a set of spindly paws appeared, followed by a body of extraterrestrial proportions, soaring through the sky as if it had wings of its own. But, it did not have wings of its own, kittypets didn't get wings, and apparently, they didn't get gravity either. Silversmoke's ears fell back in shock as Ferretwhisker was sent crashing down toward the earth, their mouth parted in shock. "Oh for-" Splat. The Daylight Warrior hit the ground, and the long-furred tabby rushed to his side without giving himself a chance to think.

An anxious glance was quickly offered to Thistleback as he arrived, the lead warrior taking the initiative to check for the point's vitals. He used the time to gather his thoughts, straightening his posture and looming over Ferrestwhisker as if staring down at a strange object. How in StarClan's name could he be so dumb?! They'd just been raided, it was the middle of leafbare, were kittypets truly so deprived of common sense that they would fall out of trees like children?! His fur bristled as he quietly loomed, masking his worry behind a softened scowl. It was a huge weight off of his shoulders when Thistleback confirmed that Ferret was alive - the kittypet was a damned blight, useless in nearly every way, yet... a clanmate was a clanmate. Until Blazestar said otherwise, he at least had a duty to make sure his clanmates didn't get hurt. "Idiot. Why would you hunt like that?" He grumbled under his breath. Silversmoke's tail lashed as Thistleback bite on Ferret's back, and through the blood rushing through his ears and his heart beating out of its chest, there was a dry attempt at humour. "I don't think he felt it. Bite him harder." If that didn't get Ferret up and moving, then he'd have to find Dawnglare.

Hunting, hunting, hunting. Slate has never hunted so much in his damn life. Even when he was living back on the streets, he didn't hunt every single day. Some days he wouldn't eat at all, some days he would find some chicken scraps in the back of an alley. It was all left to chance. However, these fresh kills sure beat the rotting, fly-ridden remains of twoleg meals. It was just time-consuming to scour the forest and track down all of these critters.

So far, Slate had nothing. Only the dampened ground cover and the smell of pine trees flooded his senses. Thistleback had his sights on something already and Silversmoke was off somewhere else, so he had broken off to try and search another area. "Hah! Got ya!" The shout alone is nearly enough to trigger his eyes to roll into the back of his skull. It was hard to concentrate when that kibble-muncher was making noise.... as usual. What was that mousebrain even doing? Wasn't he supposed to be with his twolegs?


The dark-furred tom pricked his ears, knowing damn well that was too harsh of a slam for a normal pounce. Okay, now he had to figure out what was going on.

Slate backtracked towards where he last left Thistleback only to find the lead warrior tending to a disoriented, winded-looking Ferretwhisker. Silversmoke was present as well, not doing anything useful though not to his surprise. All the silver tabby was good for was making snide comments and bossing others around with no authority of his own. Then again, Slate wasn't planning on doing anything particularly helpful at the moment, either. Ferretwhisker wasn't anyone he'd ever fret over.

He glanced upward briefly, noting the towering evergreen before them. The proximity of the fallen kittypet warrior to the tree suggested that he had quite literally fallen right out of it. Suppressing a snicker though unable to mask the utter amusement creeping onto his features, Slate comments, "This is the quietest he's ever been. It's a miracle." Had he been a dutiful and caring clanmate, he would have been booking it back to camp to fetch Dawnglare, but watching Ferretwhisker look like a bird who had just obliviously smacked into a window was more entertaining. Besides, Slate felt like the oriental tom would be alright. He was conscious ( for now ). "Maybe he should do stupid stuff like this more often."

Slate knew that such snark might earn some critical glances in his direction, but he didn't care. Everything was so serious around here; so what if he made a sarcastic joke? Ferretwhisker was fine... probably.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— participated in battle with windclan, currently recovering from belly scratches and a bite mark on hind leg

Mumbled hums and buzzing entered within his ear canal, his head is pounding and swimming all in one churning movement. Nausea twists at his abdomen like a murderous blade, bile threatening to spill from his throat as he laid there. More voices, more and more. Why were there so many? Why couldn't he detect the dialouge within their tones? Most of all, why wouldn't they stop? Ferretwhisker's world spins around as if he were still falling still, unable to grasp at what was what or make out the details per usual. Am I blind? What's happening? Why does everything hurt?
A muffled groan slipped between his parted jaws, pain gripping at his cranium and threatening to crush it till there was nothing left. He can't seem to comprehend what happened to him or what led up to it. All he remembers is pain. A looming shadow veers over him, it's silhouette hulking and large. Who is that? They're not sure what to say in response, blackness still edging his vision as they stirred.
Then a piercing flash of electrified pain jolted through his hind leg and up his spine. "Ow! Dam-dammit! What da hell?" The lengthy warrior snaps his head up, muscle memory instinctively having him want to jerk away from whatever caused him pain. A fresh wave of nausea slammed into him now, another seering jolt of pain reverberated his cranium as he moaned out. His chest hurt, his lungs were constricted, it hurt to breathe or speak. Two more silhouettes came over his blurred vision now, his cerulean gaze only able to make out the silver hued wisp of fur, a deeper shade of charcoal, and a disheveled pattern of black and white. He stares at then through a crossed gaze, not particularly sure who they were at the moment until his eyes adjusted. "Oh thfank StarCan yah caame.." He drawls out, feebly attempting a smile that revealed his two top incisors. "I'm soorryy. I wash—uhm, uh..what wash I doin'?" It was obvious the usual serpentine tom was completely out of it; otherwise, he'd have given the trio of warriors a verbal lashing from a poisonous tongue they'd not forget. Especially to whomever bit him, whether it was warranted or not.
Ferretwhisker tries to move his elongated limbs, unsteadily pulling then under him as he tries to roll over into a crouched position. Nausea still pulled at him along with the dizziness, threatening to topple him back into the position he landed in. "Ow‐wuh. My head ish really hurtin'. It—it hurts to bweathee.." The seal point rasps, wanting nothing more than to close his eyes. He wished to be lounging in the sun by the tree stump again, or even curled up within his soft lined bedding back at home with the roaring fire going to warm his hide. He hated this, hated having such a hard cognitive time trying to function. "I-I-I need tuh go somewhere—" His gaze landed upon the three, no—four? Five cats? It was so hard to tell right now. His wobbly paws move to shift his weight as he tries to stand, but unfortunately he may as well be trying to move through a wind storm as his equilibrium was off kilter, causing him to immediately stumble into Thistleback with another groan through gritted teeth. There's no way he's be walking right now, not when he feels like he's underwater.
  • Haha
Reactions: ThistleBack

Sharing a knowing look with Silversmoke, Thistleback breathed out a tight laugh through his nerve-testing canines. Dark humor, timed right- would always wiggle its way into Thistleback’s ticklish side. While not insensitive, the lead warrior was hardly fretting. He cared in his own way, burrowed under callus and sinew there stood a man who would carry Ferretwhisker through a hail storm. Who could seem so cold but be so vaguely warm.

Slate chimes in with his own jests, Thistleback once more notes with a airy puff from his nostrils. He’s not disturbed by such notions, as they wield no prejudice nor threat.

Ferretwhisker stirs, the first sign of proper life he’s given besides a pulse. Ow! dam-dammit! what da hell, the seal point jerks away from jagged teeth. " well that’s good. Nothing worse than being paralyzed " he comments hoarsely, smirking sideways humorlessly as though the clan had just dodged a bullet.

The delirious feline speaks, and Thistleback’s skull cocks sideways as he strains to understand the absolute poppycock withering from his winded lungs. " don’t thfank Starclan yet. We haven’t a clue how bad you’ve hurt yourself " he mimics the slurred word to insinuate the severity of the situation.

He couldn’t think of anything worse than knocking yourself stupid. Knowledge and being able to speak, taken so easily for granted. Had Ferretwhisker shaken himself to a wasp nest between the ears? Thistleback would feel less sympathy for a dead cat. The piebald stands back up as long limbs pull under a stumbling mess. Like a fawn learning its legs, Ferretwhisker staggers into his side and shoulder.

Thistleback plants himself with sturdy knuckled paws, allows the weight with a patient grunt and aims to catch the man lightly at the scruff with his jaws to steady him. " close your eyes, it will help with the dizziness. Lean on me. " he mutters, a rare softness to his raspy tone. " Silversmoke, can you flank his other side? " he grunts towards the scar faced warrior.

his unpigmented stare flicks to Slate, " will you warn Dawnglare? … seems like his brains all but knocked loose "

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

  • Haha

Something was definitely wrong with the Daylight Warrior - he'd never been happy to see Silver, yet on the floor, he praised the very heavens for his presence alongside Thistleback and Slate. The tabby's expression didn't shift with the revelation, nor did it when Slate spoke up with his own mockery. His ears did twitch uncomfortably when the other expressed further confusion, trying to catch the Lead Warrior's glance to see what he made of the situation. Answering plainly, the tom mewed, "You were hunting, saw a bird, and jumped for it. Only, this bird was high up in a tree, and instead of being safe, you decided to bring it and yourself to the forest floor. Mousebrain." There was much more he could say to the other, but with knitted brows, he chose to save it for when Ferret was safe. A white paw moved forwards on instinct when the kittypet tried to stand, eventually, he forced himself to wait to see how the other fared on his own. The tabby took note of the point's complaints, scrutinising him with a suspicious glance. Whatever happened in the other's body seemed bad, but with the kittypet's tendency to exaggerate, he still doubted that the creature was truly suffocating.

"You're just winded. It will get easier to breathe." That was the extent of the medical support he could offer. When Ferret collapsed into Thistle's side, Silversmoke hissed quietly; he was in no position to travel to the Twolegplace like that. He hoped he'd be well enough to become his human's problem and keep SkyClan's precious herbs for emergencies surrounding their full-time warriors, his body tensed at the prospect that that wouldn't be the case. Another case of kittypets costing the clan, he recognised that beneath the snark, Slate probably thought so too. He didn't dare look at his rival even as he made up solidarity with him. A stifled nod was offered to Thistleback and wordlessly, the tall tom slipped to the other side of Ferrestwhisker to lend his support. Hopefully, the knock to the head would give Ferretwhisker some commonsense, he seemed awfully injury prone for one who claimed to be a warrior. When Thistleback finishes speaking, Silver adds his own order to Slate. "Bring the bird back to camp with you. At least he's fed someone today."