With smaller wounds, he had no qualms with experimenting- however, the pain that Dune-pelt was in and the fact Berryheart had never treated a similar issue before had spurred him to seek urgent advice elsewhere. The decision regarding where to go had not been a difficult one to make.

Berryheart had arrived alone- had insisted on his travel being lonesome, even at offers. Before his appointment as medicine cat he had been a warrior just as good as the rest of them, and he would be foolish to have forgotten what had been taught. Besides- this journey was a straightforward one, and hopefully one that would be met with little negotiation. Business between medicine cats was often kept just as that- the expulsion of his predecessor was an exception, of course, but he hoped SkyClan's warriors would meet him with little hostility.

Dutifully, and with expert precision, Berryheart stopped at ThunderClan's side of the scent line, lopsided eyes probing through the pine forest's foliage. It was not often he strayed near this part of ThunderClan's territory- in fact, he could not recall the last time he had conversed with a Skyclanner beyond nods of greeting at the gathering, or knowledge shared with him at half-moons.


Paws no longer kitty-pet soft, Johnny tried to spend as much time in the trees as was realistically possible. The tomcat loved the thrill of walking through the swaying bows and leaping through the air to land among sturdy branches- like arms waiting to catch him. He still lacked the overall skill that the senior warriors seemed to possess, but he no longer seemed to struggle with judging which branches would hold his weight or having to deal with cracked, aching paws afterward, and it showed.

"You looking for someone, friend?" he called down to the Thunderclanner as he noticed them, tone not unfriendly, but also not bothering to mask his blatant curiosity. It wasn't every day he found a lone cat from another clan sitting on the border as if waiting for someone, and he couldn't say he didn't find it a little suspicious.

) //Apprentice tag @Briarpaw

"Stick close now, it's important not to lose sight of the rest of the patrol, even if they're up in the trees." Bearheart warned in his usual light-hearted tone as he worked his way along SkyClan's side of the border along the ground. The air was mixed with the scent of their own clan and that of ThunderClan. Personally he had no real opinion on the other clan, they simply existed. Nothing worthy of hate, nor of admiration.

He hadn't expected to come across anything overly exciting that day but it was funny how things could be. A strong ThunderClan scent caught in his nostrils and it prompted him to change direction in order to come closer to the border itself. Johnny's voice from above confirmed his suspicions about there being someone there. "I wonder what's happening." It was unusual. "Is everything okay in ThunderClan?" Maybe the medicine cat needed something, should he get Dawnglare?
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Reactions: wolfie

Unlike Johnny who takes to the branches above, Greeneyes stays below, orange and white paws on the safety of the ground as he walks at the edge of the border with Bearheart and Briarpaw.

Though a SkyClanner through and through, the young warrior can't quite imagine traveling above ground, from pine branch to pine branch as often as Johnny does. The kittypet-born tom seems to have more skill in climbing than Greeneyes, a natural knack for tree-hopping. Good for him, he supposes.

ThunderClan scent reaches his nose, an odor stronger than the border would usually give off. Johnny's voice gives way to the ThunderClanner's presence from above, and a viridian gaze soon spots Berryheart waiting on the other side of the border. Though he's never truly interacted with the tortoiseshell, Greeneyes knows him as the oak clan's medicine cat, a relative of Fireflypaw's.

But, why is he here, alone? Had something happened?

Had green washed over the oak forest too?

"Oh! Hello," he greets the medicine cat with a nod of the head. A hint of confusion lingers in his voice as nerves begin to rise. "What can we do for you? Do you need to speak with Dawnglare? Or, Fireflypaw?"

"Berryheart! Ain't ya a sight for sore eyes, how ye been doin!"
Long chocolate limbs carried the chipper tom over, his head high and tail raised behind him as an accent to his greeting. Dandelionwish had not expected to see the other medicine cat again for a while given he was still banned from gatherings but it was only a matter of time that his being here would be noticed. If it weren't for the fact he'd walked up before realizing who it was, he might've pulled back to avoid this reaching any of the other medicine cat's and more importantly: Vulturemask, who he knew wouldn't rat him out but the less who knew the better. But he was already spotted so might as well greet the tortie with some sense of cheer; he'd always liked him anyways, one of the nicer cats he'd crossed paths with in those meetings. The other was Starlingheart.
"Ya'll doin alright over there in Thunder?"
Sturdy paws carry the hulking apprentice through foliage, leaves and sticks snagging on shaggy fur and yet Fireflypaw continues his chase. He can smell Greeneyes not too far away, can smell Dandelionwish as well as a few others; but the scent that catches his attention is Berryheart's. He swallows his own nervousness then, rounding to go fetch his mentor. Not too far away hunting for herbs, Fireflypaw shoves his head through a bush to catch his mentor's attention.

"Berryheart's at the border," He notifies him with a hum, pulling his head back to wait for the taller tom to breeze past him. He hopes nothing is wrong; was there a sickness running through ThunderClan? Was Berryheart contagious? He sure hoped he was okay.. He was family, after all. "Uncle," He meows out to his uncle in greeting, finally coming to stand beside Greeneyes' side. "You.. You sound healthy. I'm glad."


The faces that flocked toward him were accommodating ones, that was for sure. Blinking, he studied them all for a few long moments- barely any of their names found their way out of his memory, except of course his nephew's and another surprise appearance. The patch-pelted tom in the trees, the broad blond cat and the snow-splashed ginger tom were entirely unfamiliar to him, and he greeted them politely, parting his crooked jaw to speak his piece. All he had managed to do was give them all a nod of acknowledgement before his name shattered through the expectant silence, and his attention swivelled to settle upon Odd-eyes.

Surprise glimmered in his usually stony expression- a subtle flicker, but it was certainly there. He nodded, confirming his good health. "I'm very glad you're alright." he murmured, words curved a smidgen with the barely noticeable smile on his snowy maw. Sincerity glowed from his tone- he had surmised that Needles had ordered Odd-eyes killed; Berryheart had glanced no sign of the chocolate tom since the last time they had met at the Moonstone. His nephew's arrival caught his attention then- though his expression darkened when he spotted the scars over his face.

"You've been hurt." He pointed it out as if it was a concealed fact, concern a storm in his tone. Monotone as it was, there was a worry lying within that reserved itself often for his family. If Southpaws was here, though... Peepers could not be long behind him. He found it appropriate, then, to at last state his business.

"An apprentice has suffered a dislocated shoulder." Quite how it had happened, Berryheart did not feel it was important to say. It was an embarrassing truth. "I need to know how to help her." Hopefully, Peepers or Sootypaws- or even Odd-eyes- might know the cure. He could not afford to experiment, to risk her a greater depth of pain.
Lately the presence of Thunderclan on the border was a source of badgering. Not to him, but to Pidgeonsong and apparently Silversmoke as of late. A battle of words was hardly worth the hackles, but it was frustrating in a way like a needling worm on the belly. Thistleback smelled dry oak leaves and mossy brambles. Thunderclan. However, the taste of herb was familiar, the smells that cling to Dawnglare and his pupil.

Prowling, a muscled belly grazes ferns, shoulders dance like twin black rows on an ocean of scars with heat from the sun soaking and rolling off his back. His eyes catch the pelt of Johnny in the canopy speaking with a familiar coat of black and orange. Uneven eyes set in their skull, a jaw as offset Thistleback with a glance assumes broken. Bearheart asks if Thunderclan is alright, but despite being alone the medic didn’t seem particularly urgent.

Dandelionwish greeting Berryheart sent a twitch to his face, a realization that Thunderclan would now know where Windclan refugees had gone. It was bound to happen eventually but he rotated his jaw in thought nonetheless.

Uncle. Fireflypaw greets, and the lead warrior learns another branch on the tragic family tree. Split like logs. A dislocated shoulder, this was Thunderclan asking Skyclan for help. This, needed to be taken advantage of. With an ambition set of greys, he peers toward Dawnglare. Did he know how to mend such an injury? Perhaps the Windclanner? The odds were deliciously in their favor. It’s not fair that a poor apprentice become a tool for politics in his mind, but Thistleback hardly cared for anything outside of Skyclan. " poor lass. hope she’s comfortable where she’s waiting " he offers his sympathy, barbed tongue flicking with eloquence.

He peers up at Johnny with a faint smirk wormed over his maw.

  • — apprentice tags @eveningpaw @TERMITEPAW

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



Bounding alongside the large tomcat, the young apprentice perked up slightly at the sight of Berryheart. Curious, but they refused to let it show that they had any sort of interest in that of the Thunderclan medicine cat. The other clans were a mystery to Briarpaw and they wished to know everything they could about them, but that would be breaking the rules. They had to stay put and stand beside Bearheart, and then glanced to Fireflypaw as the pointed cat addressed the tortie tom. Lilac fur bristled slightly as the former of Windclan soon joined the party and then glanced to Thistleback, as if questioning if this was going to be a good idea or not. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
  • Untitled48_20230412141835.png
જ➶ Bounding after the group the stout apprentice keeps up as best she can. There is little reason for her not to be able to tag along. Afterall, what if something exciting happens? And she is sure that Bluejay wouldn't mind either. A broad and bright smile is upon the young molly's muzzle as she sniffs here and there, following at a measured pace now till she picks up on the sudden conversation and her light amber eyes widen in sudden surprise. Maybe she needs to pay more attention especially with a Thunderclanner at the border. And even more so it's the medicine cat. With a soft move she steps closer and her ears pull forward to pick up a name. Berryheart. She will be sure to remember his name then considering he is a very important cat. "Hi, hi! I'm Heatherpaw!" The apprentice is quick to introduce herself and then more conversation ensues.

A wince pulls at her gaze as the other talks about an apprentice having dislocated their shoulder. "Owiee.." She mutters quietly but also takes a step back, knowing that this is not something she can help with. The adults are more equipped than she is.
" Who? " The name hardly rings a bell, but he is dragging himself from his burrow nonetheless. The kindness of newleaf brings a bounce to his step, delight in the color that bloomed across the world. There is sadness to be had, in the return of that plague– verdant thing that crawls its way from the heart and sinks itself into ever fiber of being. It shone with near - sickening vivacity now, but blooms of white and gold buried it the best the could. They were not so much better, themselves, but they were easier on the eyes, at least, even though he would not care for the ones crushed in his pursuit.

The spark fires when he sees them, crooked - face and all. Eyes mildly detestable, but inoffensive enough that he may ignore them, in the most blissful of moments. That reminder of kinship brings out an acknowledging hum. Chirping from another– Heatherpaw, earns no such response at all. (Unimportant, unimportant. Who had asked her, truly?) He hasn't the heart no soul to spare the wretched one a glance, in the moment. " So he has, " the reply is quiet upon the other's observation. It was one he hadn't needed to make! No, he hadn't really. He remembers the salves and bloodied webs upon his paws. With how much Firefly has always smiled, it was easy to pretend nothing had happened, at all.

He may perk up upon the news, though. A lesson in order, then. His eyes narrow upon understanding. Lucky him, that he finds himself in so favorable a position... Knowledge to be offered readily, here. His chin lilts just slightly, barely catch the silver gaze of the piebald warrior, in his vision. Niceties have been uttered from him, and thus, needed no further from Dawnglare, himself. " I will show you, " he declares. Though perhaps, it was not the easiest thing to show... " We'll need a subject, though... " A gaze rakes across the crowd. Nearly, he demands that someone dislocates a limb for him... nearly. Perhaps closer to camp and he would move forward...

" You will come with us, " he says to the moorland - wretch, smile cracking steadily with ideas and ideals... He turns to Fireflypaw then, maw dipping into a frown, with the closeness in which he brushed orange fur. " You will not. "

He blinks once, twice, before turning tail for camp again.