camp the bars all close at 10 in hell, thats a rule i made | DEPARTURE

Nov 17, 2022
The half moon was rising above the horizon, white light reflecting off the waves of the river. It was beautiful. Yet, to those who did not know for whom the bell tolled might find it beautiful. For the damned, it was a different melody altogether.

Ravenpaw lay in his den, paws outstretched. The idea to forgo the meeting entirely crossed his mind, as swift and delicate as a butterfly’s wings. The collection of foreign medicine cats were all strange with varying levels of their devotion to StarClan—but Ravenpaw knew their faith was much stronger than his at any point. He had been conflicted, and he had been shown what lay beyond the stone. What else was there?

He wondered if the others felt that same fearful chill up their spines as they brushed their whiskers against cold stone walls. He wondered if they looked forward to touching their nose to the stone and seeing the truth of the universe—if they found it as pleasing as eating the fattest trout. Ravenpaw could only remain terrified at every pawstep.

Nobody could understand how he felt about it. Ravenpaw raised his head to check on his injured denmates. One night. Catfishpaw and Fernpaw would be alright for one night.

Who else? Ravenpaw wondered as he dragged himself out of his nest and licked down a cowlick.



By the height of the sun and moon, Ravenpaw estimated that he would be only slightly late if he traveled quickly. The young medicine cat apprentice was sitting outside his den. To those who had taken notice of him since his mentor had died, Ravenpaw’s fur had been unkempt, his eyes glassy, and claws dull. He appeared as a new cat now, freshly groomed and a somber, but determined look in his eye.

When a small gathered group of cats asked what he was preparing to do, he began to speak. “I will be leaving for the Moonstone to attend the medicine cat gathering. When I come back, I will have been given my full medicine cat name.” Ravenpaw’s pupils widened and wobbled, but his voice remained strong.

“Under the… various conditions of the fate of my predecessors and among other things, Cicadastar has allowed me to take a warrior escort with me on my journey.”

Apprehensive seafoam eyes cast out across the camp, purposeful in their search.


“Snakeblink… if you would, come with me to the mouth of the cave. I would be grateful.”


@Snakeblink but no need to wait, its not pafp!


//mobile post!! i couldnt wait

Hazecloud had never made a visit to the moonstone before, but she did love to hear how beautiful it was. A precious stone within the depths of a cave, its full breadth of elegance saved for the light of the moon. She often tried to imagine it in her own mind, but was convinced seeing it would truly capture what her thoughts were missing.

The day of the medicine cats journey came, and Hazecloud worked hard to come back to camp in time to see him off. Her paws stopped a few tail-lengths away as he addressed his Clan. His Clan solely, now. She was glad that a Lead would accompany him. Snakeblink would bring him back home safe.

Hazecloud padded forward to bump her forehead against his amd smile. "I'll watch Catfishpaw and Fernpaw for you, make sure they get their food and water, and stay in their nests." She couldn't imagine it being too hard, right?

"I'm so proud of you, Ravenpaw."

The loss of Beesong hangs over the clan like heavy fog — but the world moves on nonetheless, unburdened by mortal grief. As the half moon rises, Snakeblink spares a thought for Ravenpaw: the ornery medicine cat apprentice will have to shoulder the full weight of his duties sooner than any of them ever expected.

That thought is fleeting, a secondary concern as he ponders other matters that he is more apt to deal with. As such, hearing the tom in question calling his name has him twitching in barely-contained surprise. Rolling to his paws, the tabby turns his attention to the medicine cat apprentice, meeting apprehensive eyes with his own piercing stare. As usual, words escape his mouth unbidden as he agrees without a second thought.

”Of course. I am at your disposal.”

Even as he says it, his mind whirls with curiosity. Why him specifically? With his poor nocturnal sight and his equally dubious fighting skills, any other warrior would be better suited than he is to protect Ravenpaw on his way to the cave where medicine cats gather. He doesn’t voice that doubt, though he burns to — the dark tom must have his reasons, whatever these may be, and he will not question it. And he will admit to being curious: these meetings are secretive, a privilege for those appointed by Starclan, and even if he hears or sees none of it he is eager to catch even a glimpse of these proceedings.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


" it that time already?"
He can not deny how nervous he is to send Ravenpaw off like this. Part of him wondered if they should not allow him to go while other medicine cats are there, let him go on his own with a proper patrol of defenders to visit the Moonstone later when their presence would not be so apparent. It was one thing to be in their territory but they had to cross through WindClan to reach Highstones and while every clan respected the medicine cats he did not think for a moment that WindClan might not try some underhanded act under StarClan's allseeing eye despite everything. The scorch stain at Sootstar's paws spoke of rejection, but that she was still leader told otherwise; he hated not knowing how far she'd fallen. If she was willing to do something like attack another clan's healer unprompted. When Ravenpaw speaks of his escort Smokethroat lets his shoulders droop in relief, until he hears Snakeblink's name and immediately the concern falls over him again in an instant. Snakeblink couldn't fight his way out of his nest in the morning, he was not going to be very capable at defending the apprentice if something happened and for a moment he considers asserting his authority and demanding another lead warrior go. Petalnose, Lichentail and Cindershade would all be more proper guards, swift with claws and tenacious; willing to fight to the death in defense of their clan and their new medicine cat. The dark tom inhales sharply through his nose, exhales, lets it go. No. He wasn't going to fight it as much as he wanted to, with hope his worries were trivial and meaningless and Snakeblink would make a proper escort for a boring and uneventful trek to the Moonstone.
" safe, be mindful, be...." The deputy falters, tail flicking, he wants to ask if he intends to see Beesong, he wants to tell the apprentice to let the other know RiverClan will be safe in their absence but there is already too much of a burden on Ravenpaw's shoulders. He won't add to it. "Take care in your travels. We'll be waiting here for your return." A pointed look is given to the tabby tom due to venture out with the other, the very clear and wordless narrow of an orange eye. He WOULD be blaming Snakeblink if anything happened, thanks for asking.

Dovepaw lacked in many things, but he had tact. He had politeness. In the realm of social, open events, he was not going to make a scene. If he was worried that he might, he would excuse himself before such became a problem. This, however, was inspiring some low level of white-hot rage inside of him.

He knew it was wrong to be mad at Ravenpaw for this. He was obviously scared, he had been through a lot—and yet Dovepaw could not help but feel a near-snarl that so desperately wanted to rip from his throat. When his mentor had been chased out of the clan to what may as well have been her death, a mob of savages had celebrated. When Ravenpaw goes through the same, he gets a special ceremony and his own new, shiny name.

Before Dovepaw even got his.

Able to compose himself enough, Dovepaw cast a glance in Ravenpaw's direction. A steely, unfeeling one that looked him dead in the eye for a moment or two. And then he left.

She sits beside Smokethroat, feeling the nerves radiating like sparks from the deputy’s black pelt. Half an ivory circle begins its ascent into the darkening sky—and, as Smokethroat says, it’s time. The tortoiseshell watches Ravenpaw, feeling an ache of sympathy for the young cat. They are close in age, but he lost his mentor in a gruesome accident, and the burden of RiverClan now rests on his young shoulders. She’s quite sure the young tom feels ancient with all he carries on his back.

Iciclefang and Ravenpaw are not close, and she does not presume as much; but she cannot deny she wants him to succeed, not just for his sake, but for all of their Clan’s. Snakeblink is chosen to accompany him, and the two of them prepare their trek to Highstones.

Safe travels,” she says, dipping her head. When he returns, he will be a full medicine cat. The scarred cinnamon feline who’d been in their den all her life and been there at her kitting will have been fully replaced by his protégé.


The pick of Snakeblink was not of suprise to Petalnose, she was sure he brought good company. He was that of the friendlier lead warriors of the pick and she understood that. She may be a good guard, she'd fight anything that would threaten her clan and clanmates no matter if it cost her life. Although, she knew she wasn't the best company at times. Especially with their dynamic already, Ravenpaw may not be very comfortable with her presence and wanting a calm interaction. She understood, but like Smokethroat, she did have concerns for his safety. Snakeblink didn't carry as much ferocity as the majority of the lead warriors.

May whatever hostility thrown their way be marked by clan vengeance. May they always sleep with one eye open.

Becoming a medicine cat already.
It was bittersweet. It meant she was getting older too and Ravenpaw wasn't so small anymore. He wasn't an apprentice. They were getting paws that would take good care of them. She knew from the start Ravenpaw was going to do well at his job. She believed in him. She always had.

Her heart did ache for Beesong, she would miss them and feel emptiness everytime she would step paw in the medicine den. The death of their beloved medicine cat fell heavy on her. However, the woman was still interested to see what Ravenpaw brought to the clan. She was interested to hear the change of name to confirm his maturity and service to their clan as well.

"Good luck, kid." She rumbled flatly, a slight tease to her words. "May Starclan brighten your path or how ever it goes." Although still flat toned, it was meant to be in a way of affection. Her ties to the stars were not as strong but she was sure to express her wishes. Hopefully they would accept him, the clan relied on him more than ever now.

ᓚᘏᗢ Ratkit didn't quite know what it meant to go to the moonstone, but she knew sort of what the gatherings were and knew that Ravenpaw was going somewhere dangerous - why else would he get to bring a warrior with him? Coming out of the nursery to listen to the conversation that was being had at the edge of the camp, Ratkit would scamper over, ears pricked as she ran up to Ravenpaw, looking straight up towards the apprentice before promptly sitting down. "When you get back can you tell me about the big rock?" The kitten yawned out, tired smile resting on her face. "I'll stay up right here so that you can tell me first." She probably wouldn't even last thirty minutes.

… . . ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ [penned by tikki]

With baited breath they waited, listening to the languid way he spoke... Though she couldn't blame his demeanor, it hung heavy on her heart to see such an exciting moment remain overshadowed by the why it had come to this. Beesong... He had to be watching right? He must be proud... If not a little annoyed with his unceremonious send off to join the ancestors he had been heeding for moons.

Offering a reassuring smile to the dark-furred tom as he announced his need for a guard, a surprised blink was the only response she had towards the nomination of the more... reclined lead warrior of the group. Glancing towards her comrade with an encouraging flick of her tail, the silvery feline did her best to have enough excitement for the both of them. Both seemed so solemn... This was just work to the two. Nothing more.

Hazecloud said something but she largely ignored her, opting to pay attention to who else was gathering and wishing farewells. It was unsurprising to see Dovepaw lingering on the edge and though Iciclefang struggles to show any true empathy, she hopes the well-wishing does something to ease Ravenpaw's anxiety about the journey.

The tiny voice of a kit nearby demanded a play-by-play upon the medicine cat's return- gently patting the top of a yawning head, Lichentail purred in amusement, "It will be the wee hours of the morning before he is returned, small one. Do not stay up late waiting for him- I'm sure he'd be happy to talk about the Moonstone when he gets back."