pafp the bear went over the mountain | climbing?


i come from where the wild wild flowers grow
May 31, 2024

The sun beats down on SkyClan’s camp, heat radiating from uncovered surfaces. Within the nursery became sweltering, too many bodies in an enclosed space, so Budkit tromped around just outside of the holly bush. She enjoyed the sunshine on her pale back, though she became annoyed by how quickly her ears heated up. They flicked and laid against her head as she scampered to a section of shade. Not far from the nursery as to not worry Butterflytuft.

Unbeknownst to the young kit, her newly claimed patch of shade housed a napping warrior. A dark smoky form blending with the shadows cast by trees above. From Budkit’s vantage point this was a large unknown. Something smaller than the stump she had tried to climb (thinking of that makes her claws ache a little bit). Maybe she could climb this instead? The point kitten craves the praise Oleanderkit had received after climbing to the top by herself.

With the resolve to earn herself praise, Budkit approached the resting warrior whose back faced her, and one by one placed her paws upon black fur. She finds footholds on Copia’s hips and spine, ivory claws poking out just enough to be uncomfortable but not painful. Quickly the kitten scales her weird not stump (maybe it’s a furry rock?) and at the top releases a joyous trill.

“Wook at me!” She cheers before her center of gravity shifts and she drops down to her belly to hold on tight. Was the furry rock moving? Budkit looks at it carefully, oceanic eyes scanning the waves of blacks and grays her body is nestled in. In doing so she finally notices Copia’s face…


A warrior, not a furry rock.

“Hewwo!” Budkit purrs, beaming a toothy smile at the smoke tom, unperturbed by her mistake. She could still be praised for climbing a warrior after all.

[ penned by kerms ]
The heat blazes down on SkyClan's camp, and the older tom was lucky to find a patch of shade on this hot afternoon. The heat doesn't exactly feel great on his dark pelt— his black, smokey fur absorbs the heat, and a patch of shade does wonders for cooling off. There wasn't nearly as much shade back in the twolegplace; the older tom came to realize after weeks of staying in SkyClan. Trees were minimal; and you were lucky to find shade from a building or a dumpster. (And the trees that were there provided practically no shade, sheesh.)

So Copia rests in his newfound patch of shade, his eyes closed shut. An ear twitches as the young Budkit approaches, and the former rogue does not notice the kit getting closer. Apparently, his dark fur blends quite well into the shadows from the trees above, and to a kitten with a huge imagination— he looks like a "fuzzy" rock. His back faces her, and she begins to make her ascent to the very top. As her ivory claws painlessly dig into his thick fur, the former rogue lightly stirs, but his eyes remain closed. But an ear twitches at the voice of a young kit; who's voice is filled with triumph. "Wook at me!"

The longhaired tom opens his mismatched eyes, and the kitten seems to hold on tight as he forces himself to sit halfway up; and her oceanic eyes meet his green and white eyes. "Hewwo!" The kit purrs with a toothy smile, seemingly unbothered that she mistook him for a fuzzy rock. "Hello there little one," The older tom typically isn't fond of physical contact, but he can't feel upset towards such a small kitten. Kittens have such large imaginations, so much innocence— she should feel quite proud of her feat, yes? "You are quite the skilled climber for someone your size, heh," He compliments her with a flick of an ear, and he carefully sits up (she's still on his shoulder). "Want to, eh, give it another go?" This time around he wouldn't be like a fuzzy rock, he'd be more like a mountain!

  • 84816042_5g6XM8E1aT85s8Y.png

    artwork by me
  • Copia
    33 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    pixel by nopeita <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & gray
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)

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Butterflytuft, who had been observing Budkit from a short distance, can't help but chuckle softly as she watches her daughter's adventurous spirit. The sight of Budkit climbing on Copia is both endearing and amusing. But of course she doesn’t want to bother the new SkyClanner, and so she quickly approaches, her gaze full of affection and mild concern. "I’m sorry for the surprise! She can be quite the explorer!” She calls out, giving Copia an apologetic smile. Her gaze shifts back to her daughter, her pride evident. "You certainly managed to find a new way to practice climbing, didn't you?” After the incident on the stump, she wouldn’t blame her for being a little spooked about climbing wood again. If anything, it goes to show her determination. But that doesn’t make it right. With a gentle nudge to Budkit, she mews, "Now, let's be careful climbing on others, okay? You can always practice on stumps, but it's not polite to climb on warriors." She glances at Copia, adding with a hint of amusement, "But it looks like you made a new friend today, Budkit."

Her ears flick with surprise though as Copia offers to let her try again. She tilts her head towards him, “Are you sure? You don’t have to.” But he seems certain, and Butterflytuft's expression softens. "Thank you for being so understanding. Budkit can be a bit of a pawful sometimes, but she means no harm." She offers a grateful smile, appreciating Copia's patience and good humor. She sits back to watch, though she remains ready in case she needs to leap into action at any point.

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For a moment Budkit finds herself entranced with mismatched eyes. Copia’s eyes are not a warm yellow like her mother’s, rather one a green like leaves and the other pale like clouds. It’s interesting and the kitten takes time to study the shades, her toothy grin fading to an intrigued ‘oh’ and face inching closer to the older tom’s momentarily. Then he begins to shift upward and Budkit slides down his back.

“Weee,” she giggles before her rear plunks onto the ground and her mother is beside her, nudging her lightly. “I cwimbed! Budkit cwimbed so high. So high on the nice wawwior,” she praised herself in a loud voice, pushing back to her paws and flicking her kinked tail excitedly. While Butterflytuft apologizes for her climbing (which confuses Budkit because the fuzzy not rock said it was okay) she studies Copia’s back once more. He is sitting up so the slope is much steeper. The smoky tom resembles the cursed climbing stump much more now.

“Budkit no wike stumps. Dey gwab Budkit’s cwaws… huw-huwr-hurt Budkit. Nice wawwior no hu-hurt Budkit,” the point kitten proclaims. In a roundabout way she has just explained her fear of the climbing stump. The trauma of getting stuck and needing Silversmoke’s help. With Copia she did not get stuck; she did not need help. “I cwimb again. I cwimb my new fwend.”

And so she does. Under her mother’s watchful gaze the mittened kit scales Copia’s back carefully, making sure to not dig her needle-like claws into him. Finding footing in small tangles of his plush pelt. Huffing triumphant as she pulls herself onto his shoulder and rests her chin on the top of his head. “I did it!” Budkit purrs happily, resting atop Copia to take in her new vantage point.
[ penned by kerms ]
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