private The beauty underneath ☾ Snowpaw


The Danse Macabre
Apr 28, 2024


ShadowClan’s graveyard was considered a tranquil area to Haretooth, he’d dare to even call it a beautiful site if he was delusional enough for anything here to earn that. Nothing within the dark shadows of the marsh could ever truly hold a candle to such approbation. Still, it was a place of solace, he sought it out when needing a moment to himself. Despite it being a place of refuge, it was still intended for the public. He would see the occasional clan-mate here, usually those who were inclined to linger in such morbid places. Swansong was one of them, recently she had visited and spruced up their mothers grave, that was probably the closest moment Haretooth would attribute to something good occurring in ShadowClan.

There were visitors that he would not expect, it was important to not be complacent afterall. Yet, he would admit to surprise at the sight of Snowpaw there that day that Swansong had adorned their kins gravestone. He wasn’t sure why the apprentice was there that day, he didn’t seem like the kind to frequent this area. The apprentice didn’t seem to share his views on the world of the macabre, his views on mortality seemingly that of a kinder soul, or rather a passive one. Normally he wouldn’t try to associate with clan-mates who didn’t have that scholarly mindset but he enjoyed his presence. He told himself that he could see a spark in him for potential and that’s why he sought him out, not just because of the decent enough company he brought with him.

The gaunt tom had trekked towards the graveyard again, looking to find that solace. That’s when he noticed Snowpaw residing there before him. Pale coat glimmers in the silver moonlight as he strides to take his place next to the apprentice. “If you begin loitering around here in higher frequencies you’re bound to bring something back to camp with you.” He comments, scrunching his nose in disdain at the thought. Eyes looking at the marked graves in front of them, not taking the time to glance at Snowpaw. “You were here before too, what's possessing you to visit?”


[ ༻❄༺ ] For a while now, Snowpaw had meant to visit his parents, to tell them everything that has happened so far-who he had as his mentor, how his training went, and how he... was well, a tom and that the daughter they had probably dreamed of watching grow up was gone, replaced with that of a boy, their son now. Surely they were both proud to see him grow up, to see how far he has come but everytime he came to visit the tom avoided their stones-going to different ones while a small rock he carried with him, white and freckled with grey spots on it, slightly rolled between the ground and his own paws.

He knew he normally never visited here, after all he only knew so few who had joined the stars so what reason did he have to come and visit? Unlike Swansong who went about decorating the graves-especially her mother's,
Snowpaw had not done any of that. Yellow eyes stared at the two gravestones in front of him, their names allude him since once more he avoided going towards his own parent's grave when Haretooth's voice made his ears perk before turning to look at the other awkwardly.

"...I'm not sure, perhaps... its because they might feel lonely and... want company" he expressed in an awkward tone before glancing back at the graves in front of him, silently tucking the stone he had brought with him close so that the warrior did not spot it. Ears twitched slightly while he hummed a bit and glanced over at the other once more "Why are you here? Come to speak to the dead?" he asked, perhaps Haretooth too had lost someone close and thats why he came to visit... but knowing the tom, it was something different.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



He wasn't sure if it Snowpaw's comment itself or the awkward tone lying within that sparked curiosity. He didn't really keep up with the affairs of those that weren't kin but he was aware enough to know the absence or paternal figures in the apprentices life. His concentration on looking at anything that wasn't Snowpaw was voluntarily broken. The warrior paused, glancing at the tom beside him inquisitively. Gaze then fell to behold the two gravestones in front of them.

A sharp snort filled the otherwise quiet air between them. The snort flowed into a snicker, he laughed like he hadn't heard of the concept of laughter before. “The dead can't speak.” He replied coolly after he ceased his snickering. The joke was funny, he had to give credit to that even if not vocally, the concept would be funnier if the statement wasn't intended to be humorous.

“I reside here for solace most of the time.” He confessed with a shrug of his shoulders, pawing at the ground in front of him absentmindedly. There was debate on what he should retort with, perhaps a comment about how he was ensuring no one's bodies were taken. Guarding against predators perhaps? Neither of those sounded viable. “I thought I'd also pass by my parents' graves while here if you must know, to ensure that nothing has dug them up.” He comments with no particular emotion in his tone, commenting on them as if commenting about the passing weather.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw's ear flicked slightly hoping that the other would believe his awkward toned lie, he didn't wish to admit to the truth as to why he was here, not to anyone especially when they might find it funny that the tom would care for two cats he hardly knew due to them passing when he had been only 2 moons old, hardly an age to remember who they were even if they had been there hoping they'd make it through only for the marsh's curse to claw its way and take them.

He shifted awkwardly when Haretooth laughed at his comment and Snowpaw frown a bit. "Aren't the dead within starclan though? Then... that means they can talk, just not to us" he expressed with a slight frown. Did Haretooth not believe in Starclan? Snowpaw knew that they once had their doubts up until Chilledstar's return after losing a life to a fox not that long ago, but...why would starclan take Magpiepaw from them?

"I see" his gaze flicked back to the stones before him with a flick of his stubby tail adjusting himself bit after hearing the other words that Haretooth spoke while wrinkling his nose slightly, questioning to himself why anything would just want...well, bones... as far as he was aware Haretooth's parent's werent freshly dead. "But aren't they just bones by now?" he asked the other curiously looking over at the other while the moon illuminated both their forms.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



Haretooth shrugged, the apprentice's reasoning was sound. Since the dead are with StarClan they can technically speak, he was rather impressed that Snowpaw could catch him with such a technicality. Perhaps he had too low of an expectation of the young tom, he could always reassess his opinions later. Trying to tackle the mental battlefield of where others fell on his standards of social standing while actively communicating with said others sounded like a recipe for a headache that he particularly wanted to avoid.

“They are, if they can't speak with me then why would I bother wasting my time for futile communication?” He asks with a tilt of his head, neck bending awkwardly. A lazy grin greets Snowpaw as he readjusts himself to be sitting in his regular position. “Hence, the dead can't speak” he drawled, taking on the tone of a haughty professor explaining a monotonous subject to a bored class. He couldn't help but wonder where Snowpaw's opinion on StarClan lay, this could be held back for a later date. Perhaps one where the tone was more jovial, as if that opportunity could ever arise in the marshland.

“They are just bones, very astute observation Snowpaw.” He nods, tone sounding dry yet there was no sarcasm evident. He flicks a paw towards the two graves residing in front of the pair. “It's a habit at this point I suppose, gives me a purpose rather than trying to speak with those that I know can't speak back.” There's a pause, remembering Snowpaw's earlier comment. “Can't speak to me, I should clarify.”

Haretooth couldn't hide the fact that he found humour in the conversation. It seemed like such a trivial matter to himself, visiting and keeping vigilance had been a habit since he was young. The warrior was a stickler for tradition he supposed, when such traditions suited his needs anyways. “So, do you plan on keeping the dead company often? I can advise you which graves to avoid. Some are touchy when those who aren't kin linger near their loved ones.” He didn't respect much, while he found the emotions attached to mourning rather disgraceful and messy he could respect those who grieve at least.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Perhaps Haretooth's reasoning was true, if he couldn't speak to them then it means they couldn't speak but, a frown peered on his lips. If the only way to commute with those who already pased was through someone like Starlingheart than what was the point of even coming to the grave? Perhaps it was a reason of comfort to others to come here and speak with their loved ones who passed already even if they couldn't respond to them.

He flicked his nicked ear a bit before glancing at the other with a hum, finding the way Haretooth act was a bit strange but, he'll take the compliment nonetheless from the other, with a soft chuckle as he listened to the other's words as his yellow eyes softened a bit. "Perhaps you come here, even if its not to speak to them... you come here because you still feel close to them? Even if they can't speak back, they surely be watching over you" he expressed gently before shrugging slightly at Haretooth's offer.

"I don't plan on becoming a permanent face upon the dead... truthfully I don't know why I came here in the first place" he expressed calmly, still not wanting to let the other know how much of a coward he was for not even wanting to visit his own parent's graves, he had plenty of time to-from first becoming an apprentice to now, where he was almost a warrior, almost had his full name. He knew it was procrastination but everytime he came to the grave to speak with them the words just leave him, leaving Snowpaw unsure what to even say. Perhaps they were upset with him.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.