Jul 14, 2022
the sky is clear when the cats arrive. the smell of old wood and blood lingers in the air, swirling with the scent of wet fur and water. large, round beasts mill about where the rocky path gives way towards the bottom of the gorge. there are many, lodging near the water or along their pseudo - bridge, chipping away at twigs and leaves in large, orange - hued teeth. uphill, the leader still lies upon his side in the wavering grass, unmoving and wide - eyed towards the sky where clouds move lazily across. his leg is twisted horribly, a small dripping of blood still falling to meet the small puddle underneath. a body, undisturbed save for a defensive bite. the stars have not yet allowed his return but the creatures have left him be, left for only the wind to stroke his bicolored fur. the waters rush below, slip over already - slick rocks, a danger unto itself despite the ebbed flow the dam creates. the beasts are large, larger than a cat, and thick - skinned.. but their numbers had frightened the one, backed it to a near retreat. there was no way to fight them, not truly ; star - laden eyes watch, stuck, towards hard tails and large, clawed paws. river water runs through the twine of their den, not quite structured to their liking and continuously paced. was there an answer here? the sound of approaching pawsteps are muffled from this place, stuffed with cloud and cotton, but they thunder beneath him.

petalnose returns, he knows. she returns with more than he would have.

please wait for patrol lead @Petalnose , this is open to all cats in the ripple colony & HEALTHY, ABLE & EXPERIENCED riverclanners : please keep the number of riverclanners less or equal to colony members. patrol tags for @coyotecreek @salmonshade . one beaver can seriously or fatally injure a warrior in combat -- how else can the cats run them off?

It was believed the lead warrior grouped up enough cats. More than their previous patrol who have failed their fight. Siren like eyes glinted with determination as she scanned and searched, looking for their opposers along the way. Although, the feline weaved each slippery rock on quick paws; conquering the terrain. "These beasts are far more stronger than our kind. We must be intelligent about going about this. I need quick paws at my side to lure these creatures away from their nest. The rest- push as many twigs and branches to your ability to flatten the nest. I suggest these warriors are not drypaws. If they turn to the warriors destroying the nest, we'll try our best to gain their attention again but be prepared to stand back and become a group again to overwhelm them." Two plans. The other in case the first crumbled to doom. Petalnose prayed that wasn't the case.

The smell of drying blood and the creatures came into scent, slowly falling into a halt to direct her patrol. Her tone lowered as she turned to face them, "I need two warriors to help me lure them away. Air swats are best if our presence isn't enough. We can't afford injured or dead cats." She scanned the patrol, looking for her brave comrades. The more cats destroying the nest the better, in case all went wrong.. "The rest of you stay back and try to stay out of their sight for now, then creep behind when we’ve caught their attention and get to work. Be vigilant. Be safe. Stay alert for my commands." With a flick of her tail- she beckoned her first set of help to charge into war.

It was odd for her to stray from commanding physical war, a fighter she was by heart. Even she knew these beasts were too deadly, the screams of her leader echoing throughout her mind. Petalnose glanced in his direction as she passed, her heart sinking in relief to see his body was unbothered.

A yowl; A battle cry was made for this false fight as she approached in a battle charge. The lead warrior hoped to gain their attention. She hoped it would last long enough.

She hoped this plan would work.

This is gotta be one of the weirdest fucking experiences in my life. It was not uncommon for the Ripple Colony to take in more cats within their ranks while they traveled, but she had been born and raised in the colony. She never had the experience of joining a group outside of their own to help with a shared situation. To be honest, despite the fact that she readily offered herself to aid, she didn't think past that. Sure she had Kaede and Frond and some other colony members, it was strange to follow the Riverclanners. Yes, the groups shared some similarities, but similarities can only run so far. It was time to see if the differences between their groups would greatly hinder them here. This would be the first time they'd form a new team, a strange River-ripple group. It was quite obvious who was part of which group given that colony members naturally gravitated with other colonymates, while riverclanners gravitated more towards their own.

Maybe they should have been more involved with one another, but it was too late for that. It was all up to them to get it together for the very first mission. Unlike the riverclanner cats that gracefully navigated through their territory, she found herself struggling. You would think they remember we weren't allowed around these parts. There was no time to take anything in, her brain rattling with the single goal of following these cats to battle and quite possibly to her death if she was not strong enough. Ears flick, taking in Petalnoses words. Although, she doesn't quite understand warrior enough much less what the heck drypaw meant either. A quick glance towards the riverclanners, causes her to huff in annoyance. Course, you'd know. Cats, Petal couldn't you have made it simple?

Whatever. Let's see... I don't understand half of what she said, but beast is smart. We gotta be smart too, or fast enough to not get killed. Whatever this thing is super strong. Amber eyes glance towards her fellow colonymates, to see if they understood more or less what they've been told. Once the scent of blood reaches her nose, she can't help but grin, excitement running through her veins. A halt they come to. One again Petalnose is babbling nonesense she vaguely understands. Got it. You don't want any of us dead or hurt. Well, you could just mean that to your own cats. Whatever. I just wanna sink my claws in that beast. It is amusingly evident to Sasha that Petalnose is directing Riverclan and not the Ripple colony. Then again, how could she blindly trust their skills?

Sasha doesn't hide the roll of her eyes when she and her colonymates are referred to as the rest of you. Despite her attitude she knows better and promised that she would be of use. She would not fail. She was a cat of her word and she didn't want to bring any shame to the elders who trusted her to come. I'll give it my all. Behind she stood, watching the first step of help yowling as they charged into battle. She turned to whoever remained and grinned wickedly, "Come on, we can't let them take the spotlight! We'll slink around and show 'em. None of us are dying, remember that." With that she crouches down and begins to navigate towards yowling group. Can't see your single Petal if I ain't closer.
die with memories , not dreams .
Kaede wasn’t sure if it was just him and his inability to understand a lot of things or if anyone else was confused as much as he was, blinking languidly at the lead warrior as if she had grown three heads, brows furrowed. He knew it was a serious moment, but he couldn’t help but mutter, “But our paws are dry?” He tossed a helpless glance in Sasha and Frond’s direction but otherwise remained silent.

He breathed, flank rising with the motion, staring ahead with the bitter realization that his father really couldn’t have cared less if he returned alive, maybe even celebrate his death. It had been quick, talking to his father, who scoffed, sneering words that made his ears burn hot with shame. He was prepared to die. He was. He really didn’t know if anyone would bother to miss him. His father sure wouldn’t, and that hurt more than he cared to admit.

Kaede hummed, offering his acknowledgment because really if it came down to it, the dual-toned male would protect his colony. He knew what pain felt like and Kaede would risk it all so that his family would never have to. He grunted, muscle coiling beneath marked flesh, expression molding into that of pure determination because that is a promise and he’d drown himself like his father wanted him to all those moons ago if he failed.

He didn’t miss the way Petalnose referred to them, gaze narrowing to stare at the other, voice deadpan, “Do not underestimate us.” He didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but to ask for help and then toss them aside made the other shift, uncomfortable. He breathed, nodding because he wasn’t one of them, and so Kaede settled, turning his helm away from the gathering cats with a quiet grunt in Sasha’s direction. If anyone were to die, it would be me. He couldn’t help but think, giving nothing away. “It would defeat our purpose of stealth.” He decided on, but realized his mistake, blinking languidly. “Oh.” He couldn’t help but mutter.
thought speech
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

It shouldn't be any surprise that Petalnose had been called to assemble this group... but what did surprise her to some degree was to be called upon as one of the executers of these plans. Combat, though she'd done it enough to tell stories for months, was not her favorite pass-time... She opted for distraction, disorientation, anything to keep attention off the real fighters and-

Oh. That was.. exactly why she was here.

Looking towards the group of colony cats that had volunteered themselves, her uncertainty still lingers. They had to have some sort of ulterior motive to be here, the way they lingered on the edges of the territory... they'd taken up territory in a time when RiverClan was weak, disrupted from their real home... and now they chose to play hero?

But.... she supposed if they were going to prove themselves to be useful, this would be the time to prove it.

The dumbfounded reply did not inspire much faith in that regard... "Er.... it means one who can't swim," they offer the explanation, knowing Petalnose might not have the patience to explain the dictionary of short-hand language that RiverClan used. Looking towards her clan-mates nervously, Lichentail wasn't sure this was a game she wanted to be playing- they had to both try to mesh with each-other and not get caught off guard should this quickly switch up and become a betrayal....

Settling beside the white and brown molly, they glanced towards her with a small, strained smile, "Well... I did promise I'd get to show you my tricks someday. Ready, Petalnose?" The question goes answered in the yowling start to their plan...

Breathe in.... breathe out.

┌───────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────────────┐
The others had all been so quick to jump forward, to offer their service even to Cicadastar's stead, even before Pepper had given her approval, and Rye doesn't know whether to feel uneasy about it or ashamed for not speaking up sooner. That was the way of the Colony, wasn't it? To help those in need when they could spare it? RiverClan had even done them a service, had shown them nothing but cooperation and charity, and yet still the threat of danger hanging loftily in the air had given her pause in a way that hadn't seemed to affect the others. She'd still agreed to go along eventually, of course - how could she not, when so many of the others were going? Her fighting abilities weren't particularly notable, nothing to impress or entertain, but somebody sure had to help keep an eye on the rest, and she certainly wasn't about to lose any more friends today than she already had, not to roiling waves or ghastly beasts. It would be paying back RiverClan in kind, she thinks, and hopefully putting an end to this river-nonsense once and for all while they're at it. If they were all smart about this, both groups could walk away satisfied, though judging by Petalnose's assessment of the situation, they might be hard-pressed to come away unscathed - at least, unscathed past this point, since it was impossible to forget that these foes had already wounded Cicadastar.

Not exactly built for slinking around, Rye hulks along with the rest of those gathered, keeping an ear out for further instruction even as she watches where she places her paws, determined not to spoil the mission and risk the lives of those around her due to an errant step. The plan is laid out simple enough - catch their attention, and destroy the nest, by any means possible. Fight back if you need to. The lumbering beasts laid before them, all-but guarding the limp form of - is that Cicadastar, up there? don't inspire much confidence in her, though if it comes down to it she'll just have to grit her teeth and bear it. There will be no backing down, not when the river's exile is so close to being behind them. As Petalnose begins to move into position, motioning to the cats that will be joining her for the initial distraction and leaving the rest to the subsequent assault, she shifts in place, trying to keep an eye on all of the playing fields at once. "Be careful, all of you," she murmurs, and though it's primarily directed to her fellow Colony members, far be it from her to withhold any warnings or blessings from the RiverClanners, either. The war cry sounds and Rye tenses, muscles bunching up as she observes with a steely gaze the brewing confrontation; any second now, and she will be prepared to leap forward, to put to use her hefty paws and sizeable frame to enact this plan that she has no choice but to believe in whole-heartedly.​
  • OOC: --​
  • IMG_3975.png
  • image.png
    - Rye
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 37 moons (Ages on the 24th)
    - Member of the Ripple Colony
    - Bulky chocolate mink with a half-tail
    - Art by myself
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​

Deacon had never had a bleeding heart. The Ripple Colony and RiverClan's issues should have remained separate, too many friendships complicated things and the black tabby couldn't help but imagine that RiverClan's issues were very, very complicated. Still, they supposed it was better than starving to death; it was that promise that left them lounging about instead of leaving. On their back with their creamy belly pointed to the sky, Deacon listened with both ears prostrated in opposite directions. In the corner of his warm eye, he noticed the shape amidst the beaver's home, the same guy who'd declared himself leader. Goodness, if he could lie around doing nothing, why couldn't Deacon? He couldn't help but feel like a sacrificial lamb, fodder so that the weird group did not have to fear losing any of their own. They knew naught about the tabby, but the tabby knew plenty about themselves. He was no fighter, others in the Ripple Colony were plenty good at fighting for themselves, Deacon would only get in the way. No, he much preferred being inconsequential and letting the world around him resolve its own worries, even if that meant letting some leader of another group die.

"Yeah I'm not really feeling this mate." he admitted with a click of the tongue. "Someone else can leap into that den, I'm not a hero out of the goodness of my heart." No one ever was, there was always an angle, always something to be gained; Deacon just preferred to be honest about it. He looked to the other Colony members and his muzzle parted in surprise. Quickly, he rolled onto his belly, his black-tipped tail lashing behind him. "You're all gonna go through with this? Really?" Had common sense died and sunk to the river bed? Rye murmured a heartfelt 'be careful' and Deacon found himself sighing in defeat. 'Better than being hungry.... better than being hungry....' The repetitive words were akin to bees buzzing in his brain than words of affirmation, but they were something to hold onto, instead of the apathy they'd felt moments before. He jumped to his paws, wringing the knots from his legs with long stretches and casting his surly amber eyes onto Petalnose. "Fine. Point me where you want me, but if one of those teethy things aims their tail at me I'm gone."


deep waters hold reflections———————————————————————————————————
It was time, and despite an apparent confusion among the colony they were going to help these clan cats. But, surely Petalnose and the other cats were probably getting annoyed with the constant understanding, even Goose was getting a little fed up with it. Seemed simple enough to her, shut up and listen up. That’s all they had to do, at least that’s what she hoped. Personally she didn’t bare many scars or tales of grand battles, despite having been around for long enough. She was putting her trust fully in these clan cats, for not only her safety but the cats she considered family as well.

Goose listened to the two cats leading the charge, quietly readying herself. The battle cry comes and it is time to really practice what she preaches, she’s silent as she looks to Lichentail for there next move.

of times lost long ago——————————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
THE HERMIT ─── Nature was always going to be the most unpredictable foe. No amount of knowledge and strategy would be able to break the curse of having to deal with other creatures that sought survival as much as they did. Some saw his clanmates as another source of protein and meat while others, the ones they were to deal with now, showed aggression towards their territory. Beavers were terrifying in the way they were built, their thick pelt and gnashing teeth were dangerous foes especially when he would notice the strength it held when they carried within themselves so much stamina to drag branches for long distances. Their determination was wired in their brain and it was hard to shake off such a natural instinct. However, Riverclan was just as resilient in their own way even if they were going through hardened times, Rookfang knew they needed any possible strength they could offer to aid in the beaver situation.

His ears were pricked forward intensely as he followed behind the nimble figures of Petalnose and Lichentail, the lead warriors appearing just as grim with the scenario they faced. His deadpanned stare was strewn with knitted brows of frustration and unease, mixed watercolor eyes flashing towards the mingling figures of the Ripple Colony. He had not truly interacted with any of them, they were strangers, and knowing his lack of social skills, it was hard to place a name to a face. He could not keep his uncomfortable expression deep at hearing their conversation, they behaved and acted differently from what he was used to within his own group but then again, the warrior held codes and duties that must not match what the Colony believed in. Yet, they were here and that was a decent positive that silver-lined itself in this stormy situation. He kept a mental note of how many bodies there were at the moment, of how far away each figure within his vision was, and the distance of the beavers. The dark sable tom mumbled quietly under his breath, a breathy prayer to Starclan before sliding next to others as Petalnose explained the strategy.

The spiked fur shivered and prickled at the idea of the dangerous consequences that may arise but it wouldn't eliminate or discourage that actions needed to be done for their leader and the general risk of such a dreadful moment to happen again, with someone with a higher risk. Rookfang's lower jaw clenched shut, his protruding fangs digging into his skin as he followed in as the cry ringed into the air and his muscles shifted into gear, adrenaline beginning to course as they moved forward with the plan.​
Ballad observes the beavers with a passive smile that hides a hint of malice. These creatures were the source of their problem, were they? "Foul beasts who block the river's flow..." She mutters to herself. "May they know eternal drowning for their arrogance."

She has to admit, she is small. These beavers are big. She's not sure what she can do to help, but she must do something to help, for she cannot let the water be contained by such blasphemous creatures. Petalnose has a plan, and she agrees with it. What else could they do? Fortunately, she can swim.

"I can help remove the nest." She speaks. Yes, she will make sure none of it remains. Rip it apart.

She will not die here. She refuses to, and so it falls to the beavers to be the ones to die. They'll get away though, she knows. She doesn't think she could kill one of those even if she tried. She'd have to get really, really lucky. But you know? Maybe she will.​

Though Dew's curiosity had brought him to interact with the RiverClanners, to listen to their request under the elders' watch, he now stands hesitant among the rounded-up Ripple Colony members. Sickness leaves the river's colony dwindled in strength towards strange creatures, leaves them to turn to Dew's own for aid.

His experience in combat, in any true danger, is minimal. The mist-furred tom doesn't know if he's even qualified to stand here, if this is just going to turn to tragedy for the lot of them. Still, this is the Ripple Colony's home just as much as it is RiverClan's, now. They too have had to deal with the low waters. He will ward off these beavers the best he can - for his elders, for his colony, at the very least.

He listens to the river patrol leader's words, soft eyes blinking, briefly lifting a paw at an unfamiliar term to check their status. Clouded feet are dry, as far as he's aware - Dew doesn't know why this is important, but he looks toward Kaede as the older tom questions it himself before following his gaze toward colony-mates that may know why dry paws aren't needed here. One who can't swim, another river cat offers. Ah, Dew knows how to do that, he thinks.

"Got it." He will take the task of destroying the large nest ahead of him, then, pulling at its branches until the river is able to run again. He hopes to not have to fight the hulking things that live in it, hopes beavers aren't as smart as what Petalnose seems to let on.

A grey plume flicks behind him as he crouches down, preparing himself for what's to come next. "Ready when you are," he says, before the initial yowl breaks the scene. Ears twitch in anticipation, eyes locked on the scene as he awaits his own signal to move.

frond & 27 moons & female & she/her & ripple colony

Frond has to crouch for a moment, eyes closed as she steadies her breathing. It is far from ehr first fight but really the solid-bodied creatures look much more dangerous up close - gnashing teeth and strange tails sending shivers down her spine. She doesn't even have the wherwithdrawl to curb sasha and kaede, no - she's too busy gathering up every ounce of her courage. 'For the river' she reminds herself, shushing the part of her that wants to runaway. When green eyes reopen, gaze is sharp and aware - ready for the battle at paw. Petalnose barks out orders, and she only nods - creeping into position on silent paws, waiting for the right time to make their move. This is it - all of the collaboration between the groups, shared knowledge and prey, all of it has been for this. And she'll be damned if she doesn't get their river back - or die trying.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • sleek and sturdy looking she-cat with a muscular frame and striking green eyes. she holds herself proudly, shoulders set and tail arched - all in all, presenting a steadfast front to friends and strangers alike. despite her mannerisms, frond is often a gentle feline - though she will not hesitate to get her paws dirty in the name of doing what is right.

    physically hard && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#674099]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


We're sorry this thread was delayed for so long and the plot got a little messy near the end but for closures sake here is a brief summary of the following events leading to the colony joining!

The beavers are driven off and the dam destroyed, the river blockage removed means the water begins to flow once more and the clan and colony both are happy for it. Cicadastar, after having spoken to Snapping Timber in private and making the decision, decides to invite them to join RiverClan with the other option being they may remain for a time before having to move on and find a new territory. With no home, no structure and the promise of safety and security: the colony agrees. They arrive to RiverClan and spend a few days being introduced by name to their new clanmates and shown around, they are taught the basics of the ranking system but before being taught further the rogues invaded....

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