private THE BIRDS ARE IN MOTION | owlheart

If there was anything that Chrysaliswing adhered to, it was his undying stubbornness. He hadn't listened to Fireflyglow and Dawnglare and whatever they had said about him needing to rest his injuries or else they would get infected or his paws would fall off... or something like that. Anything to get out of the oppressive nature of the camp, with the walls of the medicine cat den closing in on him, like a pall of smoke that would lag at his breath.

The chimaeric tomcat dragged himself out to the training grounds, as though his obstinacy did not fall to shambles even at wounds of the flesh, an immovable part of him that made up his very being. He wielded a notable limp, however, one that slowed him down and trawled at his path. Eyes remained narrow, somewhat in agony and somewhat in disdain at himself for allowing it to get this way. Evening tinges pained themselves upon the boughs and the needles, as though colors had been dredged up from day, scuffing at where unfiltered daylight had once unfurled. Twilight winds blew gentle upon reedlike whiskers, and he supposed that this would be the best time for this. Chrysaliswing found himself here after Owlheart had requested that they sparred once more (albeit, before he had gained his new injuries), and he attempted to ignore the shots of singeing pain within his hind leg and tail, like languid sweeps that rivuleted through the entire limb. "So," Chrysaliswing started with a drawling voice. "Is there any sort of move or concept or whatever you're looking to hone in particular?" Spit it out.

  • @Owlheart i am not 10000 years late (hypnotizes you so you believe me)
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 27 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


While Owlheart had asked Chrysaliswing to spar with her she had forgotten about it. It was as the sun was setting on a random non important day before the chimera had left camp and been injured. She wanted to do better, at the time the ThunderClan border skirmish had hung heavy on her mind. She realised that not everything will end as that skirmish did, what if the opposition didn't call it off next time? What if she wasn't against an apprentice and instead a seasoned warrior? She wanted to be prepared for it.

Then Chrysaliswing was injured. Came back home bloodied and acted nonchalant over it ontop of that? Sparring was the last thing on her mind then, replaced with worry over her friend's well-being. The tom was stubborn though, she had learnt that over the time she's spent with him. It shouldn't be a surprise to see him outside of the medicine cat den prematurely and yet her tail flicks in irritation seeing him walking around anyways. Standing in the training grounds she couldn't help but narrow her usually wide eyes at him. Wind whipping her fur into long tendrils as she shakes her pelt to try and combat it. “You're limping” she points out, a little blunt but without a sharp tone “we don't have to do this today.”

The out she offers him isn't taken though, Chrysaliswing seems to brush past it brazenly. What move or concept did she want to hone? “It's more that I want to do better under pressure. I froze by the border, I want to squash that before something worse shows up” especially with those rogues around… it just made sense to be prepared. She shakes her paws and stretches, trying to warm up still resting limbs. “So don't think about it I guess? Just spar like you normally would, I'll try to counter it and just learn to be better under pressure?” It sounded fine in concept, she hoped that since she was with a friend that it wouldn't be so intimidating.