
Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024


⤷ Penned by Ouijeejuice
Named OWL for her wide eye stare. Given the HEART suffix for her sincerity and soft demeanor.
Sher/her { AMAB } Strictly uses feminine terms only.
Warrior of SkyClan
18 moons old ages on the 28th

    ↳ 25% maine coon, masking black tabby, carrying cinnamon, dilute, point.

    expanded description!

  • INTJ-A / Lawful Good
    ( + ) positive traits: Sincere, Observant, Loyal, Forgiving
    ( / ) neutral traits: Soft, Formal, Quiet, Perfectionist
    ( - ) negative traits: Cautious, Critical, Insecure


  • Orangestar xx Ashenclaw

    Littermate to: Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw
    Half-sibling to: Lambkit, tbnkit

    Mates with: Crowsight, Oddgleam
    Parent to: Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit, Ravenkit

    Mentoring Hollypaw

    Friends: Edenberry, Kite, Oakrumble, Eggbloom, Drowsynose, Chrysaliswing
    Likes: Slatesnarl, Twitchbolt, Butterflytuft, Doeblaze
    Dislikes: Raccoonstripe, Skyclaw
    Enemies: N/A
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  • OWLHEART; formerly Owlkit, Owlpaw
    Meaning: Owl | For her owlish stare and her always wide golden eyes.
    Heart for her sincerity and observant nature.
    Her youngest daughter, the unabashed softest among her kits. Her loyalty would be an asset to her in the moons to come, as would her generous nature. As a name, Orangestar thinks that Owlheart would guide her nicely. Orangestar naming Owlheart (April 2024 meeting)
    Opinion on name: positive. | Owlheart is proud of her mother, she respects her as Skyclans leader and any name that she would of chosen would of felt appropriate to her. It's no secret that she is delighted about the heart suffix, it feels like an honour to be recognised for her emotions rather than her physical skills. She believes that while physical skills can devolve in age, her sincerity will follow her into the later stages of her life.
    nicknames: Owlie , Star , Doe , Sunflower
    Gender: Trans female; she/her; uncomfortable with any masculine pronouns/terms, neutral to any gender neutral pronouns/terms and comfortable with any female pronouns/terms .
    Orientation: bisexual, polyamorous
    Rank: Warrior of Skyclan
    Affiliation: Skyclan (clanborn); Skyclan is the only clan that Owlheart has known, she was born and raised within Skyclan's borders. She is aware that she has family in other clans and even outside of clan territory but she doesn't feel any desire to leave Skyclan. To her, this is her home and she is perfectly happy being here.
    Age created on 11/02/2024 (Feb 11th) at 10 moons / ages realistically every 28th (CURRENT AGE: 12 moons)

    last updated: 14/04/2024 penned by Ouijeejuice
  • LH red tabby with low white (masking chocolate)
    Owlheart carries a strong resemblance to her father, Ashenclaw. Inheriting his strong tabby markings in her red coat. She has minimal white on her coat, white patches reside on her mouth, ears, chest, abdomen, paws and tail. The ginger of her coat are inherited from her mother, with the length and thickness following her mothers. Her long fur is only groomed through practicality, not for aesthetics. It is kept clean and, for the most part free from matting, that is the extent of the care she carries into her appearance.

    ↳ 1/4 maine coon, masking chocolate.

    Demeanor: Despite being light on her paws, Owlheart usually has stiff movements, her mind is always racing and as such she is hyper aware of how she is walking. Her face is usually neutral, if not a little sad looking, her eyes are always wide and she has a less frequent blink rate.

    Owlheart uses her paws a lot, when nervous she unsheathes her claws to feel the ground beneath her clearer. When thinking or confused she will tilt her head to the side, context helps decipher what she's tilting her head for. When flustered her fur will bristle, making her look fluffier than she already is. On the rare occasion that she is mad her maw will curl fully into a snarl, baring all of her fangs because she doesn't have enough self control in those rare moments to minimize that lip movement.

    Accessories: long ear owl feather, worn near the base of her tail.

    AESTHETICS: full moons, moon cycles, barn owls, foggy night skys, trees with no leaves, autumn leaves, talons, sunsets, sunrises, melted candles, smoke, sunlight, warm days, warm metallic colours (bronzes, coppers, golds).
  • INTJ-A / Lawful Good
    ( + ) positive traits: Sincere, Observant, Loyal, Forgiving
    ( / ) neutral traits: Soft, Formal, Quiet, Perfectionist
    ( - ) negative traits: Cautious, Critical, Insecure

    Owlheart is extremely quiet, she has found it difficult to communicate with her peers until recently. If spoken to she can carry a conversation but she finds it extremely taxing emotionally and mentally to be the one to start a conversation. She prefers to sit and watch others, learning how they interact and their mannerisms before approaching, due to this she forms strong opinions on others and can become very critical of others very quickly. She has a strong view of justice and often times compares her clanmates to the warrior code then against her own moral judgements before forming an official stance on a person or topic. Unfortunately this critical nature is a double edged sword, she is extremely self critical and is quite insecure because she is not up to her own perfectionist standards. Exempt from this critical lens is her family, Owlheart finds it difficult to view her family as anything other than positive. Growing up she preferred to sit behind the shadows of her siblings more dominant personalities, because of that her view is extremely biased since she based her world view around them. Owlheart will try to find excuses for the uglier side of her family members until she can't make up any more excuses.

    Outside of this, Owlheart is extremely honest and sincere, to a point where it is a social detriment. While she is naive she can lie, she just prefers not to unless it is because someone important to her has sworn her to secrecy. This has caused Owlheart to be viewed as soft, she does not object to that notion and wears it with pride, only growing insecure about this if another mentions it in a negative manner. In general she is rather sensitive, she tries to not express her displeasure over something or someone unless she feels extremely close to them. As a general rule of thumb, Owlheart represses her anger and grief in life, she doesn't know how to handle the more extreme emotions on the spectrum and they are bottled up until a boiling point occurs. Socially she is formal, rarely using nicknames and preferring to stick with formal titles. Unknown to even herself, she has grown too accustomed to being in the shadow of her siblings and can't bring herself to the idea of being known by others or truly knowing others around her.
  • strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●●○○
    agility ●●●●●●●○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●●○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●●○○
    grace ●●●●●○○○○○

    describe how they trust or whatever, are they devoted or not? feelings on romance? go ham.
    + Skilled in climbing, scouting,hunting
    - Poor in swimming, social situations
    peaceful powerplay and healing powerplay allowed
    speech in #E8C698; thoughts ; attacks or contact only in underline

    won’t start; might end fights ; will flee ; will show mercy
    Smells like nutmeg and bergamot
    Sounds like: softspoken and has a airy tone, she speaks clearer and louder when speaking her mind / when speaking without thinking in general || voice claim: Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2)

    scars/injuries: n/a

    — raised by both parents
    sibling to: Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw
    — mentoring n/a
    mentored by Dovescar
    — Mate to n/a | Parent to n/a

    close friends with:
    notable friends: Oddpaw, Crowsight
    likes: Edenberry, Pollenpaw, Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Candorkit
    notable enemies:

  • Long eared Owl Feather (gifted by Crowsight, worn at the base of her tail)
  • Playlist
    ▶ MOTHER, Florence + The Machine

    ▶ STAY SOFT, Mitski

    ▶ BUGBEAR, Chloe Moriondo


    ▶ OOM SHA LA LA, Hayley Heynderickx ; description

    ▶ THESEUS, The Oh Hellos
  • boo!