- Feb 11, 2024
- 239
- 31
- 28

⤷ Penned by Ouijeejuice
✶ Named OWL for her wide eye stare. Given the HEART suffix for her sincerity and soft demeanor.
✶ Sher/her { AMAB } ❥ Strictly uses feminine terms only.
✶ Warrior of SkyClan
✶ 18 moons old ❥ ages on the 28th
↳ 25% maine coon, masking black tabby, carrying cinnamon, dilute, point.
expanded description! -
INTJ-A / Lawful Good
( + ) positive traits: Sincere, Observant, Loyal, Forgiving
( / ) neutral traits: Soft, Formal, Quiet, Perfectionist
( - ) negative traits: Cautious, Critical, Insecure
elaborate.... -
Orangestar xx Ashenclaw
Littermate to: Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw
Half-sibling to: Lambkit, tbnkit
Mates with: Crowsight, Oddgleam
Parent to: Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit, Ravenkit
Mentoring Hollypaw
Friends: Edenberry, Kite, Oakrumble, Eggbloom, Drowsynose, Chrysaliswing
Likes: Slatesnarl, Twitchbolt, Butterflytuft, Doeblaze
Dislikes: Raccoonstripe, Skyclaw
Enemies: N/A
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