private THE BIRDS STILL SING [✦] butterflytuft

The call of night is inevitable, the sun now sinking to tinge the sky with warm hues in its final show before the full moon is called forth. His final moments in SkyClan before the journey - or… perhaps, ever; a chilling thought that Greeneyes tries to keep at bay with very little success - are upon him now.

He’s been putting off saying goodbye, putting off having to find the words to say to those who he’ll leave behind. Those who he won’t see for a while, maybe ever again. But, Blazestar will be calling for their departure soon, and Greeneyes knows he must say his farewells before it’s too late - before he regrets not doing so during fear-filled nights to come.

The first goodbyes were the easiest - clanmates he wasn’t as close to. A couple of friends next, a sting at his eyes he’d luckily been able to hold back, even if some of the faces he’d spoken to had shed their own tears. But his vision blurs as he speaks to Violetnose, a trembling in his voice he’d tried to keep steady. It takes him a moment to collect himself after stepping away from his littermate, a moment to prepare himself to say goodbye to Butterflytuft next.

His eldest sister, Greeneyes doesn’t know if he’ll be able to keep back the tears for her. He believes Figfeather’s already done her own round of goodbyes, and wonders if she felt the same when it came time to face the tortoiseshell they’d grown up with.

He approaches Butterflytuft with a wavering smile, though his gaze already glazes over with tears. “It’s my turn now,” he tells her, his tone soft as he looks to his older sister. His heart twists as he speaks, sinks in solemnity. Yet, Greeneyes does his best to stand tall, straightening his posture to look braver than how he currently feels.

  • Crying
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She knew this goodbye was coming. After her teary embrace with Figfeather, she had sought out her younger brother in the darkening camp. Among everyone else's goodbyes and exchanges, she finds his ginger and white pelt. A small, sad smile is offered to him as he approaches, but she cannot hide the sorrow in her eyes. How had her siblings grown so much so quickly? Just a pawful of moons ago they had been in the nursery, herself much bigger than them but playing with them nonetheless. Now, the grown tom is preparing to head off into the mountains and her smile is quick to disappear. "I'm sure it's not too late to back out..." She offers halfheartedly, brows pulling down somberly. Her ears fold back against her head as she sniffs, tail curling tighter around herself. "Blazestar would let you." Of course, she knows he has his mind made up. There is no way he would pass up this opportunity to save his clan.