camp THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND \ hunting return

Hunger was a biting, nasty little thing wasn't it? Nettlepaw didn't think he'd ever been this hungry before, but... only a moon ago he was a kit, entitled to the first of the prey. Now, he'd been kicked out of the nursery and right down the bottom of the priority-pyramid... still, if that was the way it was, then he'd abide by it. The cinnamon-and-white tom was not fond of arguing, and wouldn't bother with it. Being argumentative would only cast him into the shadowed pits of people's mind as someone difficult, someone to be disliked- so he'd shine like the star he knew he was, dressed easily with a grin, to provide and to not be petulant that he was prevented from first pick.

His hunt had been successful, and he could tell his mentor- and kin- was happy with him. Pleased with his progress so far. A dim sheen of tiredness was swept across his gaze, but to show for it he held two small frogs in his jaw, and deposited them proudly upon the meagre prey-pile. Feeling a shadow cast over him, an approaching figure, Nettlepaw fixed them with a casual smile. "I'll see if I get to reap what I sow later," he chimed with a simple shrug, no shred of complaint in his tone. It was what it was. He was not about to be difficult.
penned by pin ♡

BRIARKIT — hello, my old heart.
Being kicked from the top to the near-bottom of the feeding chain was a difficult change, no matter how exciting her promotion was, or how many new freedoms were unlocked- all the ebony adolescent could think about was her hunger.
She is fed enough to keep her energy, but never to feel completely full, and Briarpaw is reluctant to admit to herself that she is envious of those plump, river-dwelling cats she had been told about.
When Nettlepaw enters camp with two small toads clasped in his jaws, she cannot stop the envious green blaze that lights her optics, pupils narrowing as he proudly drops them on top of the pile.
While Nettlepaw as an individual had never truly done anything besides stand by with his meaner, shallower siblings, his mere kinship to them was enough to cast him under her light shadow of disdain, and the thought of any of them excelling before her only darkened her shade.
She approaches slowly, eyes brushing over the ginger tom and focusing on his catches instead. "Impressive." The girl mumbles, her voice even despite her jealousy. "Where did you catch them?" Perhaps she could convince Skunktail to practice her hunting more later on.

//sob IC opinions ofc ofc <3

the leader was glad for any amount of catch. the very obvious lack of prey that came with the cold was starting to get them upset. didn't help that most of the warriors who were able to catch anything were simply gone. hunting herbs instead of hunting frogs. tch. it was for the best, they tell themself. they needed to just let it happen.

"it is a good catch. we need all they prey we can get. good job, nettlepaw."

they hoped that the praise was good enough for the apprentice. they weren't the best at giving out compliments and all of that. but they meant it. anyone that could catch prey right now was good in their books.
Nightswarm is not far behind from their kin and they're very proud of Nettlepaw managing to catch two frogs to bring back to camp, of course, they were not large on praising either but they made sure to give the cinnamon apprentice a small bump of their shoulder and a nod of approval. Nettlepaw was proving to be a promising apprentice and they could only imagine what further training could do soon their nephew would be a warrior that Shadowclan could be proud of they're certain of it. They nod a greeting to both Chilledstar and Briarpaw only to twitch their whiskers briefly.

Perhaps they would go out for more hunting later or touch up on battle lessons, they balance both options in their head but can see that their nephew might be tired. "You did well today, Nettlepaw." Nightswarm says at last with a ghost of a smile present on their maw.

  • beez2.png
    ➼ 34 moons old
    ➼ shadowclan warrior
    ➼ child of briarstar & amber
    ➼ asexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ➼ semi-difficult in combat; relies on stealth, their agility, and strategy
    ➼ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ➼ penned by bosstaurus

When Starlingheart had been an apprentice, she had been first assigned to train under her brother, under Pitchstar. It was not the best mentorship, if she were being honest with herself. Pitchstar always seemed to be in a mood, always seemed like his mind was somewhere else. And then her apprenticeship under Bonejaw had not been much better. Or well it had until her aunt had decided to take off for RiverClan, not caring about the young apprentice she was leaving behind to fend for herself. She is glad to see her son is receiving the proper teaching she had never gotten herself, glad to see that he is even thriving under said teaching. Nightswarm was a good mentor.

She comes to stand in front of Nettlepaw, her eyes shining with pride. "You will make an excellent warrior when you- when you are grown" she says, her features alighting in a smile.

  • ooc : — ​

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    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan medicine cat
    ➵ mates with granitepelt
    ↪ mother to nettlekit, flintkit and ghostkit
    ➵ a scrawny and small framed black and white she cat with short fur and green eyes
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]