the bottom of the river ╱ hound


Jun 7, 2022
  • ────   ❝  almost dead yesterday,  maybe dead tomorrow,  but alive,  gloriously alive,  today  ❞   ────​

    content warnings: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at libero magna. Proin pulvinar risus id est tincidunt dapibus. Mauris tempus nulla in porttitor cursus. Aliquam maximus ex convallis dignissim tincidunt. Mauris eu mi porttitor, consectetur lacus eget, dictum tortor. Donec lobortis semper urna, in euismod felis lacinia in. Quisque a sodales metus, id feugiat ipsum. Fusce accumsan metus sed malesuada facilisis. Morbi in sem dui. Praesent id tortor quis nisi hendrerit semper.

    all opinions are written from an in character perspective only. if you need any content in his posts warned for, please reach out!
  • ──── hound.  a breed of dog used for hunting  |  to harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly.
    ──── trans male. uses he - him - his pronouns only.  use of any others will aggravate him.
    ──── precise age isn't shared, though he's an adult and can be presumed to be over two.
    ──── former  stray brought to the marsh colony in his youth,  and future riverclan warrior.
    ──── bisexual with a rather strong male preference.  single,  and won't act on his crushes.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • dominant
    short fur (L)   ────────────────────────────────────────────────○   long fur (l)
    black (B)  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────○  chocolate (b)
    non-dilute (D)  ───────────────────────○─────────────────────────   dilute (d)
    mackerel tabby (Mc)  ───────────────────────────────────────○  classic tabby (mc)
    high white (W)  ───────────────────────○─────────────────────── no white (w)​

    thick fur ────○──────────────── thin fur
    long claws ─────○─────────── short claws
    dark eyes  ──────────────○───  light eyes  
    tall ───○─────────────────────  short  
     muscular  ───○────────────────── thin
     long tail ──────○─○─────────── short tail
     small ears  ─────────────○──── large ears
     triangular face  ─────────○────  square face


    Tall and proud, his dark tabby fur smattered with scars abound, Hound carries with him the athletic build of a warrior and the dextrous movements of one prepared to use it. The first impression of him hides all things gentle– shadowed gaze, a watchful, unimpressed twist to his mouth. Sour apple eyes, a heady mix of shaded oak leaves and fresh-grass green, flit about the world as if he might swallow it up and taste its intentions; he bares his well-worn fangs in angry disdain for everything he sees. His unrelenting motion and tense shoulders betray a wariness even in moments of apparent relaxation. Whatever he sees is subject to an immediate reprisal, should anything demand it.

    Restlessness drives the hunter, and he is ever compelled to chase the future as a predator might chase its prey.

    It is only once he’s relaxed some that Hound’s true nature is revealed– his sour eyes soften and his mouth curls up to a lopsided smile. When he speaks, it’s with a rough Irish lilt and plenty of cursing. Only once he’s fully relaxed can your eyes take in the arching scar across the left side of his face, or the prominent teeth marks buried beneath the strands of his star fragment bracelet. The soft curling of his fur, the mirth that he carries in the crinkles around his eyes. Though he is certainly not made of softness, there remain parts of him that remember when he was.
  • idealistic ───────────○─────────────── pragmatic ⇀
    thoughtful ───────────────○────────── impulsive ⇀
    extrovert  ─────────○─────────────────  introvert ⇀
    polite ────────○─────────────────────── rude ⇀
    collected ─────────────────────○──────  chaotic ⇀
    political ────────○────────────────── indifferent ⇀
    explain reasoning here
    explain reasoning here
    explain reasoning here
    explain reasoning here
    explain reasoning here
    explain reasoning here​
    ●●●●● spirituality
    ●●●●● happiness
    ●●●●● humor
    ●●●●● ambition​
    ●●●●● patience
    ●●●● empathy​

    In all that Hound does, there is intensity. His heart does not come in fractions– should he love or despise, it will be done with no half-measures. His loyalty, once earned, is a force to shatter mountains. He would ask nothing more, and give nothing less. It seems that his honesty wars with his wariness; though this may be the truth of him, so too is his intractability. He is stubborn, made of harsh words and tense body language. So little of him is palatable. He knows that. So does most everyone around him. Some understand, but far more have no desire to.

    There's no true excuse for the harshness of his demeanor. To many, he is unyielding and cold. Without many friends or any lover, he is a lonely soul. It is difficult to know him, this is true, and any ability is hindered by his own unwillingness to allow it. Intractability is safety. Those who find themselves insulted by his barbed tongue or wily humor are not those that will last long anyway. Better to show them the worst of him now, while they've no expectation of better. The critical glances are worth the protection, burn him as they might.

    To see him truly at rest, one must look past the guarded strength and well-earned wariness. There might not be a creature more committed to the safety of those closest to him than Hound. Seated at rest with companions, his shoulder is pressed to the young cat's beside him as he cajoles him to song. He tips his head to the dark sky and howls out the verse like a dog to the moon, feral and searching for home. At the side of a bloodied nest he frets as a kitten might, tearing apart the strands of a moss ball to busy his bloodied claws. He glares like a librarian when someone bumps through the entryway, and snarls with the rough voice of a stray mutt when their chastened apology stirs the shape before him.

    There is wariness to him, yes, but under this guise is a deep-seated protectiveness, and a devoted desire to see those he cares for safe — even if he typically goes about it in a rather unfortunate way.
  • the stats below are nothing more than the way i choose to explain my characters' strengths and weaknesses! each of the five stats will have a number beside it, ranging from one to ten, with ten being peak performance and one being below average. each stat has three major skills, written in capital letters, and a few minor skills in lowercase beneath them. characters may be proficient (⧳) or inproficient (⧲) in each skill, which just means they have the knowledge to regularly succeed at these skills or they don't. these aren't measures of success as much as they are the ability to frequently perform well.

    ──── intelligence is a guide to a character's mental acuity or knowledge. it will often be used as a measure of his memory, as well as wisdom.

    ⧳ territory
    ⧲ predators
    ⧳ prey
    ⧲ herbs

    ──── composure is used in contexts involving a character's interactions with themselves or others, and how well they navigate these situations.

    ⧲ mediation
    ⧲ reflection
    ⧲ placeholder

    CHARISMA. 00
    ──── charisma is social, like composure, but deals more with speechcraft and their appeal as a speaker or leader rather than a listener or follower.
    ⧳ SPEECH

    ⧳ storytelling
    ⧳ intimidation
    ⧲ placeholder

    ──── dexterity measures a character's physical grace and readiness, particularly when it comes to activities requiring manual precision and skill.

    ⧲ balance
    ⧲ precision
    ⧲ placeholder

    STRENGTH. 00
    ──── strength is a character's physical prowess. a measure of sheer brawn and physicality, and how accustomed they are to using it in all activities.

    ⧳ swimming
    ⧲ climbing
    ⧲ digging
  • 100
    CHARACTER NAME.  ───────────────────────────  ★★★★★★★★★★​
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu molestie nulla. Morbi auctor metus metus, non auctor ante venenatis a. Proin nisi ipsum, placerat non lacinia ac, rutrum non purus. Nam tincidunt in nisl eu gravida. Etiam augue justo, vulputate nec turpis sed vestibulum.

    ★★★★★★★★★★  ───────────────────────────  CHARACTER NAME.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu molestie nulla. Morbi auctor metus metus, non auctor ante venenatis a. Proin nisi ipsum, placerat non lacinia ac, rutrum non purus. Nam tincidunt in nisl eu gravida. Etiam augue justo, vulputate nec turpis sed vestibulum.

    CHARACTER NAME.  ───────────────────────────  ★★★★★★★★★★​
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu molestie nulla. Morbi auctor metus metus, non auctor ante venenatis a. Proin nisi ipsum, placerat non lacinia ac, rutrum non purus. Nam tincidunt in nisl eu gravida. Etiam augue justo, vulputate nec turpis sed vestibulum.

    ★★★★★★★★★★  ───────────────────────────  CHARACTER NAME.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu molestie nulla. Morbi auctor metus metus, non auctor ante venenatis a. Proin nisi ipsum, placerat non lacinia ac, rutrum non purus. Nam tincidunt in nisl eu gravida. Etiam augue justo, vulputate nec turpis sed vestibulum.
  • 200x50
    0 - 00 MOONS
    brief descriptor of the time period
    — characters involved: list names here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu molestie nulla. Morbi auctor metus metus, non auctor ante venenatis a. Proin nisi ipsum, placerat non lacinia ac, rutrum non purus. Nam tincidunt in nisl eu gravida. Etiam augue justo, vulputate nec turpis sed, vestibulum bibendum urna. Maecenas sollicitudin consectetur consequat. Duis a nunc id ligula sodales hendrerit lobortis quis ante. Nulla pulvinar ex non pretium condimentum. Curabitur eget magna magna. Duis tempus sodales tellus, congue auctor nulla euismod non. Nunc mollis lacus vel nulla condimentum, ut varius est semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum malesuada turpis in est tincidunt consectetur. Aliquam vestibulum dui libero, ut molestie libero pulvinar et. Duis ac nibh tempus, rhoncus elit et, interdum ligula. Vivamus feugiat ultrices nibh, nec elementum neque hendrerit non.

    0 - 00 MOONS
    brief descriptor of the time period
    — characters involved: list names here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu molestie nulla. Morbi auctor metus metus, non auctor ante venenatis a. Proin nisi ipsum, placerat non lacinia ac, rutrum non purus. Nam tincidunt in nisl eu gravida. Etiam augue justo, vulputate nec turpis sed, vestibulum bibendum urna. Maecenas sollicitudin consectetur consequat. Duis a nunc id ligula sodales hendrerit lobortis quis ante. Nulla pulvinar ex non pretium condimentum. Curabitur eget magna magna. Duis tempus sodales tellus, congue auctor nulla euismod non. Nunc mollis lacus vel nulla condimentum, ut varius est semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum malesuada turpis in est tincidunt consectetur. Aliquam vestibulum dui libero, ut molestie libero pulvinar et. Duis ac nibh tempus, rhoncus elit et, interdum ligula. Vivamus feugiat ultrices nibh, nec elementum neque hendrerit non.

    0 - 00 MOONS
    brief descriptor of the time period
    — characters involved: list names here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu molestie nulla. Morbi auctor metus metus, non auctor ante venenatis a. Proin nisi ipsum, placerat non lacinia ac, rutrum non purus. Nam tincidunt in nisl eu gravida. Etiam augue justo, vulputate nec turpis sed, vestibulum bibendum urna. Maecenas sollicitudin consectetur consequat. Duis a nunc id ligula sodales hendrerit lobortis quis ante. Nulla pulvinar ex non pretium condimentum. Curabitur eget magna magna. Duis tempus sodales tellus, congue auctor nulla euismod non. Nunc mollis lacus vel nulla condimentum, ut varius est semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum malesuada turpis in est tincidunt consectetur. Aliquam vestibulum dui libero, ut molestie libero pulvinar et. Duis ac nibh tempus, rhoncus elit et, interdum ligula. Vivamus feugiat ultrices nibh, nec elementum neque hendrerit non.

    put a description here

    username • 00 likes • 00 songs, 0 hr 00 min

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    [box=65%][justify][color=#c4c4c4][color=#c5c897]( [url=][color=#c5c897]ᴛᴀɢs[/color][/url]. )  ❝  [/color] text [b][color=#c5c897]"speech"[/color][/b]
    [tabs][tab=†  ooc notes][fright][img width=150px][/img][/fright] [b][color=#c5c897]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
    [tab=information][fleft]──── hound. trans male, he/him pronouns [i]only[/i].
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.
    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.[/fleft][/tab]
    [tab=†][b][color=#c5c897]"speech"[/color][/b] [code][b][color=#c5c897]"speech"[/color][/b][/tab][/tabs][/color][/justify][/box]
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