the breakfast club [private]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Spring had finally come. While Quill had grown used to the bitter cold and bleak days, he couldn't say he wasn't glad to see them gone. The only downside was that the rainy season was about to be upon them, which meant the chimera raven was going to have to endure the feeling of wet fur clinging to his body for the next several weeks.

He'd never longed for the brutal heat of summer more.

At least then the sky would be clear enough to stargaze again, the days and nights dry enough to keep his old anxieties away.

"You guys want to go do something?" he asked suddenly, mismatched eyes of blue and gold shifting to land on the trio lounging nearby. Basilpatch, Butterflytuft, and Twitchbolt were cats he'd known since he first joined all that time ago, having practically gone through their apprenticeships together. Butterfly had been made a warrior before the rest of them, but they were all still considered the clans 'next generation' of new warriors, a title he wasn't sure what to think of- if anything at all.

"It's too nice a day to just sit around. We should go patrol or hunt something." he suggested, tone still as lackluster as ever, but gaze expectant as it rested on his clanmates.

For whatever reason he was feeling the need to move. Maybe he wasn't used to the downtime after training with Thistleback so much or maybe the weather was just that nice that he felt the need not to waste it, but whatever the cause, he was unexpectedly taking the lead for once.

@BASILPAW @butterflytuft @TWITCHBOLT

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders and bluejay feathers along his spine

It was... certainly a little weird not being told what to do anymore. Twitchbolt could not say he was entirely used to it- now and then he still caught himself instinctively wandering over to Daisyflight. Once or twice he was sure she might have seen him walk up to her, freeze, and then slowly turn around again. If she had, he was at least glad she hadn't said anything about it.

The... new normal, though... it was beginning to settle. All he hoped was that he'd have a little while before being assigned an apprentice- he was no prodigy warrior, therefore could hold onto that hope. He still found himself unsure of how well he'd do as a teacher- if he'd fret his apprentice into complete annoyance, and they'd publicly renounce him or disown him or... fire him, or whatever it was called. For now, he was content in his new freedom- to hunt when he pleased, what he pleased, to watch the clouds... to go on these small patrols, self-organised...

At Quillstrike's words the tom's wide gaze snapped upward, freezing midway through grooming his snowy paw. "Hmmff..?" Mouth ajar, he gave his small hum of contemplation as more of a thick splutter past the obstruction of his tongue.Latching his jaw closed again, he was at least quick to compose himself. "Yeah, sure, sounds fun! Uh, hunting... might be a bit easier now," he murmured, the smallest dash of humour in the dither of his tone.
penned by pin ✧