camp THE BROKEN ONES ✧ sick

It’s been a week now, and Blazestar is not feeling his best. Each morning, the pale dawn sunlight filtering in through the cracks in his den cause immediate, stabbing pains behind each of his eyes. Movement only aggravates the headaches, and then he has to fight chills. He’s been so bone-wary, so exhausted, that he had foolishly chalked it up to stress. His cats are gone—one of them his deputy, another his lead, most of his strong young warriors, an apprentice, and—and Bobbie—and there’s the threat of WindClan looming over his head yet again. Prisoners sit in a dirt-clotted hole in his camp. Leafbare approaches…

…But I shouldn’t be this sick from stress,” he murmurs to himself one morning. It’s finally settled in. He has yellowcough. It’s no surprise, really. Blazestar had been the first to assist many of their sick cats and had visited the medicine cat’s den far too often. He isn’t surprised, but dread and exhaustion begin to weigh him down.

He lays his head between his paws, squinting against a headache that rends clawmarks through the meat of his brain and the jelly of his eyes. When he awakens, his paw pads are burning and sweaty, and yet the bulk of him trembles from cold. He half-stands, stumbles, and then catches himself. When he exits his den, he gives a noisy hiss of pain. “Is it still morning,” he mumbles, despite the sun descending in the sky and the sunset blazing fiery above him. “…I should get back to camp,” he near-whispers, taking two steps away from his den and collapsing.

  • djGoyK1.png
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Brightpaw hadn't seen Blazestar all day, and although she knew he had to be tired - he was the leader of a clan that everyone not only hated but blamed for the yellowcough outbreak - it was still unlike the golden-pelted tabby to be gone all day and so she was slightly worried. She had finished helping to clean out the nursery when she turned to look towards his den, contemplating going over there to see if he was there, when she watched him begin to walk out and her fears melted away - he was fine. And then he collapsed and Brightpaw felt her breath hitch and her ears pinned to her head. Paws quickly moved as she moved closer towards the other before she paused, the heat radiating from his pelt unnatural and it caused her to feel itchy. "Someone get Dawnglare or Fireflypaw or-or both!" She'd call out, fur rising along her spine as fear wracked through her.

She knew that he had multiple lives - he was a leader, a StarClan chosen leader, and they got extra lives right? - but what if the yellowcough took them all? They'd never dealt with this before, what would happen if Blazestar died died? Orangeblossom was gone and Brightpaw didn't know who would take over while Blaze was out of commission. It only caused her fur to rise more as she contemplated moving closer, looking down at the leader - what a way to see him, she didn't like this - she tried her best to speak comforting words. It was shaky, and if he was any type of lucid it probably wouldn't work, but she'd try anyway. "It's o-okay Blazestar, help's coming, you'll be okay." She could only hope that what she was saying was true.
  • @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw
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    brightkit - brightpaw - bright???
    ⋆ she/her - 11 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of skyclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Someone get Dawnglare or Fireflypaw or-or both! It's deafening, the words yelled out into Mother's winds as voices shriek out for help. Ghostly blues stare blankly at the wall of the medicine den, distracted momentarily from his task of sorting out Feverfew for his mentor. When the call reaches his ears, his face sags into a downturn of frowns before he clears his throat and sticks his head out of the den.

There's soft talking, murmuring in the distance- words of reassurance for his father is on the lips of an apprentice and Fireflypaw quickly makes his way over in haste once he realizes just what exactly is going on. His father is sick with yellowcough. "Keep your distance, Brightpaw." Fireflypaw reminds the apprentice firmly, tail tapping the ground in rhythmic fours to comfort himself. One, two, three, four. "Pa," Fireflypaw stutters out, unprepared to listen to Dawnglare's words of 'There isn't any Lungwort left', but he knows it's coming. His father will have to suffer through this illness, possibly lose a life from it.

Is this how Dawnglare feels, when he watches a life fade from his father's eyes? Even if he is not losing one yet, the possibility is there- and haunting him.

When his mentor arrives, Fireflypaw is already trying to wedge himself under his father's form in an attempt to try and get him to put his weight on his body. "To your- your den, Dawnglare?" He's barely holding himself together, but musters up the strength to ask anyways. He turns his blind gaze to his father, eyes softening with emotion. "You'll be okay, pa. I've got your back."
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette


The sound of his apprentices startled cry for help had Johnny snapping to attention, fur bristling in alarm at the sight of Blazestar keeled over in front of her. As he made his way over, the unmistakable stench of yellowcough caught his attention, causing his heart to sink in it's chest.

Blazestar was sick.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked, gently guiding Brightpaw off to the side so that neither he nor she were in the medics way. He was no healer, but if there was anything he could get them or do to help their Leader then he'd do it in a heartbeat.

He needed Blaze to get better.

Orangeblossom and Slate were both gone, and while Thistle had returned he was no longer a lead warrior capable of taking charge in this situation. Silversmoke was their most senior lead warrior, but if Johnny was honest he wasn't sure what things would look like if the silver tomcat was left to call the shots in Blazestars absence. The ragdoll was very much a necessary part of Skyclans machine, and with both him and the Deputy out of commission, Johnnyflame was sure what to expect.


More cats were getting sick. When that far-too-familiar cry for Dawnglare and Fireflypaw pierced their ears, they had already flattened by the time they turned and spotted the quickly gathering crowd. Who was it, what was wrong? Had another cat fallen ill? Fear was sitting heavily in their belly, worse by the day.

Yet despite it all, they hadn't expected to see Blazestar lying upon the earth. Tentatively they crept closer, head low and eyes round, fearful of catching the illness a second time. If even Blazestar could be sick, what were they to do? They couldn't handle losing more warriors. They couldn't handle losing Blazestar. Fireflypaw...

Pa, they heard the large tom say, and Sparrowsong's heart shattered. He couldn't lose his papa. Not him too. StarClan, please protect him. Please. Eyes scrunching shut, they willed their prayer to the stars, swallowing back the tightness in their throat. They wanted to go to him, to comfort him, but they knew they had to stay back; he'd said as much, and despite their heart crying out for him, empathizing with him, the small warrior kept their distance.



Anyone who'd seen Twitchbolt would be safe to assume that fear was his default. The environment wasn't helping, though- with trusted figures gone on a journey to save them, SkyClan's numbers were greatly dwindled. He trembled at the thought of it all- of anyone he cared about dying during this limbo, this time in-waiting where there was hope but no certainty. He didn't know which was worse- to grow ill knowing you would die, or to die knowing you could have been saved.

Panic was, therefore, an emotion Twitchbolt was rather sensitive toward. He felt it in his whiskers like ants crawling beneath his fur- like the bite of a thousand insects, it set him ablaze. Shivering more violently than ever, the warrior surged to join the fray of his peers, small size helping him wind through gaps in the gradually-growing crowd. Fireflypaw's demeanour flitted with concern- and Twitchbolt knew that sight, of a cat faint in the dust. Iron-fastened teeth chattered with a spasm of worry.

A flight into terrible, spiralling worry regarding who would run the Clan while Blazestar was sick approached like a long dawn shadow across the horizon. He could feel that terror grip him, wring nasty claws around his throat, suppress his breathing into quickened wheezes. Blinks and seizes fluttered across Twitchbolt's stunned gaze; here if he was needed, knowing deep down he was entirely powerless. To see Blazestar in a state like this only reminded him of the dusk-sun tom's mortality.
penned by pin ✧
He hates seeing this, again and again.

He is called from his den, a glaze settled over his eyes that tells of just how frequent such a thing has become. The call is unclear — sickness, certainly, but who? And he’d hoped – he’d hoped that it would steer clear from this one, in particular. That if Blazestar would fall again, it would be born of his own foolish sacrifice. It again and again, he yearns to reap so badly, Dawnglare would like more chances for him to do so. A life taken by sickness. That is only unfair.

Perhaps it was drastic to think so; to jump to death, so quickly. But with no cure, and Lungwort bound to lands untamed, Dawnglare sees it as the only natural progression. Blazestar would die.

…How many lives could yellowcough take?

Eyes wide open, but looking at nothing at all. He lingers like a wraith at the scene, watching the flittering of his apprentice; the thinly veiled concern. Dawnglare is of no help for a few long moments, and then the voice of Fireflypaw brings him out of his daze. The pull into the presence is not so all - encompassing, but rather, an ebb and flow. There is a slow, slow, shift in expression as it dawns on him that he must do something. He has no energy to look to his former friend with any disdain. A frown tugs at his lips. To your den? Fireflypaw asks, and Dawnglare nods affirmative, somewhat absentmindedly. It would be much easier, for him to remain within his own, wouldn't it? In the moment, he gives the reply that he is most equipped to give.

There are faces gathering, and who would not look, when the sun itself falls out of the sky? Is there anything I can do? comes a murmur, and the medicine cat cranes his neck down at him. Perhaps there was, but it was nothing that Dawnglare could not do himself, even if it is something he typically did not. He levels the onlookers with a gaze, and to Johnnyflame, " Stay healthy, " is muttered as an answer.

He’d come to Blazestar’s other side then. Stupid, big oaf. " Try and walk for us " he murmurs to him. " You can rest for as long as you'd like, then. "

  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
  • Sad
Reactions: BLAZESTAR


"Stay healthy."

Ears fell at the medics words in clear disapointment, but still, Johnnyflame nodded obediently at the other cats command. He knew Dawnglare was right no matter how badly he wanted to help Blazestar- too many cats were getting sick and soon they wouldn't have to worry about Sootstar and her silly threats to end them- not if things kept as they were.

Turning to the cats gathered around, Johnnyflame would gesture for them to disperse. He knew it was hard, that they all wanted to know what would happen to their leader, but he also knew that the last thing Blazestar would want would be for them to get sick as well.

"Let's give 'em room to work, aye? Blazestar'll beat himself up if he gets any of us sick." the lead reasoned with a small smile, though he knew it was the truth- Blazestar had lives to spare, but the rest of them did not.
