camp The Bug Collector // intro.



she/her || 4moons || ThunderClan Kit

The sun shines down in dapples, weaving its way through the brand new leaf buds on the trees, criss crossing with bare branches and what remains of long dead foliage, still clinging on to their perches many moons later, unwilling to let go, unwilling to be anything but the last one standing. Perhaps they're looking to welcome in the new leaves? Maybe they still desire to be close to the robins that perch on their branches or the squirrels that dash along, maybe they still desire to be part of something bigger, ignorant to the fact that, should they fall, they'll become the fertilizer that fosters new life for many, many moons to come. Yewkit, of course, has no idea of any of this, she's far too busy watching as a line of ants go to work in and out of their nest. What're they doing? Where are they going? Crystal eyes follow their movements, her tail twitching as she watches, eagerly waiting to see something fun, but she just can't sit still... every few moments, she'll get up and move just a little bit, trying to get a better view of what's going on with the tiny bugs.

Experimentally, she pokes the hole into the anthill with her claw, unintentionally collapsing the top of the anthill in the process. Devastated, she cries "NOOOO!!!" and little paws quickly go to work trying to fix her mess... only to mess it up even more. But she doesn't give up!! Yewkit is determined to fix the damage she caused! How dare she make a mess of someone's home and not clean up after herself? That would be very poor manners, mhm. ​
Beetlekit was warm- nice and warm, in that little spot in the sun. When he wasn't being rambunctious and starting trouble, he was splayed out in the sun, soaking in the warmth that his dark pelt blessed him. Of course, his little noggin didn't quite understand that having a darker pelt meant you got warmer faster, but that was something he'd come to learn shortly enough. Half-lidded eyes gently scooted around camp, observing all that was beneath him. See, he was in his head, thinking really hard about being leader and commanding all of these people-

The fur on his spine stood up, eyes widening as Yewkit yowled. With another glance, he inhaled sharply, the younger kit pushing to uncoordinated paws and toddling over. "WHAT ARE YOU YELLING ABOUT?" He shouted, ears wiggling, before green eyes dropped towards the ant-hill. Ants were scurrying about, crawling everywhere and oh it was going for his paws! "Oh no. No, no, no, no. Nuh-uh." After the bug issue the other day, he was NOT about to embarrass himself yelling all over again.

Slowly stepping back, he'd awkwardly shake off his paws here and there, flinging ants every direction.

—————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    2 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
It seemed as though with Newleaf on the horizon and the forest coming to life, that also meant that bugs had been abound in their numbers, having taken to the camp to harass the kittens in their wicked ways. Softpaw was alerted to the next wave of insect attacks by a couple of young yowls from across camp. With the abundance of kittens in the nursery that there was, Softpaw had taken an interest in their routines, curious about the future of ThunderClan.

And now, the future of ThunderClan was vexed over the collapse of an ant hill, and Softpaw had to admit that it was a rather unfortunate event - she herself was stepping carefully, not wanting to get any of the insects in her own pelt if she could help it.

"Now, what happened here?" Softpaw hummed as she reached Yewkit, and she glanced over at Beetlekit as well, who was making a further mess of the ant hill by flinging its inhabitants all about. "You've got to be careful with these kinds of things."​
she/her || 4moons || ThunderClan Kit

A pout quickly forms on her white muzzle as Yewkit's precious ant friends are accosted by shaking paws. "Nooo!! Don' hurt them!" She complains, rushing over to Beetlekit with a frown and trying to get him to stop shaking his paws about. Ants were flying everywhere! What if they couldn't make it back home?! What if they never rebuilt their home? Oh nooooo! "How they get home now??"

Next approached Softpaw, who had been in the nursery herself not too long ago. "Anthill!! Collapsed!! How will they get home now..." Against her will, tears started sprouting in Yewkit's eyes, worried about the ants she'd decided were her new friends. Will they be homeless thanks to her? Oh no! Did she separate families?! How could she do such a thing!!? ​

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ A frown lined Sparrowkit's face as he watched Yewkit poke a hole into the ant's home. What were they thinking? Where were the ants supposed to go now? Though, as they began to climb towards the unsuspecting Beetlekit, he couldn't suppress his laughter. It was too funny!

But.. when Yewkit started to cry, his frown returned, and he approached the kitten with a soft bump of his nose against her shoulder. "Maybe they will make a new one?" he suggested. "Or move in with other ants. There's so many ant homes around, I'm sure they'll find a new home some how!" Optimism shined brightly through the boy as he gave Yewkit his best smile.

  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    SPARROWKIT he/him, thunderclan kitten, 4 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage. adopted son of FLAMEWHISKER
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Tornadokit thought bugs were kinda weird - he didn’t look at them like Yewkit did. They were fun to watch occasionally and even more fun to eat; they had a good crunch! Ants were to tiny to eat and he remembered getting bitten on the paw by one when he was a little younger and he held a grudge, if he’d been the one to find the anthill first he’d have destroyed it purposefully (take that mousebrained ants) and would’ve gotten bitten again.

Like Beetlekit, Tornadokit was in one of his crashes laying on his back soaking in the dappled sun like his peer only to be stirred as well by Yewpaw’s yowl of anguish. He’s a little more lazy about getting up, grumbling as he stretched his paws out before rolling onto his side. Sluggishly he gets onto his paws and lumbers over. He doesn’t get to close, but it’s close enough for a stray ant from Beetlekit’s paw to be miraculously flung onto his forehead. It’s a chaotic scene, Yewkit crying out at Beetlekit to stop while Softpaw tries to figure out what was so wrong.

"If I get bitten ima bite you Beetlekit" he says shaking his head then batting at his forehead until he’s sure it’s off of him. There’s nothing more then a playful threat to his tone, it was an opportunity to wrestle if it did bite him after all and he liked to wrestle. Once he knows he’s safe and clean his attention returns to Yewkit and to Sparrowkit whose soothing words would’ve relaxed him and calmed his worries if he was worried about this. But there’s one question that comes to his mind.

"Are you sure? Ants are like really dumb. Do you think bugs have brains?" he doubts it they’re so small!


Ants everywhere. That was easy enough to notice. With Newleaf came new bugs as they.. woke up from hibernation? Were born? He wasn't really sure, nor did he really care very much. They were more annoying than anything else, with the sounds that they made during the night, possibly keeping everyone awake, or with the way they'd fly around everyone's heads and buzz incessantly until swatted or squashed. Some bugs didn't really bother anyone, but that certainly wasn't most of them, not in Cardinalpaw's eyes. And ants were especially annoying, crawling everywhere, getting on everything, and biting. Although he hadn't seen the full extent of bugs the forest had to offer, certainly, he felt like he'd seen enough. They were annoying and creepy, and that was enough.

"Would you stop throwing those awful things everywhere?" His already out-of-order pelt fluffs up some more, partially out of fright, and he shakes off, trying to keep the ants off of himself, whiskers twitching in annoyance. "Ants can bite you, you know. And there's always more ants. There's nothing to cry about."

Cats approach, softly chiding all the way through harrassing him- he didn't CHOOSE to have these things crawl all over him! He leaned his head down, trying to batter them off by sitting back on his haunches, rubbing his arms off. Yewkit was in his face, so he did the only thing he could think of and- "CAN YOU BACK UP?!" He cried out, flashing kitten fangs and rearing his head forward. Now, whether or not he actually hit Yewkit with his head, he didn't care- he just wanted the whole reason that he was covered in ants to be gone!

Sparrowkit comes to comfort Yewkit, which Beetlekit is upset about, and yet another kit is threatening him over the ants. Beetlekit rolled his eyes, deeming himself free of ants just as he slowly settled back down. Cardinalpaw said something- green eyes snapped towards the offspring of the recently deceased, his pelt fluffing up out of indignation. "I DID, for the record, mister fancy apprentice." Beetlekit stuck his tongue out. No one was being nice to him like they were to Yewkit.

That wasn't fair. His ears flattened as he stood, backing away from the panicked anthill and an upset Yewkit. That wasn't fair! She was the one who brought on the whole ant thing, he got covered in the very things Cardinalpaw just said bit, and he's the one that everyone was upset at? He turned on his paws, fleeing towards the nursery, angry and totally not crying.

// out unless stopped!

—————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    2 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed