the birds were singing. clearsight is dead, and newleaf continues on. the day is warm, a light breeze drifting through the hanging branches. birdsong above, light and happy — a dappled light that floods in from the willow canopies above, bathing the forest floor in beams of light. it would be a mockery, if he didn’t know better. hatchlings were a sign of life, a sign of prey returning to the riverlands. his head tilts skyward and he does not see them, but they are nearby, gentle and light. he is stepping quietly along the well - tread path, gaze drifting about the area now beginning to glow with the changing season. behind him, fawnpaw — the girls mentor left much to be desired. the molly’s name leaves his mind as quick as it came lest it alone irritate him, pale blue luminaries flicking back towards the cream apprentice with a small smile. had he smiled, since that day? where had she been during the attack?

hear them? we catch birds, when necessary. ” he begins, sloped muzzle tilted up towards the gold - studded sky, “ but they are best left for skyclan. the river provides us an abundance of fish, an abundance of life. “ he does not like kittypets. his hypocrisy, ever present despite the softness in pale blue eyes — he feels as though he can still smell the twoleg paws upon her cream pelt. she is young, however. a child, unlike beesong had been. unlike blazestar, unlike the many cats he did not know were raised in an upright’s nest. his paws knead the ground beneath him, soft amidst the blades of grass, “ plus, they’re mean. kleine bastarde, they’ll take an eye if you don’t get them first. awful little creatures. “ his head shakes, large ears twitching back at the memory. he and cindershade, running for their lives from a murder of angry crow. the mottled leader suppresses a shudder.

and then, he spots it. a small, wicker nest — he halts in his tracks, hopes he doesn’t stop too suddenly for the little molly to halt as well. looming as he was, she would only collide with a thin hind limb, but he was more than aware of his imposing figure. she was new, and he was frightening enough, she shouldn’t be worrying about colliding with him as well, “ there — you see, little fawn? through the willows. “ three little chicks. their heads small and round, jutting beaks open towards the sky. hatchlings, “ unless in an emergency.. never catch, never eat the young. let them grow, have hatchlings of their own. “ a gentle trill upon his sloping vocals. birdsong. he hoped clearsight could still hear birdsong in the stars, “ the riverlands are giving, replenishes itself, should you let it.. never take more than is needed.

/ @Fawnpaw IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK A MIN, takes place after clear’s vigil

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


"✧ why am I the only one awake?"
the sun was coming up, watery and yellow, peeking behind the clouds. the grass was a bit damp, from the previous night while a shower of rain came down. The thick breeze blew warm wind into the two cat’s fur as they made their way. Tall blades of grass swayed to the wind, clouds galloped high in the sky. Two cats pad across the riverland, one with sleek fur, the other, with fluffy fur. The taller, big one was making his way, tall paws padding, taking big strides. Behind him, was Fawnpaw. The small newly named apprentice skipped along, trying to keep in pace with the leader. Her whiskers twitched and she blinked. She was glad to be out, the territory was amazing. She saw a lot of things, the skies were so blue and the sun was amazing. She never went out during her kittypet days. Ahead of her, was Cicadastar, his eyes were low and dim with sorrow. Fawnpaw knew better than to ask what was wrong, she did not want to disturb his mourning.

birdsong filled her ears - something she rarely heard as the birds were too scared to be near her house. they chirped, high and low. Cicadastar started speaking and she looked up. Birds..they caught birds? She tilted her head to a side, amazed. How would they do it? Fly themselves? Then she blinked. fish, of course. So that’s why they were riverclan, cats of the water who hunted fish. She blinked, remembering the time she caught a fish. That’s why… she nodded to show she understood. She looked up to the chimera, looking to those blue flashing eyes that were gazing at the sky, the sun reflecting on his eyes . she watched as he shook his head with spite in his words.
"how are they mean?" she asked softly, watching a bright feathered robin tweet as it danced through a bush of berries. They seemed harmless, quite cute. she watched them with flicked ears.

Suddenly, he stopped. With an oof, she was hit by him, her reaction time was slow. She backed up, shaking her head, apologetic. She watched as she saw… a brown…basket shaped …structure with twigs. What was it called again? There were three fuzzy heads - baby birds. They were adorable. she stepped forwards, blinking and twitching her nose curiously. she listened to him , raising her head and silently agreed. She never wanted to eat them. She dipped her head, smiling.
"they’re adorable. I promise to never eat them, mister cicada." she mewed.

✦ ★ ✦

  • .

    ー named for her soft features and heart

    ー。 cis female - she/her
    ー Cream tabby short furred cat with brown eyes
    ー Scottish fold x Japanese bobtail

  • none today

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Mister Cicada, how odd. What an odd girl. His title is "star" — Ashpaw's never known anyone to call him anything else. Never known a hierarchy but this, her clan and its council, astral anointed. Like Cicadastar she shifts and twists her mouth at how kittypet Fawn is, and like Cicadastar she wishes she didn't. An ugly prejudice to plaster onto a kid. On the outside she'll be nothing but kind, stomping down her instincts, giving the younger girl an uncertain smile. Fawnpaw is a RiverClanner now, chosen and welcomed into their ranks, and Ashpaw won't deny her the chance to be one. A hunter, a warrior someday, claws that'll catch food for their kits just like any other — and maybe they'll even be friends?

"They've got claws too, like us. Fish can't really fight back like birds," she answers Fawnpaw's question... then bites her tongue, wondering if she's interrupting. Ah, sorry, she thinks, stepping back toward her mentor — she and Willowroot have been out hunting as well, had joined the pair seeking company. "Also they're yucky," she adds in a whisper. Best left for SkyClan indeed.

" ... I don't think we've met properly," the orange tabby tacks on, tilting her head and taking Fawnpaw in. Just six moons old, and everything about her is so soft. Ash wonders how she'll ever make it out here, though she finds herself bristling at the idea that anyone might be mean about it. Might try to beat the kittypet out of her... they had done that with Finchpaw. Fawnpaw will need sharp claws and a hard bite, but — the rest of her should get to stay like it is, shouldn't it?

She thinks of the softness that WindClan took from them, the dead man's friendships, his mate. She thinks of her childhood ... the way she and her nursery-mates used to be, the way they are now, everything that happened in between. She thinks of Willowroot's stillborn child, how grief sharpened something that should've been soft. How terrible that was.

"I'm Ashpaw," she says, stimming back and forth on her paws. "I'm glad you're here."
—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ic opinions <333 fawns got me all wrapped around her finger

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY