camp THE CHANGES INSIDE ME (patrol assignments!)

Though the air is brisk, the sun feels nice on the woman's back as she strides to the center of camp. It feels good to be back in the swing of things. She loved spending all that quality time and such with her son, but the deputy had begun to get quite antsy in the near-moon she spent recovering in the medicine cat's den. She has yet to venture too far out of camp herself...she isn't quite ready to face the forest where she nearly lost her life, not yet. She's content to complete work around here, and hunt just a bit outside of camp. Reinforcing walls and assigning's her thing, at least for now.

Howling Wind blinks. She hadn't realized her clanmates had already gathered to hear the day's patrols. Straightening herself, the tabby clears her throat and looks around her at the faces of her fellow ThunderClanners.

"Hollow Tree, you'll take Rabbitnose and Stagstrike on the dawn patrol to SkyClan and RiverClan. Be brisk." She doesn't want her daughter staying too long by the pine border....not so soon after the incident.

"Fawncloud, you can lead the dawn patrol to WindClan and ShadowClan; bring Covecatcher and Stormchaser. Be sure to check our border with the unclaimed lands as well..." She trails off, but she knows her clanmates are aware to keep an eye out for Trufflepelt.

"Flycatcher is going to take the dusk patrol to SkyClan and RiverClan. You will have Badgerstrike and Sunfreckle."

"Little Wolf, you will take the dusk patrol to WindClan, ShadowClan and our border with the loner lands. You will have Raccoonstripe and Kindleheart."
She knows they'll check it well. Besides, she doesn't want to send Little Wolf to SkyClan's border.

"Berryheart, I'm giving you Sunnyday for the day if you need any help with anything."

"Nightbird, I want you to lead a big hunting patrol over to Snakerocks. Let's see...take Wolfwind and Silverlightning. With the adders gone, hopefully we should find plenty of mice there to make up for that blizzard. We need to fill bellies."

"Everyone, be careful with the river; don't get too close. Report back to me with any news. Dismissed."
She flicks her tail and nods her head, feeling a worm of guilt wring its way through her body. She should be going out there...she just isn't ready.

SkyClan board: @Hollow Tree @Rabbitnose @Tybalt [Stagstrike]
WindClan board: @FAWNCLOUD @covecatcher @Stormchaser
RiverClan board: @Flycatcher @Badgerstrike @Sunfreckle
Med cat stuff: @BERRYHEART @Sunnyday
Hunting Patrol: @nightbird @WOLFWIND @Silverlightning (I will PM you with details on this)
the mention of his name has folded ears lifting just barely from their positon against his head, howling wind goes on to assign fawncloud to the dawn patrol where he'll round up two others of her choice to scope out the borders towards windclan alongside a brisk check of their surrounding, nameless land. fawncloud nodded their head in acknowledgement and when everyone gets dismissed the chocolate sepia threads through the dispersing crowd in search for covecatcher and stormchaser.

"guess it's off to the rollin' hills for us." a small chuckle escapes him when he nears the duo.


Sunnyday made his steady approach with his ears pricked up as he waited to hear Howling Wind's instruction. To see the deputy conducting her duties again brought forth a sense of much needed familiarity, as if things were creeping back to their usual pace. Though he knew it would be some time yet before he could do anything strenuous given his greatly weakened condition. He might have survived his sickness but now he was nothing more than skin stretched tight over bones. Not even his long fur was hiding that fact.

The promise of carrying out light duties for Berryheart was of great relief to him and he offered a nod of his head. "Understood." He then moved away to seek out the medicine cat.


Although happy to have helped, Flycatcher is quietly relieved to not have to organise patrols today. He watches with an attentive gaze as Howling Wind makes her way to the center of camp. For a moment, the deputy seems a little lost in thought, until she snaps back to reality after noticing all her clanmates gathering around her. He waits patiently to hear his own name called, discovering he is to lead a dusk patrol along their SkyClan and RiverClan border. "Understood," He says with a nod.
Never in a thousand years would she have thought she'd end up on a patrol led by Nightbird of all cats. She'd always thought, if she'd be stuck with her, she'd be the one leading her ass around.

But, dull as she was, she hadn't the energy to argue, or remotely make a scene. The urge she'd once had, a childish desire ta shred her cool exterior into bits was gone now. She's matured, and stuff. Though really, she knows she just can't be bothered to feel right now. Doesn't mean much else than that, really. She'd be back to it sooner or later, maybe. In like, a thousand years.

And she only feels worse seein' Howling Wind stride into place so easy for the first time in nearly a moon. She should feel better, shouldn't she? Relieved to see that Berryheart's block-head was actually able to bring her back to life. But the reminder still stung. Not tryin' to be selfish, really, she's not. Felt bad not seeing her around. Feels bad seeing her again so suddenly, too. Stupid, make up your damn mind.

Why was she even thinkin' bout this stuff? Man, she's pathetic. "Yeah, okay."

She was back to her duties! Hooray! The cream colored girl is drawn forth as the deputy begins to call out the patrols for the day, ears perked as she listens. Second patrol called forth, her name is on it, led by Fawncloud and... Oh! Stormchaser! He was her friend and almost immediately a smile graces her lips, chin tilting upwards. She sends a friendly look to Fawncloud, rising to her paws and making her way over. "Ready whenever you are, captain." she speaks warmly, nodding at his words. Hopefully neither Trufflepelt or the Windclan hare's pop up to cause trouble, especially with how high tensions had been at last gathering.

"Hi, Stormchaser." she realizes she hasn't talked to him yet but her eyes are friendly and theres a pep in her step. "Looks like you're stuck with me." she twitches her whiskers in amusement, glad to be on a patrol with him. Now all that is left is to wait for patrols to start going out.
✦ ★ ✦

ShadowClan. WindClan. The two clans she regarded with the most caution. They weren't like SkyClan where she knew what they were capable of over something as miniscule as a squirrel, but they had earned their place under her scrutiny on past gatherings and word of mouth alone. Anyone who remembered Pitchstar's furious presence on their border had brought it up in whispered passing plenty and you would have to be a fool to not have heard the stories of the moorland queens merciless rule. Moonpaw wishes she had gotten to go on the RiverClan patrol, glances almost pleadingly after Flycatcher as he wanders off to gather the clanmates named and she gives a sigh as she goes to find where Raccoonstripe is. The river probably looked very pretty in the winter and she hadn't gotten to see it yet. It was a travesty.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silver glances in the direction of a gathering crowd, noticing Howling Wind stand amongst them all while she calls out names and assigns them to patrols. With a swish of his long feathery tail the ticked tabby joins them, angling his ears to better hear over the chatting crowd. It was good to see the deputy out and about again, it was his belief that she would return to her duties soon enough. Once his name is called he gives his friend a minor nod of his head. Snakerocks? It'd been quite some time since he was there, hopefully prey could be found easily. "Will do." Turning he comes to stand by Wolfwind, and waits quietly for their groups departure.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Hollow Tree felt a sense of relief to see her mother giving out patrols. Her heart felt like it could rest a little. She had truly been scared that her mother was going to die after being attacked. Thinking the worst may happen like bleeding out or suffering through an infection. But Howling Wind was strong and Berryheart was a fine medicine cat. She should have known there wasn’t much to worry about.

She would be heading towards Skyclan in the dawn. Sounded good to her. Part of her wonders if she’ll see her niece and nephew during the patrol. “Understood.” the brown she-cat says before turning around to look for the pair that would be joining her. “Stagstrike. Rabbitnose. Let’s meet by the entrance before dawn.”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
As she listened to the patrols being assigned for the day, her heart tugged with longing. I can't wait to patrol again...I'll never complain about a dawn patrol again. she thought to herself. Her paws were itching anxiously today, and even though she knew the answer to this, she couldn't help but ask. Raising herself to her paws, the red tabby would slowly pad towards the brown deputy, dipping her head in greeting to everyone gathered around her. "I don't suppose you'd let me take a few pawsteps outside to get some fresh air, would you?" After the close call with the fox, she wouldn't dare go further than just right outside. She missed the forest, and all of it's smells.
The patrols disperse, the leaders of the dawn outings gathering their companions by the bramble entrance. The tabby smiles and draws in a breath, nodding to her clanmates before turning to the approaching queen. She gives her a warning look, but it's obvious there is amusement sparkling in her gaze. She recalls what it was like to be pregnant - she'd been there three times! The restlessness that comes with the expectancy is brutal. "Alright, but just outside of camp. And a warrior will be with you." She chuckles and flicks her tail to finish dismiss everyone.