private the chaos awaits me / group 3

Darkness envelops them all, a crushing sort of blackness that demands silence as the cats regain their footing. She can still feel Duskpool close by her side, his heart-beat a startled thrum in discordant harmony with her own. It takes her eyes a moment to adjust to the inky setting and in the meantime, she can sense the closeness of others. The sweet smell of the SkyClan deputy hits her first, mimicking the sap-scent of Duskpool's pelt. Oak leaves.... river silt....

Needledrift turns, her eyes blown wide to take in her surroundings. Small movements meet her gaze, a promising response in the gloom. "Is everyone alright?"

@orangeblossom @DUSKPOOL @GREENEYES @Lakemoon . @STORMPAW @Flamewhisker
She had watched in horror as their entrance to the tunnel slowly kept disappearing. Rock by rock, the darkness began replacing the light. Finally, the rumbling slows, but the last rock steals any chance at escape that they had. The cats around her disappeared, and panic immediately began to settle in. Her fur was bristling, and she tried to sink her claws into the ground, but there was no hope in securing herself to the rock below.

A voice calls out, but she isn't sure which direction it came from. Hesitantly, she lifts a paw out in front of her, and she accidentally pokes someone else. "As...good as I can be." she says with a stiff voice. "I know Stormpaw is here...and I saw Orangeblossom and Lakebloom...Who else is here?"
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool breathed, flank rising with the motion, drawing in the heavy scent of unfamiliarity, barely tasting the scent of the pines that had only grown stale, mingled with the others, but still distinctive. He pivoted a helm, taking stock of their situation now shrouded in darkness that made his skin prickle with unease, barely able to make heads or tails of everyone, instead letting a torn ear swerve, hearing Needle’s voice echo beside him, closer than the others.

Damnit. He gritted his teeth, nostrils flaring, ignoring the blistering pain that seared up his shoulder. The older warrior hadn’t realized it then, too busy glancing at retreating clan cats to pay much attention to his well-being as stupid as that was. His breath stuttered, directing a molten gaze to a shoulder he could barely see, instead letting the pain lead his senses. Not worth mentioning. He rumbled, inaudible save for the quiet vibration of his chest. He wasn’t dyin’ soon.

He stiffened, whipping around at the quiet groan of rocks, smaller ones hitting in an echoing snap, no doubt from the aftermath that struck fear into the hearts of the journeying cats. “Move it!” He snapped, urging them backward before the light pitter of rocks resonated, curling around Needledrift with a strained grunt, ignoring the throb of his shoulder taking the brunt of the less-lethal attack, nothing more than an annoyed prickle, ignoring the splotchy flashes of pain at sharper rocks digging into the marred flesh of his exposed flank.

He breathed shakily, pulling away from the molly. “Is anyone injured?” He inquired, tone a soothing rumble, urging them further away from the blocked entrance, not sure where that even was but if they stayed any closer—Duskpool didn’t want to find that out. “We can’t stay here.” He added, weight shifting to compensate for the ugly burn that has become a constant thrum in his shoulder.
thought speech

Darkness closes in. Greeneyes’ vision is enclosed in shadows, a rounded gaze searching for shapes to grab hold of in their voided surroundings, a failure to find much while his eyes struggle to get used to his new surroundings. His chest tightens as his sides heave. His lungs beg for air, receiving it in quickened breaths that aren’t nearly aiding the young warrior as much as they should be. He’s trapped, he realizes.

A voice breaks the silence in the form of a question. Another answers. Neither are the voices he wants to hear right now. Neither belong to who he’d been searching for before rubble had closed in on him; another realization that makes his stomach sink.

I… I’m here,” he manages to get out between shaky breaths. A third voice - one familiar, but not familiar enough - snaps through the air, leaves him ducking down and bracing himself as the echo of falling rocks follows. When the rubble settles once more, he straightens his posture the best he can, another trembling breath following.

Figfeather,” he starts, pulling at a tinge of hope that the pocket they now dwell in contains his littermate too, “Has… Has anyone seen my sister? Is she here too?We can’t stay here, Duskpool says, but Greeneyes has to know before he can allow his paws to venture further into darkness.

  • 70927026_mk0oT2Gc8QoWlIu.png

    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Among SkyClan's first born, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
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LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
When the sound of shattering stone had ebbed, it brought no comfort to Lakemoon, not when the burning in her eyes had finally been blinked away to reveal pitch black, the little light from the entrance now undoubtedly blocked.
Her ears are ringing, but the warrior can still hear the sound of someone calling out.
Is everyone alright?
The scent that fills her nose tells her the Shadowclan and Thunderclan are overwhelmingly present, one of Thunderclan’s warriors beginning to rattle off names.
Lakebloom she is called, and the molly can feel her ears flick with irritation, her mate carried the floral name, and while Lilybloom wore it well, Lakemoon did not need to be reminded of the half of her heart she had left back home whilst stuck in this small, dark death sentence.
One asks if anyone is injured, while a Skyclan warrior asks for their sister.
"There were many that found shelter, I’m sure your sister did too." While her answer is unhelpful, Lakemoon understood the feeling of overwhelming worry, and they did not need panic, they needed to get out. The scent of torn flesh isn’t a pleasant one, and while it is almost overpowering here, Lakemoon hopes to the hidden stars that the vermillion that still dribbles from her cheek hasn’t marred her senses while her eyes are useless.
"If anyone has more than a few cuts, they should speak up." While not meant to be spoken so sharply, Lakemoons naturally icy tone is already on edge, her survival instincts kicked into high drive. Cramped, blind, and vulnerable, to say she was desperate to get out of here would be an understatement.

  • WARNINGS: descriptions of claustrophobia and a panic attack.
    SUMMARY: ora is bleeding slightly from a cut on her lower back. by the end of the post she is on the tail end of a panic attack and as far from the others as she can be in the initial tunnel space.
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
As they're plunged into darkness, brown eyes flick upwards. Above her, there is nothing. No light, no piercing flickers of the stars to guide her path. This is not like the trees, where shifting gaps reveal the sky above their heads. Is it still crumbling? On top of them inwards, closer and closer until there's nothing? They'd be dead then. Maybe they're already dead, their unfortunate spirits waiting for StarClan's welcome in a place where they cannot reach. She's never been particularly religious, though she believes that differs from faith, but in times like this where she knows she's taken StarClan's relative protection for granted she keenly feels their absence. They'd never return home, never take her place among StarClan's warriors, and she would go down in history as the deputy who died searching in vain for a cure. A lost spirit, never buried by tender paws, never wreathed in lavender and laid to rest among her Clanmates.

Orangeblossom's breath comes quickly now, eyes blown wide against darkness she cannot breach, damp and dusty and suffocating, and she begins to back up. Her whiskers brush something - someone? - and she flinches further back with a panicked hiss, ears flat to her skull. Orangeblossom's side presses against the side of the cave as it stills, the earth finally returning to its slumber. Her tail wraps close to her form, bristling. At least the wall of this little tunnel (their tomb) is still, quiet, unmoving. Her flank heaves, head spinning with choked breaths, no thought coming with ease and running entirely on the instinct of things being wrong. She wants to wail like a kit. To keen, to grieve.

With everything happening around her, Orangeblossom does not register the sting of the cut on her lower back or catch the metallic tang of blood from it, though it throbs in silent answer to Duskpool's question. She can hear Duskpool and Greeneyes, knows that the RiverClanner she'd shoved had been forced in here with them. Dimly, she notes Flamewhisker and another, smaller form. It's not Cherrypaw, she knows that much, but her heart lurches and her eyes sting with the realisation that her daughter is not here with them. Her ears ring, head swaying listlessly as if trying to bring some balance back to her mind.

She went the other way, she wants to tell Greeneyes. To reassure him that Figfeather and Cherrypaw are safe together. But she doesn't know for sure. The thought does bring some lucidity back to her, however, and Orangeblossom squeezes her eyes shut, leaning her head against the tunnel wall. It's cool against her brow, soothing her aching head, but it's still far too cramped for comfort to be found.