the city moved me | herb collecting

The hawks had struck the clan in more than one way, drawing blood, killing and injuring but they also sent a direct hit right into the medicine cat stores of important supplies and herbs and Dandelionpaw was beginning to realize how bad it was after roaming the camp to check on the victims of those harsh talons and the general well-being of his clanmates. Leaf-bare was well upon them, the cold was creeping in and with it the chance of sickness but he was sorely hurting for proper stock of the basics and the few things he knew would be necessary later that he was not wholey familiar with yet. The sepia point sighed, examining the den that seemed almost unaturally empty now with Honeytwist gone and her kits having moved out as well; he couldn't remember which of them had followed her into her exile but he hoped sincerely they were all okay.
The recollection of the ordeal was almost enough to have him crying again but he had to stop, it was too exhausting and there were so many more things of importance that needed tending to that it would be selfish to simply wallow in self-pity longer. Perhaps he might be able to in a few days, once he had addressed the greater issues at hand but for now he had to toughen up, get over it and press forward.
With a shaky breath the chocolate dipped tom moved around the den, nosing into the shelves and taking silent tally of what was there and, more often than he'd like, what was not. Some of the herbs were easy, WindClan's sweeping grassland made for easy methods to obtain the light yellow flowers and cobwebs that made up an essential kit. The rest was a little more tricky and during leaf-bare his chances slimmed down to almost zero. He was going to need some help...

Stepping out of the den after a quick cleanup and readjusting his nest to the front where he could look into the camp at night, the young medicine cat rose his voice up in a strained but chipper yowl, "Howdy! Anyone up fer escort'n me out and carrying some herbs back?"
They'd probably need one warrior given the hawk situation, but where he wanted to go wasn't too close to that area so it should be fine. No chances taken, after all.


Yewberry was definitely wary of leaving camp in the daylight. His gaze had been directed towards the sky so much it was starting to hurt his neck. He had just finished dragging a rabbit back he had been lucky enough to run into in the tunnels during one of his patrols.

He was grooming his pelt when Dandelionpaw called out asking for assistance in gathering herbs.

"I can join you." He said.

But what if Dandelionpaw didn't WANT him to?


"If you'd have me, anyways." He added.

( ) while blackpaw wasn't a warrior, he was within two moons of being one, and desperate to get out and move around either way. he trotted up to dandelionpaw and yewberry with a smile "hopefully i can come? i can carry things well enough i think" the black and white apprentice had started making himself quite useful since the hawk infestation, or tried to at least, both out of genuine care for his clan and because of his growing restlessness due to the fact that he could no longer leave camp alone. perhaps they'd be in need of catmint that he could carry and.. appreciate on the way back, or hopefully just nothing stinky that would affect the flavor of his lunch later.

Thymepaw wishes he was at his brother's side more often through all of this. But, training was training, and, well, Thymepaw had to become a warrior at some point. But, he still tries his best to stick around Dandelionpaw in his free time. Still tries to keep the medicine den more crammed with his company, though he knows he doesn't quite fill the spot of Honeytwist, of those of her kits that left with her. He tries, but he wishes he was able to do more for his hurting brother.

He's returning from hunting lessons as his brother makes his call for herb collecting. There. An opportunity to be by his brother's side. An important opportunity too, what with them hawks still lurking around. Thymepaw drops his kill into the pile, before making his way over to Dandelionpaw - to Yewberry and Blackpaw that have also joined him.

"I'll go too!" he says, an affirmative nod to his brother. Though he doesn't quite know what they're all for, his personal knowledge of flowers would be helpful to have, right? Not to mention, he'd been getting quite good with his battle training - them hawks wouldn't have a chance!

Never one to keep her nose out of peoples business, especially when it came to patrols and guarding other cats, Hyacinthbreath was of course listening from where she curled up and laid out on the ground. She looked exhausted, hence her own hesitance to speak out- though, she slowly rises to her paws as Yewberry, Blackpaw, and Thymepaw volunteered to help Dandelionpaw.

She gives the tom an amused look, making her way over with ease- maybe even with a little pep in her step. "My, it's not often I see apprentices wanting to do labor around here. Where's that enthusiasm when you're picking fleas off of the Elders?" She teases the two apprentices, tail aiming to flick their ears as she walked past them. Clearly, she had been joking- though, perhaps these apprentices weren't too fond of jokes like that.

"I'll come with you. I heard you mumbling about needing.. Er.. What's its name.. Fever-pew? Feverfew?"

Yewberry was an odd warrior, a little skittish but good spirited and that was enough for him as far as any kind of babysitting needed, so he expected anyways until Blackpaw and then his brother came up and offered their own aid. He knew Blackpaw in passing, nice enough cat and pretty dependable he expected and Thymepaw already knew quite a few flowers by name due to their families shared love of them and also his own sharing of fun, interesting things he'd come across while training under Honeytwist. Wistfully the sepia point glanced to the side, thought about how easier things were when he was just excited to know his namesake flower was useful and not just a weed...imagine how it started there only to end where it did.

His lofty expectations for Yewberry were quickly softened by the presence of the silver lead warrior and he offered a crooked grin at her comment, "Rarely get that kinda offer'n o'help when there's ticks to be plucked, that's fer certain." No one ever wanted to volunteer for the unfun stuff. So it goes.

"Feverfew." Dandelionpaw corrected with a smile then wrinkled his nose, "Weird name, but ah jus' pick'em-ah didn't name'em. Not a bad name though, all things considered..." Realizing his joke would be lost without an explaination he gave a laugh, "Makers yer fever few, geddit? Feverfew? Helps with the shakes. Come in plenty deeper into leaf-bare I reckon."
Turning into the den he one-by-one dragged out the long dock leaves he'd picked a day prior and laid them out, "Ah like to fold'em into these, makes it easier to carry more without stuffin' yer mouth full o'blooms. Take one and let's get goin fer its dark!"


Yewberry gave a small smile and nodded in greeting to those who joined them.

"I can help with ticks, if you need it." He offered. He wasn't sure if it was a problem, but he was happy to help if needed.

He chuckled at Hyacinth's comment of apprentices being eager to do labor. "Collecting herbs is a good pass time." He said.

Looking back to Dandelionpaw, he tilted his head as he explained how he remembered Feverfew. It clicked for him, how had he not realized that before? "That's a good way to remember!" He said, looking at the leaves he brought. Wrapping the herbs into a leaf to carry them.... Also a good idea!

He may not be a conversation carrier, but now he could carry even more plants to make up for it!

"Any other herbs we're looking for, or just Feverfew?"