private The Cold Endured

Jan 5, 2023
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With a new guard assigned to Dandelionwish for the day, Tigerfrost is finally given the chance to stretch his legs. The snow is as cold as ever and the air is wintry and sharp as it's drawn into his lungs, but nonetheless, Tigerfrost is eager to run the windswept territory once more. It was through his request that several other warriors agreed to join, seeking to insure that the borders were secure, and that the exiled traitors were not lingering just out of sight, awaiting their chance to attack. They would check RiverClan and SkyClan borders too, of course, for the enemy never sleeps, at least not in Tigerfrost's mind.

He steps toward the camp exit with blistering eyes and a stone-faced expression, awaiting his companions to gather. As they arrive, he will grant them an appreciative nod, all too pleased to have some of WindClan's bravest, and most loyal cats at his side.

(( @LYNXTOOTH. @Juniperfrost @WEASELCLAW and @Firepaw if you wanna join ^^ ))
The snowstorm that had blazed during WindClan's attack on SkyClan has ceased, and the snow that blankets their moors is deep and stiff, frozen-over. Weaselclaw feels the wintry blast ruffle his short pelt, reach with icy fingers through to his bones, but his stride alongside the other warriors and Firepaw is confident and alert. Tigerfrost's suggestion had been a good one -- with the defectors, the borders must be secured. SkyClan is too far from them to monitor, but RiverClan, his ever-present enemy, should have a patrol of strong cats at its helm.

The tabby tastes the air. Nothing, not stale prey scent, not enemy feline.

He licks his chops, dissatisfied. Sootstar is expecting kits, his kits. He will not rest until he can ensure their safety, the safety of all of WindClan.

He's never been one for idle chitchat but the quiet patrol of equally aloof warriors reminded him that he was now apprenticeless soon and would possibly miss the chatter in time. Windpaw had not been exactly enthusiastic but they had been enough noise in the background to give him distraction. He didn't dislike talking, he just never really had much to say though he supposed he did now.
"Sootstar is carrying kits then is she? It was hard to comment on in the moment." She had, after all, revealed it during their sending off into battle of sorts; right as the groups were being organized and the chaos had erupted, not exactly a good time for an announcement but he'd heard it all the same. "Your first litter, Weaselclaw? I'm sure they'll be noble additions to the clan." Raised by the leader and lead warrior, surely they wouldn't fall into the same nonsense as Moonshadow and Hyacinthbreath's brats had: coddled and babied like newborns and softhearted. It made him wonder over having another litter himself later, granted a she-cat happened to catch his eye who was not some rebellious upstart (the pickings were slim), he feared Coyotepaw was too far gone at times in the corruption SkyClan had put upon him.
His blue gaze narrowed just past Tigerfrost at something, but he quickly dismissed it as a trick of the light; he hoped they found no signs of the exiled cats but he also hoped they did. He'd love to get his cut of flesh.

Weaselclaw's icy demeanor melts some in the company of Juniperfrost. He's oblivious to this irony. "Yes, it is my first," he says, pride gleaming in his eyes, obvious in the set of his shoulders. Juniperfrost comments that he hopes they'll be noble additions to the Clan, and when the toms share a look, there is no meaning lost between them. Weaselclaw, too, is thinking of Moonshadow's corrupted, soft-hearted kits, of Echolight's no-doubt spoiled children. Especially if that exiled weasel really is their father.

He ventures, wondering if he's asking about something he wouldn't otherwise: "How is it, having Coyotepaw back here in his rightful Clan?" He hasn't interacted much with the pale-colored tom, but he's seen how dejected he looks about being in the moors. Juniperfrost and Lynxtooth are both fathers, he realizes, giving an interested look to the red-pelted tom. He could use the advice, couldn't he?

He throws Tigerfrost a look. "You don't have kits, do you?" Genuinely curious, the tabby throws the white-faced chimera a look.

It seems their traitors have escaped them, and the silence has suddenly become suffocating. If he isn't rending flesh from cowards, Weaselclaw finds himself wanting to talk to his Clanmates, his fellow respected warriors.

They'd gotten away and if they had any intellect rattling around in their empty skulls they wouldn't return, Firepaw can't imagine living anywhere else but the moors; home was on these hills among the long grass where the sky forever watched over your pelt. Yewberry and Galeforce would never again experience it's majesty in the height of greenleaf, wouldn't be able to share the plumpest of hares with those they grew up with. They were gone as good as dead, this wasn't their home anymore they were enemies who once bore the scent of the moors but no longer belonged to it. She'd never comprehend how it felt to lose both your home and your people, she'd rather be dead. She wonders just how long they'd survive out their on their own, that was if they still had their pride. It was a possibility they'd cave to their own inherent mouseheartedness and show their bellies to the enemies bordering them, well if those cats didn't wish to spill their blood like she and those loyal to Windclan yearned to. They're lucky they got to escape at all, she's sure if the conditions were better and if she, Juniperfrost and Tigerfrost weren't fatigued from battle then those two traitors would've been torn into crowfood.

They're out making sure they're gone, Firepaw is doubtful they'd find much more then stale scents if that. It's her duty to make sure and to follow in the lead of Lynxtooth, Juniperfrost, Weaselclaw and Tigerfrost the strongest warriors in Windclan, and compared to them her prowess pales in comparison she doesn't have their experience nor might quite yet. She's practically a impudent kit in comparison, she's gotten snipped at enough by Lynxtooth and Juniperfrost plenty but she's determined still to prove herself to them, to one day be like them; a asset to her clan and to Sootstar. She was gonna push herself as hard as she could, surpass expectations if she could; surpass even her brothers but for now she's still walking in the pawsteps of those stronger then her while she continues to grow strong herself. It was one step at a time something that pains her, she wants to bound ahead but for now she stays silent and attentive. Ears swiveling listening to every little noise near them, whiskers twitching and nostrils flaring lightly to try and pick up on anything out of the usual as she steps in the imprints of her clanmates paws to make traversing through the snow and mud easier for herself. She takes a place close to the rear if not completely behind.

She doesn't really have much to say, the conversation isn't suited for her, she's far to young to partake in conversations involving kits and parenthood. Though she can admit she's curious just what Sootstar's soon to be litter will be like, she wasn't particularly close to her eldest; and well she strayed away from them purposefully for the most part knowing better then to pick on the leaders kits. By the time they were apprentices she'd be old enough to apprentice them herself wouldn't she? Now wouldn't that be something to look forward to?
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Like his companions, Tigerfrost detects no sign of the traitors as they make their way across the snow covered territory. No-cat seems overly interested in conversing, at least not until Juniperfrost breaks the chilly silence between the group. Tigerfrost's eyes flicker toward the other tom curiously as he speaks. Ah yes, Sootstar was due with kits soon. Weaselclaw must be proud, the chimera thinks. The conversation shifts briefly to the topic of Coyotepaw, before Weaselclaw decides to inquire into Tigerfrost's own romantic habits.

"No, no kits. I've yet to really get involved with a relationship, to be quite honest. I suppose I just don't make enough time to mingle. Seems like I'm always busy with something." It's not a complaint, but Tigerfrost shrugs his shoulders a bit, pressing on through the snow. He doesn't mind the easy chatter between them now. There didn't appear to be any sign of the traitors, and these were cats that he could actually get along with. His gaze flashes briefly backward toward Firepaw, who's personality certainly fit her name.

Twitching an ear at the brush of a cold wind, Tigerfrost speaks, "How's your training going, Firepaw? You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself." In other words, she didn't appear to be getting brain-washed by some of the treacherous ideas of the more soft-hearted WindClan cats. He wonders if Firepaw has a close relationship with the rest of the clan's apprentices, and if she did, would she be willing to report on any potentially treasonous behavior or ideas? An idea to consider, for certain.