the cold shoulder & confrontation


Dec 22, 2022

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Weeks had passed, and it was starting to get frustating. The cold shoulder, the glare, the seperate patrols- it was all becoming redunant and he felt so fed up with it. Yes he messed up, big time too, but it had to get better at some point didn't it? She had to talk to him at some point! Ashenclaw paced outside of the camp entrance as he was returning from a training session. He just needed a minute to himself as he knew as soon as he got to camp, the cold shoulder would start again. He didn't even know why she wasn't talking to him. Was being referred to as his mate the worst thing to happen? Was something else at play?

A sigh left his nose and he looked to the tunnel that lead into the clearing. Ashenclaw then squared his shoulders, coming to a rash decision, and marched through the camp entrance. This couldn't go on. It just simply couldn't. Time to man up and be honest with himself; he liked Orangeblossom. Maybe even loved her, and he wanted to fix things. Maybe an apology would be helpful, right? Moon and her seemed to have settled things, so maybe there was a chance he could salavge their relationship.

Ashenclaw missed Orangeblossom. He missed her sleeping beside them, missed their walks and talks about life or what have you. He flicked his ears back and searched the camp for the woodsy scent pelt of the Skyclan deputy. "You can't ignore me forever, Ora," He spoke once upon spotting her amongst the clan. Was he going to make a big scene? Probably. But it would be the only chance to talk to her, he doubt she would've agreed to a walk to talk about it or anything like that, "I'm sorry okay? I-I messed up big time, and hurt you and-," He shook his head, looking down to the ground with a lash of his bushy tail.

"Please just talk to me, Ora-"

@orangeblossom please wait for the lady in question ;D!!!))))


✦ ★ ✦
She'd just wanted to get out of camp without a major event. Just once. Orangeblossom gestures for her patrol to continue on without her - they were headed for Tallpine, she knew where that was. Ashenclaw pleads for her attention, for her to talk to him, and the deputy whirls on the warrior with an annoyed hiss. She could ignore him forever. Maybe he'd get the hint this time and leave her alone.

"I owe you no words except for those needed during my duties as deputy, H-" She nearly slips on his name through gritted teeth, moons of habit conflicting with a rightfully earned new beginning- "Ashenclaw. But since you asked so nicely, fine."

As brown eyes narrow with distaste, she faces him fully this time and presses her front paws together in a silent reassurance to herself. There's eyes on her now that she's acknowledged him, she can feel it, but the deputy ignores them in favour of flattening her ears and finally getting to face someone who has made an - albeit conflicted - enemy of himself. He'd left his kittypet life behind, partially for their friendship; or, at least, that's what he had told her. How much of that had been a lie? Orangeblossom's tail twitches, brushes against the ground.

Her conversation with Wyrm plays out in her head in the space of a heartbeat, him trying to assure her that Ashenclaw was lucky to snatch her heart, how could he possibly be that good to get a second? But no, she wasn't the cat in question when Moon had assumed that Ashenclaw had a mate- she'd never confessed, and while they were (had been?) close they had never made anything official. Never spoken of the quiet comfort they took in the other's company, nor the knowing looks her family dropped whenever they thought she wasn't looking. The deputy takes a step closer to him, drawing herself up to full height.

"So who is it then? Who's the other poor cat you're stringing along? I sure hope you've apologised to them, too." She bristles.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

Sweet, juicy drama.

As much as Bluejay would love to say that she didn't eavesdrop, she definitely did- it was hard not to, when cats spoke louder than they thought. Here she was, slumbering in a tree nearby when she hears Ashenclaw's desperate pleas for their Deputy to listen to him. A couple's spout, perhaps. She's fully prepared to turn and leave to let them do their thing, but when Orangeblossom turns to respond, there's a hint of vitriol there in her voice. And maybe a little bit of.. Jealousy? She supposed she could wait, then. Wouldn't want to get caught at this point!

So, she listens in instead, tail twitching curiously behind her. She only hoped a fight didn't break out. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

following orangeblossom out for a patrol, they are halted by ashenclaw's call out to the deputy. and although her mentor urges them to continue, the pleading tone of the tabby had her ears pricking. maybe she should have continued on with everyone else, but the way orangeblossom spun around, hissing in his face, had her feet planted. however, she was smart enough to move out of sight, crouching behind a bush. eveningpaw was not entirely sure what their spat was about, but by the wrath with which orangeblossom spoke, it was not good. her ears pricked as she listened, not one word would be lost, not on her watch.

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"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Drawing attention in the middle of camp wasn't exactly how he wanted it to play out. He had wanted to do this privately, to tell her face to face, but she was just so stubborn- it was seemingly the only way. Orangeblossom finally acknowledged him, fur bristling and tail lashing, and she drew herself to her full height. Ashenclaw twitched his right ear back agaisnt his head and stood up straighter, looking down at the deputy as she got closer. That feahery tail waved back and forth, low to the ground as she almost slipped up on his name. Habits died hard, and then demanded who this other cat was. Who else he was stringing along and he furrowed his brow- clear confusion settling in his broad features.

Other cat? What other cat? Had she been assuming it was someone else this whole time? The blue tabby breathed through his nose as he tried to not return her bristling nature. Anger on anger wasn't going to solve the issue, but at least she was talking to him now. There was a shake of a broad head, "What do you mean? There is not 'other cat' in the picture-," His lips tightened as he cut himself off and looked at her with those deep, green eyes of his.

Just tell her.

Ashenclaw sighed, shoulders relaxing slightly, "It was you. You're this 'other cat'," He stated firmly, "Moon joined sooner than I had thought she would-I thought I had more time to-" He found the words becoming difficult. The stoic warrior had never been good with emotions or sharing them with others, but this was Orangeblossom. He never had to hide from her. Never had to keep up his walls nor keep her at arms length. She was his comfort, his safety, and he was going to fix this.

The large blue tabby took a deep breath, trying to qualm the churnig sensation in his gut, "I'm in love with you, Ora, its always been you.," The plan had been to take her out some where nice, to confess to her in his own way, but if it must be in the middle of a fight in the midst of the clearing then so be it.


✦ ★ ✦
Ashenclaw draws himself upwards in turn, staring down at her with a heavy brow and green eyes narrow with confusion in response to her outburst. Curse him being taller than her. She doesn't waver, however, the deputy's pride and stubbornness mingling expectantly as the moment pauses and Ashenclaw speaks.

It was you. Brown eyes narrow as Ashenclaw explains himself, rambling bits and pieces of a confession that he thought he'd had more time to craft, blaming his sister for forcing his paw before he had the chance to tell Orangeblossom herself how he feels. It's always been you.

... What?

Silence stretches between them, heavy and tense, the blue tabby's confession lingering in the air like a predator's hunting call. I'm in love with you. She doesn't breathe for a moment, frozen in time and fighting off every single thought that has the audacity to cross her mind.

"Damnit, Ashenclaw." Orangeblossom curses under her breath, relief and shame and confusion mingling all at once. One paw steps in place against the ground, a touch of nervous energy forcing the shuffle. She breaks eye contact with a bittersweet purr, half choked by a small growl of frustration. Torn ears flatten briefly, a pang of embarrassment causing her tail to curl over her flank - against her will, she becomes acutely aware of the fact that this confession has taken place in the middle of camp. She wouldn't have chosen this.

"You should have just told me, Ashenclaw. I'm not that intimidating." She meows with a breathless purr, completely missing the fact that she really could be at times. And, perhaps more importantly, "I love you too. I'm also still annoyed at you, and I'm still going on this patrol without you. But we can talk about this later?" When the whole Clan isn't watching.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
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❪ TAGS ❫ — Slate had been out on a brief stroll about the pines, as he found the confines of camp quite suffocating sometimes. It would still take him a while to fully grow used to the feeling, as he was a former rogue who used to roam blocks of territory.

He practically runs right into Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw as he ducks into the hollow. It was quite difficult to miss the scene unfurling smack dab in the middle of camp, and as a bystander who didn't wish to draw attention to himself, all he could do was watch from the shadows. Ora looks less than pleased with Ashenclaw, and to be honest, he is still curious as to what the full context of this situation was. Whatever was between the two, he knew that the deputy could handle herself.

"I'm in love with you, Ora, it's always been you."

... That hadn't been what Slate expected. The Maine Coon blinks amber hues, a bit surprised that Ashenclaw was professing his love for the orange and white she-cat in a public setting. He had known that there was something going on, given the prior situation involving Wyrm accusing him of utter nonsense, but... wow.

It was no surprise to him, really, that Orangeblossom had admirers. She was a perfectly competent warrior, a steadfast deputy who was loyal to her clan, a strong and intelligent she-cat. Slate knew this, having actually met her back when she was, well, Orange Blossom. This was not public knowledge as far as he's aware; someone who snuck out to meet up with a brutish twolegplace rogue probably wouldn't have been a great look for her.

They had been younger then. Those moonlit nights by the fence and late-night conversations felt so long ago now, but Slate can vividly remember how he felt. In fact, he had felt so much, that he had decided to stay away. He had strayed too close to the flame that he had nearly burnt himself. Commitment, exploring deeper emotions with another individual, giving up his independence to be with her... It was too overwhelming for him. Slate still feels guilty imagining Orange Blossom arriving at their usual spot, waiting around and looking for him, wondering if she had done something wrong. Even after all these moons, Ora hadn't seemed too upset with him. Now he knows why.

"I love you too."

At least Orangeblossom was able to find happiness elsewhere, in a tom like Ashenclaw. He was kind and had a good head on his shoulders, even if he was a daylight warrior. Why shouldn't Orangeblossom choose him? There's certainly no reason why Ashenclaw shouldn't choose her, either. Despite some miscommunication between the couple, it seemed that things had turned out well for them in the end.

As for Slate, he had moved on long ago, discarding his feelings in order to continue living the way he wanted to. So why does it feel like he's just received a swift kick to the gut?

Hoping to stay under Ora's radar, Slate ducked his head and slunk into the warriors den.
  • Crying
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Accompanying himself with Orangeblossom, they had been gathering themselves for a hunting patrol to Tallpine. These last few weeks had been a bit more tense than usual; especially for his cousin. He had been present when Moon had requested to joined within SkyClan's ranks, Ashenclaw's forgotten sister who had lived among the streets. He had watched the disaster unfold between the three as Moon asked about Ashenclaw's mate, causing the deputy to reel back in surprise. An awkward situation it was, the calico had not necessarily known what to do—torn between two sides. He wanted to follow the deputy, to be her shoulder to lean on for an ear for her to scream at. They were always close, close enough for Auburnflame to know specifically when she needed to really be left alone with her thoughts or bear the pinnacle of wrath; whether it be by a sharp tongue or equally sharp claws.
She did indeed speak with him about it later on, a sensitive subject for her and he did his best not to pry. All he could do was be there for her in support. Apart of him wanted to throttle the tom around, to ask just what the hell was his problem was—but that never came. He sat along the fence post, riding out the storm until the climax taken it's peak. Green eyes were fierce as the Daylight warrior faces off against her, declaring his boisterous explanation for all within earshot. Pale irises glint in the sunlight, flashing for a moment as he watches her draw herself fully. Instinctively, Auburnflame follows suit whilst standing behind her. No matter how friendly he was, he'd stand at her back through it all. Pupils begin to constrict to slits as Ashenclaw speaks, spews his woes and his feelings for all to hear.
I'm in love with you, Ora. Here the man was, declaring his love for the deputy and explaining the miscommunication. Ivory whiskers twitch, hardened expression melting into realization. Now he gets it. A smirk quirks up along his speckled maw, pink lips drawing back to an almost giddy grin. Auburnflame listens to the both of them, listens to their squabbling like lovesick apprentices and couldn't help but let out the hardiest of laughs.

Oh, it was too rich.

"Both of you are bird-brains!" He exclaims, plumed tail curling over his own spine. I'm not that intimidating. Auburnflame flicks his gaze towards Orangeblossom, laughter cut short as he stares at her pointedly—really? Brows raise incredulously at her little comment. "As intimidating as a two headed fox with twice the bloodlust." He mutters clearly, most definitely loud enough for all to ear in this charade. A slinking dark hued figure pops into his vision, as if Slate had suddenly appeared. He'd been standing there, but Auburnflame was too focused on the situation to notice. He didn't get the chance to notice the evidence of hurt upon the brutish tom's face—though he thought it strange for him to not make some back handed comment. The calico stares after him for a bit, pondering over it. Slate not doing a notorious Slate thing—it was weird. He shakes his head to rid himself of it; it was probably nothing anyways. His head swivels to the duo before him, brushing against Orangeblossom and standingeye-to-eye with Ashenclaw. "It's about damn time you said somethin'." He murmurs to him, winking at the tabby tom before sauntering towards the entrance.
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