camp the color of the moment ༄ snoring


[ 08.02.24 ]
Mar 26, 2024

࿔*:・゚༄ A terrible sound echoes through ThunderClan's camp - the rumbling cry of some great beast, a monster within the heart of the forest. Again and again it comes, this thunderous sort of roar. And yet, no horrible creature creates this sound; the culprit lies plainly within camp, a mere mortal cloaked in thick fur. Perhaps a child might think them a monster, however. The cat is large and hulking, their body contorted in a way no cat's should.

Ploverhop lies sprawled out in a manner that surely cannot be comfortable, limbs tangled up within one another. Beams of sunlight alight upon their bicolored back - the perfect spot for such a nap. Their mouth hangs open, snores echoing off camp walls like the thunder the clan has been named for.

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  • PLOVERHOP they / them, warrior of thunderclan, nineteen moons.
    a large, black-striped lilac cat with vivid golden-orange eyes.
    bright and bouncy with a penchant for mischief. rarely seen without a smile.
    npc x npc; former kittypet.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Usually, as soon as he hits the ground he's out to the world, he's kept his paws busy with hunting most of the afternoon, and has retired with the sun up. Even from the den, his eyelids peel open with barely contained agony. Long ears twitching, out of his control in response to the low rumble, he rises to his paws, eyes squinting furiously against being awake.

The distant, and somehow still loud noises prompt the color point to roll to his paws. Milkwhisker starts to come to life and when he slogs to the mysterious noise his brain decides to kicks into gear. Shedding the sleepiness that clung to his paws, he makes long strides until he spots the sizable Ploverhop splayed out in the sunshine. His barely contained laugh makes itself evident in the silent shudder of shoulders. Looks like he's found the source of the mysterious noise. "Now that's a good rest." He proclaims to whoever will listen.


The loud sound emanating from the warrior quickly draws the attention of Meadowkit. How could it not? Especially when it was so loud and Ploverhop was just laying sprawled out in camp for everyone to see them? Curious, she comes to stand next to Milkwhisker "Hey no fair!" she cries suddenly "How come when I snore Im being "loud" and "waking everyone up" but when they do it it's fine!" It was probably just 'cuz they were a grown up and she wasn't. That was the adults excuse for everything. When she was older though she wouldn't be like that. She would tell kits that they could snore all they liked! And they could eat whatever they wanted!

Suddenly overcome by just how unfair the situation was, she reaches out and lightly baps the warrior on the nose "PLOVERHOP WAKE UP! WAKE UP! EVERYONE IS MAD AT YOOUUU" She yells suddenly, because if she was snoring she would surely be woken up so why should they get to do it?

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    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
  • Wow
Reactions: PLOVERHOP ★

Thundergleam dared not rest in direct sunlight- though it was easy to forget. Thus far in her new life she had not slipped up yet... but she did, to some tiny, flickering extent, envy those who could read within sunbeams so easily. And so pleasantly, too! As Milkwhisker pointed out, this... rumbling thunderstorm reverbrating from Ploverhop's ribs was a clear cut sign of a wonderful slumber. Gladness glimmered in pale eyes... oh, to know Thunderclanners could rest! It surely meant some minds were plateauing to peace.

"Indeed," she hummer, her voice a quiet, honeyed thing, daring not disturb the dreamer. "I wonder about their dreams... surely, they are riveting! Perhaps they chase a squirrel... a sure sign that their coming day will be full of energy." After hunting dreams, she certainly felt more energised, at the very least.

The peace could not last for long, though... no, no. Whirlwind as ever, one of ThunderClan's many kittens burst from the fray, a little, blazing streak of light. Impossible to stop! Still, Thundergleam's expression crumpled into momentary shock, a lightly-humoured grimace flickering across her face. "Oh- Meadowkit, do not deny a cat their dreams..." It appeared too late, however. Thundergleam herself certainly would not like to be disturbed when dreaming... who knew what prophecy an errant kitten-paw could interrupt?
penned by pin ☾
the snore echoing off the walls lured her over like a siren’s call, ears flat on her skull and eyes squinting in confusion. sunlight beats down on the warrior’s back, haloing their twisted frame for all to see. leafhusk’s paws felt heavy, vaguely jealous over how comfortable they looked, and that they can sleep so soundly on a patch of dirt. the dust that’s going to cling to ploverhop’s fur will be a menace, but leafhusk wonders if they’ll really care.

it’s surely brought a crowd over. amusing that one warrior’s dreadful snoring could cause so many curious on-lookers. she noticed milkwhisker’s sleepy movements, thundergleam watching perfectly from the shade- meadowkit’s yell ringing out makes her look over, a sympathetic frown tugging her maw. "i doubt that’ll wake them up. their dreaming must be very… intense." she comments.

  • hi
  • ce30435d4008ebe8b43d9dceb88edfc5ed910091.png
    LEAFHUSK thunderclan lead warrior・ex-kittypet
    a long-haired, fawn sepia molly with pale golden eyes, she keeps her fur neatly groomed and free of any mats or tangles. leafhusk is easy to talk too and befriend, her attitude doesn't change much towards other clans but she is visibly wary around outsiders.
    physically easy, mentally easy, attack in underline & tag
    healing & peaceful powerplay allowed・all opinions ic
    she / her・currently mentoring adderpaw
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
The sun wasn't always pleasant for those of darker fur- sometimes, it was simply overheating, other times, it was just fine. Ears twitched as he relaxed on stone that was sunwarmed but no longer in it's direct path- and when the snoring started, his brow twitched with irritation. Each. Star. Awful. Drag. Of. Breath.

A sharp inhale followed when laughs were shared at the 'amusing' sight, but Meadowkit's yell finally caused the apprentice, who was just trying to relax sore muscles, push to his paws and leap from his perch. Orange eyes squinted as he padded closer, ears flattened against his head to stop the constant droning. And when Darkpaw's eyes finally landed upon that of the brood who snored, his lip curled in distaste. Why was it always ex-kittypet's who ruined his day?

"Can't even rest quietly. Mousedungs sake." He cursed, turning away and stalking for the edge of camp. Maybe he'd find moss to stuff in his ears.​

࿔*:・゚༄ The onlookers which surround the slumbering warrior are lost on a mind deep within dreams. Her limbs twitch every so often, the sign of a deep dream. A fearsome war rages withing the cat's sleeping mind, their snores a heroic battle cry. It is not a nightmare, no, but a story of victory over a particularly ferocious dog. It would be quite the tale to tell, if only Ploverhop could achieve it in the waking world and not merely the dreaming.

A swipe dashes its way across their nose, the first their opponent has gotten in. An onlooker might notice Ploverhop's muzzle twitch as a tiny kitten-paw taps it. "Hmn...?" they mumble to the sound of roaring kit yells, nearly matching their own snores. Their nose twitches once again, and they begin to shift around in their already tangled position. First, they wiggle, then begin to curl upon themself, nose covered by paws - and then with a particularly loud snore... They roll over, dangerously in the direction of their smallest and loudest onlooker, Meadowkit.

  • 63382575_CEBibumHa5i9HoX.png

  • PLOVERHOP they / them, warrior of thunderclan, nineteen moons.
    a large, black-striped lilac cat with vivid golden-orange eyes.
    bright and bouncy with a penchant for mischief. rarely seen without a smile.
    npc x npc; former kittypet.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
An annoyed glare came from the scarred feline as she attempts to shove Ploverhop roughly, pressing on their side with a paw with unsheathed claws. “Move out of the way. You're disturbing everyone's peace.” She spat venomously as an eerie amber gaze sharpened on daggers rest on the former kittypet. How disgusting were these creatures? Ha, useless. Ravenstrike would sneer in disgust and annoyance at the obnoxious snoring coming from the snoring kittypet. That's all they did- ruin everyone's days and eat their food. They already had enough going on with warriors wanting to have endless litters that resort to them stealing from Skyclan.

The thought of kittypets pissed her off and part of her just wanted to toss this snoring trash out of camp. What an sorry excuse kittypets were and they brought nothing to the clan. Much like Leafhusk, who was scared of bones and bugs which were overly common things in their life. They snored and pissed everyone off, ruining their day with their mere existence. If they still hadn't woken up from being shoved with the pricking of claws, Raven surely wouldn't pass her to use more demanding and harsher methods.