camp The Consequences Of My Actions

A long day that was now placed behind her, with dawn patrol finished and a hunting patrol just recently come back, Cindershade feels a dim bit of exhaustion dragging her steps. She had sent Sablepaw on to do her own thing, though with the recent death of her father—she had wondered how she was fairing in it all. Death was a tragedy, and seeing his half eaten corpse for all to see was not something that needed to be seen by his children. She sighs and decides to deal with it as it comes—if Sablepaw wanted to talk about it, then she would.
Hunger had twisted her abdomen and gurgled, a dim pain since she had not eaten early this morning. Now that things were dwindling down, the lead warrior makes her way over to the heaping pile of fresh-kill, rummaging through it to see what she was on the mood for. Minnow? No. Carp? Nah. Trout? Hmm, not today. Bream? Oh, yes! She hooks an ivory claw behind the gill of the fish, dragging it out of the pile with a twitch of a smile on her maw. With the large fish now clasped within her jaws, the lead warrior moves away to her usual shaded spot and settles in. The growing day is much warmer than the day before with a cloudless sky stretching overhead. Sunlight danced in mottled patches around her and a gentle breeze caressed her broader muzzle. Camp was as busy as ever, the buzzing of voices a peaceful backdrop as she digs into her meal. The meat is white mostly, it's taste rich and dense. Cindershade can't help but purr at it's flavorful contents, being careful not to bite into brittle bones beneath the filets of it. She feels content and for a moment, at peace. A flash of shadow passes her by that catches her gaze, the white splotches upon his pelt immediately recognizable as he leaves camp.
A brow arches quizzically for a moment, though she shrugs it off. It wasn't her business. She goes on about her own way, finishing off the bream with a few more mouthfuls before she's got a belly fool. Sleep grips at the edge of her vision now, pulling her eyes closed halfway and she begins to wash the remains of the fish from her jowls. Perhaps she'd take a short nap before setting off again.

@RAVENPAW. come ruin her day LOL

@Stalkingpaw. For overhearing purposes :3

You don't have to wait for them to reply first!


Perhaps a little petty, perhaps a little meanspirited, but all was fair in this friendship they had formed and if Cindershade could bully him then he could just as easily do the same. It took one offhanded comment to Ravenpaw and his work was done. The dark tom wanted to linger, to watch the fire spread, the smoke begin to build and blossom into black clouds; but he was no fool. The further away he was when it finally caught, the better.
So a brief glance was given to the molly at the center of the camp before he pivoted around to make his leave. He'd come back later and take his lumps then, but most of the fun would be not being involved at all to begin with.
Smokethroat flicked his tail once, dismissively as he padded off into the depths of the territory to go hunting on land rather than his usual fishing expeditions; it's the first place she'd look for him anyways and he wasn't getting drowned today.

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He was eager to busy himself with anything that fell under his new duty as medicine cat apprentice. In one part it was to prove his words, but also to get his mind off Dovepaw. Smokethroat's comment had come somewhat as a shock to him, the apprentice's eyes widening incredulously as he watched the lead warrior go on his way. Ravenpaw glanced back across the camp to where Cindershade was picking through the fresh-kill pile.

Beesong had not said anything about Cindershade being pregnant but when Ravenpaw looked for his mentor, he could not immediately find Beesong. He as himself would have to do. He sat down and observed Cindershade a little more. He was not aware of any lover, but he knew that paternity was a she-cat's business. He would not judge. Still, it seemed odd. He continued his observation. Maybe she did look a little more plump—he could not tell. Maybe that was why she was eating a bigger portion instead of some minnow.

Finally, after much deliberation, the black cat slunk forward, dipping his head respectfully toward Cindershade. He cleared his throat. "Are you feeling well?" He asked, eyes fretting over her pelt. "I—I do not know much about this sort of condition, but I do know it is best to start checking in as early as possible, and then continuously." He paused, flicking his tail apprehensively over his paws. "To make sure it... all goes as accordingly. I think you will be in safe paws, however... as Buckgait delivered them seemingly well."

  • Haha
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stalkingpaw | 05 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Like a moth drawn to a flame, Stalkingpaw cannot help but overhear the good news. It takes only a moment for her to put two and two together - with ravenpaw being the new medicince apprentice, and the content of their words. Green eyes wide as she bounces over, pearly white teeth flashing in a beaming grin. "You're pregnant! That's so cool! I bet they'll be really really cute you know- oh, do you have names picked out yet?" her words come bursting forth a mile a minute, hardly giving pause long enough to breath let alone let the molly answer. The news is a welcome distraction from he own grief and troubles after all, and she's always been one to throw herself wholeheartedly into such things. "Oh- i suppose it's probably too early for that, right-?" she says, realizing that she's probably gotten ahead of herself yet again. Her smile turns a bit sheepish at that, ears pulling back as her head dips to one side.
The warrior had just come back from a hunting patrol, shaking water off of faer whiskers with a jerk of the head. It was really starting to become a nice day out, and as fae gathered a small fish of faer own, Ripplesnap couldn't help but prick faer ears at sudden conversation nearby. Taking it and settling down a few tail-lengths away from Cindershade, fae listened intently to Ravenpaw, and eventually Stalkingpaw as she walked over.

Oh?? What's this?? Unable to control faer surprised expression, a small gasp left faer mouth - Cindershade was pregnant? She was certainly not someone Ripplesnap would have expected this from. "Oh my stars... really?? How come I didn't hear about this? Spill spill spill Cindershade!" The blue cat grinned widely, suddenly joining in on the conversation.

As much as they wanted to just observe, they really couldn't control their interest! It may be a bit childish to be acting like this about someone's more private matters, especially if it wasn't something they had heard from the molly herself, but honestly, these apprentices seemed like the trustworthy sort! They took another bite of their fish, flicking their tail with excitement as they waited with bated breath for Cindershade's response.

[penned by bnnuy].
Just as sleep was about to overtake her, to succumb her into a comfortable darkness—another shadowed figured approaches. Quiet paw steps grace her ears as Ravenpaw graces her with his presence. He clears his throat to announce himself and it is met with a half lidded gaze, pupils pinpointed to slits akin to a serpants to the change of light. What does he want with her? He's never one to strike up a random conversation, though maybe with his new duties—maybe it's different now. Was he coming to mention something to her about Darterwing? Did he apologize? She wouldn't know until—

Are you feeling well?

"What?" The initial surprise catches her completely off guard, chartreuse gaze opening completely to meet his own as he spoke. Of course she was! Was it so rare to see her enjoying herself? To take a bit of rest off weary paws? The newly named medicine apprentice continues on, speaking about a condition and constant check-ups. What in the hell was he on about? Cindershade stares at him incredulously, shaded brows pinch together in pure confusion and it—it began to really irritate her. She was completely fine!

... as Buckgait delivered them seemingly well.

What? What?! The lead warrior shoots onto her paws, eyes blazing like starfire as she stares at Ravenpaw. Her newly groomed fur, once sleek and well placed, now bristled as high as it could. Her spine arched and powerful muscles flexed beneath her bristling coat. "What the fuck are you on about, you fool?!" The rosetted molly snarls, blackened lips stretched back to reveal ivory incisors that gnashed together as she spoke. It was a rhetorical question, for she already knew what he was implying. Did he think—did he honestly think she was pregnant? Did Beesong knock him completely stupid? It seemed his questions drew in quite the crowd, as Stalkingpaw and Reedbite corraled around her—cheering their congratulations and bombing her with questions. Her head jerks from one to the other, trying to interject but wasn't able to get a word in. Lividness flared through her, followed by frustration and pure rage—a whole cacophony of emotions rolled into one and she finally feels something snap within her mind.
"I AM NOT PREGNANT!" She roared, her usual raspy voice boomed throughout the makeshift camp. She hears her own echo over that of the roaring gorge, and soon—eerie silence would follow. Her lashing tail now grew dangerously still, her steps tensed and poised as if she were about to strike. Her claws ripped from their sheaths, anchoring herself to the grassy floor in order to contain her urge to scar one of her clanmates that stood before her. Wild eyes latched onto Ravenpaw, her next words eerily calm. "What gave you any inclination that I was pregnant? You have mere seconds to answer or I will unleash hell upon you." The molly growls, teeth still visible under tightened lips. She takes one step closer to the young tom, eyeing him as if he were a piece of prey. "Well?!"
  • Wow
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