private The countdown commences (Snakepaw)

There was, perhaps, little that mattered to Badgermoon quite as much as his apprentices; the black-and-white tom felt strongly that the duty of a mentor was one of the most honorable in all of Clan life. Beyond his love for the Clan itself, their warrior ancestors, and one particular tunneler, nothing superseded his obligation to train the next generation in his mind. Thus he did his best to be as good a mentor as possible, striving to strike a balance between supporting his apprentice and being relentless in his pursuit of their education. It would become immediately apparent to anyone assigned to him that he took his mentoring seriously, even to an obnoxious degree - early-morning training sessions, long lectures about StarClan, and endless repetitions of the correct movements of a hunting crouch. It worked for Firefang. thought the broad-shouldered cat with some self-satisfaction, as he gamboled across camp in search of Snakepaw. Surely it'll work on Snakepaw, too. though the young tom was proving to have a rather...challenging attitude at times, Badgermoon liked him and had hope that he could become a great warrior. He certainly has the energy for it.

"Snakepaw!" he called out, yellow eyes sweeping the hollow in pursuit of a familiar dark coat. "It's time for some battle training."

❪ TAGS ❫ — The voice of his mentor interrupts the conversation between the boy and his father. It was more than likely that they were discussing Snakepaw's progress, especially now that he was drawing near the age of warriorhood, so it just so happened to be perfect timing that he was called to train. "Oh-" The dark tom pricked his ears and swiveled his head to glance toward Badgermoon. Feeling oddly giddy as well as proud to be marching off to a session of combat practice right in front of Shadowsight, the apprentice quickly stood to his paws and strode away. "Time for training. I'm going to do my best today, you won't be disappointed!" Snakepaw called over his shoulder toward the older tom, who only sat in pensive silence and met Badgermoon's gaze with narrowed amber hues. The warrior was opinionated and sharp-tongued, much like his son was, but so far he seemed content to keep his distance from the deputy and let him teach Snakepaw the ways of a moor runner. If he couldn't teach his own son, then Sootstar's chosen second-in-command was the next best option.

Snakepaw swaggered over toward Badgermoon, casting a tight-lipped and smug smirk toward some of the other apprentices. Ha! He wonders if they were jealous of him — as they should be. He was going to be the best moor runner yet! "I want to be prepared the next time I come face-to-face with one of those fish-brains." The lithe black tom snorted, rolling his shoulders while his paws itched in anticipation to swipe and hit.