pafp THE CRYSTAL BALL [lots of questions]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ Ever since Blazestar became dead everyone has been pretty sad. Sangriakit still doesn’t quite know how she feels, but she feels kind of sad, too. The big golden-furred tom was a fun playmate, and everybody in SkyClan liked him a lot. But now he’s gone, and with the stars, whatever that means. Sangriakit hasn’t seen him up there, so maybe he’s just hiding every time she looks. And anyway, she thought Blazestar was supposed to have nine whole lives, but wouldn’t that mean he should still be here, if he had more than one? She doesn’t quite understand, but she also doesn’t know who can answer her questions. Her mom and Figfeather just seem sad when she mentions Blazestar around them, so she can’t ask them.

The girl sits near the nursery batting a moss ball back and forth between her paws, mulling over her curiosities. Then, when she’s about to give up and ask one of the other kits to play with her, she spots a white-patched warrior wandering through the camp. "Hey! You!" Her little voice chirps at the older feline, hoping to grab their attention. She bounces up and down on pale paws, tail flickering back and forth until the warrior finally looks at her. Then, when the she-kit gets the attention that she wants, she grins up at her clanmate. She has so many things that she wants to know, and she has to ask them right now before she forgets! "You’re a warrior, right? Well, I wanna know some stuff!" Wasn’t that the whole point of being a warrior—knowing stuff?

Without waiting for an answer, Sangriakit powers on to her next question, then the next. "Like… why does Orangestar have nine lives now, but the rest of us only have one? If StarClan is so good, why don’t they give me a bunch of lives, too? And if StarClan is in the sky, then where do they go during the day?" Maybe the reason she hasn’t ever seen StarClan is because they only come out at night, and she never gets to be outside at night. Or maybe they don’t want her to see them, and that’s why they didn’t also give her more lives. Big, round green eyes stare up at the warrior, awaiting their response with an eager expression and a tip-tapping of tiny paws.

// @Honeysplash
They had been out of the medicine den and resting out in the sunlight for a moment. The quiet was nice and it was less stuffy outside than it was in the medicine den. It was so fully now with the complaining of Slate and they had had enough of it. So they sunned themselves in the weak light upon a patch of dried dirt. At least it wasnt slush or wet, yet being the word of the day.

The young warrior then started slightly as a small voice chirped up at them. Mossy green hues opened up then shifted towards a small little kit. Oh- what was their name? They had yet to familiarize themselves with the new life of the clan as they had been shut away in the medicine den since their arrival back to Skyclan. Honeysplash twitched her ear as she felt guilty as this kit seemed important but she couldn’t place their parents.

Though before they could eat a word in edgewise, the young kit was spewing all these questions at her. Oh no- questions about Starclan. She didnt understand a whole lot about their ancestors, she didn’t even know if they were real or not, and it made her shift in her spot slightly. How does she answer these in an age appropriate way? Why did they only get one life but Orangestar got nine?

Honeysplash push down their rising panic and gave a soft smile at the kid as they tapped their paws, seemingly full of energy they only wished they had once again, “Well I think they give her nine lives cause she’s suppose to rule for a very long time,” She answered to the little kit and gave a small smile, “Also- do you need nine lives? Im sure you’ll live far longer than any of us here,” She gave a small chuckle and then thought about the last question.

I do not know where they got during the day? Maybe they go to bed? I’d assume starry cats need their rest too,” She said to Sangriakit and gave a small shrug of her shoulders, “Or maybe they are always watching us, making sure we’re all safe and aren’t up to no good,”


living in a world so cold

"Starclan would rather not waste precious lives on little kits who know nothing about the world." A snort erupted fom Chrysaliswing's mouth, like a burst of fire from the sun's surging framework - a splay of animosity, though nothing out of the ordinary for the soot-and-blaze colored tom. Of course Honeysplash would be inclined to answer Sangriakit's questions earnestly, but Chrysalis was much more opposed to pretending to be fair and kind to even the littlest of his Skyclan kind. Cats rarely extended such olive branches of grace to him, and he found no reason to aid a world that did not aid him. Sitting just beyond a tailtip's reach of the two, mismatched gaze hovered on the bark-coated molly.

"Besides, you don't need nine lives to live a good life. Just don't go wasting the one you have by becoming a fat, lazy kittypet, or something like that." Callous words for the two cats besides him, descended of the outsiders he despised the most. He recognized Sangria as one of Figfeather's brood - which did not grant him any solace. And Honeysplash was one of Orangestar's own kin, a lineage that had more than proven themselves to an unjust judge. He knew it to be true of himself, and accusing him of recuse did nothing but reaffirm the nature that had been ingrained in him, like a bad habit or a contorting knoll. Still, a lashing tongue could never resist the urge to thrash, and an angered adder could never let up until it would bite.

Sangriakit's questions were innocent enough. Like many kits, she's curious and clearly wanted to know more, at that age where tact hadn't quite settled in. Howlfire had been much the same as a child. Honeysplash answers her questions earnestly, but dear Cricketwing exhibits his familiar loose tongue in his response. She casts her friend a weary glance at his words, wishing he would have used some more tact in the situation, or at the very least around Sangriakit whose own mother was a daylight warrior.

"Orangestar needs those lives to protect the clan," Howlfire responded. "Like Honeysplash said, she'll probably live for a very long time, and will serve and defend the clan throughout those many moons." Howlfire hoped she would at least. Orangestar had always been the dutiful sort, even when just the deputy, and she expected that things would not change with her now the leader. "Also, don't mind Chrysaliswing," Howlfire mews, shooting a teasing glance at the tom. "If you choose to be a kittypet then so be it. You can still serve SkyClan as a daylight warrior if you so wished. And maybe you could even become a lead warrior like Johnnyflame."
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Reactions: Honeysplash
𓆝 . ° ✦ Sangriakit and Weedkit are similarly inquisitive minds. To be old enough to observe the world and understand some things, but not quite old enough or experienced enough to fill the gaps. Where they diverge, however, is in that Weedkit prefers to observe, and Sangriakit has just flagged down a warrior to start barraging them with questions. He places a paw on the moss ball that Sangriakit had been batting as he listens to his cousin and Honeysplash talk about StarClan and having nine lives.

Quietly, he wonders if StarClan sleeps during the day and is awake at night. That SkyClan protects itself when the sun is up, leaving the charge of safety to their starry ancestors when the treacherous night sets in. His thoughtfulness is rudely interrupted by Chrysaliswing butting into the conversation to talk about the uselessness of kits and the demerits of being a kittypet, though. Weedkit had already decided that kittypets smelled funny. Not necessarily in a bad way- though some of them came to SkyClan with scents that burned his nose and made him crinkle his face up in dislike- just... different. Weedkit hasn't decided yet if different means bad, but so far he thinks all of the daylight warriors are pretty alright.

"What's wrong with kittypets?" Weedkit asks with a frown, sitting beside his cousin in a manner that might convey he's on her side. He has no desire to follow Sangriakit and Coffeekit home. To see what it's like to be a kittypet or live with twolegs. SkyClan is safe. The nursery is safe. But the outside world can't be that bad if Sangriakit and Coffeekit make their home there each night. Despite his lack of desire, Weedkit is still curious.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
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Reactions: Honeysplash
Honeysplash had been smiling and hoping her answer to the questions had sufficed enough. She didnt know what Starclan did in their off time, if they even got off time, and they wondered if they did need rest. Though the thought was quickly squished by the lashing of Chrysaliswings’ tongue. The cream and white warrior huffed a bit at the tomcat and shook her head slightly, he didnt need to be mean about it! Even if being mean was etched into his fur.

They were going to say something about it but thankfully Howlfire seemed to come up instead with saying it was okay to be a kittypet. They had been one themselves long ago before they gave it up for a tomcat who could care less about her at this point. Honeysplash wondered if she made the right decision in becoming a full fledge warrior instead of remaining as a daylight warrior. Though she didnt want to think on it too long as it made her feel sadder than she cared to admit. She did miss her old name more than anything else.

Weedkit then spoke up about what was wrong with kittypets, “There is nothing wrong with kittypets, they’re just as important to the clan as any other warrior,” She said to the young black kit and smiled softly before glancing to Chrysaliswing for a moment. They had an itching feeling he might spew more venom from his tongue, and it wasnt needed to be honest. Weedkit was just a kit and so was Sangriakit, they could live in a world of wonder for a little bit before reality crashed upon them like as rain storm on a clear summers day.

Like Howlfire said, Johnnyflame is a daylight warrior! And hes a lead, even Orangestar came from daylight warriors,” She grinned at the two kits and flicked her tail a bit beside her.​


failed to be charming
*✧・゚ The tabby and white warrior answers her questions with uncertainty, unable to answer her question but clearly doing their best. Then Honeysplash asks—does she need in lives? Well… she wants nine lives, so yeah! She nods once, decisively. "I definitely need nine lives. What do you think-" She’s cut off in her further questioning by the scathing remarks of the tom who sits down next to them. He speaks harshly, and the kit’s ears flatten against her head.

Lazy. Fat. Kittypet.

There’s that word again, said in a tone filled with disdain. It’s like… like that thorn that got itself stuck in her paw that one time while she was walking to SkyClan with her mom, when she had held her paw up to her mom with tears prickling in her eyes at the small pain. She hadn’t known what to do with the sting back then, but she feels the same sting now, and she knows what to do. Howlfire is quick to step in and attempt to answer her questions, and both she and Honeysplash say things like kittypets are okay, and Johnnyflame is a daylight warrior. But that isn’t enough to stop the way that the torbie’s little white chest puffs up, and her muzzle scrunches up on itself. She takes a big step toward the black and orange tom, brow furrowing with the force of her anger. "DON’T talk about my mom like that!"

Her tiny voice is loud enough for any cat in the vicinity to hear her, needle-sharp claws extending from their sheaths and into the dirt. Her nose crinkles up and her teeth are bared with frustration. "You stink, anyway!" She decides now—this tom, Chrysaliswing, is her enemy. She doesn’t like him, not at all. And she’s not gonna just ignore him! She’s gonna become a lead warrior like Johnnyflame, and then she’s gonna tell him to go away forever.

She’s not gonna be a lazy, fat, useless kittypet either. She’s not a kittypet, anyway—that’s a stupid word that stupid cats use, and she’s not stupid. With one final lash of her tiny puffed-up tail, she turns and starts to stomp away from the group. "I don’t wanna learn about StarClan anymore. Come on, Weedkit, let’s go play mossball," she calls grumpily over her shoulder, hoping that her cousin will follow behind her just so she doesn’t have to walk away all alone.