camp the cut that always bleeds — thorns

it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Although Littlekit wasn’t sure when he got a thorn stuck in his paw pad, but here he was, staring at it owlishly, unsure what he should do. He turned, staring at the medicine cat den filled with sickly cats that made him scrunch up his nose. He’d much rather stay out here and pry it out himself than go anywhere near them. Icky cats that never come out. No thanks.

With a huff, the black-furred tom licked at the bubbling blood surrounding it, paying no mind to the disgusting taste of copper until he grasped the thorn and tugged. He let out an undignified shriek, fur rising along his spine to shake his paw rapidly at the pain, nearly hopping on his paws until it settled.

Littlekit hissed, spit flying out as he stared at the offending paw, teeth gritting, nearly biting his tongue with the harsh pressure. “Stupid.” He grumbled, plopping on his haunches to rest a sandpaper tongue on the shallow wound, grimacing at the awful taste.
thought speech
Lucky for Aspenkit, he'd never had a thorn stuck in his paw, sticks stuck in his fur, or any other painful or uncomfortable thing really happen to him. It was just a matter of time though, as soon he'd be apprenticed and will have more chances for the elements to slap him in the face, but for now he was oblivious to the pain a thorn could cause, and wished he was oblivious to illness - especially whatever was happening in the medicine den now.

The long-furred tom had been trying to sneak up behind Littlekit, ready to bowl him over and try to play, before the shriek came, causing Aspenkit to scramble back for a moment, eyes widening in shock and fear before he calmed down, carefully inching forward to come up beside Littlekit. "Littlekit? You okay?" Was he dying, right there and then? No, he was licking his paw... "What happened to your paw?"

... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ...
What a horrible little screech to hear! Their ears would bleed if they could (Edenpaw scratched nervously at one just to check it wasn't...). Rushing over in bounding leaps of excessive energy, the white and black cat pounced to a stop by Littlekit and the boy's tiny friend. Shoving their nose between the two to get a prying look at the injury, it is with a solemn nod that they withdraw their head from the children's personal space and sighs, "Gonna have to get rid of it," they confirm, recalling something another kittypet had once told them. "It'll fall off soon enough on its own."

Now that they thought about it... that... didn't make much sense. No one had said anything about such danger when they'd learned to pick blackberries last. Was that... Oh stars. Had it been a joke? That old codger hadn't shown back up missing a foot despite the dramatics he'd shared...

Unwilling to admit their own foolishness, Edenpaw offered another solemn nod, as if to confirm it to be true by sheer will. At the very least... they could play it off as a joke too! Hopefully Littlekit wouldn't take it too seriously. Who would take Edenpaw seriously anyways? They were just a silly little guy! Just seeking some sort of place to fit in among the clan-born SkyClanners.​
The sudden shriek that Littlekit lets out causes him to jump from his slumber, twisting awkwardly. Whose there? Claws are unsheathed and when he looks around, there is no predator anywhere close. As a matter of fact he's still in camp, the safest place one can be. Well... Aside from the medicine cat den where a bunch of sick cats were. Hazel eyes land on Aspenkit and Edenpaw crowding Littlekit, so he figures something is wrong with Littlekit. Before he knows it, he's already padding towards the group, fur still bristled from being rudely woken up from his rest. Before he can give some choice words to Littlepaw for disturbing his sacred rest time, his eyes find themselves looking at a pink tongue resting on paw pads. Then he finds a thorn nearby.

Crowpaw would be blinking slowly in annoyance at Littlepaw. Perhaps, it is not a good thing to go along with Edenpaw to scare Littlekit, but his rest! His rest was disturbed! That's why when Edenpaw says it'll fall off soon enough he nods solemnly. Although he can't help but add onto her words to make it seem more believable. "If you don't get rid of it... It becomes black and oozes yellow. Hurts more and more before it falls off."
  • Haha
Reactions: edenberry ?!
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
The black-and-white feline blinked, helm whipping to stare at the other before glancing down at his bleeding pad, nose crinkling at the reminder. Disgusting. He didn’t like the taste of blood. It was gross. “Fin—” He paused, peering up at Edenpaw with a look of disdain, irritation prickling along his spine. He was going to lose his paw? He blinked, expression baffled. “I’m not that stupid.” He announced, deadpan. “You’re even more stupid if you believed that.” He remarked with a wrinkle of his nose, uncaring if his words were blunt. It was the truth, wasn’t it? He didn’t have time for feelings even if his heart twinged. He didn’t exactly mean to say it that way, but shouldn’t apprentices be … less gullible?

Blinking, the kit turned to peer at Crowpaw who seemed to add to Edenpaw’s remark causing him to huff. “Then your just as stupid.” He commented, expression blank. “Limbs don’t fall off.” He added, nose crinkling. He’d gotten a thorn stuck in his pad before. He wasn’t that gullible. He knew better! He wasn’t some dumb kit that couldn’t think for themselves. His cheeks puffed, annoyance leaking through his wavering facade.
thought speech
An agitated eye twitch. Of course he knew that Littlekit's limbs weren't going to fall off. He just said that because stupid Littlekit had to ruin his hard deserved rest. Despite his blank face, one could tell that he was furious at the disrespect Littlekit showed towards him. To add even more insult, the kit in front of him had the gall to be annoyed as if he was the one who started the problem. "Do you want to test it out?" The question is asked in a frigid tone, Crowpaw slowly drawing near so he could loom over Littlekit. He chuckles, claws unsheathing, "Or are you scared?" Yeesh all this over sleep. Crowpaw had always been... Vocal about how he felt and his den mates knew that he would lightly kick drowsy if his sibling snored a little too loud for his liking. He would also be quite stubborn when he didn't want to do things, having to be calmed by Lupinepaw or Cherrypaw.

Be nice. His rage is cut clean, remembering his mother's words. While he didn't understand why or how he wasn't nice sometimes, he wouldn't want his mother to be worried about him. No, she had better things to do than watch over him anymore. With a hiss he swats at the earth below, "Stay away from me." One has to wonder if he is warning Littlekit for their own safety, or he is expressing his digust towards the kit. No elaboration is given as he turns away from the group and slowly pads away. Dumb Littlekit. Stupid head. Eat dirt Littlekit.
  • Wow
Reactions: pikaihao

sootspritespark & 38 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan queen

At first, the curly furred queen wasn't going to step in - her children are old enough now to care for themselves, the same age as she when she'd been given twolegs of her own and separated from her family. They are of her bloodline, strong and proud - they are perfect, even without her stepping in. And - well, not that she'll ever say as much, Littlekit is her least favored. The only child who'd gone as planned, and yet that meant he wasn't theirs, only hers. But crowpaws last words irk her, tail lashing - where the boy seeks respect so does she.

And so short-limbs stride over, head held high as she stares down her muzzle at him, smile shockingly absent. "Crowpaw," she says, words sharp n reprimand - "It's one thing to tell my children lies, if they're foolish enough then that's on them. But to threaten them? Should I tell your mentor about this - or perhaps your mother?" Her kits shouldn't have to bow and scrape to mere apprentices, shouldn't be forced to sit by and be intimidated - sure, she can see reason enough for her fellow warriors, or those in power - but another child? Tch.

"And you-" she says finally, staring at littlekit with something only slightly softer, asmug smile on her lips. "Good on you for knowing better than to believe their lies - but you should be more careful where you walk and rest. The woods are not like our old nest - everything is dangerous here, from the ground beneath our paws to the very elements. I'd hate for you to step on something that will actually leave you without a paw," She gives a an affectionate nudge to his shoulder with her tail, and then she is gone - a bounce of her curls her only dismissal.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: in & out <3
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and notably round molly with ink black curls and a white-speckled belly. she wears a bowtie collar with a bright white and lemon yellow plaid pattern, and always seems to be smiling. beyond the normal clan-scent, she smells heavily of milk-scent, dog, and twoleg.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffff99]action here[/color][/b] and tag account